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Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Luciani, Kristen

  She stood there, flabbergasted. How did everything change so quickly? A few days ago everything was fabulous and full of promise. And now? My career and health are crumbling around me, threatening my livelihood and any chance of happiness with James. This is such bullshit! I worked so hard on this! She clenched her fists. No, wait, don’t get crazy, Jess. Stop letting this prick pull the strings. Take control of your life, dammit!

  Jessica took a deep breath. “Nothing else, Charlie.” She picked up the papers and left without another word. Screw him. It’s on.

  “JESSICA, YOU CAN come in now. I’m Maggie, I don’t think we’ve met before.”

  Jessica smiled and followed Maggie to the exam room. “Okay, sweetie, here we are. Why don’t you hop onto the table?”

  Jessica complied and sat still as Maggie checked her vitals.

  “How are you feeling?”

  Jessica sighed. “I’m hanging in there.”

  Maggie took her hand. “I can only imagine how difficult this has been on you.”

  “Things were really bad for a while after the initial diagnosis but I want to focus on the future.” She pictured James and remembered how sweet his lips felt on hers. “I’m trying to be optimistic, even though I’ve hit some snags.”

  Maggie finished taking the blood samples and squeezed her hand. “Things will get easier, sweetie. The important thing is that you have the very best neurologist in the city. I can tell you’re a tough cookie. You’re going to get through this.”

  “Thanks.” She didn’t feel so tough right then, but it was nice to hear those words.

  “I’ll let Dr. Martin know you’re all set.” Maggie left and closed the door.

  Jessica sighed again and sat back in the exam chair with her eyes closed. The pins and needles sensation in her feet was localized but the sudden numbness caused concern. Two symptoms at once could mean another lesion formed on my brain. And who knows what that episode in Oakland could mean? Dizziness, extreme fatigue…what the hell is happening in my body? I know I shouldn’t think this way, but I’m petrified of what will happen next. And nobody can tell me what to expect. She took a deep breath. Stay focused, be positive.

  A knock at the door. Dr. Martin’s handsome face peeked in and he greeted her with a friendly wink. “Jessica! So good to see you! You look great!”

  It was hard not to smile. He was such a charmer. With his twinkling blue eyes and graying hair, he always reminded her a little bit of Frank Sinatra. It didn’t hurt that he was also one of the top neurologists in his field and a close friend of her dad’s.

  “I’m glad I at least look that way.” She clasped her hands together. “The tingling still hasn’t gone away and I’ve been experiencing some numbness in my right arm. It started a few days ago. And something weird happened the other night. My memory is a little hazy, but my best friend filled me in the next morning.” She paused, not anxious to reminisce but Dr. Martin needed all of the information. “An overwhelming feeling of intense exhaustion came over me. I was acting strange—babbling, wobbly, not able to stand. And then I just passed out in the car. It freaked me out because that was why I came to you in the first place, when I had that constant exhaustion, remember?”

  Dr. Martin wrote something down. “Have you felt that type of fatigue since then?”

  “No, just the sporadic tingling and now the numbness.”

  “How much did you have to drink that night?” He raised an eyebrow.

  Jessica felt her face flush. “One or two glasses of champagne.”

  He shook his head. “Anything since then?”

  “No, I’ve been going easy. I only have it once in a while.”

  “The good news is that I don’t think that incident was related to the MS. It doesn’t sound like you experienced an episode because the fatigue wouldn’t have gone away after just one occurrence. It sounds like an isolated incident. Maybe you didn’t eat very much that day and drinking the champagne on an empty stomach could certainly have that kind of effect. Especially if you really have cut down on the alcohol and your tolerance isn’t as high.” He gave her a pointed look.

  Jessica breathed out a sigh of relief. “Thank God!”

  “The numbness is troublesome, though. I’ll be very honest with you. It could signal a progression of the disease, at a more rapid rate than we initially thought.”

  Jessica swallowed hard. “What does it mean for me long-term? How long do I have before things get really serious?”

