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Loving Daniel (MC Securities Book 3)

Page 18

by Ruby Moone

  “Did… was that…you?”

  “I didn’t shoot him.” Daniel held him tightly. “It wasn’t me.”

  Christian nodded. At some level he knew that. Knew it but was damned relieved to hear him say it.

  Christian looked at Asher. “What are you going to do?”

  “Check if he’s dead or needs an ambulance.”

  “Oh. Right. Yeah. Right.” Christian pulled Tassos close and Daniel guided them both towards the door into the villa.

  “Take Tassos inside for me,” he said to Christian.

  Tassos pulled free. “Don’t go down there,” he shouted to Asher. “They might shoot you too.” He made as if to follow, but Christian held onto his arm. He had to admit, he had a point, but Asher was already down beside Bryce. He bent and lifted his shoulder, pushed his fingers into his neck, and then jogged back up to where they all stood.

  “He’s dead.” He shook his head. “High-powered rifle, at a guess.”

  The four stood looking at each other for a moment. Christian was grappling frantically with the notion that there was a dead fucking body at the end of the lane.

  “What do we do now?” He looked at Daniel who seemed just as stunned as he was. His hands were trembling, so he wrapped them around his middle.

  Asher cleared his throat. “Could I suggest we call the police?”

  Daniel rubbed a hand over his face. “Yeah.” He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialled. He held the phone to his head. “Tassos, I might need you.”

  Christian stood by Asher as it quickly became apparent that the person Daniel spoke to had very little English. He put the phone on speaker and let Tassos translate. Once he’d done, he dialled again.

  “I take it you’re in the country?”

  He listened for a moment.

  “Yep. Yep. I’m going to need you. Fast.”

  Christian couldn’t hear what was being said on the other end.

  “Bryce. Shot dead at my mother’s villa.”

  Tassos came to stand beside Asher.

  “No. I didn’t do it. Sniper maybe? Professional kill, I’d say. I’ll let you know where I am. I suspect we will be taken to the local police station.”

  Christian swallowed. “Now what?”

  “We wait for the police to arrive. Tell them exactly what happened—word for word—don’t change a single thing. Our stories must stack up.” He looked at each of them in turn.

  Christian swallowed. “Everything? Even the bit where you had a gun to his head?”

  “Even that.”

  Christian nodded. Daniel came over to where he stood and wrapped his arms around him. “I’m so sorry this happened.”

  “Hardly your fault.”

  He stayed still, just soaking up his warmth and strength.

  As he looked to the side, Asher wrapped his arms around Tassos. “Are you okay?” he asked Tassos gently.

  Tassos folded into him and nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Thank God you were there. I couldn’t have handled both on my own.”

  Tassos huffed a sad laugh. “Of course you could.”

  “Well, it’s over now. You’re safe.”

  No, I’m not. The police will come. They’ll…I’ll…” He swallowed.

  “Shh. It’s fine. It’s fine. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Eventually, the couples pulled apart and the four waited. The air thick with tension.

  “Glad your mum wasn’t here,” Christian said.

  Daniel nodded. More silence.

  “Who did it?” Tassos asked.

  All three of them shook their heads. “I don’t know. He owes a lot of people.” Daniel shrugged.

  More silence. The cicadas seemed to get louder and louder as the silence lengthened

  “What did he mean?” Christian’s words were softly spoken.

  Daniel looked away, but before he was forced to answer, the police and an ambulance arrived and immediately, the place was swarming with people.

  Daniel’s head was racing as he sat beside Christian in the police car. He couldn’t believe what had happened. As for who did it? He had no fucking idea. He sat with one hand over his mouth as he frantically tried to get a grasp of what the fuck was happening. He’d known Bryce was in the country. He’d made the mistake of thinking they had time. He closed his eyes, knowing he should have told Christian immediately, but he’d wanted one more night deluded by the notion that he could keep the past where it was. Well it had leaped right back out at him, with Bryce’s words ripping away what pretence he’d managed to establish, leaving him with the stark reality that Christian would now have questions. Questions he would want answered. Questions Daniel knew in his heart he should have answered.

