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CELESTIA (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 1)

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by Yumoyori Wilson

  Table of Contents





  Fear And Redemption


  Thank You

  My Familiar, Partner And Best Friend


  Written Entrance Exam

  Six Misfits Of Aslan


  Deadly Intrusion And Double Vision

  Unicorn Shifter

  Side Effects & Acceptance

  Team Misfits Of Aslan Academy

  Red Eyes And Troubled Past

  Archery With A Hint Of Sorrow

  Trap And Loneliness

  Different Yet The Same

  Study Break And Cupcakes

  Prove Your Worth

  Deep Connection And Deadly Secret


  Darkness Falls And Ultimate Test

  Ultimate Test


  Reality With A Pinch Of Magic

  Celestia 2

  Taming The Storm - Sneak Peek

  Taming the Storm - Blurb

  Taming the Storm

  About Yumoyori Wilson

  Books by Yumoyori Wilson

  This is work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright© Yumoyori Wilson, 2018

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The publisher is not responsible for website (or their content) that are not own by the publisher.

  This eBook/Paperback is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook/Paperback may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

  Cover Design by Crimson Phoenix Creations

  Editing by Elizabeth A Lance & Rachel Mowry

  Format: Gina Wynn





  1. Invitation

  2. Fear And Redemption

  3. Gratefulness

  4. Thank You

  5. My Familiar, Partner And Best Friend

  6. Farewell

  7. Written Entrance Exam

  8. Six Misfits Of Aslan

  9. Survival

  10. Deadly Intrusion And Double Vision

  11. Unicorn Shifter

  12. Side Effects & Acceptance

  13. Team Misfits Of Aslan Academy

  14. Red Eyes And Troubled Past

  15. Archery With A Hint Of Sorrow

  16. Trap And Loneliness

  17. Different Yet The Same

  18. Study Break And Cupcakes

  19. Prove Your Worth

  20. Deep Connection And Deadly Secret

  21. Surprise

  22. Darkness Falls And Ultimate Test

  23. Ultimate Test

  24. Revelation

  25. Reality With A Pinch Of Magic

  Celestia 2

  Taming The Storm - Sneak Peek

  Taming the Storm - Blurb

  Taming the Storm

  About Yumoyori Wilson

  Books by Yumoyori Wilson


  Thank you for purchasing CELESTIA

  Thank you to all my amazing supporters for being awesome and encouraging me to write every day.

  Special thanks to Tamara White, Aspen Winters, C.M Stunich and Tate James for being such amazing friends and motivators (literally my daily sprint buddies haha xoxo).

  Thank you to my amazing BETA team for so being so epic and lively. You make this journey A LOT easier and I’m grateful to have all of you in my life. Thank you for working extra hard this release and dealing with the schedule change.

  Special thanks to my amazing editors Elizabeth and Rachel. You both made releasing this book on time a success and I couldn’t be more grateful to have you on my publishing team.

  Special thanks to my amazing Mom for blessing me with the gift to write and supporting me in all aspects. I pray to continue making you proud as I strive towards success.

  Finally, I thank God for giving me the strength to achieve my goals. Without Him, I would be nothing.



  What do you become when your father’s a centaur and your mother’s a powerful magician?

  A unicorn shifter…

  You’d think being the only known unicorn shifter in the world would have a few benefits, like people treating you kindly or getting special treatment from the council. Not in my case. I'd be lucky to get a piece of bread thrown at me.

  My name is Celestia Rainbow, and yes, my last name is fucking Rainbow.

  Shifters assume that I’m kind by nature, but trust me, I’m not. I’m fierce, short-tempered and have the mouth of a sailor. Add in my stealthy fighting skills, advanced magic casting, and swift movement, you’ll soon realize I'm

  someone you wouldn't want to mess with. But everyone seems to only look at my shifter side— my ditzy peaceful half, sprinkling magic dust and on a mission to end world hunger.

  Regardless of my dual personality, I’ve sworn to become a huntress at Aslan Academy. Now that I’m of age— my lucky twenty-fifth birthday just happens to coincide with the entrance exams —I’m ready to prove my worth.

  Too bad I’ve been grouped up with six sinfully attractive men.

  Time to prove to my community, classmates, and this attractive bunch of weirdos that unicorns can kick ass too.

  “Oh, look who it is. Ms. Rainbow! Why don’t you cough up some glitter? Haha.”

  “I can’t believe she actually thinks unicorns exist.”

  “She’s mentally insane. No wonder her mother abandoned her.”

  “That’s obvious. Why else would Orlando be so consumed by his gatekeeper work? I bet he can’t stand her and chooses to drown in his duties, just so he doesn’t need to deal with her.”