  “Well, we need to get you in for another MRI to properly evaluate the situation. There may be evidence that the disease has advanced and you need to be prepared. Unfortunately, we can’t predict how things will unfold. But Jessica, you’re in good hands here. I will be with you every step of the way, making sure that you have access to the best possible treatments available.” He paused. “You know a lot of this is your responsibility as well. It’s very hard to go through such a life-altering experience but the better you take care of yourself, the better your long-term prognosis will be. You have to trust me.”

  “I know.” She looked down at her hands. “Doc…if you were in my position and met someone, how would you bring this up? I mean, it didn’t work out too well for me the first time around and I guess I’m scared of the reaction I might get.”

  Dr. Martin sat down and folded his hands. “I’ve known you for a very long time. I’ve seen you grow into a wonderful young woman. You shouldn’t let this illness detract from everything you have to offer. Any guy would be lucky to capture your heart. Just be honest with him and trust your instincts. If he’s worth it, he’ll take it in stride. And if not?” Dr. Martin shrugged. “Well then, he’s just not the one for you and it’ll be his loss. It’s as simple as that.”

  Jessica nodded. “You’re right.”

  “I know this is really frightening. But there are a lot of treatment options available that can help you manage the pain and discomfort. Let’s take things one step at a time. Make the appointment with Maggie. We might be able to get you in for an MRI this week and then well go from there. In the meantime, keep up with your exercise routine and limit the alcohol.” He wagged a finger at her. “You also might want to rethink those heels. Try flats once in a while and give your feet a break.”

  “I will! I promise.”

  “Stay positive, Jessica. You have your whole life ahead of you. Make plans, look forward and be happy. This is a tiny blip on the radar. Concentrate on what’s important.” Dr. Martin saluted her and walked out.

  “WHAT ARE YOU doing up so early, honey?”

  James looked up to see his mother standing in the kitchen doorway. He raised his coffee mug in greeting, a smile on his face.

  “Are you nervous about the meeting?” She ruffled his hair on her way to the coffee pot.

  “Yeah, a little. I’m just preoccupied these days, that’s all.” He stretched his arms overhead. “But it’s going to be a good day, I can feel it.”

  “And is there anything or anyone else that has you feeling so chipper this morning?” His mom winked at him as she poured creamer into the steaming mug.

  James felt himself redden. “Maybe.”

  His mom sat next to him. “So, when are you seeing her again?”

  “Am I that transparent?” James groaned.

  “You’re not that obvious, don’t worry about it. But just between us, does Chris know how smitten you are? How well does he know you?”

  James laughed. “Come on, we’re guys, Mom. It’s not like I’m all dreamy around him, mooning over a girl. But yeah, I’m definitely into her, she’s fantastic.”

  His mom gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Jay, I’m so happy for you. You’ve been a different person recently. I hope she knows what a gem she’s getting. Okay, good luck today, sweetie. I’m off to the gym now.”

  James stared into the mug, exhausted but too eager to sleep. The investment from Blue Coat would be tremendous, a guarantee that LazerShark would be successful. But all he could think abo
ut was Jessica.

  It feels like she’s been gone for months already. Not knowing when I’ll see her again is driving me insane. He ran his index finger around the rim of the mug. Would I look like a crazy ass stalker if I flew out to surprise her?

  His phone buzzed and he grabbed it, hoping to see her number flash on the screen. No such luck. With a disappointed sigh, he answered. “What’s up, Chris?”

  “I just got an update from the Blue Coat account manager. There’s been a change in venue for the pitch meeting.” James could hear the apprehension in Chris’s voice, which was uncharacteristic for him.

  “What’s going on? Where are we meeting?”

  He sighed. “Jay, this is going down a little differently than we planned.”

  “Don’t take years to get to the point. Where are we going? And why do you sound so stressed?”

  “We’re meeting Emerson at the Stanford Golf Course. His request.”

  “Are you kidding me? How the hell are we supposed to pitch him while we’re golfing? Where do we set up the projector, on the damned cart? I don’t even have a set of clubs, for chrissakes!”