  That aside, who the fuck would follow Bryce here and shoot him? More than that, would they all walk away unscathed? If they were arrested, he doubted it would escape the British press. They could all end up on fucking murder charges. He looked at Christian. Guild stabbed him brutally. He should have left him alone. Should never have touched him. Should have let the past stay in the past. Kept him away from the filth that surrounded Kenneth, and by extension, him. Look at the shit there we’re in now. Christ knew how long it would take to get it sorted out. How long it would be before they could return to the UK.

  He pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment, barely able to look at Christian. He was too quiet. Daniel’s throat closed up whenever he thought about Bryce’s words. Christian wasn’t stupid. He knew something was wrong. Daniel couldn’t tell him. Knowing what had happened to Christian’s father was like a poison that sat inside him. Eating away at him. It would never be possible to leave it behind. He couldn’t share that with him. This was the reality. This was what his life was like. He couldn’t, wouldn’t subject Christian to that.

  He looked at him again, and his chest hurt. He was so…he didn’t have words. How do you describe someone who is so much better than you could ever be? Who you want to be with more than breathing? The other part of you. Your soul. His throat closed with emotion. How do you never tell that person how much you love them?

  He looked forward. If there was ever a time to be strong, this was it.

  His heart almost stopped when Christian reached over and took hold of his hand. He linked his fingers with Daniel’s. Daniel closed his fingers around his hand. He couldn’t help it. He looked at Christian again, but he was looking straight ahead. He didn’t move, didn’t speak. He just held his hand.

  Daniel had to blink. Several times.

  Christian had no idea what to expect. Would they be thrown in a prison cell? Deported? What? When they arrived at the police station it was awful because they all spoke rapid fire Greek and he hadn’t a clue what was going on. Daniel didn’t look as though he had much idea either. They weren’t rough, exactly, but there was a good deal of pushing and shoving and shouting until he found himself in a small room on his own. His heart was racing. Would he get a phone call? A solicitor? What the fuck was going to happen now?

  He sat in the brightly lit room. It smelled of the cheap, floral air freshener favoured by gents’ toilets. A mirror covered one wall, and it occurred to him that it was probably a two-way mirror. Once he’d realised that it was hard to stop looking at it. Were they watching him? Where was Daniel, Tassos, Asher… Had someone let Elena know? She’d be beside herself. Christ, he should let his own mother know.

  He swallowed hard and sat up straight when the door opened, and a woman came and sat beside him. At the other side of the table a man lowered himself into a chair and smiled. He spoke in rapid Greek.

  The woman turned to him. “My name is Maria; I am your interpreter. I suggest that you answer the questions.”

  “Am I under arrest?”


  “I want a lawyer.”

  “You can appoint a lawyer, but at the moment, the police just want to know what you saw.”

  “I want to see my friends, and I want a lawyer please.”

sp; “You can see them very shortly. It’s important the police speak to you all as you were witnesses to the crime.”

  Christian’s heart was hammering.

  The woman spoke to the police officer, and a brief exchange ensued, and the man got up and disappeared.

  “What’s happening now?”

  “Don’t worry.”

  “It’s hard not to.”

  She smiled at him, but Christian wasn’t reassured in the slightest. He stared at the window on the wall and wondered, yet again, what Bryce had meant about his dad.

  He turned back to the room as the door opened and the police officer returned with a tall, handsome guy in tow.

  “Mr McCafferty. Good to meet you. I’ll be acting on your behalf.”

  Christian allowed himself to breathe.

  Daniel sat in a small room, waiting. He’d been questioned through a translator, and he’d been open and honest. Sticking to the facts and telling them exactly what happened. He’d no idea what was going to happen next. He’d been minded to demand his solicitor first, Daly was on his way, but then decided he’d be better off cooperating, so he gave them a description of exactly what happened. Blow by blow. He hoped he wouldn’t live to regret it.

