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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

Page 109

by Hawke, Jessa

  The pig laid in submission. The battle was won. William and Beatrice the winners.

  Pork dinner’s all around.


  Matilda sat on her wooden stool weaving the tapestry on the vertical loom. She took her eyes off the bobbin to take a glimpse at the smiling Beatrice who was preparing the wood dye. “Stop smiling you... you’re making me jealous.”


  “I wish I was as young as you.”

  “You’re only a year older... I think it’s not your age your age that you regret, more the fact you have a husband and three children.”

  “Don’t tell them that.” Matilda continued to weave the bobbin. But from the corner of her eye she could still see the big smile on Beatrice’s face. “You can’t stop thinking about your adventures with the Baron can you?”

  “No, I can’t.”

  “It was quite a spectacle, I admit.”

  “Do you think his feelings are true for me?”

  Matilda breathed a heartfelt sigh. “I have had my say and do not wish to upset you more.”

  “I’m not a naive girl, I do feel there is something there.”

  “I believe him to be nothing but a March hare.”

  “But what if he loves me..? How could that be wrong?”

  The back door opened and Peter stepped in from the dark. “Randy little bugger, aren’t you..?’’ He leered at Beatrice. “Sorry, I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation. You women should gossip quieter. Such words could get you in trouble. ”

  “I told you always to use the front door, Peter.”

  “That’s what all my women say.”

  “You have a cesspit for a brain.”

  “Regarding you, the Baron and love? Love doesn’t come in to it! Do you think William would marry you? Of course not. Stop such girlish fantasies of princesses riding unicorns. Normans marry for land and wealth.”


  “There is no buts, Bea. I suggest you complete the work, take the money and be done with him. In fact, you know what? Normans are so wicked, I would go as far as to say this...”

  Beatrice felt close to tears. The excitement of the pig chase seemed like distant memories. “What?”

  “The Baron will use his love to get out of paying for all the work... afterwards he’ll lock you up in the dungeon forever.”

  “Don’t say that, you’re scaring me.”

  Matilda stood from her stool. “Enough, Peter. You have made your point. Now off into the night with you.”

  “I came to ask if my top is ready.”

  “I said leave.”

  “I’ll take that as a no.” Peter turned to face the tearful Beatrice. “I tell you this because I want what is best for you. I may work for the Baron, but I do not like him.”

  “All you do is make my eyes burn with tears.”

  Matilda shooed Peter towards the door. “I said leave.”

  “Good night to you both.”

  “Good riddance, Peter.” Matilda waited until Peter had closed the door behind him. She then placed a hand on Beatrice’s shoulder. “Although his way with words is harsh, Bea, I’m afraid Peter’s warnings should be heeded.”

  “But what can I do about William’s advances. I don’t want to make him angry. Just imagine what he could do out of spite.”

  “That’s why you should tell him early. But first pray and hope that he will take it like the gentleman you think him to be.”


  William nodded with satisfaction as Peter hung the tapestry on the wall. He placed a hand on Peter’s shoulder while his eyes gorged on the intricate floral patterns woven into the deep red and royal blue. “Finally some colour other than bloody grey.”

  “Yes, my Liege.”

  “That Beatrice...”

  Peter closed his eyes as he stepped back. Her name resonated deep within. “Yes, my Liege?”

  “For a commoner, she is a talented woman.”

  “Indeed she is.”

  “Educated, good looking.”

  Peter stooped down to pick up his box of tools. His voice strained under the weight. “She is all those things.”

  “Could almost be Norman.”

  “Could be. But she isn’t.”

  “That nun must have been a fine teacher.”

  “Mother Agnes was a wise old woman.”

  William scratched his neatly trimmed beard. “Beatrice’s parents, what were they like?”

  “Honest hard working folk. They ran the workshop before Beatrice. ”

  “So I believe.”

  Peter sheepishly asked, “Why do you want to know so much about Beatrice?”

  “I might risk sounding foolish, but my heart beats to the sound of her name.”

  “But she is a commoner.”

  “I don’t listen to what people will say. Nor do I care for such words. I never have and never will. Beatrice is a good woman even if we were born with different privileges.”

  “My Liege.”

  “I know all about what you will say. I care not to listen to you anymore.”

  “I fear what may happen.”

  William spat his words. “I do not have to justify myself to you anymore.”

  “One last thing.”

  “What is it?”

  “I advise you to take her to Eden Bridge.”

  William opened the door and gestured for Peter to leave. “What the hell is that?”

  “A stone bridge that crosses a wide but shallow river. It’s on the old Roman road north to Carlisle Castle, a distance of about five miles from here.”

