Page 11
“Not sure. Whoever it was I think we’re still too far away.”
The rapidly approaching boat roared by Larry and Joe swimming in the water. “You fucking idiots,” they heard someone shout at them as it passed. “Hey, we’re in the middle of a race here asshole,” Larry shouted back.
Nola. We are being fired upon.
I’m on it. The voice was Mari’s.
CRACK. Another shot, this one landing in the water in front of them.
Layla weaved the boat through the water trying to make them a more difficult target.
CRACK. Another shot. This one hit the front of the boat.
“Keep your head down Layla,” Denise shouted.
CRACK. They could not tell where that one landed. “Look,” Layla shouted. One of the shuttle vehicles appeared over the airfield. The bikers and aircrew on the ground started firing at it. Denise watched as the ripple of some sort of energy pulsed out of the shuttle sending everything beneath it flying in every direction. The C47 burst into thousands of smaller pieces. It did not explode, it simply burst.
Good show Mari. Now about this boat.
Oh I’ve got them. It was Nola.
Aren opened his eyes to see Denise in profile watching the approaching boat. “Duck,” she shouted as she saw the muzzle flash. The Sweet Thing was sprayed with a half dozen bullets.
“Are you ok?” Denise shouted.
“Yes but this is the longest mile I have ever been on in my life,” Layla said.
Denise looked down to see two dark blue eyes looking at her. “Aren. You’re going to be okay.”
“I am Denizen.”
Layla roared the engine into reverse as it quickly coasted and slammed into the dock.
Denise turned back to see the boat that had been chasing them was now a splintered wreck in the water, its occupants nowhere to be seen.
Good show Nola.
Denise. Mari will collect you and the Mustang just before the Airport Road on Highway 574.
Got it.
“We’re getting a lift,” Denise grunted as they carried Aren, his arms around each of their shoulders, feet stumbling trying to function. The doors to the Mustang were open before they got to it. Denise pushed the passenger seat forward and hopped in the back seat, pulling Aren inside as Layla pushed and lifted his legs. “The Oldsmobile might have been more appropriate for making a quick getaway with a body,” Denise groaned as she squeezed by Aren back out the door and into the passenger seat. “Get us out of here.”
“My pleasure.”
Layla started the car and sped out of the parking area to the shocked expressions of a few residents.
“Mari is going to pick us up just before Airport Road on Highway 574.”
“This is 574 coming up,” Layla said. She threw the car into stealth mode when she turned off the small road they were on.
The Mustang flew down the highway.
“You need to slow down considerably to board,” Denise said.
“Affirmative,” Layla smiled at her. “Any more of that cold water left?”
Denise reached back to grab a bottle of water. “Still cold baby.”
“You were pretty magnificent today,” Layla said.
“Me? You did all the heavy lifting,” Denise laughed.
Aren groaned from the back seat.
Myla. We have Aren. He is safe. You will be next. Be strong.
She did not receive an answer.
“There it is,” Denise said.
The shuttle materialized above the road directly in front of them. Layla slowed to the perfect speed and drove up the ramp that closed behind them as the shuttle vanished from view.
Chapter 20
Denise and Layla enjoyed a pizza in her quarters aboard the Tyrine. “They make an excellent pizza up here,” she said.
“I did not realize we had not eaten since Mary Lou’s,” Layla said.
“Yes. It’s a good thing we got the most important meal of the day in there.”
“How is your leg?”
“It’s going to show a mark,” Denise giggled, lowering her capri pants to reveal a large bruise on her outer left thigh.
“May I enter?” the voice of Trepa softly announced.
“Yes,” Denise replied.
Trepa could not help but notice the large bruise on Denise’s leg as she squinted while trying to pull her capris back up. “You are injured?”
“It’s just a bruise. I’ll survive.”
“Please allow us to treat your injury. Layla, you have injuries as well.”
“Just a few scratches, I’ll be okay.”
“How is Aren?” Denise asked.
“Aren will make a full recovery.” Trepa continued to move her eyes from their injuries back to eye contact with them. “Please, won’t you let us tend to your injuries?”
“You win,” Denise said.
“Lead the way,” Layla smiled.
Trepa led them to a section of the ship they had never been to before. The large space was obviously an infirmary. “Please,” Trepa said softly as she guided both of them to their own bed. A male walked into the room and smiled at Trepa, the two of them having made some mental connection.
“Denise. It is a pleasure to finally meet you,” the male said. “I am Suar and was away during your previous visits.”
“Suar is the dytoj on the Tyrine,” Trepa said.
“Let me guess, you’re the doctor?” Denise said.
“Yes Denise, that is correct, Suar smiled.
“If you would be so kind as to disrobe,” Trepa said, before she started for the door.
“No hospital gowns, sweet,” Layla said before removing her soiled clothing, stripping down to her thong.
Oooh baby, Denise thought. She did the same, stripping down to her thong.
