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Sons of Justice 12_Confident in Love

Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Gorgeous,” he said, and then pressed his lips to hers and kissed her tenderly.

  When he released her and moved to the side, Bronco was there.

  “Headache still gone?” he asked, and winked.

  “What headache?” she replied, and he offered her his hand. She placed her hand in his and he pulled her up, and at the same time wrapped his arm around her waist and hoisted her up against him as if she were light as a feather. She grabbed onto his shoulders.

  “Bronco!” she exclaimed.

  “You have a great ass, baby. A great everything,” he said to her. She held onto his shoulders. “Kiss me, Avana, because you want to. Because you feel this attraction we all feel, and you want to get to know us, too.”

  She kissed the others. Felt so much, and right now she was feeling the same for Bronco. It was crazy.

  “I think I lost my mind,” she said, and then pressed her lips to his, closed her eyes and welcomed the feelings of being held so tight, being protected, wanted, and desired.

  * * * *

  Bronco took Avana’s hand and led her across the mats and into the house. They were all pretty quiet, probably in shock over what just happened between them and Avana. From the moment she walked into the gym, dressed all business-like and sexy, he knew he wanted to kiss her. She was sweet, shy, voluptuous, and petite. His mind was reeling with different thoughts, including the information he and the team got from Frankie, about how Avana had been in a very abusive relationship a few years ago, and hadn’t dated anyone since.

  Men like that tended to prey on sweet, feminine women who couldn’t defend themselves without the proper training and mindset. He didn’t like the thoughts going through his head when he first learned about the abusive relationship, and how easily the guy took advantage of Avana’s size, her femininity, and sweetness.

  “Stay to eat something with us. It will help you feel better, too,” Bronco told her as they entered the house.

  “I don’t know. I think maybe it’s a good time to leave,” she whispered.

  He pulled her close, and wrapped his arm around her waist. “No it isn’t. We want to get to know you, and talk.”

  “Just talk?” she asked, staring up at him. This workout outfit of hers was something else. The woman filled out clothing incredibly.

  “Unless you’d rather fool around instead of eat,” he teased. She blushed and lowered her eyes. Woodrow placed his hands on her shoulders from behind her.

  “I wouldn’t mind that, but Avana hasn’t eaten all day and that isn’t good. We need to feed the woman.” He kissed her neck. She shivered.

  “Come on over,” Cole called to her.

  “Let me just go wash up,” she said, and Bronco released her so she could use the bathroom.

  As soon as the door closed, he looked at the others.

  “Holy fucking shit,” Woodrow whispered, and they chuckled.

  Spade ran his fingers through his hair. Frankie was smiling wide, pulling out cold cuts and rolls. Nathan rubbed his jaw as he sat on the bar stool.

  “She’s incredible, but timid,” Bronco said to them, walking over to the sink to wash his hands. He then grabbed a bottle of water like the others had.

  “I feel so fucking protective of her. Kind of aggravated teaching her self-defense because it’s like I want to be the one protecting her, so she doesn’t need to protect herself. Is that fucking weird?” Spade asked.

  “Not at all. I felt it every time I was training her alone,” Frankie said to them, then they heard the door open and she reappeared.

  “What do you like to eat? We have chicken, turkey, ham, cheese—"

  “I usually don’t eat a lot. Maybe salad,” she said to them.

  “We have that, too,” Cole said, and opened the refrigerator.

  “How do you like it?” he asked.

  “I can do it. You don’t need to do this, really. Kind of above and beyond the whole training thing,” she said.

  Nathan took her hand and pulled her between his thighs as he sat on the stool. He rubbed her arms and looked into her eyes. “I think we’re way past it being about training.” He cupped her cheek and rubbed his thumb along her lower lip.

  “Nathan, this is a lot to take in.”

  Bronco walked closer. “We know it is, but if we start putting up walls, then it won’t work out. We can discuss how we’re feeling, and make plans to spend more time together,” he suggested.

  “Sound good? Nice and slow?” Nathan asked, and caressed her arms and then held her by her hips.