  “I know, I know. I suspect he’s springing this on us last minute to see how flexible and adaptable we can be. You know, it’s probably a test. I told you how he wants to get to know us as people, to see how we gel and all that kind of crap. So, he throws us this major curve to see how well we can deal with it.” Chris groaned.

  “What time are we meeting him?”

  “In forty-five. Hope you didn’t take the tags off that suit yet.”


  Hearing Jessica’s voice made James’s heart race. God, I miss her. “I just wanted to let you know I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  Jessica’s voice dropped to a whisper. She must be at the office. “I’ve been thinking about you too…a lot.”

  “Oh yeah?” James grinned. “So what are we going to do about it? Too much thinking going on, if you ask me. Need to turn it into some action. What do you say about that?”

  “I’d say I agree.” Her voice took on a playful tone. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Well, nothing that I could engage in right now, unfortunately.” He sighed. “I guess it’ll just have to wait.”

  “Oh my gosh! It’s time, right? Are you ready? You’re going to be great!”

  “I’m as ready as I can be, but I’m not really sure how well my golf game is going to translate into a successful investment pitch.”

  “What do you mean? What does golf have to do with it?”

  “Oh, Chris got a call this morning letting him know that we’re only meeting the principal today and he wants to meet us for a round of golf. Chris thinks it’s some kind of a test but I’m feeling like it’s about him being on a power trip more than anything else.” James laced up his sneakers.

  “Tons of deals are made on the golf course. I’m sure it’ll be fine and he’ll love you guys!”

  “I hope so. I really hope Blue Coat works out for us. Chris is completely focused on this firm. You ever hear of it? I told him he better make a good showing today on the course or it’s all over.” James snickered.

  “Oh, Blue Coat? Well, um, I know of the company. I’ve heard they’re the best for technology start-ups. I want to hear all about it. Call me when you’re done, okay? I’m not going to tell you to break a leg though.”

  “I promise I’ll call you afterward. Hope I survive the round. This is a first for me.”

  “Okay, until later.”

  “Until later.” He looked at the clock. Chris would be over any minute and he needed to get his head on straight for this ridiculous outing.

  JESSICA SAT BACK on the plush cordovan sofa. She let out a deep sigh and rubbed her temple as she waited for her mother to return. Like I need something else to worry about right now.

  Blue Coat? Seriously? What were the odds that James was pitching to Paul freaking Emerson?

  This was hitting much too close to home. First, her chance run-ins with Paul in California and now this? James can never find out about that night. Just add it to my list of secrets.

  Julia Latham’s spacious corner office boasted breathtaking views of the Manhattan skyline surrounding Central Park. Her mother’s schedule was packed as usual, but Jessica decided to stop by for a surprise visit after her appointment with Dr. Martin.

  She sipped a nonfat chai latte and surveyed the framed photographs arranged around the room. There were a lot of smiling faces staring back—pictures of her and Haley with their parents, always in high spirits on vacations, at family gatherings, at home. Cheerful times, when they didn’t seem to have a care in the world. A small part of her longed to be in one of those photographs right now, caught in the bliss of a single moment, no treatments or tests to think about, no worries about how her disease would impact the future, no work stress, no fears or insecurities about her fledgling relationship with James.

  The door opened. Julia instructed her assistant Krista to hold all calls. She walked in, beaming at her daughter. “Jessie, sweetheart!” She crossed the room and enveloped her in a warm perfumed embrace. Jessica squeezed her mother, eyes burning with unshed tears.

  Julia pulled back, still holding Jessica’s arms. “Are you okay? I was so nervous when Krista emailed me that you were here. It’s not like you to drop by unannounced, especially when you should be at work.”

  “I know, I’m sorry if I made you nervous. I just needed—I needed to see you alone.” She was unable to keep the tears from falling any longer.

  “Oh, honey.” Julia stroked Jessica’s hair and hugged her again. “Did something happen? What did Dr. Martin say?”

