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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

Page 30

by Hawke, Jessa

  He slowly withdraws from me, pulling almost all the way out, and I squeeze the muscles in my vagina, to increase the friction on his shaft and increase the pleasure for both of us. I can feel each centimeter of his stiff rod, as it slips through my labia, until just the tip is poking at my entrance. Quivering inside, in anticipation, I feel him leave it in that position, teasing me with it as it slightly flutters on my labia. Almost begging him to fuck me, I feel relieved when he suddenly thrust deep inside, until he can go no further, his tip banging against my cervix wall. An explosion of pleasure shudders through me as our groins meet in collision. Once again, I’m skewered as our pelvic bones press together. He repeats this process, withdrawing slowly, before pushing back, until he’s fully embedded within me. We pick up a steady rhythm as his erection slides in and out of my wetness.

  I’m so lost in a sea of lust, that I completely forgot about Nathan. Movement on the bed brings him back to my attention. I open my eyes to see him kneeling, just behind Paul, his face is a mask of concentration. Realizing that he’s penetrating Paul from behind, it still comes as a bit of a shock to me, seeing these two masculine men, most women's ideal hunks, enjoying sex with each other. I don't care anymore, they want me and I want them, and that’s all that matters.

  We all three pick up a rhythm, each in perfect harmony with the other. Paul penetrates me while Nathan penetrates him. Nathan’s thrusting inside of Paul causes his friend to press even deeper and harder into me, his cock so deep inside it feels like it will split me in two. It hurts, but not in a bad way, the pain only increases the pleasure that my body is feeling, increasing the levels of lust and passion that are driving me on.

  The room is filled with the sounds of our sex, sounds of wetness and flesh striking flesh, over this are the groans and moans of passion, from three people who are completely engrossed in these carnal acts.

  I know I’m not going to be able last much longer. Already I can feel the pressure building deep inside of me, and it’s only a matter of seconds before I explode. I look up to see both guys, faces strained with lust and passion, and I know they’re near too. As if on cue, Paul increases his pounding, his erection sliding in and out of me like a piston, and suddenly he cries out a guttural groan, from deep inside his chest, and he squirts his cum deep inside of me. His erection, already stretching my pussy to its limits, swells to a new thickness and triggers my climax. My orgasm thunders through my body, causing me to convulse in ecstasy as wave after wave of pleasure sweep over me. As if away in the distance, I hear Nathan cry out in passion, and I know he must be climaxing too.

  Both men, now fully satiated, collapse down, pinning me to the bed. It’s hard for me to breathe, my chest crushed beneath them. I don’t complain though, these two guys have taken me to new sexual heights, introduced me to things I would never even have considered, let alone experienced. I’ve a feeling life will never be the same again. After a short while they both roll off me,one to each side, each one draping an arm over my body, and we soon fall asleep together, satisfied and content.

  Chapter 7 A Harem

  We spend many days together, and we become regulars at the motel, even drawing a comment from the clerk about how cheaper it is to book more than one day at a time. This set me off in a fit of giggles, that got even worse when the clerk gave me a bemused questioning look. That motel will always have a special place in my heart and remind me of the boys, and how they introduced me to a side I never knew I had.

  All too soon their R&R is coming to an end, and it’s time for them to leave. I’ve been getting used to it being the three of us and doing everything together, in these wonderful days. I don't have one boyfriend, I have two, both handsome hunks who love to be in my company, and I love to be in theirs. They attend to my every need, both sexually and socially, and their constant attention makes me feel like I’m someone special. I especially enjoy the looks of jealousy I receive from other women, when we’re out on the town together. Nothing is ever said, but I can see the looks of envy in their catty eyes. Although I do wonder, sometimes, how envious they’d be, if they new the truth.

  Ours is a strange relationship, for sure, but I really don't mind sharing.They have a special friendship and I’m going to break that up. To be honest, I doubt that I can. Not that I want to because they are so natural together. I can’t imagine just going out with one of them. Where Paul goes, Nathan goes, and if I want to be a part of them, then I have to accept the both of them.

  So today is a sad day, it is to be our last one together, for a while anyway, before I’m to wave them off. We decide to spend a quiet day together and, as the weather’s warm and as it’s a Sunday, we go for a picnic. We drive well out of town and find an isolated spot by the river, well hidden away from prying eyes. It’s perfect, the sun’s warm, the countryside amazingly beautiful and the food’s delicious, plus I’m accompanied by the two hottest guys I know. What more could a woman want? The day is perfect. Well, until we have a few unwelcome visitors.

  We decided it was too hot and the river looked inviting. No one had brought any swimming gear, but we didn't need them. The area we’re is remote enough for a little skinny dipping. In no time at all we’re all naked and splashing about in the water. It’s a little cool but after the heat of the sun, it’s welcome. We’re having a great time and no one notices that our picnic area is quickly being invaded by a herd of cows, and not just any cows. This is a bull and his harem. The bull is huge and menacing, and he stand right by our clothes, daring us to come and get them.

  “How do you want to do this?” Nathan ask us both, as we look over at them in trepidation.

