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Protected by Shadows

Page 23

by Aliyah Burke

  “Just asking, man. Our local doc is old enough to be Mrs Maybelle’s grandpa and has one tooth in his head. Thought it might be nice to have a good-looking doc check me over.”

  “Leave my wife out of your perverse desires.”

  Beauregard chuckled and moved his foot, the heel from his cowboy boot hitting the next step. “How long you planning on staying?”

  “Leaving tomorrow.”

  “Are you going to go see him?”

  Pain tightened Valentino’s chest. “Yes.”

  “Good for you.” Beauregard stood. “It’s time for you to do so. I know you told Lexy you’d be in in a minute, but if you can come look at something first, I’d be much obliged.”

  He pushed to his feet and followed his friend into the house. Mrs Maybelle wasn’t anywhere around and the music still played softly. Beauregard stopped at the door to the den before continuing in.

  A computer had been set up and Valentino stared at the screen. A map of the United States. A few dots on it, mostly in Virginia.

  “What’s this?”

  “Ethan’s cell before he was taken. There was a spike yesterday when someone put the battery back in. It bounced off a few towers in Montana. Not that it’s a small area to search, but I’m thinking it’s a start.”

  “Wouldn’t it be more logical that his phone was stolen?”

  “I don’t know what to think anymore, Valentino. It’s going to kill his parents and Grams if something has happened to him. I have to find him before they really start to get worried.”

  “I have some contacts up that way, let me call in some favors and have them check around.”

  “Thank you. I called Masters, but he said it wasn’t on long enough to pinpoint where he was.”

  Beauregard sat there making a fist with one hand and in that moment, Valentino almost felt sorry for the ones responsible for Ethan’s disappearance. Beauregard had a short fuse and an explosive temper when it came to dealing with family. One simply didn’t mess with the Jackson family.

  “We’ll find him, Beau. One way or another, we will.”

  Beauregard rubbed his forehead and slumped a bit more in his chair. “Yes.” He tipped his head up and grinned. “Go on, man. Don’t keep that wife of yours waiting any longer than necessary. Unless you’d like me to take it for you tonight.”

  “Don’t make me really hurt you, Beau. G’nite, man.”


  Valentino left him there and walked through the house to the guest room where they were staying. Letting himself in the room, he saw she’d left a light on for him. Lexy was sound asleep. He got ready for bed as quickly as he could and slipped beneath the sheet to join her. He drew her to him and smiled when she didn’t fight. She curved into him, her sleep not even interrupted.

  * * * *

  “Do you want me to wait here?”

  Valentino peered over his shoulder to where Lexy hung back by the truck. The flowers in his hand shook in time with his nerves.


  She didn’t move and he knew she was gauging his words. With a slight nod, she stepped forward and drew even with him. Her simple black dress honored him. When he began to walk, she moved with him but didn’t touch him.

  They walked through the Jackson family burial plot to a place near the back. Tears sprang to his eyes as he saw for the first time the granite headstone which adorned his son’s grave.


  Beloved Son

  Taken From Us Far Too Soon And Placed Among The Stars And Angels.

  He sank to his knees before the grave marker and reached out to touch the cold stone. There were some engravings, but he didn’t look. A deep shudder ripped through him and the tears began.

  All the pain he’d experienced the night he’d lost Marco swarmed over him again. The devastation, hurt and agony tore through him. He moved closer and rested his head upon the tombstone then wrapped his hand around it.

  I’m so sorry, Marco. Sorry I couldn’t do more to save you. Sorry I let you down. I will always love you, my son.

  When the tears wouldn’t fall any longer, he pushed back and looked around. The sun had changed position and he realized he’d been there for hours. Over his left shoulder, he spied Lexy standing there, hands clasped before her. She gave him a small smile.

  “I’m sorry,” he began.

  “Don’t you dare apologize to me, Valentino Cassano. You needed to do this. Take all the time you need. It’s not something you can rush.”

  Returning his attention to the grave, he did a quick touch-up—there wasn’t much to do, Mrs Maybelle did a great job with upkeep. Then he placed the flowers against the headstone. He stood and bent to place a kiss there before he wiped his eyes.

  “Let’s go,” he said, pivoting around.

  He took Lexy’s hand and they walked in silence back to his truck. He helped her into the seat and made her look at him.

  The sorrow in her gaze was too powerful for him to withstand. She laid a hand along his cheek and gave a shaky smile. Dipping his head, he brushed his lips along the top of her head. They returned to Mrs Maybelle’s house, had lunch and took to the road after.

  Lexy had changed into jeans and a lightweight three-quarter-length T-shirt. They were driving along 58 after having stopped for a meal when he noticed the headlights in his rear view. Flicking his glance between the speedometer and the trailing car, he frowned.

  He wasn’t speeding, but the vehicle was keeping a perfect distance behind him. Too far to see the plate yet close enough to keep them in sight. Narrowing his eyes slightly, he pressed the accelerator. The truck responded smoothly.

  Lexy rearranged herself so she faced him more. “Everything okay?”


  “Want me to drive the rest of the way?”

