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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

Page 46

by Hawke, Jessa


  Coveted by the Werewolves

  Hilda was entering what would be a new phase of her life. She was excited to be starting college and hoped it would rescue her from a life of boredom and monotony. She was starting her freshman year, and she was determined to make it work - make it her time to shine. She was excited for what was to come, and she was ready for the new adventure that this new experience would give her. Hilda wondered curiously what the future had in store for her, but all she knew was that something interesting, something unusual and exciting was just around the corner, that was for sure. She could feel it deep within her, all the way to her core.

  She entered the college campus on a rather cool and blustery fall afternoon, looking for the biology department. That was where her first class was, and she looked studiously at her schedule, noting that she would go to a biology class before going to her math class. Although she was wrapped up in the details of being on time, finding where her classes were, and navigating through crowds of new faces, she rather preoccupied and lost in her mind. Her thoughts often took her to places far away from the present. She fantasized and dreamed about exciting romantic adventures and finding that one guy. She yearned for that one special gorgeous man that would swoop in and rescue her from the painful monotony of everyday life. What she really wanted more than anything in the world was a meaningful relationship.

  When she became oblivious to the outside world and completely consumed by the detailed stories and images concocted by her wildly imaginative mind, she often wondered if there really was any man out there hopefully , or hopefully even in this college that would truly enjoy her and her body. She was a bit bigger than most girls, with a few extra pounds here and there. But what didn’t work with her weight was made up by her pretty face. She had beautiful, glowing skin with fine features and a narrow jawline despite her weight. She also had beautiful blue eyes that radiated joy, hope and warmth. Her blonde hair was normally tied back in a long ponytail, which cascaded in curls down her back.

  Hilda was feeling different than usual as she walked the halls of the college buildings. She felt more confident, at ease, more alive than she ever had before. She didn’t know if it was just her imagination, but she felt that people were looking at her, noticing her, not in a harsh and judging sort of way, but rather in glances of acknowledgment, wonder and admiration. Finally, for the first time ever, Hilda knew with ever cell of her being that there would be a man at this college for her who could satisfy her every urge and desire. Just the thought of a hot frat guy lavishing her with attention and enjoying every curve and line of her body sent tingles under her skin and a slight smile to her face. Yeah, this new direction in college was going to be a good one; she felt it in her bones. She was determined to find Mr. Right, and she would use whatever it took to find him. Hilda would find a man who would enjoy her, one that would be able to see the beauty that she had. Hilda was ready for this, but she honestly didn’t know where to start. Definitely not your average girl, she was a bit nerdy and loved animation. Above all, she loved school, learning and knowledge more than anything. She was ready for fate to step in and guide her toward her destiny.

  Hilda walked for a bit, still distracted by looking at her schedule, looking down at the printed out timetable and occasionally glancing up to be sure she was still heading in the right direction. Suddenly, she abruptly bumped into a tall, broad chested guy, who was hot as hell. She dropped her timetable and scrambled to put herself and her belongings back together. Her face got hot as she blushed, hoping that she didn’t make a damn fool out of herself.

  “Hi there. I’m so sorry!” she said. She tried to hide the redness in her cheeks that was becoming increasingly obvious. It didn’t help though, especially when she got a good look at the fine man standing before her.

  He was perfect, simply perfect. He had black hair that went down to his shoulders, bright blue eyes, and a gorgeous frame. He dressed like her, which was kind of in a nerdy, yet punk-rock fashion. By simply making eye contact with her, Hilda could feel herself being swooned by this guy. She felt a building sense of excitement starting to course through her body. She loved this rush of electric lust, and could already feel a growing sensation of arousal permeating every inch of her being.

  “Hey there. It’s okay. Don’t worry about it, it’s the first day,” he said with a friendly chuckle.

  Hilda felt like she was about to die from embarrassment. She didn’t mind the friendly comment, but it still made her a bit uncomfortable, that was for sure.

  “Okay. Sorry, I wasn’t looking. Sometimes I do that. I didn’t mean to be so stupid,” she said.

  “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. You’re cute, so it’s okay,” he replied as he grinned and picked up one last paper off the floor that had fallen out of Hilda’s binder.

  Still blushing, Hilda looked toward the floor and then again back into his clear blue eyes, unsure of what else to say. She was actually really shocked at how nice this guy was. Normally, in her experience, most people would tell her to fuck off or something, but this one actually cared about helping her out. She thought this was a joke. It had to be, people were never this nice.

  “Okay. I’ll try not to run into people,” she replied.

  “Don’t worry about it. I didn’t mind at all. I’m Ryan, by the way,” he said.

  He extended his hand, and Hilda shook it. They looked at one another, and for a moment, she thought she was going to go crazy. She wanted to run away to prevent making an ass of herself again but she also wanted to pounce on him and rip his clothes off at the same time.

