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Page 15

by Jamie Antonia Symonanis

  “Very good,” Layla smiled.

  The view zoomed in on an area between the head and the arm of the Virgin and continued past until it stopped, offering a view of a spiral galaxy.

  “We were in your news not too long ago,” Aren said.

  “Really?” Denise said.

  “You’ve been in the news recently too,” Layla said.

  “Certainly not by our choosing,” Nola smiled.

  “Someone on the other side of your world discovered a supernova in our galaxy,” Aren said.

  “Our galaxy itself was discovered by an astronomer hundreds of your years past,” Nola said.

  “Must have had a telescope yes?” Denise smiled.

  “Yes. His name was Barnabus Oriani.”

  “Hmm. Italian. You must let me treat you to my lasagna one day,” Denise said.

  When dinner was finished they retired to yet another room never seen that was a lounge with a view.

  “Aren, how did they catch you?” Denise asked.

  “The two entities you left unconscious in the Mall parking lot were out hunting. They along with two others that were armed had been watching us from under the dense canopy of vegetation. When Cyn dropped us off she returned to an area much further south to pick up two other crew members.”

  “There is not legal hunting in June,” Layla said.

  “Consider the source,” Denise said.

  “They came out of nowhere seemingly. One of them, I believe his name is Johnny, fired two shots at us that hit innocent trees next to where we were as we tried to flee. I believe they would have had no problem killing us if we did not listen.”

  “I think I’m going to have to pay Johnny another visit,” Layla said.

  “He’s not worth it,” Denise said.

  “We were forced to walk back to where their vehicles were. There, using the weapons they had, they beat each of us into unconsciousness.”

  “That piece of shit, pardon my human, hit Myla with a weapon?” Layla said.

  “Yes. When we came to we were tied to beams within the structure that housed the white van. This is where a new set of men questioned us. We would not talk, could not talk, for obvious reasons.”

  “Can I change the subject for a minute?” Layla asked.

  “Certainly,” Aren said.

  “How did you know I would prefer lower heals on the cowboy boots?”

  “Nola. She said you were both built for comfort, not fashion.”

  “Thank you Nola,” Layla laughed. “Ok, so Jackoff Johnny beat you both into an unconscious stupor, took you to the old armament sight, and this new group of people questioned you. What did they want?”

  “They never really said. They were trying to gather information about us, our crew, our ship, our technology, where we were from. When we did not answer we were beaten and tortured.”

  “Who did the beating and torturing?” Denise said.

  “A variety of Johnnies.”

  “Who did the sedation?” Layla asked.

  “Someone else, a new small group of men. They did not even speak to us.”

  “How did they know it was safe or that it would even work using our sedation methods on you?” Denise said.

  “Our biological makeup is amazingly similar, enough to where they undoubtedly assumed it would work,” Aren said.

  “They did not ask any questions?” Layla said.

  “No, but I got the impression they had done this before.”

  “Pros? Corporate or government men attempting to see if you were worth the bother, or if Johnny and the boys claims were true?” Either way, the fate of Myla is of the utmost importance now. We cannot allow her to be taken deeper into their maze,” Denise said.

  She gazed out the window at Planet Earth and focused on the area in Texas where Lubbock was. She pulled out her iPhone and keyed in Lubbock Texas. She clicked on a link about a well-documented period of UFO sightings before she was born.

  “Nola. Let’s pay Lubbock a visit. It’s time to make more news.”

  Chapter 31

  Lubbock Lights

  “We need to wind up on the front page of every newspaper and on every cable news station,” Denise said.

  “That should not be difficult,” Nola said.

  “What we need to remember,” Layla said after reading a brief history of the original UFO sightings dubbed the Lubbock Lights, “is that now as opposed to back then, every cel phone camera, digital camera, video camera and news camera is going to have footage if we create a visible showing.”

  “That is exactly what I am hoping for. I want them to know that we know where they are and that they cannot hide from us indefinitely. I want to spook them into making a move. There isn’t time for us to go door to door looking for Myla,” Denise said.

  “Nola. Can whatever craft you use be made to appear as simply bright lights in the sky, but with a definite mass behind them?” Layla asked.


  Denise and Layla remained on the Tyrine overnight. The following day they coordinated their plans for the fly over. Denise had heard from Myla again showing views of new faces coming to visit her, ending again in a Buddy Holly song.

  They would be using six craft for the show. Denise and Laya simply shook their heads and laughed when Nola told them they had only seen one of the Tyrine’s shuttle bays. “We probably haven’t even met the entire crew yet right?” Denise laughed.

  Nola just smiled at her. “I like your cowboy boots. Are they comfortable?”

  “Very,” Denise smiled.

  The six craft appeared above Idalou Texas just northeast of Lubbock. They traveled in a V pattern at high speed on the first pass heading southwest, which surprisingly took them as far as Roswell New Mexico. They felt it important to give a display that would make perfectly clear to those filming on the ground that these were indeed UFO’s above the skies of Lubbock and not something from the military, flares, weather balloons or birds.