  William slowly closed the door over. “What’s so special about the stone bridge? Beatrice doesn’t look the sort appreciate Roman engineering.”

  “Our forefathers called the valley Eden, as it is rich with meadows, fruit bearing trees which give the area a heavenly scent.”

  William nodded with satisfaction. “Sounds quite a place. I shall visit one day.”

  “It’s a holy day tomorrow. Take her. Legend has it that if you take your lover there, and kiss her on the bridge then all your troubles will pass and you will be entwined by bliss forever and a day.”

  William let go of the door latch. He then stepped toe to toe with Peter. “Why would we being together, be of interest to you?” He leaned forward so their noses met. “I thought you had feelings for her? What have you got planned you little shit shoveller?”

  “Because I have made a life changing decision,” Peter could see the suspicion etched on William’s face. “I wanted to tell you first. I... I have decided to become a monk and live a life of piety.”

  “Fuck me.”

  “I no longer wish to hear such words.”

  William placed his hand on his chest. “Oh, yes. Sorry.” He coughed into his hand to buy time for the shock to recede. “Does that mean you will be leaving the castle?”

  “Yes. I have held several talks with Friar Benedict up at the monastery. In truth I’ve been thinking about it for some time.”

  “Why did you never say anything?”

  Peter didn’t lift his eyes from the slate gray floor. “I was scared.”

  “Well, you shouldn’t have been.”

  “I made up my mind yesterday and informed Father Benedict this morning of my intentions. I will leave for the monastery tomorrow where I will become a novice under Benedict’s guidance.”

  “Good. I’m happy for you. But what has this got to do with Beatrice and I?”

  Peter’s emotion made it a struggle for him to speak. “If I can’t make Beatrice happy... well, that doesn’t mean I don’t want someone else to. I wish you good luck, my Liege.”

  “Thank you.”

  “But keep this between me and you until I am gone. I just want to part quietly.”

  William reached for Peter, then placed his hand on his shoulder. “You have my word, Peter.”


  The horse’s hooves clipped on the stone of the Roman Bridge. Built of local granite, t
he ancient bridge still stood proud and spanned three arches. The lack of recent rain had caused the river to recede and flow only through the central archway. William rode his horse with Beatrice riding pillion. He enjoyed the feeling of being so close that he could feel her warmth. Smiling, he muttered, “So, the first time you have ridden horseback?”

  “First time I had to wear trousers too.”

  “You still look beautiful. So much so, that the fact I can’t see you while riding make me wish it was I riding pillion.”

  “My Liege... I’m afraid you’re teasing me with such kind words.”

  “Of course not. In fact I want to dismount on this bridge... just so I can see you.”

  William climbed off the horse to the granite cobbles of the bridge. He reached up and took Beatrice’s hand in his. “Beatrice I would never tease you.” Cupping her hands in his, William raised it to his lips and kissed its back. “Now let me help you down.”

  “My Liege... I don’t know if I can.”

  “Please call me William.”

  Beatrice’s smiled wildly. “Are you sure?”

  “Of course. Now come.”

  “But William, I fear I may fall.”

  William grinned as if he thought Beatrice was joking. “It’s easy.” The fear on her face made him aware she was serious. “OK. Listen to directions, swing your other leg to this side, then slowly shuffle forward and slide off. I will catch you.”

  “But what if I fall backwards.”

  “Then you will bang your head and risk death.”


  William chuckled. “Then simply make sure you fall forwards, then.”

  “I can’t be sure.”

  “Beatrice, now come on.”

  The cold splash of a raindrop made Beatrice peer to the heavens. The grey clouds had been threatening all day but now seemed intent on replenishing the thirsty river. “Oh, William... it’s raining.”

  “Then you have no choice but to dismount and shelter with me under the arch.”

  Beatrice gingerly brought her leg over the horse. She then closed her eyes as she shuffled forward to dismount. “Catch me!” The fall caused her to scream, but she stopped as she felt William catch her by her waist and pull her close. Opening her eyes she was eye to eye with the man she craved. Leaning forward she rested her lips on his but pulled back. “I’m sorry”

  “What are you sorry for?”

  Closing her eyes once more, Beatrice rested her forehead against William’s. “How can we be?” Beatrice opened her eyes but her vision was blurred as her tear ducts finally overflowed. “We’re merely playing a game of lovers.”

  “There are no games between us.”

  “Stop making me the girl to your boy.”

  “Stop claiming that I’m a fool, Beatrice. Or that I’m some vagabond who is thieving your heart.”

  “But I’m nothing but a simple poor girl.”

  William pulled her tight to his chest. “You’re not a serf or a peasant. I think you’re as educated as you are beautiful.”