“Please lie back and relax. This will check for internal injuries,” Suar said. The flat device the width of the bed hovered over Denise giving a readout that Suar could see on the device he held in his hands. A similar device began its scan over Layla as well.
“Am I going to make it doc?” Denise grinned.
“You have no serious internal trauma I am happy to say.” He walked over to a wall where a section vanished showing shelves. He walked back over to Denise first, activated the device he had returned with and asked her to remain still during the treatment. The device hovered over her nasty bruise.
He returned with another device he slowly moved over Layla’s cuts and scrapes. Within minutes there was no sign she had been injured.
“How sweet. No scabs,” Layla laughed.
Trepa returned with some clean clothes that looked exactly like the soiled clothing they had been wearing. “There is a shower just through that doorway,” she said, as one appeared on the far wall.
“Great,” Layla said before sliding off the bed and heading for the shower. Why don’t you join me if you finish in time?
“I don’t see Aren, is this the only infirmary on your ship?” Denise asked.
“Aren is healing in his quarters,” Trepa said.
“How does that feel now?” Suar asked.
“Great. Good as new,” Denise smiled.
Suar returned the device to the compartment in the wall and it closed behind him.
“Goodnight Denise,” Suar said before walking out the door.
“That is some shower,” Layla said coming through the doorway wrapped in a towel.
“Nola has asked the both of you to join her for dinner in her quarters if you feel up to it,” Trepa said.
“Sure,” Denise said.
“You know your way back to your quarters. Someone will come for you there.”
“Yes Layla?”
“Thank you.”
Trepa smiled and left the room.
“My turn.”
“You know if the one in your room is like that one we
may need another shower later on,” Layla grinned.
“That good huh?”
“You’ll see what I mean,” Layla winked.
Chapter 21
Thank You
Mari announced herself at Denise’s door.
“Come in, please,” Denise answered.
“Hello Denise, Layla.”
“Are you our guide to dinner?” Layla asked.
“We’re ready,” Denise smiled.
They followed her to yet another area of the ship that had previously been designated temporarily off limits.
“You both performed magnificently today. I am honored to be in your presence,” Mari said.
“As did you,” Denise said.
“Thanks for your help saving our butts,” Layla said.
“Thank you.”
Mari stopped at a doorway. Denise could tell she was announcing herself mentally.
The doorway shimmered away revealing a larger quarters where they were greeted by Nola. She appeared stronger, more sure of herself, less stressed.
“Come in, please,” Nola said.
“I like your hair that way,” Denise smiled.
Nola smiled and took one of each of their hands in hers. “I’m going to get this out of the way. Thank you.”
“You are most welcome,” Denise said.
“Likewise,” Layla said.
“My hair? I’d say thank you again but I would not want to risk it,” she said, remembering what Denise had told her about holding off on the thank you’s.
“Nola I can’t ask you to not be yourself. You can say thank you as much as you like,” Denise smiled.
“Thank you. Come, have a seat.” She directed them to a dining area where dinner was already laid out.
“I’m happy things worked out and we’ve been able to retrieve one of your loved ones,” Denise said.
“You would both make magnificent additions to our crew. We are all in awe of the way you have handled everything since our paths have crossed.”
“One down and one to go,” Layla said. “This is really delicious, what is this?”
“It is a cajab, a vegetable from our world.”
“And this, let me guess, it is a fruit?” Denise asked holding up a pale green morsel.
“Correct. It is a wabrat, perhaps the closest fruit on our world to your strawberry.”
“I think it is much sweeter,” Denise giggled. “Really, you must try one,” she motioned to Layla.
“Shall we,” Nola motioned when they had had enough to eat. Denise and Layla sat down together on a couch. “We are on your news after what happened today.”
“Really? Are WE on the news?” Denise asked.
“No. None of us or our vessels.”
“Let me guess, bizarre accounts that are just about totally inaccurate,” Layla laughed.
“Yes. Someone did come forward with a very blurry image of Mari coming to our aid over the air field,” Nola said.
“Nola. I am deeply concerned about Myla. I am getting nothing from her since earlier today. I have a feeling she may be in the hands of people that will be much harder to penetrate than those we have dealt with so far,” Denise said.
“Go on.”
“I think that what she is trying to say is that those who hold her captive now are far more sophisticated with many more resources at their disposal,” Layla said.
“But who and where is an unknown. If they want something from you in exchange for Myla, technology, whatever, they must be pretty confident they are going to be able to reach you to negotiate,” Denise said.
Nola listened intently.
“I think we can expect them to be far more ruthless, and willing to risk much to get what they believe you might have,” Layla said.
“Your words echo what Aren has already told me. The reason he was beaten and tortured is because he had to remain silent, remain silent or tell them the truth,” Nola said turning her head to look away.
“Is Myla being treated the same?” Denise asked.
“She was,” Nola said.
“How were they captured?”
“When he is healed I will let Aren give you the details.”