  I sighed, putting my hands against my ears in an attempt to block out the whispers that assaulted my sensitive hearing.

  Why won’t they leave me alone? Why does everyone believe I am crazy? All the rumors are wrong. Everything they’re saying is wrong. Mommy didn’t leave me. Daddy doesn’t want to work all the time to avoid me. Why can’t they understand I’m telling them the truth about what I am? Why?

  I opened my tear-filled eyes as I turned around and ran into the forest. I could hear the lingering laughter mocking me as I retreated.

  It made me wonder why I still lived. Why was I brought into such a world if I had no one to turn to?

  I was the only unicorn shifter in existence, or so the records claimed. Not that it mattered; no one believed me anyway.

  Even with the multiple voices and fingers pointed in my direction, and the kicks and shoves I received from my enemies who never believed me, I knew shifting into my unicorn form wouldn’t stop the bullying. No, it would only escalate it.

  I promised Daddy I would never show that side of me unless it was to defend myself or to train. Only my Master could see that form, and he would train me when the time was right.

  But when would that time come? When would I be able to prove my worth to a society who saw me as nothing but a burden? Being alone was hard for many people, and I had been alone my entire life.

  I continued to walk through
the forest as I tried to calm down— allowing my feet to wander aimlessly. It always ended up this way, with me retreating back to the only companion I’ve ever had: nature itself.

  I had no friends or relatives to reach out to. My mom was far away, too far for a simple train ride to see her wondrous smile. My father was a gatekeeper, helping guard the gates of dimensions to various worlds. Such a role was usually a birthright or achieved at a young age.

  Yet my dad was a late bloomer, only becoming a gatekeeper when I was six years old. Now, at nine years old, I was alone— having to defend myself in this isolated community.

  Being different didn’t mean you were treated like you were special. All it resulted in was becoming an outcast.

  No matter where I turned, shifters young and old looked and whispered. Some didn’t hesitate to point and laugh. I was the laughing stock of the town, and I would always be, unless I proved myself worthy.

  I stopped in my tracks as I felt the first drop of rain fall from the sky. I looked upward, curious about the sudden change in weather.

  Drip – Drop – Drip – Drop

  The specks of water from the sky above began to fall one by one, until it was pouring down. I stood still, allowing the cold drops of water to beat my flesh as my eyes pooled with tears.

  For a shifter well known to be happy and free, I was nothing like those myths.

  I was depressed at my circumstances that I sometimes wondered what was so great about living. My own Council, who should cherish my existence as the first unicorn shifter, discarded me entirely.

  As the councilman said right in my father’s face, ‘She is nothing but a mistake.’

  I tried to stop the tears from falling down my cheeks, holding back the sobs that begged to escape— to be heard by anyone willing to listen to my silent plea.

  “All I want is a purpose. A meaning in this world. I hate this life. I want to be strong. To not care about what people say. I don’t want to feel such misery anymore. Can’t anyone help me?” I shouted up at the sky. My hands clenched to fists as I continued to cry, unable to hold back any longer.

  I was tired of being pushed and shoved— tired of being hit and abused every day wherever I turned. I wanted to learn how to fight, to be strong enough to defend myself.

  I didn’t care if they feared me. I was nothing to them to begin with. I would build my own foundation, a solid barrier around myself so no one could bring me down. I'd prove to the world that I was someone to acknowledge and not cast aside like a piece of trash.

  All I needed was someone to help me achieve my ultimate goal.


  I swallowed the lump in my throat, turning slowly to see the familiar man I'd begged for many years to train me— my father's best friend and Master.

  Magnor Rune was a legend— specializing in martial arts, combat, and magic. His father had lived for many generations and had passed down his acquired knowledge to Magnor who continued to learn while teaching and training many shifters across the dimensions. He'd settled here in Versa many years ago. He was the one who had trained my father until he was summoned to his gatekeeper duties.

  I'd been begging Magnor to train me from the time I could barely walk, wanting to be like my father and mother who were both powerful and respected. He'd denied my request each time, using the excuse I was either too young or inexperienced to begin my training.

  One must desire so strongly to become great before they hear their calling. Forcing yourself to achieve those standards will only end with failure.

  Since then, he'd continued to decline my request; my last one was last year when I turned nine. After that, I'd given up asking. I didn't see the point and my heart couldn't handle the rejection anymore. I had dealt with my fair share and adding more would only tip me over the edge— as if I wasn't there already.