  After the first pass, just after flying past Roswell, they went into stealth mode and could no longer be seen. They monitored the buzz of communications on the ground. Special Reports began airing on televisions. Cellular networks were inundated with traffic, quite a bit of it images of them flying by in formation being sent by text and email.

  “Good things come in threes,” Denise said.

  On the next pass they came in from the northwest, again in a V shaped formation, flying by at a higher speed, and remained visible until they flew across the entire state of Texas being well documented, at least visually, in Houston.

  The final pass approached from the south traveling at a high rate of speed and stopping over Lubbock. They stayed in a V formation above the city for ten minutes. They could actually see tiny flashes occurring all around the city coming from cameras. Watching images of them live on CNN Breaking News, the six craft broke from the V formation and formed a perfect circle.

  “Your military has scrambled aircraft to this location,” Aren said.

  Each of the craft fanned out across the city where they swept and stopped over pre-designated areas based on what Myla had communicated to them. When over these sites bright flashes could be seen as each craft made visual records of the areas below them from Ransom Canyon to Reese Air Force Base. Denise and Layla were in the craft that stopped over Buddy Holly’s grave and the immediate area.

  All six craft returned to a V formation and headed northwest at speeds no craft built on Earth could travel at. It took them directly over Area 51, now in stealth mode where they paused long enough to get a detailed lay of the land in that area before returning to the Tyrine.

  Back upstairs, Denise and Layla settled into a bell pepper pizza while they watched themselves on the news.

  “Wee dogies they put on one hell of a show,” Layla shouted as she watched them break from their V formation before zipping around town flashing images.

  “One of the craft apparently stopped over the grave of Buddy Holly,” one of the news anchor
s said.

  “He has a lot of fans, why not,” the other news anchor laughed.

  Layla took Denise by the hand and stood her up, took her in her arms and started singing. “Hold me close and tell me how you feel, Tell me love is real, Ummmm, ummmm, ummmm.”

  “I know that song,” Denise whispered as they danced slowly.

  “It’s one of my favorite Buddy Holly songs,” Layla whispered in her ear before she continued singing. Their clothes were nearly completely off by the time they landed on the bed, Layla still singing. “Darling I love you, umm, umm, umm, Ah, ah, ah…..”

  Chapter 32

  Cowboy Hats

  Overnight, Denise had an intense dream. She was convinced they were headed to the desert. She had seen herself and Layla in a desolate mountain area, with nothing around them but open spaces, sparse vegetation that was prevalent throughout the Southwest, bright sunlight and backpacks full of water.

  “I’d like to buy us a couple of hats, she asked Kinsa, who came to call on them to see if they were ready for coffee and breakfast.


  “Yes. I can provide the design, something to keep the hot sun off our heads. I think we’re going to need them.”

  “I will see to it. Please bring your designs to breakfast.”

  “I will Kinsa, thank you.”

  “Hats?” Layla yawned.

  “Yep. When you’re ready, pick yourself out a hat design,” Denise said, handing her the iPad. “I need to have a tinkle.”

  “One of these. The Prospector. I like the beads,” Layla said before going to the bathroom.

  “Do you know the size of your head?” Denise asked.

  “Yes, twenty-four inches with all this hair. I have a big head.”

  Denise remembered her size from when she was looking for winter hats up in Chicago. That seems like it was another lifetime ago, she thought.

  After leafing through the hats she chose one with less of a pointed top. “I’m a gonna git me one of these here Montana Peaks,” she said when Layla came out of the bathroom.

  “I sure hope we don’t wind up in Montana,” Layla laughed.

  “Why not?”

  “Frank Zappa. Some song about dental floss, just brings back unpleasant memories for me.”

  “Would you like me to choose another?”

  “You could just rename it.”

  “Yes, I could, but then every time you look at it I will think you are bummed out remembering unpleasant memories.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  “So I am going to take this one called Amber.”

  “Amber is good,” Layla laughed.

  They arrived at breakfast with the iPad and Denise showed the hat designs to Kinsa and gave her the measurements.

  “So, you are anticipating being out in the sun?” Nola asked, motioning for them to be seated with a smile.

  “Yes. Don’t ask me why exactly, but I had an intense dream last night that I believe was more than a dream.”


  “Yes. The words an old Latina woman said to me in a restaurant were ringing in my head, about being able to see the future and the need to act on it quickly.”

  “These biscuits and gravy are actually better than the first time if that’s possible,” Layla smiled.

  “So is the coffee. My compliments to the cook,” Denise grinned.

  “We are the talk of the town on Earth,” Nola said.

  “Yes, I figured we would be. I’d like us to be dropped off on the outskirts of town east of the city,” Denise said.

  “Aren is already there with a few others monitoring all activity, especially all flights in the area.”

  “Yes, well I don’t know where this day will lead us. I have not heard from Myla overnight.”

  “When you are ready Cyn will be your chauffer and standby if you need her.”

  “Great. I guess we can have someone drop off the hats we ordered, or just head into a western wear store in Lubbock,” Denise said. “That was REALLY good coffee Nola.”

