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Scornfully Hers

Page 8

by Pamela Ann

  “Look at me!” I hissed out when I felt her vaginal muscles contract, about to let go. “Beautiful,” I murmured as my eyes gathered the quaking body before me, orgasm rippling in waves as she spasmed and shook with its brutal waves.

  My Emma was biting her lip, eyes closed as she whimpered from its after effects, before she finally opened her eyes, blinking in wonderment.

  I was beaming down at her, daring and elated. “Shall we see how you taste this morning?” I asked before I slid my fingers out of her vagina and immediately inserted them into my mouth, licking. Watching her shocking expression, I deviously sucked her juices off my fingers without tearing my eyes off her. “You still taste like heaven, Emma.” And I wanted more, but I doubted she would be compliant.

  Speechless, Emma opened her mouth before shutting it again. Then she sat up and glared at my grinning face. “You shouldn’t have done that!”

  Yeah, right woman. You certainly loved it. “Why not? You loved every second of it. If I really wanted to take you, I could’ve done it with ease, but I didn’t. Look at my cock, it’s still hard. Want to give it a go? I promise to make you come a few more times.” I was being an arrogant prick, but I was a little pissed that she treated me like this after I gave her a good orgasm. Even though she was reluctant about it in the beginning, it was obvious how much she enjoyed it; our sheets were beyond soaked in the middle.

  “Fuck you, Carter!”

  Still grinning, “Well, that was the idea, baby.”

  “Ugh! You’re hopeless! I don’t even know why or how I tolerated your absurdity for the last few months!” she exclaimed and made a move to get out of bed. I suddenly felt like a major prick and reached to pull her back towards me causing her to land on her back.

  Hovering on top of her goose-bumped flesh, I spoke, “Don’t leave. Stay.”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t. I have to move on.” Emma shut me down completely before pushing herself away from me and scrambling to her feet. She was heading towards the bathroom, but stopped midway. “Oh, by the way, thanks for the orgasm.” She gave me a fuck-off smile then shut the door with a loud thud.

  I sat there for a few minutes, wondering if I had lost my mind completely to a woman who I should’ve given up already. It was a good thing that I didn’t tell her that I loved her. I wasn’t sure if I could handle her scathing laugh of mockery if I did confess my true feelings for her.

  Was it too late to salvage my relationship with Emma? Seemed like it. Disappointment cloaked over me as I slid off the bed, headed towards the closet and looked for something to wear. Fishing, maybe that would help, I thought, thinking back of my father. He always told me that nature would always have a way to heal and balm our souls. Now, more than ever, I needed to clear my head and make a decision about Emma, once and for all.

  Fuck It, I’m Stripping Bare

  When Cece decided to hop onboard and join Brody and me to fish, I cussed her out. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Not interested to fuck you, Cece. Get out of the boat ‘cause you’re not invited and you sure as hell are not welcome either.”

  “Whatever, big brother! Like that would work, I’m not leaving. So calm your ass down. I just want to hang out with the guys I grew up with. Is that so bad? I’ll be good, promise.” She batted her lashes at me, trying to side with my good graces, but there were none.

  Emma had pushed me over the edge and I needed some time alone to think, and Cece shoving her big jugs in my face, giggling like a harebrained idiot, didn’t help. “Get the fuck off my boat before I throw you into the water!” I threatened, but she merely pouted and turned on Brody for help.

  “Bee, Carter’s being a dick. Will you help me out?” she asked for Brody’s help. She nicknamed him “Bee” back when we were kids and she had hung onto that ever since.

  I threw them both a murderous glare before Brody spoke up, “You can stay as long as you promise not to be a bother. I can’t help you if Carter decides to throw you overboard, though, so you better behave, Ce.”

  Nice one, Brody. He just made himself look like the good guy even if he was also being a complete jackass.

  “Deal,” she purred before positioning herself in one of the cushioned seats on my side of the boat.

  I muttered under my breath before I left the two to start the engine and take us deeper into the lake before mooring somewhere quite and serene.