  One knee bounced uncontrollably. He wanted to tear the place apart and find Christian to make sure he was safe, but he sat still and waited. The police had been polite and courteous, which was heartening, but he was under no illusions that they were in deep shit. Well, he was in deep shit. He could explain away Tassos and Christian, quite probably Asher, but he needed to take the brunt of what happened on the chin. So to speak. The only thing he could see in his favour was that it was obvious he hadn’t shot Bryce. The shot that killed him had most likely been a sniper rifle, probably from some distance away. The steep hill at the back of the villas would give a perfect advantage. Asher had identified that when they’d arrived. The bullet would have caused catastrophic injury. He was glad Christian and Tassos had been far enough away that they couldn’t really see too much.

  He sat still and waited. Determined to be calm and reasonable. He knew from the way he looked, with the tattoos and the ear gauge, he’d be in deeper shit if he so much as raised his voice. So, he sat. But inside he was screaming.

  What felt like hours later, the door opened, and a police officer came in together with a young man. He presumed he’d be a translator. But the man following him made him hope that things might actually be okay.

  Eric Daly.

  “Eric,” Daniel said. The relief in his voice plain.

  “Pleased to see me?” He smiled.

  The police office and the young guy sat down, and Eric sat beside Daniel and put his briefcase on the table.

  “You could say that. I thought you were going to send someone.”

  “Why send someone when I could come myself?”

  Eric was being business-like. None of the subtle flirting he’d employed previously, and Daniel was relieved. He’d no idea whether or not the police would be homophobic, but he wasn’t about to test it.

  The police officer spoke in Greek.

  “The police would like to know if you need a translator for your lawyer?”

  “That’s very kind. I just need a few moments with Mr. McCafferty.”

  The young guy translated, and the police officer nodded.

  “Can I get you coffee?”

  “That would be lovely. Mr. McCafferty?”

  Daniel did well not to gawp.

  They disappeared and Daniel turned to Eric.

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  Eric gave him a small smile. “Bryce is in the morgue; his associates are in a cell. You will all be released shortly. No charge.”

  “That was quick.”

  “I don’t mess about. It’s clear Bryce wasn’t killed by any of you, though there is probably a lingering question about your use of the gun, and your previous connection to Bryce, but it’s enough to get you all out of here. It’s just paperwork now. Your friends’ stories tallied with Christian’s, and they were exactly the same as yours, I’m working on ensuring that the police have all the information about Bryce that they need, to ensure they are fully cognisant of his illegal activities, the people who are out to get him, so with luck you should all be out of here before too long. I’ve engaged a local law firm to make sure that you are all fully represented, and there can be no slip-ups because of the language, so I think we have it covered.”

  “I owe you.”

  “Damned straight.” Eric sorted through some papers and put some others away. “I’ve taken the liberty of notifying your mother. I didn’t want the police to turn up on her doorstep.”

  “Thank you. Again.”

  Eric grinned.


  Christian joined Tassos in the waiting area of the police station. Asher had disappeared, and Daniel hadn’t been let out yet.

  “How are you feeling?” Christian looked at Tassos. He looked green.

  “I think I’m in shock.”

  “Yeah. Me too. Have you any idea what happened? I thought we’d be here for ever. Thought we’d get done for something, that’s for sure.”

  Tassos nodded. “The tall, handsome British guy came in and sorted everything. Brought me a lawyer and that was that.”

  Christian nodded. “Same here. Have you met him before?”

  Tassos shook his head. “Daniel will know what’s happening.” There was such conviction in his voice, such trust, it touched something in Christian, because he knew it was true. Daniel would know.

  “He will. Maybe it was the person he rang?” Christian smiled at Tassos. “It went from interrogation to apologies and cups of coffee in the blink of an eye.”

  Tassos grinned weakly. “Daniel’s usually behind things that happen. Good things.”