  I stared at him with sad eyes; my tears continued to flow down my cheeks as the rain beat down on me. He must have used some type of spell – the water not landing anywhere near his body, leaving him dry.

  His silver eyes stared at me, holding much wisdom in them. He glanced at my soaked appearance, a frown forming on his previously expressionless face.

  I didn't reply to his call, only turned my back, facing away from him. No words could describe how I felt— the desolation and self-pity I'd buried in my very soul had finally resurfaced and raged for freedom. I knew Magnor could help me; he could remove me from my hopeless outlook on life.

  But again, I was tired of asking. If the strong desire I felt within myself wasn't enough to prove my bullies and enemies wrong, that I wasn't some weakling who'd be a nobody for the rest of her life, then I'd never achieve that level of ambition.

  I opened my mouth to speak, knowing it would be in vain.

  "Everyone looks at me as if I'm nothing...a nobody. A hindrance. I bet just looking at me makes them cringe in disgust. Every day is the same. Even when I try to focus on the better parts of life, to acknowledge my worth and how these struggles will pass, the day still turns out far worse than the last. I'm tired of this. Why won't anyone listen? Why do I continue on this unknown path of life if all that is left for me is pain? I go to school just to be shoved and abused and all the teachers ignore me. I finish school and am pushed into a corner to suffer the onslaught of insults, followed by more kicks and punches. I limp home to an empty house, with not even one person to share my agony with." I trembled as sobs overtook me. I hung my head low, crying my eyes out.

  "I miss Mama and Papa. I want to be have friends. Yet, no one wants me."

  I lifted my head to face him, glaring.

  "Is that not enough of a resolution to be trained by you? Will I ever be worthy of your guidance? Or am I nothing to you too?" I snarled, trembling.

  If he deemed me not ready, I would accept my reality: that I'd never be good enough for this world.

  He took a step forward— followed by another. In a few long strides, he was directly in front of me. Whatever barrier that shielded him grew in size— stopping the rain from its hard descent against my pale skin.

  I lowered my head, closing my eyes as I readied my heart for the same set of words. Instead, he patted my head gently.

  When was the last time anyone had patted my head? When had someone last shown me an ounce of affection instead of inflicting pain?

  I covered my eyes with my hands, crying harder. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into an embrace.

  I didn't hesitate— crying my heart out in his arms. If this was the last time I'd have someone to listen to my cries, I'd let every tear fall. I'd let go of all the pain that had piled up from the years of abuse and hate. The world would feel the sadness I'd locked inside my soul.

  When I shed the last of my tears and my whimpers softened, I pulled away, looking up at him for his answer. He gave me a small smile and his silver eyes softened.

  "You’re ready," he whispered.

  Celestia. Can you go retrieve the mail?"

  "Okay!" I called out from the backyard, taking a deep breath as I finished my yoga session. I knelt down to stop the flow of music from the small speaker box, grabbing the towel next to it.

  I rose, sighing in relief as I began to pat the sweat that clung to my skin. I can't wait to take a long bath. My muscles are killing me.

  I pulled the hair tie from my wrist, gathering my long black locks into a messy ponytail. I assessed the tips of my hair— the purple and pink highlights having grown in size, moving further up. Shit, I need to dye my hair if I want to hide these colors. But it'll just reappear in a week. Such a waste of dye.

  I'd had black hair during my childhood and teenage years. However, the moment I hit twenty, the tips began to change to purple. Now that I was approaching twenty-five, the ombre transition to black and purple had grown significantly; pink had also been added to the equation.

  Maybe it was due to my vigorous training lately, the magic that flowed within me getting stronger each day. I didn't
mind when I was home, but I didn't know if it would be approved at Aslan Academy, a school for hunters and huntresses training to be worthy of tracking down and eliminating the Forsaken.

  The Forsaken were a darkness only the strong and worthy were able to face and conquer. If an individual wasn't powerful enough to take on the darkness, they would be consumed and turned into a Forsaken themselves. This was a growing problem in our dimension — many individuals attempted to take on such beings in hopes of proving themselves. Well, I was no fool and wouldn't face such creatures until I was one hundred percent confident that I would be successful.

  I wanted to help make a difference, and Aslan Academy would be my starting point in proving my worth to everyone who belittled and regarded me as nothing.

  I lifted my arms to stretch, looking up at the clear blue sky. Hey, Papa, how's work going? I hope the council is treating you well and not overworking you. Do you miss me like I miss you? Can't wait to see you soon.

  My father, Orlando Rainbow, was a kind man. He'd been my rock when I was a little child along with my mom, who had been looked highly upon for guidance, support, and protection in time of battles or infiltration by the Forsaken.


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