  “I really don’t know any of you. I never let anyone kiss me like you guys did without even knowing you, or dating you, or whatever.”

  “That’s good to know, and confirms that what we feel, this attraction, is different than anything else. We’ll take the time to get to know you, and you to get to know each of us. Just don’t deny the feelings, baby. Don’t push us away because you may be scared or whatever. Promise me you’ll try?” Nathan said to her.

  “I promise.”

  “Good, so how do you like your salad?” Cole asked.

  “I’ll help you,” she said, and went to move but Nathan kept her in place.

  “Nathan,” she said his name, and he held her gaze.

  “You have to pay the toll.”

  She placed her hands on her hips and Bronco watched her breasts lift. She squinted at him. “What toll?”

  He pulled her closer. “A kiss of course,” he teased. She took a deep breath and exhaled as if annoyed at his games. Bronco wanted to laugh. He’d never seen Nathan like this. Nathan raised up one of his eyebrows in challenge. Then they all watched Avana stand up on tiptoes, run her palms up Nathan’s chest, and press her lips to his. His hand slid around her waist tight, and then his other hand smoothed over her ass. She pulled back, placed her hands behind her to squeeze out of his arms, and push his hand off her ass as he chuckled.

  “Nice, Nathan,” she reprimanded.

  He laughed. “Sweetie, I’m not going to apologize. You got one hell of a body,” Nathan said.

  She turned away and locked gazes with Bronco, who gave her a wink, and then Woodrow chimed in. “Don’t give her the salad yet, Cole. Charge her a toll to get it.”

  They laughed, but she placed her hands on her hips and pointed at Woodrow. “Watch it, you,” she said, and then Cole started taking things out of the refrigerator so she could make a salad.

  * * * *

  Spade watched Avana making her salad with Cole helping to cut up tomatoes. She did have a great ass. It was small, round, and stuck out just so. She had some definition in her arms and her thighs. He was glad she picked up on some of the moves they taught her, quickly. For some strange reason he felt pretty nervous about her on her own. He didn’t understand why. Was it because he and the team were attracted to her, got to kiss her, feel her in his arms, or was it jealousy, and fear of losing her? Maybe fear of something happening to her because of what happened to Talia? He didn’t know, but he felt a tightness in his chest, a bit of anxiety liking her so much and so instantly.

  He didn’t want to analyze his feelings right now, but damn as she stood in the kitchen making her salad with Cole, and all of them hanging out watching, he wanted more days like this. Hell, nights and mornings, too. She could be the one for them. A new life in this town Repose. Could it happen? Crazy.

  * * * *

  Avana grabbed onto Woodrow’s shoulders as he lifted her up into his arms and kissed her. She straddled his waist and he pressed her onto the kitchen table. She held onto his shoulders so she wouldn’t fall backward, and he gripped her head under her hair as he deepened the kiss. So much for quick kisses good-bye. They sat with her while she ate her salad, they talked about work, about training, and then she told them she needed to go home to shower and change. Otherwise she was going to be here for dinner, and who knew where that would lead. She kissed each of them, then hugged them. Woodrow waited, looked fierce, and then shocked her, lifting her up as if she were l
ight as a feather and then kissed her.

  He rocked his hips as he plunged his tongue deeper. His hand stroked her thigh and then slid to her ass lifting her off the table slightly to squeeze her ass cheek.

  She moaned into his mouth and when she felt his hand move upward to the strap of her tank top, she had to slow him down. She gripped his shoulders, and as she pulled from his lips he squeezed her to him. “Don’t go yet.” He pressed his mouth to her neck.

  She ran her hand up his neck to the back of his head as he suckled hard on a sensitive chord in her neck. Her lips parted, she moaned. “Oh God, Woodrow. Woodrow.” He moved his other hand up her ribs to her breast and cupped it. She grabbed him and pressed against his chest. His hands slid to her hips.

