The Guardian Stone (The Gods and Kings Chronicles Book 3)
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He built a small home along the shores of a crystal blue lake. The physical labor helped to distract his mind. For food, he hunted and farmed a modest plot of land. Save for the odd fur trapper, few made their way to the lake, and those who did hadn’t a clue who he was. Desperous found a sense of peace in his tranquil plot of land, but his mind was always working, searching to discover what life without death would mean for him. He slept little and often sat awake at night, staring into the endless pool of darkness. It was on such a night, when the moon was concealed in shadow, that Desperous lay adrift in his thoughts. His mind returned to his father and brother, and then he reached further back to his mother and his own childhood. These memories seemed distant, shrouded behind a heavy veil of fog. He found that if he did not think of them often, they became harder and harder to recall.
As he lay awake, he tried desperately to piece together his mother’s face in his mind. Her eyes, her hair, her lips. And as he did so, he saw a flicker of light.
It was so brief, at first he imagined he had not seen it at all. His weary mind was simply playing tricks on him. He searched the darkened room trying to pinpoint the source. There was a flickering again, and it was revealed to him. The Jeta Stone.
The ephemeral light was ever so faint. Desperous’s breath caught in his throat, as if the wind that passed his lips might extinguish the light forever. His mind feverishly raced through the possibilities. The moon must have momentarily penetrated through the clouds, casting its glow off the dull surface of the stone. As he lay watching, the light ebbed.
Desperous jumped from his bed and lifted up the stone before the light fully abated. For a moment he was certain he could feel a tepid warmth coursing through the webbing of his frame, like a smoldering coal rekindled. He stared wide-eyed at the stone in his hand. But the feeling was fleeting. The numbness returned.
On through the night Desperous cradled the stone against his bare chest. The light never returned, the warmth had vanished into the ether. He became convinced he was mistaken, tricked by his sleep-deprived stupor. But even as his certainty faded, a growing image revealed itself in his mind. I must head west.
For several days he went about his tasks, tending to his plot of tilled soil. But try as he might, he could not shake the image from his mind. The churning sea, the darkened waters, and a tower of iron. He felt like a sail cast into the wind. And each time he picked up the stone, the image only grew more certain, more defined. He was being drawn toward the sea.
With a resolve he had rarely felt in his life, he collected the provisions he would need for the journey and boarded up his home. With the morning sun to his back, he headed west. It would be long and tedious, but he saw no other choice. He ventured from the forested foothills of the mountains and made his way deliberately across the weathered plains of Westerhip and the highlands of Verlo. After many days he heard the wail of the sea as it broke against the shores of Laveria, beating like an eternal drum.
Night had come, and only the light of the crescent moon revealed the water’s inky existence as it reached out far beyond the horizon. As he stared across the fathomless ocean, he set down his possessions and walked into the sea until the beating surf rose to his chest. Then he held the stone aloft.
It was faint, so much so that it may not have been there at all. He waited and watched until he was certain that there was no mistake. A light flickered within, and there was warmth in the light. In that moment Desperous knew. There was another. Somewhere across the sea and beyond the night, there was another. The warmth overcame him, and Desperous knew he had no other choice.
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Lee H. Haywood
Thank you for reading The Guardian Stone. The rest of the series is available now in both print and ebook formats, while other books in the world of Laveria are currently in the works. For more information on my upcoming novels, visit There, you can sign up for my newsletter to receive notifications about future sales events, send me an email, or connect with me on Facebook and Twitter. I would love to hear from you.
Books by Lee H. Haywood
The Order - A standalone prequel to The Gods and Kings Chronicles
A Wizard’s Dark Dominion
The Guardian
The Guardian Stone
The Saga Continues...
A stand-alone prequel to
The Gods and Kings Chronicles
Avofew — One of the twelve lordly dragon broods.
Baelac — Dain of the Avofew clan.
Bailrich Ronin — General of the Luthuanian Rangers. Sworn protector of the Luthuanian High Council.
Batofew — One of the twelve lordly dragon broods.
Bently — Captain of the Elite Royal Guard. Bently serves under General Waymire Manherm.
Book of Requiem — The holy book of the worshipers of the Creators. Within lay the teachings espoused by the Guardians before the Sundering.
Braddock — A Halgan captain.
Byron Hearst — Also known as the Lan of Salmaen, Byron is King Salmaen's brother, and heir to the throne of Halgath.
Calycia Kelig Manherm — Often referred to as the Witch of Stone Keep. Calycia was the eldest daughter of Lycus Kelig, King of Karu. Married to Rudlif Manherm. She has one child, Evelyn. Deceased.
Camara — Dain of the Batofew clan.
Capernicus — The human kingdom is comprised of the fiefdoms Verlo, Soccoto, Orith, Emotria, and Hedrotria. Karu and Watsoto are vassal kingdoms.
Carrions — Soulless bodies under the control of a necromancer.
Coljack — A Capernican prison near the Zeveron River. It formerly served as a Wyrm fortress.