  Two hours and eight beers later, I was feeling pretty good. I was on my way inside the cabin to fetch more cold beer when Cece came up behind me as I bent over the opened fridge. “Fuck, what do you want now?”

  “I know about you and Amanda,” she whispered into my ear before giggling.

  Stilling, I shoved the fridge door shut before facing her. “What the hell did she tell you?”

  “I’m not telling, Carter. That would not be nice of me if I did,” Cece coyly said, acting like a good person.

  Too bad because even in acting, she sucked at it. “I didn’t fuck her if that’s what she’s spreading.”

  “Still not telling… unless you give me something in return,” she spoke with innuendo. I was not even sure how to respond because Amanda just infuriated me at the moment.

  “What do you want now, Cece? Aren’t you tired of acting like a complete bitch all the time?”

  “I will, if you start dating me, Carter. I’m still in love with you.” Her dark eyes looked teary even.

  “How many times have we had this discussion over the years? Ten? Twenty? Heck, I lost count. The answer is still the same.”

  “I’m still not giving up. You’re young and you’re enjoying different women. I don’t mind that, but back to the subject…” she stuck out her tongue and took my finger, gently sucking it. “I want to fuck you; here, now, and I promise not to tell that dumbass Emma that you had Amanda on her knees sucking you off last night.”

  “You wouldn’t fucking dare!”

  “You know I would, baby. When it comes to you, all bets are off. Unless of course, you want Emma to be with that fine specimen named Bass Cole. You know, I wouldn’t trade you up for a man like Bass. Sure, he’s gorgeous and sexy, but I’m loyal to my heart, and that’s you, Carter.” She took my finger and circled the outline of her nipple over her braless shirt before sliding it down her skirt and sticking my finger into her hot cunt. I was unmoving while I contemplated the odds in my head. “What’s it to be?” she whispered, fuckable.

  “No,” I declined her barter, of sorts, even though I was hard, yeah, quite pathetic really because I didn’t want to be, but my dick had its own brain apparently. At least my mouth was telling the truth.

  “Give and take, Carter.” Cece handed me a packet of condoms from out of nowhere, as if not hearing what I just spat at her. “If that woman really is worth it, then you’d do me. Besides, it’s not like you guys are together and from what I’ve heard, she’s been fucking Bass already.”

  “Just because I took your virginity, doesn’t mean I like you at all, Cece. You were an available cunt and I just wanted to fuck, so I fucked you. There’s nothing between us. We didn’t share anything other than sex. Sure, I called you for some quickies here and there; again, it was for sex. Drill that through your brain.”

  “We’re not through yet, Carter!” She hissed out, stomping on her way out.

  Shit, that was a close call. Fucking temptation wasn’t giving me a break. I hadn’t decided if I was ready to move on from Emma yet, so in the mean time, I wasn’t going to do anything drastic.

  I’d engage in sexual activities the moment I did decide that I wasn’t going to hang around.


  I wasn’t particularly hiding, but I took to staying in the shadows so as not to be seen by Emma.

  When Lindsey decided to get plastered and brought Emma with her on the road to drunkendom, I had to keep an eye on her before she did something that would put her in harms way.

  Two hours later, they were buzzing after shot after shot of hard liquor, burning its w
ay into their system. I looked away when I saw Lindsey grab Brody out of nowhere and started making out with him.

  “Great,” I muttered disgustingly before walking out the front door. I stood on the porch, more confused than the day before.

  Since it was a little dark out here, it was easy to see the light coming out of my white surfer shorts. Pulling it out, I saw Bass Cole’s name flashing on the screen. How many times did this son of a bitch call? I wondered after his name stopped flashing while I tried to unlock Emma’s phone.

  I was still trying to unlock her phone when the dick called again, making me tap on the answer button. Since I was already a prime asshole in Emma’s eyes, what’s the harm in adding more scorn? “How can I help you, Mr. Hollywood star?”

  It was followed with the infamous silence when a guy realizes that another man answered the call, unexpectedly.

  “Carter,” Bass gritted out.

