Dark Quest
Page 25
Alex put his arms around Jenneva and kissed her passionately. “Well, I am still feeling very weak. Besides, we need the time to plan our wedding. We’ll let the King attend. That should make up for it.”
Jenneva laughed. “Actually, you don’t really feel that weak, but I’ll never tell. As for me marrying you, Queen Marta has already had the gown made for me.”
The Council of Advisors invited the magicians and pertinent military officers to their meeting. They discussed the attack on Mordac’s castle and plans for bringing stability back to Targa.
“I suppose we need a plan for distributing the books that Mordac collected,” offered Duke Moran.
“Your Highness,” began Lord Habas, “I think we should endeavor to find the rightful owners of the books. Most of the books came from temples and holy places and we would not want these Orders feeling ill towards our new King.”
“I agree,” interrupted Egam. “Let these Orders submit a list of books that were lost to them. When all of the lists are complete, we can distribute the books to their rightful owners. I would suggest a boon for Jenneva, however. Let her have any unclaimed books that she desires. Rather than have these books go to waste, she has the capacity to make good use of them.”
“So be it,” announced the King. “Lord Habas, you will administer the list. Inform the Orders that they will have one year to deliver their lists to the Palace. In a year’s time, we will deliver those books rightfully claimed.”
King Byron leaned closer to Lord Habas and whispered. “And, Lord Habas, make sure that the Book of the Beginning is not on any list. I have already promised it to Jenneva.”
General Clark rose. “Your Highness, I respectfully request leave to retire from service. I fear the years have blunted my judgment and I should step aside and let more able men fill my shoes.”
“And do you have a plan for this transition, General?” asked the King.
“I do, Your Highness. I have held talks with Colonel Gregor regarding this subject and I believe we are in solid agreement. My proposal calls for Colonel Gregor to replace me as General of the Army. The other promotions would be his to make, but I will outline them if you wish.”
“I do so wish, General Clark.”
“The reorganization calls for the unification of the Frontier Division into the Regular Army, reporting directly to General Gregor and whichever subordinates he appoints. The Red Swords would report to a Captain and we believe the best choice for this position is Lieutenant David Jaynes. The Rangers will continue as a separate force still reporting to a Captain. The best qualified man for that job is Lieutenant Mitar Vidson.”
“And what of Captain Tork?” asked the King.
“We propose that he be appointed Colonel of Special Forces. Those forces would include the Red Swords and the Rangers,” concluded the General.
“Very well, General,” replied King Byron. “I will accept your proposal with one change. You will not be allowed to entirely retire. I am appointing you to the new post of Military Advisor to the King. You will no longer maintain military rank, but you will receive a generous pension for your military service to Targa, which this country greatly appreciates.”
“Now,” King Byron continued, “if there are no further items for this Council, I have two announcements to make.”
There were no further requests to be heard and the King continued. “First, I have the pleasure of announcing the marriage of Jenneva Roth to Colonel Alexander Tork. It gives me great pleasure to announce that I will perform the ceremony for these two very special citizens of Targa. The wedding will be held here in the Royal Palace, with Prince Oscar and Princess Callie standing witness for these two friends of the Crown.”
The room filled with applause and congratulations for the betrothed couple.
“Second,” announced the King, “the young couple will be wed as Duke and Duchess. The very least this nation can do is to provide the proper recognition to citizens of outstanding quality. Further, let it be known that the day of their wedding will be a day of national celebration, a day for all Targans to celebrate the joys of our country’s heroes.”
The meeting adjourned and everyone filed out of the room congratulating Jenneva and Alex. Prince Oscar and Princess Callie were the last to speak to the engaged couple.
“I don’t know where you plan on going for your honeymoon,” offered the Prince, “but my homes and my fleet are at your service. If you wish for any of them, they are yours.”
Alex started to thank Oscar for his generous offer, but Jenneva interrupted. “That is a very kind offer, Prince, but I have already made plans for our honeymoon.”
“Where will you be going?” asked Princess Callie.
“Oh, very far away,” replied Jenneva. “Someplace . . . simply out of this world!”
Maps and information can be found at http://www.rstuttle.com/
You can contact the author at: tuttle@rstuttle.com