  “I’m Hilda. So, what are studying here?” she asked trying to make a little small talk.

  “I’m in microbiology; I want to become a surgeon when I’m older,” he explained.

  Hilda was shocked; she never thought she would get to meet such a hot guy on the first day of college, and even one with a career path in mind no less. He was perfect, and so far he didn’t seem disgusted by her – bonus!

  “That’s pretty awesome. I’m in my first year of biology. I want to be a forensic scientist,” she explained.

  “That’s really cool. I like a woman with drive and ambition, that’s for sure,” he said, again flashing a warm and sexy smile that made Hilda melt in all the right places.

  Those words made Hilda become even more blushed, and she was worried that she must have been the color of a tomato by this point. She smiled shyly back to him and nervously tucked her hair behind her ear, not knowing what else to do with her hands that so urgently wanted to reach out and feel the tight body that she could see existed under his well-worn Ramones T-shirt.

  “That’s pretty awesome that you’re into that. I’m new here, so I don’t know where jack shit is so far. I’m sorry if I come off as a total weirdo,” she explained, annoyed with herself at how awkward she thought she must have seemed.

  “You don’t at all. I think you’re really cute. And, I was going to ask if you wanted to maybe go out to dinner Friday night,” Rayan replied.

  Hilda thought she won the lottery. She thought she would never get a chance like this. She wondered if it was too good to be true, but in reality, it wasn’t. She knew what she was doing, and she knew at that present moment, that he was asking her out. There was no way in hell she was going to say no to him.

  “Sure. I would love to,” she replied, with a beaming smile across her face, unable to dull down enthusiasm at all to ‘play it cool’.

  He smiled, giving her a wink in response. “Great. What dorm are you in?”

  “Collins,” Hilda replied. It was weird, but for the first time in her life, she felt at ease when she talked to a guy like this. Normally she was a bag of jitters when she was around a cute guy, but this man was different. This man was simple, and he was a man that was easy to talk to, who didn’t play any games.

  “Well Hilda, I’ll be seeing you on Friday then. Make sure you’re ready for this,” he said.

lda smiled, excited for what was to come. She was going on the first date she had lined up in a very, very long time. She wondered if she would get to have as much fun with him as she wanted. She imagined she would be able to, judging from his seductive vibes.

  “Okay,” Hilda replied. She ran off, and Ryan smiled.

  “She’ll be perfect for us. I can’t wait,” he cooed.


  Hilda raced to class, narrowly hitting another couple of people along the way. She was such a damn klutz, which is something she was aware of and wished was different. She felt like a total idiot in front of most people, and this caused her to be generally socially awkward. Hilda still felt a bit nervous about attending her first class, but she still felt confident that her college experience was going to rock.

  Hilda absolutely loved her biology class. She felt most exhilarated when she was in a state of learning and acquiring knowledge. In particular she was fascinated with anatomy and the human body. The biology prof was chill, even though he already assigned homework on the first day. She didn’t care though, as she didn’t mind the fact that she was already being put to work.

  After that class, she was then on her way to math, once again fumbling through the hallway with her crumpled timetable in hand. She would get to have lunch after that and then a couple more classes before her day was over. While she busily moved through the hallways she was really on autopilot. Her body and intellect were focused on making sure she kept her shit together on this first day of school, but her mind, heart and desires were with Ryan. She couldn’t wait for her date with him on Friday, and just thinking about being around him and the possibility of hooking up was making her wet. She fantasized about him wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close to his chiseled chest, feeling her breasts with hardened nipples pressed against him. Hilda imagined that his cock would be big and bold, and that its girth would stretch her to her limits and take her to sensual places she never thought possible. Just thinking about these hot possibilities were making her clit throb and she could feel her panties getting damper by the second. She was counting the hours until she would see Ryan again.

  She generally wasn’t the type to hook up on the first date, but he was such a hunk. Finally, Hilda found her math class and went straight to the back of the room and grabbed a desk. Desire was still mounting within her as she continued to be preoccupied with thoughts of being fucked hard by Ryan, her panties soaked with pleasure at the idea. Her curvy figure loved it when guys knew how to be a tease, and something told her that he knew how to perfectly tease and tantalize any woman.

  Hilda finished up her math class with her head in a cloud of lust and wanting. She walked over to the dining area, and stood in line to get a salad. She was trying to watch what she ate so that she didn’t gain the “freshman-fifteen”, but she knew it was going to be hard since so much studying meant being parked on her ass for several hours every day. Also, the cafeteria was loaded with fattening foods that would tempt her. She would have to exhibit discipline, and maybe once a month she could have a cheat day where she ate whatever the hell she wanted.

  Hilda was hungry, not only sexually to have Ryan’s dick inside her but also to have a nice lunch. After she grabbed her salad and walked toward the crowded tables, her social anxiety started to bubble to the surface; she felt knots in her stomach and her heart start to pound as she frantically looked around not knowing where to sit.