  Guess, he didn’t like how I greeted him, hey? I mused, tickled pink.

  “Is Emma available?” He tried to sound normal, but I wasn’t fooled.

  A player can tell another player. Bass, in a way, was like me. We had tempers and were possessive towards our women. It was just unfortunate that he was stepping on my territory and shitting on it.

  “She’s busy getting drunk with my sister, but I can take a message. I’m sure I’ll remember to tell her when we’re in bed tonight.” After throwing that out, I cut off the call and went back inside.

  My blood skyrocketed when I took in the party scene before me.

  “Get your tight ass up here, Emma!” Lindsey and Trista tried to gather Emma up with them atop the bar, Coyote Ugly style.

  I sprinted towards them so fast, I felt exhilarated when I tried to pull Emma down. “Don’t you dare get your drunken ass up there, Emma!” I bellowed, but something caught her eyes before it went straight to my pocket.

  Bass Cole Calling…

  Son of a bitch! Couldn’t he leave us alone? I thought before Emma lunged towards me and attempted to dig the phone out of my pocket.

  “Give me that!” she ordered, but I was too strong for her and without effort, I pulled her hand out before she even got close to the device.

  This day was purely made from hell! I wanted to scream. Here I was, trying to win my woman back, but she was fighting me off like a mad hatter. On top of that, I had two women who were relentlessly chasing me for sex! Shit.

  “Didn’t I make myself clear that you don’t get to have it back until we hit Santa Barbara again?”

  Emma threw me her two middle fingers. “F.U.C.K. YOU! Why don’t you go stick this up your idiotic ass and spin on it?”

  I was simmering in the background while I watched Trista and Emma bump their butts together while the drunk guys gathered around the bar, taking videos and hollering. Lindsey was getting all hyped up.

  I muttered a thankful prayer when I saw her hop off the bar and hunt for some water. Plucking a bottle off the iced beverages, she stepped outside towards the backyard, walking at a short pace, enjoying the scenery that surrounded her. I could hear her take a deep breath, inhaling the earthy smell of pine and crisp air.

  Emma strolled along until she hit a stream, leaning over against a pine tree as she idly stared at the flowing water, listening to the calming sound it produced. She let out a melancholy sigh that tugged on my heart.

  I was about ten feet away from her, contemplating what to do next. After tomorrow, we were heading home and by then, my chances were slim. With Bass hot on her heels, my time was running out. If I didn’t take this opportunity now, I’d be risking more.

  Decision made, I slowly walked towards her form, snapping a twig on my way, making her jump in surprise. “Emma.”

  She sighed again, as if exhausted at the sight of me. “What do you want, Carter? Are you giving me my phone back? If you came here to be an ass again—then I suggest you go back before I pummel your body into the ground!” she threatened, losing her temper.

  Now it was my turn to sigh while I raked a hand through my hair, frustrated, all out of options. It was now or never, Mason. “Em, I know I’ve been such a jerk to you over the last week. It’s just—that’s how I was used to reacting to things and I don’t like changing what is normal to me, but this past week has been pure hell. I really want you back in my life.” I came closer to her, pained and unsure as I stared at her with potent, burning emotion, desperation. “I’m sorry. Please… please… forgive me?” I begged, reaching out to her, but she quickly moved to the side, not wanting me to touch her at all.

  Not even heartfelt words punctured through her hatred for me. “You’re sorry? For the last week, you’ve been acting like a little boy who wanted his old toy back. Well—that’s just it, Carter! I told you I was done with you. I am done with our half ass kind of relationship. I want more than sex. I want commitment—I want it all! You’re not that man—you have some kind of phobia when it comes to commitment. So, please, just walk away and stop pursuing me.”

  She wanted it all? Well, I would become that man. Fuck, I’d be whatever she wanted me to be if it made her happy.

  Moving a little closer before I decided to speak, sounding decisive and unwavering. “I could be that man and I will—for you, I will, Em. Just give me a chance!”