  The vehicle behind them sped up as well. They had a tail for sure. “No. I’m fine.”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone to send a message. There was nothing more he could do right now. Once he made it to the next small town, he could, but out here they were on their own. There wasn’t even any oncoming traffic.

  The lights blinded him—and he knew they’d intended it to be so—and he slammed on his brakes.

  “Get down!” he hollered to Lexy.

  The truck fishtailed, tires scrambling for purchase. He knew this procedure—have cars all across the road, leaving the ditch as the only way to go. And he planned on using it. Instead of fighting to get back on the asphalt, he jerked hard on the wheel and put them off the road.

  Lexy screamed as the first shots rang out but then fell silent. “Stay down, Lexy!”

  “Give me your Glock!”

  Her fingers were digging into the back of his pants before the words faded. He ducked as the back window shattered, spilling a few shards of glass over them that didn’t hit the backseat. Behind them, vehicles squealed as they whipped around and started the chase. Lexy fired at them.

  One car lost control and went end over end until it blew in a large ball of fire. He punched the accelerator and thankfully the truck had more to give. They flew up from the ditch and hit the road with a bone-jarring thud.

  She continued to fire until a chopper overhead switched on its light and illuminated the ones chasing them. Valentino didn’t slow down any, just roared the remaining way back to her house and parked in the garage.

  Still inside the truck, door closed behind them, he faced her in the light from the garage. “Are you okay?” he demanded, turning her toward him. Her hair was in disarray, but she met his gaze squarely.

  “I’m good. You?”

  He wiped a faint trace of blood from her cheek. “Okay.”

  “Some fancy driving there, hoss.”

  He hopped out and went to her side, grateful his limbs weren’t shaking too badly to get to her. “Mind the glass,” he ordered as he lifted her free from the cab.

  “Most of it’s in the back. I’m barely scratched.”

�But you are scratched.” His tone turned deadly.

  She pushed his Glock into his chest. “So are you. Do you think they’ll be coming back?”

  “Depends on how many the ones in the helo capture.”

  “Who were they? The ones in the chopper, not the others.”

  “When I noticed them following me I sent a message to Masters. He must have called it in.”

  “Thank God he did.” She opened the back and grabbed her bag, small glass pieces falling to the garage floor. “I think I need a beer.” She shook her head. “Whiskey.”

  Valentino checked the house first before letting her go anywhere alone. As she put her bag in the bedroom, he picked up his phone and made a call.

  “You okay?” Masters asked immediately.

  “Bastards came after her. She could have died in that stunt they pulled. How many did you get?”

  “The cops say only three. And they’re not talking.”

  “I’ll make ’em talk,” he vowed.

  “They’re expecting you. Had them transferred to the station in your town.”

  He snapped the phone shut and went to the bedroom. Lexy was in the bathroom splashing water on her face. “I have to go out.”

  Her head jerked up and she stared at him in the mirror. There was some fear, but she masked it swiftly. “Okay.”

  “You stay here. Stay inside, keep the alarms set. I have to find out what these guys know.”

  “Do what you have to.”

  He left for a minute and met her at the door to her bedroom with his bag in hand. “When I come back, Lexy. I’m sleeping in here.”

  Her nod came after a short pause. “Makes sense to better protect me that way.”

  He yanked her to him. “That’s not the only reason, Alexsa.” His kiss eliminated any response from her. When she sighed into his mouth, he eased off. “Not the only reason at all. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  He took his truck, bullet holes and all. Time dragged and he was antsy while he questioned them. None of them gave much as it was, not anything that was truly helpful, at all. As he drove back into the garage, something set him on edge. Slipping from the driver’s seat, he palmed his weapon then went cautiously to the door leading to her kitchen.

  It swung open silently and he frowned over the lack of light in the house. I never should have left her. He cleared that room and continued on silent feet to the living room, which he skirted to check the bedrooms. Empty. Back in the living room, he hit his toes on something and he crouched to find a man there. No pulse.

  He wanted to jump up and scream her name, but the truth settled in his veins. She wasn’t there.

  A faint click was the only warning he got before the house erupted into a ball of flame. As he careened through the air, her plate glass window then landed hard on some of her potted plants, Valentino’s last thought was how much it hurt. Then darkness overtook him.

  * * * *

  “We have her, sir.”

  Trevor knew his smile was malicious, but he didn’t care. It was how he smiled. “Well done. Bring her to me. What about Cassano?”

  “Not sure, sir. Someone else had set up a roadblock for him. They escaped, but she could have been killed. The man drove like a lunatic to get away. He dropped her off and left again. We took her while he was gone. Hang on, sir.” A moment of nothing. “We’re hearing reports that her house just exploded.”

  Trevor’s eyes narrowed. “Bring John to me at The Farm. Have two of the other men get him, I want her here as soon as possible.”

  “Yes, sir. Right away.”

  The call ended and Trevor frowned as he paced back and forth before the lavish mirror hanging in the hall. What is that fool thinking? No one has the right to do something like that without my prior approval. He stared at his reflection and reached up to smooth out a wrinkle. Content he’d reined his emotions back under control, he turned on his heel and strode back into the waiting room with a smile on his face.

