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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

Page 28

by Hawke, Jessa

  She continues teasing herself until she feels she couldn’t take it anymore. She slowly parted her lips with two fingers, while she used the two fingers she sucked on moments before to penetrate herself. She felt how the walls of her vagina slid around her long fingers, feeling every little detail inside herself. Then she took them out, giving her a feeling of emptiness which she couldn’t bear. She fingered herself again, just as slowly, but deeper this time. She used the middle finger from her other hand to rub her clit just a little bit harder.

  With each penetration, she started moving a little faster. Her breath got heavier and she started panting. She wanted Keiran there with her, watching her, touching her. She imagined Mateo taking her to the brink of an orgasm by sliding his fingers inside her. She thought of Keiran thrusting his body against hers.

  Then it hit her: she wanted to come. She needs to come. She couldn’t imagine herself living without the two men she just met and who were both driving her crazy. They were so different, and yet each of them made her feel so good and special.

  She kept sliding her fingers in and out of her pussy faster as each image appears in front of her eyes. Her pussy was already dripping and she felt the juices running down towards the crack of her ass. Her clit was standing proud between her pussy lips, making her body twitch with every touch of her finger.

  As her mind kept wandering from one man to another, her fingers kept pumping her pussy deeper and faster. She could hear the wet noises each time her hand slammed into her pussy, and she could feel the juices dripping onto her hand. She knew she was close to coming, so she tried to slow down and hold back. She didn’t want the pleasure to end quite yet.

  She then started to feel her body closing in on an orgasm. This time she knew she couldn’t restrain herself from going over the edge. As she was picking up the pace, moving her fingers back and forth faster and deeper with each plunge, she felt the heat running through her body, spreading from her sex to her stomach and to her toes and to every cell in her body.

  She felt every cell in her body explode as she climaxed. She started yelling from the top of her lungs, letting out long moans, as her body convulsed out of her control. She could feel the juices running out of her onto the sheets, making a small pool underneath her ass, but she didn’t care. She kept fingering herself and rubbing her clit until she didn’t have any energy left to move her arms any more. Then she just lay there, naked, on that huge bed with satin sheets, trying to catch her breath as she recovered from the intensity of her orgasm.

  After a few moments, she slid the same two fingers back inside her pussy, trying to get as much of her cum as possible on them. As she tasted herself, she felt content and fulfilled, ready to go to sleep and to face a brand new day the next morning. She knew she would be spoiled by two rich and powerful men who would go above and beyond to satisfy her every whim in order to sweep her off her feet. She planned on enjoying every moment of it for as long as she could. With these pleasant thoughts on her mind, she finally managed to fall asleep, dreaming of her future as an alpha female.


  Beyond Desire

  Chapter 1 - Do You Remember?

  “I’m sure it’s him Maggie,” I say to my best friend, “Paul Oakfield, don’t you recognize him? He was a couple of years above us. How could you forget a dish like that?” Maggie just shrugs and shakes her head, but I’m certain it’s him, stood with a group of guys at the bar, all dressed in military uniforms.

  I’m out on the town with a group of friends from my old high school, we meet up every weekend at the local bar. Now we’ve all left school we try to keep our friendship going with a weekly get together. The group shrinks every year, some get married or move away and others simply move on with their lives. I suppose eventually it’ll faze out completely, but for now I’m going to enjoy having a laugh with old school friends.

  Tonight there’s a real buzz in the air because there’s a group of about twelve or so marines in the bar. They look very dishy in their smart uniforms, blue and white and peaked caps and they’re the centre of attention, especially with the girls. I have to admit, they do look amazing. It’s odd how a man always looks handsome in a uniform but that self same man can put on a pair of jeans, and suddenly look boring.

  A couple of them are locals, and one of them is, I’m absolutely sure, an old school acquaintance that I had a real crush on for years. Not that he ever noticed me, he was far too preoccupied with other girls throwing themselves at his feet, to notice me, but he always turned my head when he passed me by. He’s grown into one hunk of a man and looks the part in his soldier’s uniform.

  We’re not that far from the local army base so we’re quite used to seeing soldiers in uniform, as we go about our daily lives, but it’s unusual to see them out in the bars on a night in their uniforms. It’s not that often the marines are in town, there not actually based here so this must be a stop over for them.

  Not much happens in this small town, life is a circle of work and sleep and work again, so our weekly get together is the peak of the week for most of us. When a group of uniformed soldiers happen to be in the bar on our night out, then that really is a treat for us single women, on the look out for fun.

  We sit here giggling to ourselves as we look them over, and they, on their part, keep looking over at us with appreciative looks, and the odd wink. I wonder who’ll make the first move. Their all male and we’re all female and we’re all out to have a good time, somethings gotta give. The guy I’m sure is from school is talking in the ear of one of his friends and they’e both looking over at me. Maybe he recognizes me and I did make an impression on him after all. They stop talking and one of them walks over towards us. I feel a little ripple of excitement when I realise he is heading straight for me.

  “My friend says he recognizes you from school,” a deep voice booms in my ear, over the loud music.

  I decide to play it cool and pretend I don’t know what he’s talking about.