  “You need to slow down. It’s too much. I…I…” She felt the tears fill her eyes and his eyes narrowed, and then he pulled her into an embrace.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry if I scared you. Did I? Scare you?” he asked, and she was shocked. He sounded upset, but also knowing. Her eyes locked onto Frankie’s. He looked fierce, and she wouldn’t look at the others who were right there. So close and waiting.

  “You told them?” she asked. The realization that Frankie would let them know about the abusive relationship she was in, and how Thylane, Lauren, Talia, and Tiana thought it would help her to take these self-defense classes and get training one on one with Frankie could help. They would know how weak she was. How weak she still was.

  “Avana,” Frankie whispered, and had that look, that expression of sympathy. Like he felts sorry for her.

  What were they doing? Trying to bring her back into the dating scene and pretend to feel such an attraction to her? How could they when they knew her past and she knew nothing about theirs? She tried to wiggle free from Woodrow’s hold while she pushed against his chest. “Let me down. I want to leave. I get it. Let me down,” she demanded, pushing at Woodrow’s rock solid chest.

  He tightened and gripped her hips. “No. Don’t go. Don’t be upset because we know about the guy you dated that was abusive.”

  “Oh God.” She covered her face and wanted to cry, but she was so insulted. So hurt and angry. They had been talking about her, discussing her life, her stupidity, and probably planning to seduce her. She uncovered her face.

  “You think I would be easy to manipulate? To seduce?” She shoved at him and he released her, stepped back and she slid off the table. She fixed her top and glared at them. Frankie went to put his hand on her shoulder. “Avana, it’s not what you think.”

  “Don’t leave. We don’t think any of those things,” Cole said.

  She shook her head, then walked backward, shoving Frankie’s hand off of her.

  “Don’t talk to me.”

  “Avana?” Frankie said to her.

  “I trusted you. You don’t know about all of it. Hell, you don’t know anything but what little I shared. I trusted you.” She shook her head as her voice cracked, and then she hurried toward the door to the gym. She looked for her bag unable to find it immediately, her vision blurry from crying. She felt like an idiot. How embarrassing was this? No wonder all six of them were interested, and kissing her and trying to feel her up. They wanted sex, and figured she was easy and they could just get rid of her when they were through. This is why she didn’t date. She didn’t trust anyone.

  “You’re not leaving,” Frankie said to her.

  “I can’t find my—"

  When she looked at him he was holding her bag. He threw it behind the counter and then stomped toward her. She backed up and he stepped again. “Don’t move,” he ordered. She froze in place. He stared down into her eyes. “When have I ever lied to you?” She didn’t say a word. “When?” he raised his voice.

  Her emotions, the fears, everything got her emotional and angry, but she wasn’t a woman who lashed out, who raged. Sure, she got angry and well she must have been pretty comfortable around the men to raise her voice and walk out, but still she wasn’t confrontational. She was hurt. She felt like she could trust them. Like she could finally take a chance because their kisses felt so good and their embraces so right, and healing. But he promised he wouldn’t say a word to anyone. He broke that promise.

  “I trusted you,” she whispered.

  He squinted and then exhaled, stepped closer, and placed his hands on her hips. He bent down slightly so he could look her in the eyes. She felt her breathing hitch. She liked him so much, but she was too untrusting.

  “I didn’t break that trust. I confided in five other men, my family, my brothers-in-arms, so they could understand why you would hold back. Why you would be fearful, and how important it was that we were sure we all wanted to pursue you as our woman.”

  “Your woman?”

  “Yes, our woman,” Nathan said, joining them. The others didn’t come out.

  She glanced at Nathan.

  “As leader of this team, it’s my responsibility to protect my team, my family, as well as do what is best for them. Each of us are attracted to you, Avana. We want to get to know you better. Want to help you see that not all men are out to control, manipulate, and abuse a woman. Real men put their woman first. Will do everything to protect her and possess her, so she knows exactly whom she belongs to. We want that with you. So don’t be angry because Frankie told us about the guy you dated, and that the relationship was abusive. It helped us to understand your fears and try to go slow.”

  “Slow?” she questioned as he reached out and stroked her hair from her shoulder, then wiped away the tear from her cheek.