Denise changed the subject away from the bleak prospect of finding and rescuing Myla, discussing the similarities between their species. Layla had questions about lovemaking. Denise was curious about humor and comedy on her world. It was a joyous communion until Denise was knocked nearly to the floor with a vision of Myla. She was violently thrown against a wall and beaten when she was down. The words were barely audible as the images of Myla faded to black. Denizen. Texas.
“Denise, baby are you okay?” Layla asked helping her back onto the couch.
“Nola,” Denise started, her words barely audible over her heavy breathing. “I think Myla is in Texas.”
Layla saw that Nola was communicating with someone. After a brief moment the doors to her quarters opened. Kinsa and Mari were back to help Denise back to her quarters. When they were certain both she and Layla were settled comfortably for the night, Mari returned to Nola’s quarters.
“Focus our efforts on this area,” Nola said, pointing to a map. “They call it Texas.”
Chapter 22
Plan And A Gift
Denise awoke to the sound of soft moans in her head. Coming out of a deep sleep she could not tell at first if it was she, or Layla lying next to her. “Myla,” she said softly. Myla it is Denizen. The moans continued. “Am I still connected to her somehow since last night?” she asked herself as she walked into the bathroom. Could she have been unconscious all this time? Myla.
Wh, who -re you?
Myla I am Denizen.
Denzn. Yes.
Myla we are going to find you.
Yes. Texas. Den.
Texas. I hear you. We will find you.
Nothing more. “Those fucking rat bastards who did this to her,” she half shouted as the toilet then sink disappeared. It was loud enough to stir Layla from her slumber.
“You ok?” Layla asked.
“Yeah. Just another short Myla connection. Nothing new, but I am so fucking pissed off at whoever is doing this to her.”
“What time is it?”
“So easy to get a peaceful nights rest in space, but it’s hard to tell what time it is,” Denise said. She walked over to her bag and turned on her iPhone. “Thank you Apple Computer. It is almost six in the morning Carbondale time.”
“What would you like to do today?”
“What I want to do today I will not ask you to come along for.”
“And what might that be?” Layla asked.
“I could use some coffee. How about you?”
“Sure. Give me a minute in the bathroom and let’s go find a cup.”
Layla finished and joined Denise in donning the clean clothes provided by Trepa before they walked down to the dining area. They had been shown how to order up their own meals and beverages. “You want to try?” Denise smiled.
“Sure. Two coffees, large, hot, little cream and sugar.”
“Very good.”
“Not bad at all.”
“Tastes like restaurant coffee. Ever wonder why restaurant coffee is always delish?”
“Yes I have.”
They moved to a table and sat down.
“Back in the room, you were saying?” Layla asked.
“Yes, well, for starters, I want to pay old Henry for the damage done to Sweet Thing. I don’t think the $500.00 we gave him is going to cover it.”
“I was thinking the same thing.”
“There’s more. Remember that side road those two bikers came out of that we followed to the airfield?”
“I do.”
“Well, that road leads to the somewhat secluded complex the boat came from that chased us to shore.”
“I follow you,” Layla said before taking another long sip of her coffee.
“I want to go there. The connection to where Myla h
as been taken is there. I’ll take my own hostage for questioning if I must but the key is there.”
“And why would you not want me along?”
“For what should be obvious reasons. It will be dangerous. If anyone is even there, his or her guard will be up after yesterday. They had their asses kicked in seconds and are probably wondering if we are coming for them.”
“Payback paranoia.”
“Well if you go I am simply going to follow you,” Layla said. “I’m going to have another cup, would you like another?”
“Yes I would.”
After Layla was seated across from Denise with two more coffees Mari walked in. “Good morning.”
“Good morning Mari,” they both said.
“I’ll have what they are having,” Mari said. “May I join you?”
“Please do,” Denise said.
“I hope you are feeling better this morning.”
“I’m good. Mari, I’d like to ask you something,” Denise said.
“Of course.”
“You know the complex the boat that attacked us launched from?”
“How difficult would it be to get us near it undetected, without the Mustang?”
“It can be accomplished with ease, why do you ask?”
“We are going to pay them a visit in hopes of obtaining any information that might help us find Myla,” Layla said. I guess our previous discussion is settled.
Okay, you’re coming along.
Trepa entered the room. “Good morning everyone.”
“Good morning,” all three said.
“I think I am going to have a morning meal. Biscuits and gravy sounds good. Would you like some?”
“Yes, please,” Denise said.
“Count me in,” Layla smiled.
They turned to look at Mari. “Make that three,” she said.
“Wonderful,” Trepa said.
Over breakfast they told Trepa of their plans to return to the scene of the crime.
“I will consult with Nola for final approval of course. How is your breakfast?” Trepa asked after hearing a few quiet ‘it’s delicious’ moans emanate from Denise, Layla and Mari.
“As delish as those made with 100% love back in Carbondale,” Denise giggled.