  “Promises. Here we go again. Save your promises for another woman who would die to hear them from you. I am not that woman, Carter—not anymore. It’s best you get that drilled into your head,” Emma spat with venom; eyes enraged before she hugged herself and started to walk away from me and back to the cabin.


  Don’t leave me.

  Think, Carter!

  When she was halfway through the clearing, I summoned all that was in me and yelled at the top of my lungs, “I love you!” I choked up, abundant with tortured pain at my blatant admission.

  She wanted it all, so here it was, my all. My love. My confession.

  Emma halted, frozen, unmoving. I watched, feeling the dread in my body, knowing that it was already too late, but when she started to run towards me, hope sprung free. That feeling lasted only for a few seconds, until I registered the feral, wild look in her eyes. She was furious.

  “Don’t you fucking dare use love in this, Carter! We both know you don’t do ‘love.’ You don’t get to use that as a fucking weapon,” she roared at my face, disgusted.

  Her reaction gnawed deep, deeper into my fears, while I stared at her, horrified and mystified that she didn’t even believe it when I told her that I loved her. This was the first time I’ve ever told a woman that I was in love with them and her rejection of my feelings, again, slashed into me, successfully making me feel like I wasn’t worthy of receiving any love from the people who I cherished most—my mother and then later, my father, even Lindsey’s feelings were questionable, but most of all, Emma’s rejection was a hundred times more potent than the rest of them.

  This was why I didn’t do love because feeling this odd sense of helplessness and hopelessness was too familiar for me. The sinking feeling kept pulling me down, making me breathe raggedly before I painfully gazed at Emma, not willing to give her up yet. “Emma, please…”

  Blue bright orbs searched my depths, silent and retreating.

  Defeated, I sunk to my knees, breathing deeply before bowing my head, gathering strength. Looking up, I penetrated her pained eyes. “I love you, Emma. I’ve loved you ever since the first night you spent in my arms. I’ve been in love with you all this time, but I never had the courage or strength to tell you how I felt because I was a coward, but being a coward made me lose you and now I’m trying to brave it out for you—face my demons because of my love for you and you alone,” my voice wobbled. “I feel like half a person without you, Em. I can’t function. I need you back; I want you back because I honestly love you.”

  She gasped, eyes wide in disbelief before shaking her head in denial.

  But I wasn’t done, not by a long shot. “My father used to be so in love with m
y mom, to the point where nothing made sense to him unless my mother was around, close to him. My mom was his obsession, his drug. But even with his obsessive adoration, my mom cheated on him. One night, she came home and told my father that she was pregnant and the father was her personal trainer. She was going to move in with him… my dad… he was distraught, even then, he begged my mom not to leave him. He even went on and on and promised to love the child she was carrying as his own because he loved everything about her and if the baby was part of the bargain, he’d take it in a heartbeat. Lindsey was too young to understand what was going on. But I did, I saw what love could do to a man. It weakens you and it makes a fool out of you.

  “The same night of her revelation, my mom left us. My father, fool that he was, followed her out in a separate car. Mom ended up crashing her car against a broken truck on the side of the road. I guess dad was following closely behind her because his car followed suit. I’m not sure if it happened because he didn’t have much time to maneuver or if he did it on purpose so that he could follow Mom because he couldn’t live without her.

  “You see, Emma, love doesn’t come easy for me. It was the one thing I promised myself not to do—I didn’t want to follow in my father’s footsteps. I wanted to hide it from you… for as long as I could, but you left me no choice. When I told you I love you… it’s because I honestly do.”

  Emma had tears in her eyes before she whispered, “Get up, please.”

  No. I shook my head in response. “No—not until you take me back.” If I had to go all out this one time, I was going to fucking do it. Humiliation and pride can take a back seat because I was going to win her back; the rest could go to hell.

  Evident emotions flickered through her pretty face, before she gave me a small nod. “Fine, I’m taking you back… as long as you promise that you will try very hard to make this work. I’m giving you this one chance, Carter, don’t fuck it up.”

  Hold up. Did I hear that correctly? “What did you say, Em?” I asked, but with a smile lighting my face.


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