  “Kind of hard to go slow when you drive us wild with desire and make us want to go fast, and deep,” he said, and she nearly moaned.

  The fact that both men were touching her at the same time added to her desire, and she gripped Frankie’s wrists.

  “I don’t know anything about any of you, and here you are knowing something so deep, personal and so upsetting about me and my life. That upsets me so much. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I think it’s best I leave.”

  Frankie’s hold tightened.

  “Not like this. Not mad at me for telling them. For wanting them all to understand how important you already are to me, and that you come first. They’ll put you first, Avana. Give us a chance. Go out with us. Spend time with us, alone if you want, and if it feels more comfortable,” Frankie said to her.

  She swallowed hard, and glanced up at Nathan. “You sister is one of my best friends.”

  “And she knows where my interest lays, as well as my men’s,” Nathan replied.

  She battled with a response, but her gut clenched and pushed the words from her lips. “I don’t want to get hurt.”

  “We promise not to hurt you. Take a chance,” Nathan said.

  She licked her lower lip.

  “I have a busy week, but there’s a classic car show on Friday night in Ausberry. The insurance company has tables set up promoting business. Gail, me, and two other workers are running the table. I only work the table until four. If you aren’t busy and would all like to check out the car show, maybe we could meet up and walk around, then get something to eat. There’s a really nice BBQ—"

  Nathan pressed his lips to hers and kissed her, stopping her from talking. Frankie pressed closer and kissed her neck.

  “We’ll be there. Definitely will be there.”

  Chapter Three

  Meredith screamed at the top of her lungs. The masked man was back and with a vengeance. She was so hungry, so exhausted, and in pain that she thought she was hallucinating when he returned. He raged about a woman named Ella. About her bringing him pleasure in the dungeon, and that there was more he needed from her. That she got him to the point in which he came.

  When he was done with Meredith, she lay on the rug, barely even able to breathe and wishing for death. She no longer held hope of being rescued, she now prayed the next breath was her last. When she felt his fingertips under her chin tilting her face toward him, she exhaled.

  “I wish
I could keep you longer, but my mind, my body’s needs keep seeking her out. She’s there, touchable, obtainable, but I know with her it will mean forever. Am I ready for that? To give up life, to put that need to figure out what love really is, what keeps two people bound so close that they would do anything for one another? Am I ready to give that up? Is the experiment over?” He shoved her face away and she lay flat on her back, bloody, in pain, and begging in her mind to die.

  He paced, looked at her, and this time before he left he didn’t feed her, or leave her anything to drink. Didn’t leave a light on, or any indication that he would come back. She knew this was her tomb, her place of death, and she closed her eyes and let go. Meredith was done fighting for life. It was finally over, and death couldn’t come fast enough.

  * * * *

  He gripped the steering wheel as he pulled down the dirt road and through the trees. A shack in the middle of nowhere, rooting to the side of a community known for hunting and farmland. He was glad now that he hadn’t brought her to that special place. The one with all the memories, the trophies of his victims. No, that was a special place and a location so hidden no one would ever find it, or find them. He couldn’t stop the thoughts and needs building inside of him. He needed to plan, to prepare and then to act. She was so damn special, the one he had his eyes on. That long brown hair, big brown eyes, and a sweetness that made her vulnerable and weak to a man with his capabilities.

  He had plans for her, for them, as the life they both once led would no longer be, and together they would live, feed, and breathe off one another and their connection. Was he ready? He sure thought so, because Ella didn’t bring him to the point of which he needed to lose himself. Lose that control, and come hard. No, instead for some crazy reason, while they engaged in sexual play he thought about her. About the woman that could make him reach that ultimate point of pleasure. Hell, just thinking about her hardened him. Maybe he should have done that to Meredith before he left her there to die. Thought about the woman he would take next? That could have helped, but no, instead he beat her down, left her for dead, and in a few weeks before he took his special prize, he would go back and get rid of the body. But right now, the plan was in motion. When the opportunity arose, he would be ready, and sweet, sexy, little Avana would be his for eternity.


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