  “Can’t say I remember,” I shrug my shoulders, trying to look disinterested.

  “Yeah, his face isn’t that memorable, is it?” he says, jokingly, as his friend, and my dream lover, approach us.

  “We don't see many marines around her,” a voice behind me joins in.

  “We just got back from tour and we’re on our way home, stopping off at the local base for a few weeks R&R,” the one who had first approached me piped up. “Can I buy you a drink?” he asks me, little old me, wow, I’m flattered to be the one to break the ice.

  I was going to turn him down because Paul was walking towards us and it was him I really wanted to ask me for a drink. He smiles at me in that wonderful way I remember from all those years ago, but then walks right passed me and chats with Maggie, behind me. I feel crestfallen, he’s still ignoring me, even now. Trying to hide my disappointment, I accept his friend’s offer of a drink. Don't get me wrong, it’s not that my soldier isn’t handsome, but then they’re all handsome in those crisp, uniforms with their cropped hairstyles and ultra fit bodies. I would have considered him a lucky catch, had I not been seen Paul. Yet, once again, he had overlooked me.

  My guy comes back with a couple of drinks in his hand and introduces himself to me.

  “I’m Nathan,” he says, holding out his hand, of which I take in mine. His hand is enormous and easily envelops mine, but he has a delicate touch. He surprises me by turning over my hand and lightly brushing his lips across the back.

  Hmm, that was delicious and sends a little quiver through my body.

  “I’m Tilly,” I introduce myself to him, managing to keep the tremor of his touch, from my voice.

  “Yeah, I know, Paul told me all about you,” he has a deep voice, yet it’s light and almost musical, like a baritone.

  Seems I may have made an impression on Paul after all, but when I look back at him, my heart drops a little. He’s draping his arm over Maggie’s shoulders, and their lips are glued together in a deep kiss.

esn’t waste any time does he?”

  Nathan’s words interrupt my thoughts and I turn towards him a faux smile on my face.

  “He always was a bit like that at school,” I reply.

  “Ah, so you remember him now?” Nathan reminded me I had played ignorant, but no matter, the moment has passed be by now and I decide to relax in this young man’s company.

  We’re all having a great time, laughing and joking together, a group of local girls surrounded by America’s finest from the marine corps. The mood is relaxed and everyone seems to have partnered up in little secluded groups.

  Nathan is lovely, charming and has a good sense of humor. I’m soon laughing like a schoolgirl and he almost had me forgetting about my disappointment over Paul, almost.

  It’s the height of summer and the air con in the bar isn’t too good, making the temperature quite stifling. On the good side, it encourages the guys to remove their jackets for some relief from the heat. Nathan slips his off and underneath he wears a short sleeved shirt, it’s a tight fit and his biceps and pecs are straining at the material, as is his washboard abs. This is one hunky guy, as are all the others. It’s clear these guys work hard, I hope they like to play hard too. We must have looked a strange sight to the regular patrons of the bar as we’re all giggling and laughing at the marines, while they show off with the flexing of their muscles and displaying of their tattoos. The girls are loving it. On my part, I keep snatching a peek at Paul as he shows Maggie a tattoo on his muscular biceps. She’s one lucky girl. Maybe I should have acknowledged the recognition when Nathan came to me asking if I remembered Paul from school. I should have shouted out to the world, of course I recognize you, I love you, I’ve always loved you, now come and kiss me you hunk. But, no, I had to play it cool and this is my punishment, Paul has passed me by, again.

  Despite my disappointment, it proves to be a great night out, in the end. Nathan is the perfect gentleman, always attentive to me. What with his attentions and the alcohol, I’m totally relaxed. Still, I can't help but keep glancing over at Paul, and I’m sure Nathan must have noticed, but he never says anything.

  All the way home Maggie wouldn't stop talking about her handsome blue eyed marine, describing how sexy he was and she really hoped that she would see him again. My nerves, running rife, I want to scream at her and tell her to shut up, but I hold my tongue and say nothing. Maggie is one of my best friends, though I’ve never told her about my crush for Paul.

  Chapter 2 A Trio Date

  The next day, on my lunch break, I take a stroll around the mall as it’s near the shop where I work. It isn’t a huge mall, like in the big cities, but it makes the town more upmarket. I love window shopping, and can spend literally hours drooling over the latest fashions from Paris, or the latest gadgets from California.

  I’m stood staring in a store window, dreaming of wearing a beautiful dress, when a wolf whistle brings me from my daydream. I look up to see who’s paying me so much attention, and there, crossing over towards me, is Paul, my old crush, and with him is Nathan.

  “I bet you would look hot in that Quartilla Rabaska,” Paul says, nodding at the dress I had been coveting. “I knew it was you the minute I set my eyes on you,” a huge grin on his face.

  My head was a sudden mix of emotions and my mind spinning, he really does remember me.

  “Actually it’s just Tilly, now,” I quickly put him to rights, I always thought Quartilla a bit of a mouthful and to be honest, a bit pretentious. “So, Paul Oakman, how’s life treating you?” I say his name casually, trying not to reveal my emotions, and also attempting to stop my voice from quivering. My heart is pumping so fast I feel it will burst out of my chest.