  Tassos looked quizzical. “Have you ever known Daniel to not do good things?”

  “I… I haven’t spent much time with him in the last few years.”

  “Well, he’s done so much for me, and others out here. I don’t know where we’d be without him. They didn’t even make an issue of the fact that I’m… You know… Trans.”

  “I’m glad about that.”

  Tassos shot him a grateful smile.

  Asher came back into the lobby, walking briskly. “You guys okay?” He looked slightly more rumpled than usual, and his eyes held genuine concern.

  “I’m good.”

  Tassos nodded.

  “Where’s Daniel?” Christian asked.

  “He’ll be here in a moment.”

  As he spoke, Daniel emerged from the recesses of the police station with the tall, handsome guy who had seemingly stepped in and got them all cleared to leave. Relief swamped Christian as he watched them walk towards him. Daniel was frowning, but he seemed otherwise okay. He looked tired. They were all tired, but he was so damned relieved to see him he wanted to walk into his arms and hold him. He didn’t. Didn’t want to do anything that might jeopardise their release. He stood with the others and smiled.

  Daniel nodded to them. “Gentlemen, I believe you have all met Eric Daly?”

  Eric Daly smiled and dipped his head. “Good to meet you all and happy I could be of service.”

  “Eric is…my new lawyer,” Daniel said as Daly shook hands with each of them.

  Daniel seemed faintly surprised by this, but he didn’t say anything more. Daly looked pleased.

  “Gentlemen, you are all free to go. There are no charges against you.”

  Christian tried not to sag with relief but suspected he did just that. Tassos let out a huge sigh and Asher smiled.

  “I’ve arranged hotel accommodation for you all as unfortunately, the villa is now a crime scene.”

  Daniel nodded. “I need to speak to my mother. Let her know we are all okay.”

  Daly smiled. “She will be here any moment now.” He turned to Daniel. “I’ve emailed you the booking for the hotel and everything has bee
n arranged with the proprietor. You will be able to have some breakfast when you get there.”

  Christian looked out of the window. It wasn’t even light yet.

  “If there isn’t anything else?”

  Daniel shook his head, and shook hands with Daly, who dipped his head to all of them and left.

  Moments later, the door opened, and Daniel’s mother came in. She took one look at them all and let out a cry. Daniel gathered her up into his arms.

  “Shh. It’s all okay. I promise.”

  She looked up at him. “Daniel McCafferty, I swear, you’ll be the death of me. You don’t get any better as you get older.”

  Christian’s lips twitched as he looked at Asher and Tassos.

  “I know, I know.” He smiled at Christian over her head.

  “You must come home with me. All of you.”

  “We’re staying in a hotel. The villa will be a crime scene and once they’ve done, it will need cleaning and sorting out.”

  “I know, but you don’t want to be staying in a hotel. Come to my house.”

  “Mum, we’re fine. I think we all just need to sleep.”

  Tassos cast a look at Asher but went and stood by her. “I’ll come back with you, Elena.”

  “Oh, thank you darling.” She hugged him.

  “Come on. Let’s get some sleep.” Asher gestured to the door.

  Christian stepped outside. The sun was rising. Birds were starting to sing, and the sky was deepest pinks and purples. He breathed in the fragrant, warm air. They were in the centre of the town, and the hotel that Daly had arranged was only a few minutes’ walk away. He watched as Daniel hugged his mother and Tassos, and then it was just the three of them.

  “Thank God that’s over,” Christian murmured.

  Daniel appeared at his elbow. “Yeah.”

  “Did you get us out?”

  Daniel shot him a glance. “I wish I could say I did, but no. Daly did that.”

  Christian glanced at him as they followed Asher down the stairs and onto the road.

  “Your new lawyer?”

  Daniel nodded. “He’s someone I’ve known for some time. He’s an international lawyer. And when he’s not being a lawyer, he’s going to be buying some of Kenneth’s businesses off me.”


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