  “Well, normally a few cows wouldn’t be a problem, but that bull looks fearsome. You fancy grappling with him?” Paul asks.

  “We’re gonna have to do something,” I exclaim, “we’re all naked and it’s getting cold in this water!”

  “We need a distraction,” Paul suggests.

  “A red rag you mean?” Nathan says, laughing

  “Aren’t you boys trained in stuff like this?” I ask, hoping they aren’t going to use me as the distraction.

  “Yeah, because the Ruskies have trained ninja cows to destroy the American way of life, and we’ve been given special combat training in it,” Nathan tells me, a slight tone of sarcasm in his voice.

  “Very funny,” I push at him and he staggers slightly, almost losing his balance.

  “We need to do something,” I continue, unperturbed, “We can’t stay here all day, we’ll shrivel up in this water.”

  “Right,” Nathan says, “clearly I’m the only one with balls around here, so it’s up to me to sort this out.”

  “I have balls too,” Paul says, clearly a little hurt by his friends remark.

  Having seen quite a lot of Paul’s balls these last few days, it brought a smile to my face.

  “I’m going to run at them,” Nathan tells us, “making as much noise as possible. When Ive distracted them, then you can run and grab our clothes, when there’s an opening, okay?” he looks hopefully at Paul. “The girlie gets to stay here and watch,” he says, smiling at me.

  “That’s your plan, a suicide mission?” Paul exclaims. “Have you seen the size of that bull? He’s not gonna be scared of you.”

  Despite his friends lack of faith in his plan, Nathan jumps out of the water and runs naked at the bull, and his group of cows. He waves his arms, trying to make himself look as big as possible, and shouts at the top of his voice. He’s doing his best to try and intimidate the bull, but he just looks on, pretty bemused, and simply stands his ground.

  As I shiver in the water, I can't help but laugh at Nathan’s antics as I watch his bare ass running across the field. It’s comical, despite the potential seriousness of our predicament. The bull simply refuses to move. At least it isn't aggressive or threatening, although it keeps a wary eye on Nathan. Maybe he thinks of him as a rival for his heifers? In the end he manages to collect our clothes, and a few of our personal belonging
s, before he runs back to Paul and me, in the river. We wade out of the water, further down the embankment and quickly dress, making our escape and skirting around the bull and his harem of cows.

  We all break out laughing at the experience, but only once we’re safely back in the car and on our way back into town. Fortunately, no one’s hurt, only the boys’ pride.

  In the end it was a great day and as I leave them at the gate of the barracks. We embrace in a group hug. I’m determined not to cry, but when it comes to saying goodbye, I can't stop the tears falling, the thought of being separated from my two guys is more than I can bear.

  “We’re only gone for a few weeks, Tilly,” Paul says, wiping a tear from my cheek.

  “I know, but I cant help it,” I reply, “I love you guys.”

  Nathan hugs me tightly with his strong arms wrapped around me, making me feel safe and secure.

  “We love you too,Tilly,” he responds.

  They march away and I watch as they acknowledge their presence to the guard on duty, his gun leaning stiffly over his shoulder. Show their ID’s, he lifts the barrier to let them enter. It’s at this point that I remember, they’re soldiers and I can’t take that away from them. They both briefly look back at me, waving their goodbyes before they disappear out of sight, around a corner. I turn around and walk away, wondering how I’ll get through the next few months without them.


  Beyond the Limits

  Amber didn't know how she was going to bring up to Frank that she wanted to have a threesome. They had been dating for a few years now, and it wasn't like Frank didn't have a big enough dick, it was just that she wanted to spice things up. Maybe it was more than that, she admitted to herself, but she didn't think what she wanted to do was all that out of the ordinary considering. The weekend before she'd started having these thoughts of a threesome with another guy she'd gone to the mall with a few of her more basic girl friends and watched Vanilla Ice perform. Amber couldn't believe that the guy was still alive, much less still willing to perform a song her wrote a long time ago and most people mocked now a days.

  There had been one dancer in particular who had caught her eye. He was the person she'd watched during the whole performance. Whenever Vanilla Ice wasn't looking the dancer's face would sour, as if he found his current circumstance a bit repugnant. He didn't really let it show, but it was just enough so that Amber could pick up on it. All through the show the dancer had to wait for Vanilla Ice to stumble through the steps while trying to remember his lines. Overall the show was pretty terrible, but it wasn't like they'd paid to get in or anything. It was, after all, at a mall. The event had been marketed to young girls in high school as a way to connect with their parents, but the demographic of young parents willing to take their children to see Vanilla Ice at a mall as a way to connect was small, so the turnout was terrible.