  “Oh yes. Mighty fine breakfast,” Layla said.

  When they stood up to go back to Denise’s quarters Kinsa walked in the door carrying two cowboy hats. “I hope you like the material,” she said.

  “Kinsa, they’re perfect,” Layla said, putting her hat on.

  “Perfect, just like the boots, and they match,” Denise smiled.

  “The material will block the sunlight and heat, but they should feel as though you are not wearing a hat.”

  “If someone were to analyze the material in a lab would they think the materials are not from our world?” Denise asked with a grin.


  “Well on that note, we shall go pack it up and get ready to depart.”

  “Be careful,” Nola said.

  “Thank you, we will,” Denise smiled.

  Within the hour they were aboard the shuttle with Cyn on their way to Texas.

  Chapter 33


  Cyn dropped Denise and Layla off heading north on Vetch Avenue just east of Ransom Canyon, which was just east of Lubbock. Denise allowed Layla to choose the exterior of the car. She chose a tan 1969 Pontiac GTO. They were both wearing their boots, a good idea Layla thought if they were going to be walking around anywhere that had the risk of snakes or other desert creatures that could ruin your day if bitten.

  When they turned left and headed west on 66th Street, Denise heard a female voice in her head utter one word, Mercedes. It did not sound like Myla.

  “Could it be the woman helping her?” Layla asked.

  “I don’t know. She is not answering.

  The Mustang that now appeared as a GTO continued west until Layla brought it around to Foothill Drive. “There is a definite lack of the color green around here,” she said.

  “Yeah. It’s kind of depressing.”

  “Well there’s some money in these parts,” Layla laughed.

  “I really like this car you chose. I wonder if we’ll have anyone offer to buy it?”

  “I’ve always loved GTO’s.”

  “Wonder how many folks are going to be looking up tonight?”


  They drove along the winding roads through the area. It reminded Denise of a poorly designed Chicago suburb. When they turned off Ransom Road onto County Road 6900 heading west, Denise heard the sound of two female voices softly singing in her head. Everyday it’s a gettin’ closer, goin’ faster than a roller coaster, love like yours will surely come my way.

  “I’d know that look anywhere,” Layla giggled.

  Denise started singing the lyrics to her.

  “Buddy Holly again. What say we go visit his grave?” Layla said.

  “After last night, if we can get near it, let’s.”

  Denise turned on the radio and moved through the Lubbock area radio stations. “Lot’s of good Christian radio down here.”

  “You know you can tell a lot about a place by the music they listen to.”

  Denise turned the CD back on. “Somewhat depressing.”

  “Well darling, we’re officially within the Lubbock city limits,” Layla said.

  “What’s it like driving a GTO?”


  Buddy Holly’s grave was not hard to find. The road alongside it was lined with vehicles. There must have been around 250 people gathered there, mostly talking about the night before.

  “Come on, bring your camera,” Denise said.

  They parked the Mustang GTO on the drive and walked over to the grave. No one seemed to give them a second look. “Pennies and guitar picks,” Layla said, snapping a few images of his tombstone.

  Denise was trying to imagine the plane crash that killed him. “So sad. Imagine all the great music he might have recorded had he lived longer.”

  “Yeah, but what interest do THEY have in Buddy?” a man in his twenties asked, pointing up to the sky above.

  “Maybe they just came to pa
y their respects, as fans,” Layla said.

  “Well, at least they didn’t steal the tombstone. They can take people but please leave the tombstone,” another guy laughed.

  Let’s get out of here, Denise said.

  When they walked back to the car there were two Latin men leaning against it, a young woman standing between them. Denise recognized the woman as the person who was helping Myla.

  “It should be ok,” she whispered to Layla who was already getting into kick someone mode.

  “Excuse us, but we were leaving,” Denise said when they go to the car.

  The woman said something quietly to the two men and they walked over to a car about a half block away. “Denizen?” the woman asked.

  “Yes. Mercedes?”

  “Yes,” she smiled.

  Layla felt a bit uneasy and continued looking around waiting for the bomb to drop.

  “Can you direct us to where Myla is being kept,” Denise asked. For some reason she felt a sudden sense of urgency.

  “I would have, but she is gone. They left in the middle of the night after last night’s visits.”

  Layla still looked around expecting someone to try taking them into custody.

  Denise weighed what Mercedes just told her. She had no reason to believe the woman who helped her get her messages out, who sang along with Myla to get her to come to this place, was lying for whoever had her.

  “How did you know I would come here?” Denise asked.

  “I saw you before you even heard our song, just as you have seen part of your future.”

  “Did they leave any clue, anything, a word, a thought, anything that might help us know where they’ve taken her?”

  “Perhaps. It may be nothing, it is not much.”


  “I heard one of the men telling someone on his phone that they were moving to a place in the desert smack dab between the green eyes.”

  “Between the green eyes?” Denise sighed.

  “They left by car, two black large SUV’s,” Mercedes said.

  “I can’t ask you to risk more than you have Mercedes, but is there any way you can direct us to where she was being kept?”


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