  “Much better, now I’ve bumped into you again,” he says, sending my excitement levels sky high.

  “When you ignored him the other night,” Nathan says, “he sulked all evening.”

  “Oh, really?’ I say, a little sarcasm creeping into my voice. “You didn't seem to be sulking when I saw you, in fact you looked to be having a great time with one of the girls, almost swallowing her whole,” I stated, remembering my jealousy when he hadn’t chatted me up.

  “Nathan got to you first, so I had no choice, but we’ve since come up with a mutual solution,” he says, a wicked smile plastered on his face.

  I must say, he peaked my curiosity as to what exactly was the solution, regarding me, might be?

  “I’m not sure what you mean?” I ask, puzzled as to why he’s talking in riddles.

  I’ve never had a man fight over me, but a sudden image floods my mind of them both, in their combats, fighting for my attention. A small quiver of excitement heats up between my legs, at the very thought. Damn you Tilly Rabaska, get a grip.

  “What my friend is trying to say, in his roundabout fashion,” Nathan joins in the conversation, “is, would you come out with us both?” he smiles at me, hopefully, before continuing his speech, “and, the sooner the better?”

  “What you mean a date?” I ask, just to double check that’s what he means. “With the two of you?”

  “Yep, that’s exactly what we mean,” Paul confirms. “If we asked you to chose one of us, that would leave the other disappointed, so, we’ll just go out together, a friendly little tryst with the three of us.”

  There was a certain gleam in his eyes, a little mischievous one, and I wondered, just for a moment, what my acceptance would lead to, though in all honesty, I really didn't care. I was thrilled to have a date with Paul, my heart throb. Hell, I’d have met with him with a whole football team, if that’s what he wanted. Besides, I like Nathan, so I’m glad he’s coming too.

  “Well, that would be great, I’m free this evening if that’s not too soon?” I reply.

  The only thing stopping me from running of with them right now, this very minute, is that I have to get back to work, otherwise we’d be on that date this instant.

  “Right then, we’ll see you in that bar again then, say, sixish?” Paul confirms.

  I nod in agreement, not wanting to appear too eager, even though I am. We all smile at each other and say our goodbyes, and I quickly dash back to work so I can finish early to get myself ready. I’m so excited, Paul Oakman, after all these years I finally get a date, even if it includes another guy.

  Chapter 3 Whoa There, Boys

  I spot them, as soon as I enter the bar. They aren't in their blues tonight but they still have that military look about them and stand out from the rest of the patrons. Their stance exhumes confidence and power, which they emanate to excess. To top it all, they look even sexier in civvies, if that’s possible, with casual tight fitting denims and plain white tight fitting t-shirts clinging to beautifully sculptured muscles. I cant believe I’m out on a date with two guys, they must be two of the hottest men in town, I am one lucky girl.

  Paul is the first to greet me, standing as soon as he sees me and wrapping those strong arms around me in a hug. His body feels like iron, rock solid and firm, and he has a slight male musky odor, which I love, None of that expensive cologne for me, I like a man to smell like a male, clean and fresh but with the unmistakable masculine aroma. As soon as Paul releases me, I’m instantly swept up into Nathan’s strong arms, again his firm body is pressed against mine and I revel in the masculinity of such a handsome young man.

  “So, you didn’t chicken out then?” Paul asks me, a definite twinkle in his eye.

  I’ve a feeling there’s more to his words than it seems, and I’m a little puzzled by his question. Why would I pull out? He obviously has no idea that I had the hots for him at school, and still do, but there seems something of a challenge in his question.

  “No way,” I announced, “an evening of being pampered by two handsome men, not to be missed by any sane woman.”

  I take a seat and they sit beside me, one at each side, and order drinks. The alcohol eases my tension and nerves, and I’m soon completely relaxed in their company. Good company it is too, charming and attentive. They work t
ogether to keep me entertained and relaxed, I have a feeling they double date like this often.

  After a round an hour, we move on to the local nightspots, of which we have a few in the town to accommodate the soldiers from the base. I dance the night away, with each one separately, and with them both together, me sandwiched between the middle of them, two hunky alpha males. When I admit to Paul that I had fancied him like mad at school, it turns out that he had fancied me too, but thought I was bit aloof with him. I curse myself for my standoffishness, and wonder about what might have been, what could have happened.

  As the night progresses, the alcohol loosens my inhibitions further, and when Paul kisses me full on the lips, I don't object, in fact, I welcome it and push my tongue against his, as it invades my mouth. After a short intoxicating kiss, full of ardor, that leaves me breathless, he breaks away. I have no time to recover, before Nathan’s mouth is on mine and our tongues join together in a dance of passion. This is a heady mix and I’m in heaven, light headed from the hot kisses, with my arousal levels reaching somewhere that they hadn't been for a long time. Each kiss arouses me a little further and I can feel a light dampness in my panties. God, I haven't felt this horny in years. A few drinks later and we, all three, find ourselves in a quiet and darkened corner of the room, away from everyone else, with me being french kissed by both of them. I can't get enough as they pass me between themselves, each one kissing me deeply, before passing me back.


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