  Breathe, Hilda she told herself as she tried to maintain a composed appearance while scanning the room for an available seat. It seemed like every single spot was taken by someone. Irrationally, not finding a seat made her feel like she wasn’t accepted in this place and Hilda wanted more than anything to get the hell out of there.

  “Over here!” someone said, out of the blue.

  Hilda looked over to her right and saw a hot, quirky guy with a vacant seat next to him. He was a redhead with strong biceps and cute freckles. He was a ginger all right, but he was one of the cutest gingers she had ever seen. Already, Hilda was swooning over this guy, but she didn’t even know a thing about him. She was willing to take a chance though, so she walked over and sat down beside him. There wasn’t anyone else there, and Hilda felt at ease when she was around the guy. He looked at her with a smile.

  “Hey there. How are you?” he asked.

  Hilda blushed, but then smiled at him. She felt like her mouth was going dry out of nervousness, so she took a sip of her iced tea and licked her lips. She noticed this guy looking down at her tongue as it slid over her upper lip. He brought his glance back up to meet her eyes and gave a super sexy half-smirk that sent jolts of electric lust between her thighs. What is with all the hot guys at this college? Hilda asked herself as she settled down into the chair and poured dressing on her salad.

  “Hey, I’m Hilda. Thanks for the seat. I didn’t imagine I would end up sitting here, but I’m pleasantly surprised,” she admitted, in a flirtatious tone. Hilda also surprised herself that she somehow felt comfortable enough around this guy to be so flirty right off the bat.

  “Most don’t. But don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you,” he replied, with a wink and a warm smile. The way the words came off his mouth made Hilda feel like she was about to go crazy with desire. She loved the way he talked to her, and just hearing him say those words to her sent her into a state of longing that ignited sparks in every cell and she felt heat mounting in her sex.

  “Thanks. What’s your name?” she asked. She felt so calm around him, but the fact that she didn’t even know his name felt strange. She needed get to know this guy on a more intimate level, and knew it all started with knowing his name.

  “I’m Derek. I’m studying fine arts. My major is in visual arts; I’m an illustrator,” he said.

  Hilda heard this, and immediately she felt her heart start to race even faster. He was so perfect, and she wasn’t able to stop her mind from thinking about how skilled he would be with his hands. Hilda pushed her brown hair back and smiled at him, her flirting game a little bit weak but she still managed to keep herself going.

  “So what class do you have next?” he asked.

  Hilda tried to keep her thoughts straight and bring them back to thinking about her classes and not about this hot man beside her. “I think I have another biology class. That’s my major, and I’m taking a lot of classes this year,” she admitted.

  “That’s awesome. I’m here for a fine arts degree, but I really hope that one day I can open my own tattoo shop. That’s the one thing I’ve always wanted to do,” he admitted, as he gestured to his colorful full-sleeve tattoos on each arm.

  Hilda heard this, and she smiled. She liked the fact that he was a bad boy, and in a way it made him even more enticing. She felt calm and collected around him, even though in her mind all she could think about was what other tattoos he has adorning the rest of his built body.

  “So, what other things do you like?” she asked.

  “Well, my obviously my favorite thing is getting tattoos. I have lots on my legs and chest too. I also love reading, and I’m a huge gamer,” he said.

  Hilda felt like she met had her match. She wanted to get some tattoos eventually, but she didn’t know what she wanted to put on her body forever. At least now she knew someone who could direct her to a wicked tattoo artist.

  “That’s cool. I’m a gamer as well. I’ve been gaming less lately though due to school starting and all, but I know how fun it can be,” she replied.

  “Oh same here. I’ve been busy with other things, so my ability to play games as I used to is decreasing. I love to draw as well, and I’m always looking for models for my art projects. I’d love to draw you sometime,” he said with a half-smile.

  Hilda immediately blushed as she heard those words. He was flirting with her big time, and she certainly wasn’t going to stop him. She felt so calm and collected as she heard those words, and a part of her was shocked at how easy it was to talk to him.

  “Sure, I’d love that,�
�� Hilda replied.

  “Say, are you free this Friday? I would love to hang out with you,” he said.

  Hilda thought about it, but she knew that she had a date with Ryan. She didn’t want to flake out on him. Ryan was so perfect too. This certainly was not a terrible problem to have! As much as she wanted to be in the pants of this man beside her, she knew she would have to decline the offer.

  “That’s nice of you, but I’m not able to. I already have plans. I was going to hang out with another friend,” she admitted.

  He nodded in assent. “Fair enough,” he replied.

  Hilda felt bad that he didn’t even try to reschedule the next time they could hang out. She wondered if there was something that he was refusing to tell her. She wasn’t sure what the hell it was though, but it was definitely something that she was curious about.

  Before she could say another word, Ryan appeared. He slid into the seat next to Derek, smiling.


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