Coralan — Also known as Spire Island, Coralan was once the bastion of the Guardians. Located hundreds of leagues west of Laveria, the island's exact location is unknown.
Creators, The — The supreme deity in Laveria. Very few in Laveria pray to the Creators directly, choosing instead to worship one of the lesser god-saints.
Dai — An honorific title denoting the patriarch of a dragon brood.
Dain — An honorific title denoting the matriarch of a dragon brood.
Dark Children — A derogatory name commonly used to refer to the races of lumani, dragoons, and goblins. The dark children were created by the Wyserum during the War of Sundering.
Demetry — A former pupil of the Taper school of magic. Demetry was condemned to Coljack after his patron was killed in an accident.
Desperous Farsidian Alwin — Marshal of the Luthuanian military. Desperous is the oldest son of Marylyn Farsidian and Nochman Alwin.
Disias Goodwin — The adviser to King Johan.
Dolum Hearst — The only surviving trueborn son of King Salmaen. Often referred to as the Moch of Salmaen. He is second in line to the throne after his uncle, Byron Hearst.
Dragoons — One of the three races of dark children created by the Wyserum during the War of Sundering. The dragoons were exiled to the wastes of Eremor following the war.
Eremor — The ruined fourth realm of Laveria. After Eremor’s fall, the region was overrun by outlanders and dragoons. Few venture into the wastelands of the north.
Elandria — The fabled land one enters in the afterlife.
Elite Royal Guard — The personal guard of the Capernican king. Sworn members are referred to as guardsmen.
Evelyn Manherm — The only living heir to the Throne of Caper. She is the great-niece of King Johan Troushire and the daughter of Calycia and Rudlif Manherm.
Ferrivo — Dai of the Batofew Clan.
Goblins — One of the three ra
ces of dark children created by the Wyserum during the War of Sundering. Hunted nearly to extinction, only a few pockets of goblins remain free. Sometimes referred to as leprots in the Wyrm tongue.
Guardians — One of the two demi-god races. They were destroyed during the War of Sundering.
Gurwan Kelig — Prince of Karu. Uncle to Evelyn Manherm.
Halgath — Halgath was once the most prosperous kingdom in Laveria, possessing all lands wreathing the Bay of Rianna. Halgath lost most of its territory following the War of Sundering and is now little more than a city-state.
Hann Kelig — The current king of Karu. Karu is a vassal state to the Kingdom of Capernicus.
Hayne Kerris — Lord of Melock. Hayne serves on the Luthuanian High Council.
Horan — Dai of the Avofew clan.
Ilmwell — A Calabanesi god-saint. Chiefly worshiped by the dwarves of Halgath.
Ivatelo — An elderly magic of Kari decent. Ivatelo lives on a small farm north of Taper.
Jeremiah of Brothlo — Formerly a commander of the Wyserum, Jeremiah served as King Johan's court magic until he was arrested and condemned to the prison Coljack.
Johan Troushire — The elderly King of Capernicus.
Jotham — Exiled from Capernicus, the outcast human serves as the court magic to High Lord Rancor.
Kelci Kelig Manherm — Sister of Calycia Manherm and wife of Waymire Manherm. Deceased.
Korre — Chieftain of the Rerra Clan. Korre serves as a commander in Sire Tyronious's dragoon army.
Lan — An honorific title denoting the heir to the Halgan throne.
Luca Marcus — Proconsul of the Order.
Lumani — One of the three races of dark children created by the Wyserum during the War of Sundering. It is unknown what happened to the lumani following the war.
Luthuania — Founded by Nochman Alwin and Cavius Farsidian, the elven Kingdom of Luthuania united the Talsa Ew and Talsa Lu peoples.
Magic — One who has the ability to channel the Sundered Soul.
Marith Vis — Second son of Steflan Vis.
Marshal — Considered by many to be the largest dragon in Laveria. Member of the Avofew clan. Marshal is the mate of Dai Camara.
Marylyn Farsidian Alwin — Wife of Nochman and mother of Desperous and Rancor. Deceased.
Melo Tener — Owner of the Jasmine fleet. Melo serves on the Luthuanian High Council.
Moch — An honorific title denoting the second in line to the Halgan throne.
Necromancer — One who utilizes the power of the Sundered Soul to raise the dead.
Nerso — Captain of the High Tower Guard and sworn protector of the Luthuanian High Lord.
Nexian War, The — A protracted conflict of vicious reprisals interspersed by periods of relative calm. The chief belligerents were the Kingdoms of Capernicus and Luthuania.
Nexus, The — Originally the seat of Guardian authority in Laveria. The holy city has since become the capital of the Kingdom of Capernicus.
Niselus — A Calabanesi god-saint. Chiefly worshiped by the dwarves of Halgath.
Nochman Alwin — Co-founder and former High Lord of Luthuania. He was removed from power by the Luthuanian High Council at the conclusion of the Nexian war.
Orb of Azure — One of the Guardian Stones. Its power has yet to be utilized, and it remains a wellspring of magic capable of reshaping the world. Its location is unknown.