  Jessica sniffled as she rehashed her conversation with the doctor.

  “Jessie.” Julia held her arms out and Jessica fell into her embrace, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “I don’t know anything for sure yet because I need to have the MRI. I’m trying to be strong, Mom, but it’s so hard. And to top it all off, work’s been a horror lately. My boss is such an insufferable creep. I’ve been putting in so much time and effort for a promotion but things are just falling apart. I’m trying to keep everything in perspective, but it’s an uphill battle every day, and I—”

  Julia frowned as they sat back on the sofa. “Jessica, I don’t like how this job is impacting you. It’s taking too much of a toll on you physically and emotionally. Why don’t you just take a break for a while and relax? Dad and I will help you out.”

  Jessica shook her head. “No, Mom. I love you for offering. I know you guys only want the best for me but I have to do this. I need to get control of my life. You can’t take care of me forever.”

  Julia sighed. “Honey, I know this has been a difficult time for you. You’re a talented, bright young lady and if they can’t see that, then maybe you’re in the wrong place. If nothing else, why don’t you at least tell them about your diagnosis? Maybe that will get your boss to lay off.”

  “No way. I can’t tell them. I don’t want anyone’s sympathy or charity. I don’t need it. I’m so close, Mom. There’s so much opportunity there. I know I got dealt a bad hand with Charlie but I’m getting this promotion. I have a plan. Look at it this way, I learned perseverance and unwavering focus from the very best.”

  Julia smiled and held Jessica’s hands. “I’m so proud of you, honey, of everything you’ve accomplished. I know you feel like you have something to prove with this job, but it’s not important enough to jeopardize your health.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I’m handling everything as well as I can. I guess I just needed a fancy Chanel shoulder pad to cry on.” She winked at her mother.

  Julia swatted at Jessica’s arm. “Is that all I am to you? Just a shoulder pad?”

  Jessica laughed and the tears formed again. “Well, there’s actually more…I, um…I met someone.”

  “You did?” Julia’s eyes lit up. “Where? How did it happen?”

  “Well, that’s one of the problem
s. I met him in California while I was out there on business. Not that I was looking. It just kind of…happened.” She let out a deep sigh. “But Mom, he’s just amazing. His name is James and he runs an Internet start-up. He’s funny, really genuine, warm, not to mention totally gorgeous. I really like him. We went out while I was there. I never thought I’d feel like this though. I figured it would fizzle with me leaving. But I don’t want to walk away, even though there’s so much in our path.”

  Julia beamed. “Oh Jessie, I’m so happy for you! That’s great news!”

  “Mom, we had such an incredible connection. I hoped it could play out since I’m supposed to be out there for work. But as of this morning, they don’t want me to continue and I was reassigned back to the city. I have no idea when I’ll see him again.”

  “Did you mention anything to him about—”

  “No! It’s way too soon. As it is, we have a three thousand mile commute to handle. He doesn’t need to know anything else at this point. I mean, I don’t want to scare him off. I’m still trying to figure out how to make it happen.”

  Julia sighed. “Sweetie, I know you’re nervous about how he may react, but you need to be honest. If he’s as great as you say, then he’ll still care about you.” Julia tucked a strand of hair behind Jessica’s ear.

  “Thanks, Mom. I’m just scared. It’s not only the fear of being disappointed and hurt again, but also about misjudging someone for a second time. I can’t go through that again.”

  “I think he’s going to see exactly what everyone else already knows—that you’re a wonderful girl with so much to offer. I’d be hard pressed to think he would walk away from that.”

  “I love you so much, Mom. I wouldn’t have gotten through the past few months without you.”

  “I love you, too, Jessie. You’re so strong and so driven. Never doubt yourself and never close yourself off because you’re afraid of getting hurt. That’s a risk you take to find the one.”

  “DO YOU KNOW how long it takes to become a member here?” Chris maneuvered the Audi R8 into a narrow parking space at the exclusive Stanford Golf Course.


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