  Amber had weaved her way through the small, quickly dissipating crowd, to the Latin dancer she'd had her eye on all night. When she got to him he was busy taking off the ridiculous costume he'd had to wear. For a few seconds Amber was able to catch a glimpse of rippling abs and pecs that looked like they'd been chiseled out of granite. He was dark skinned, like he jogged with his shirt off—that and not to mention that being Latin gave him a dark complexion to start. Amber felt like she was being swept away as she looked at his dark, curly hair that seemed to waft for a moment above his head before plunging down his shoulders in twisting, curling locks. His eyes were a deep mahogany color, with little bits of gold flecked about his irises. He seemed lithe on his feet, which made sense, Amber realized, considering he made his money as a dancer. At first Amber didn't know if she wanted to say anything. It wasn't like she wasn't married. But they were newly married and her husband, Frank, had hinted that he might be open to stuff in the bedroom that most people weren't.

  Amber let the thoughts of Frank slip from her mind. She didn't think about his big cock, or how good he looked naked, or how good he was in bed, or how rich he was, or how handsome he was, or how he was her soul mate. That would have just ruined the moment and she knew it. What point was there in fretting if Frank had already more or less given her the go ahead to pick out whoever she wanted for a threesome? She figured it was time to be bold and assertive.

  “Hey my name is Amber,” she said, sticking her hand out in front of her like they were meeting for the first time in some business setting. It took Amber a second to realize how formal she appeared, and she pouted her tits out a little bit in front of her to try to make up for it. The handsome dancer's eyes locked in on her tits, which looked good in a crop top.

  “My name is Damion,” he said. “It is a pleasure to meet such a beautiful woman.

  He took her hand in his and raised it to his lips, pouting them just so before kissing the top of her hand lightly.

  Someone from back stage was yelling at Damion. They wanted him to hurry up and get back there to help move things, or so they yelled at him. He let out a deep sigh that betrayed his sense of resentment. Amber wasn't privy to how they treated the people that weren't famous on set, but from what she was hearing and observing the extras were consider help and treated as such.

  “Listen,” Damion said turning to her. “Can I give you my number and maybe you shoot me a text when you get the chance at some point? I mean, if you want to


  Amber's heart raced.

  “Sure,” was all she could manage.

  Damion scribbled his number on a piece of paper and handed it to her, then sprinted backstage.

  Amber stuffed the paper in her back pocket and tried to hurry away from the stage as if she'd broken some kind of rule. It wasn't like she'd gotten up on the stage or anything, it had been Damion who'd jumped down to tear off some of the ridiculous eighties gym attire. She didn't look at the paper he'd given her until long after she'd said goodbye to her girlfriends and gotten back to the privacy of her apartment. Her girlfriends had been all a titter about what she'd done, like none of them had ever come on to anyone before. Of course they knew that she was married, but at the same time they could probably reason that she was in a similar relationship as all of them—Amber and Frank had decided that they wanted to explore sexually within their relationship, with each other. The other women often times spoke of similar things and circumstances. It wasn't like if they found out they would even be surprised, or at least that's what Amber reasoned since none of them even tried to get out of her what Frank's reaction would be. But maybe they were just being good mannered, even though that seemed more like a long shot than anything else.

  “What are you looking at?” Frank asked as he walked by her in the kitchen.

  He was on his way to the gym after going golfing with his guy friends. The people he hung out with were often times the same people that he competed for clients with at the law firm he worked for. Being a junior partner meant that Frank got a lot of the bitch work, but at the same time, because he was so tenacious, he was able to make a name for himself that was starting to get him more and more time with the bosses on the green. They'd had plans to go to the mall together because Frank had had this thing about thinking it would be hilarious to go and see Vanilla Ice play his old hit, like they had gone back in time or something.

  “I got one of the male dancers phone number,” Amber said. “And it looks like it's on the back of his grocery list. Hope he doesn't miss that too much later.”

  Frank's interest perked.

  “Really?” he said walking back to look over Amber's shoulder. “Is he cute? Do you think he'd be down to be in a threesome with us?”

  “He's super cute,” Amber said. “But as far as joining us, I have no idea. I'd probably have to talk to him first, don't you think?”

  “I guess you'd better than,” Frank said. “I want you to bend over our nice leather couch and take his cock like a slut while I video tape.”

  Amber couldn't help but gasp a little bit. She loved when Frank talked dirty to her.

  “Do you think you'd really like it, Frank?” she asked him. “Do you think you really would? Because if you think so I'll do it for you.”

  “Oh I know you will, baby,” Frank said as he looked her up and down like a piece of meat.

  Amber was hot, and she knew it. Her hourglass figure was accented with double tits, red hair, blue eyes, and a creamy complexion. She was the kind of girl that caused car accidents and drew a lot of attention from construction workers. She wasn't the kind that minded it, though. She liked it when men drank her in and found her to be irresistible, it gave her a feeling of power.

  “Frank, you are far too good looking to have such a base emotion all over your face,” Amber said with a playful wink.

  Frank really was stunningly good looking. He was the kind of guy that graced the pages of sports magazines, that is, if he played sports. He was much more intellectual than that, though. Not that he didn't, from time to time, enjoy things like Golf or watch a football game. It was just that often times, when things were boring or obviously rigged, he'd remind himself that was why he'd lost interest so long ago. Maybe he'd realized, when he'd stopped caring about sports, that there could be more to a sex life than just the two of them having sex.


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