Orb of Rotti — One of the Guardian Stones. It was destroyed when its power was used to sunder the gods by the Guardian Yansarian.
Order, The — A secretive religious organization that has infiltrated every facet of life and politics in the Nexus.
Order’s Revolt, The — The failed attempt by the Order to wrest control of the Nexus from Capernicus. This event led to the decade-long Nexian War between the Kingdoms of Capernicus and Luthuania.
Paseran — An ancient god shrouded in myth and the patron god-saint of the Paserani. Also referred to as the Shadow. Paseran is often seen as the counterpoint to the Weaver.
Paserani Haote — The holy book of the worshipers of Paseran. Many arcane spells and iconoclastic teachings are contained within the text.
Phirop — A battlemage in the service of the Order. These warrior magics often delve into the arcane arts. Also referred to as death dealers.
Rancor Farsidian Alwin — High Lord of Luthuania. Rancor is the second son of Marylyn Farsidian and Nochman Alwin.
Ravor — Formerly the silver fields of Folchechip, Ravor was flooded and turned into a prison for the goblin swarm.
Rena Ronin — Priestess of Vacia. Rena serves on the Luthuanian High Council and is the head of the Vacian Acolytes.
Riggin Vis — Eldest son of Steflan Vis.
Salmaen Hearst — King of the shattered Halgan Empire. His seat of power is New Halgath, located in the heart of the Fir're Mountains
Steflan Vis — Lord of the Teeth, the eastern frontier of Luthuania. Steflan serves on the Luthuanian High Council.
Sundered Soul, The — The basis for Laverian faith and magic. The belief that each individual essence is but a strand of the sundered One Soul.
Talsa Ew — The elven people native to the ruined kingdom of Eremor. Also, the language of Eremor; often referred to as the Old Tongue.
Talsa Lu — The elven people native to Luthuania.
Taper — The chief school of magic in Capernicus.
Thatcher — Broodling of Dai Horan and Dain Baelac.
Thea Hearst — Queen of Halgath. Thea is married to King Salmaen and is the mother of Dolum.
Tiberius — A Calabanesi god-saint. Supreme god within the pantheon of Calaban.
Tulea Farsidian — The widow of Cavius Farsidian, co-founder of Luthuania. She serves on the Luthuanian High Council and is the Lordess of Ruary.
Tyronious — Sire of the dragoon clans. Tyronious has united the factionalized clans of dragoons that reside in the wastes of Eremor.
Vacia — A god-saint. Associated with birth, death, and healing.
Vacian Acolyte — A member of the sisterhood dedicated to the worship of Vacia. Members are chiefly elven.
Viddick Ronin — Lord Protector of the Marlan Vale. His seat of power is located in Capmel. His daughter, Rena Ronin, serves on the Luthuanian High Council.
Wall of Eremor — Built by the dwarven master masons of Tremel in centuries past, it was designed to hold back the outlander hordes. The wall has now gone to ruin.
Waymire Manherm — General of the Elite Royal Guard. Waymire is the uncle to Evelyn Manherm and the distant cousin to King Johan.
Weaver, The — Also known as the Keeper or the Faceless God of Vas Perloh. The Weaver is the goddess of fate and is often seen in opposition to Paseran.
Wraith — One who is raised from the dead, such that their soul is bound eternally to their body.
Wyserum — One of the two demi-god races. They were destroyed during the War of Sundering.
Yanish Brotherhood — A brotherhood of mostly orphans, they worship Yansarian as their supreme god.
Yansarian — A Guardian. The fabled god-saint is believed to be the last of the Sundered Gods. His whereabouts are unknown.
Yasmire Tower — The tower once served as the palace for the Guardians within the city of the Nexus. The tower is shrouded in mystical powers and many of its secrets are yet to be unlocked. The tower became the seat of Capernican authority after the War of Sundering.
A higher resolution world map is available for download at
What a wild ride it has been since the release of The Guardian. I owe a debt of gratitude to every fan who took a chance and picked up a book from an unknown author. Without your support none of this would be possible.
My wife has served as a soundboard for ideas and an editor for my writing since
the beginning. She has been beside me for every step along this very rocky road to publication, and this project has been as much hers as mine. Cheers! We did it! I couldn’t be more thankful to have such a splendid collaborator, best friend, and wife.
A big thanks is once again owed to Sean and Kelly. They delved into the world of Laveria long before any of you got a chance to read the words on this page. This time around, three additional minds joined my vanguard of wordsmiths. My work received a thorough scouring by the discerning eyes of my father-in-law, Andy, my Uncle Ryan, and my friend, Nadim. The collective contributions of these aforementioned five helped to mold The Gods and Kings Chronicles into the book you are holding today. I am endlessly grateful for the time and effort they have put into this endeavor.
Lastly, a nod of gratitude to my parents. They raised me to have the discipline and persistence to pursue my passion, and provided me with the rich childhood (and pile of books) necessary for my imagination to blossom. Thus, I write.