  “I’m so sorry, Detective. My nephew was having what he considered a crisis. Thank you for your understanding. Now, I believe you were asking me about a…” He shrugged apologetically.

  “Have you seen this man?”

  Trevor stepped closer to the detective and took a look at the outstretched image. A picture of himself from years ago.

  “Sorry, no.” He moved back. “Who is he?”

  “A dangerous man. If you see him or even suspect you do, give us a call.”

  “Why would you think he’s here?” Trevor questioned, taking the business card from the sharply dressed detective.

  “The man grew up around here and we think he may come back.”

  “My goodness. And this house was his?”

  The detective gave him a classic ‘calm down, sir’ look. “He grew up in it, but I don’t think you’re in any danger. He’s not been around for a long time. We just need to be on the lookout. The Feds are cranking up their attempts to find him.”

  “I’ll be of any help I can. I am leaving in a few days, however, but if you need to get back in the house, my housekeeper will have no problem doing so.”

  The man stared at him. “Thank you. And where are you going?” A slight grin. “Just curious.”

  No wonder you get nowhere, you’re not good at this game. “I have business to attend to in Salt Lake City.”

  “Do you have a card in case we need to reach you?”

  Trevor reached into the pocket of his linen pants. “Of course.” He withdrew a silver case and clicked it open, offering the stash inside to the detective who took one. “Call me anytime.”

  “Thank you for your time, Mr Haggen.”

  “Anytime, Detective. I’ll see you out.”

  Trevor walked him to the door and gave a small wave as he departed his house and headed for his car. The minute the door closed behind him, he ground his jaw and strode for the kitchen. His housekeeper for this place stood there making a mug of tea.


  “Yes, sir?” She looked at him and smiled, appearing nothing like the quiet woman who’d answered the door for the detective.

  He took a deep breath and crooked his finger at her. She approached, hips swaying like a seductive siren. Without a word she sank to her knees before him and began undoing the material of his pants.

  “Allow them entrance if they come back while I’m gone. Deny them nothing. I have nothing to fear here as Clarence Haggen, businessman extraordinaire.”

  “Yes, sir.” She freed him and closed her mouth around his lax shaft.

  She was good and knew how to get him hard. Even as she worked her magic, his mind drifted to what his reunion with John would be like and, of course, how things would change once he had another of Valentino’s wives with him. His grin crossed his face slowly as he shoved himself deep into Luisa’s throat, ignoring her choking sounds. She didn’t matter, she was but a blip on his radar, there for his pleasure. His whims.

  * * * *

  Lexy groaned and tried to reach for her head only to find she couldn’t move. Flexing her wrists and ankles, she discovered she was tied tighter than a hog. What the fuck?

  Struggling to clear her foggy head, she tried to remember what had happened. Bullets whizzing by her head as they went all Dukes and did some off-roading. They. Valentino. Where was he? Was he okay? She couldn’t see a thing, despite not having her head covered.

  Her heart kicked up and she strove to remain calm. What did she know? They were moving, so she was in the back of a cargo truck or van. Something with no windows.

  She was lying on her side and she struggled to sit up, moving cautiously. Slumped against the cold metal of the wall, she worked up some moisture in her throat and closed her eyes. She couldn’t see anyway, so there was no point encouraging the headache that was approaching.

  Against her breast, she could feel the dig of her cell phone. Not her normal place to stash it, but when that roadblock had happened and the bullets had started flying, it had fallen from he
r pocket and that was where she’d shoved it. Not that I can get to the thing but at least I have it with me. Wherever I am.

  She felt along as far as she could, searching for anything she could use to cut herself free. To her right was a small, jagged piece of metal she could barely touch with her fingers. But it was something and may work.

  Lexy moved herself over until it was positioned where she could work on sawing her restraints and getting the hell out of Dodge. Ears perked, listening for anything that might identify who’d grabbed her or where they were taking her, she slowly and methodically worked at freeing herself.

  Lord knew she wanted to be scared, but she didn’t have time right now. Be scared later, she told herself. Not as easy to do as she wished, for she hadn’t recovered fully from the earlier incident. She winced as the metal cut into her skin.

  Great, now I’ll need a tetanus shot as well. Keeping the pain locked behind her teeth, she continued to work even as the metal grew slick with her blood.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “God fuckingdammit! Get me her location!”

  Valentino paced by the building as he waited for the helicopter to arrive, cell in one hand as he demanded. His body hurt like hell and he had fresh stitches from where the medics had had to sew him up because he’d absolutely refused to go to a hospital.

  Whump whump whump. In the hours of pre-dawn, he looked up at the sound, both elated and frustrated. He was running toward it even before it had landed fully. Ducking below the blades and doing his best to avoid rotor wash, he jerked open the door and climbed into the seat.

  Before he had even buckled himself in, he was signaling for the pilot to take off. Thankfully the pilot did.

  “Where to?” the man asked as soon as he had the headset on.

  “Not sure yet. Still waiting for them to send me a location on her phone.”

  “Your boss’s dime, my man. I was just told to take you wherever you wanted.”

  Valentino’s head pounded and he squinted, trying to see anything that would give him a sign of where she was.


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