  “William... leave me alone and stop with this cruel charade.”

  “This is no cruel charade. My lips may move but it is my heart that speaks. What’s more it speaks nothing but the truth.”

  The heavens fell from the clouds in sheets of cold grey rain as Beatrice broke from William’s arms. “Then your heart rules your head.”

  “And so what if it does?”

  “Even if your heart does call my name... what good is it? Your fellow courtiers... what will they think of us?”

  William stepped up to Beatrice but she took a stride backwards. He then wiped the rain from his face. “I know plenty who have married English.”

  “I’m not from English nobility, nor am I rich. I will never, ever, be accepted.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “You say that now, but your words will not last the test of time. That is why I must turn you down. I have a simple but happy life. I like what I am doing.”

  “Beatrice.” William felt his heart sliding in his chest. “You speak as if you wished we had never met.”

  “I do not wish to be locked up in some lonely tower only to be played with when you are bored.”

  “I love you.”

  Beatrice framed her face with her hands while her tears mixed with the rain. “You need to find someone suitable. Someone who can please not just your desires, but match the desires of your family.”

  “I have been touted around by my parents like a political pawn. But to my parent’s disgust, no Woman took my fancy.”

  “And why is that? Because you’re waiting for me..? Do not speak such lies, William.”

  William ran his hands through his matted hair. He took a fleeting look into the grey mist as the low cloud consumed the valley. “I fear I have no answer which will please you... But I know my father sent me to this backwater as punishment for not expanding the family’s wealth through marriage.”

  “Then I feel sorry for you.”

  “Don’t be. I was never interested in wealth, power and politics. I wanted love... and I found it in you.”

  “I have lost one husband already.” Beatrice gazed into her William eyes while she exposed her tortured soul. “I do never wish to lose another.”

  “If you don’t trust me because I am Norman. Then I will be an Englishman.”

  “What do you mean by that? You are how God made you. A Norman.”

  William finally grabbed Beatrice by her shoulders. “I will give up my riches and come and live with you.”

  “But people will know who you are?”

  “We’ll move to another town, start a new life with your vertical loom.”

  “You’re crazed?”

  “I am not. I will give up my life to live another with you.”

  Beatrice felt her heart swell. “Then kiss me.”


  Under the arch of the bridge Beatrice smiled as William carefully disrobed her. She did not speak as words could never convey or express the emotion she felt. Despite the cold temperatures she felt nothing but the warmth of the lover. William’s kisses soothed her of her pain, freed her from her worries... killed any remaining doubts.

  William’s hands traced Beatrice’s body. To his eyes she was beauty defined. Her alabaster skin glistened with the rain water, while her fulsome lips parted just enough to expose her healthy teeth as she sighed to his touch. He stood naked but felt nothing but confidence. Holding Beatrice tight he lay down his love on the clothes. Their lips locked, their bodies merged. They never wanted to be parted.

  Beatrice wrapped her leg around William. She silenced her groans by nuzzling her face into the crux of his neck. The sensation of love in its physical form played havoc with her body. Feeling the need to scream, she expressed her love to her man by losing herself in carnal pleasure.


  Walking hand in hand back to the horse, William and Beatrice barely heard the whistle on the air.

  The force of the arrow forced William backwards before dropping onto to his backside. Blinded by pain, he tensed up while screaming in agony among the reeds. Beatrice dropped to the side of her lover. She shook her head in desperation as she noticed the arrow had buried deep into his shoulder. “William, oh William.”

  “Get on the horse.”

  “Let me help you.”

  “Forget me, get on the horse.”

  Beatrice burst into tears. “We must escape together.”

  “They want me not you. Now stop wasting time and escape.”

  As William gingerly climbed to his feet, he spotted a masked bandit running towards him from road. He glanced over his shoulder to see Beatrice climbing on to his horse. Once she sat on the saddle, William slapped the rear of the horse sending the galloping across the shallow river towards the opposite tree line.

  William faced his enemy. Despite his bleeding wound he stood his ground. The bandit screamed as he launched his first blow, violently slashing with his sword.<
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  Keeping his elbows close to his body, William parried each glancing slice. He kept his knees bent and feet sturdy making sure not to lose his balance after each defensive parry. Despite his ailing strength William knew he had to bid his time until he could capitalise on the aggressor’s first mistake.

  The polished blades cut through the rain as they battled under the angry sky. Thunder from the unsettled heavens interspersed each grunt and clash of steel of the combatants.

  The bandit proved too eager and locked swords. He pushed forwards in an effort to overpower the injured William. Shifting his standing feet, William forced the bandit to make a false step. Off balance, the bandit was powerless to stop William gaining leverage with his sword and lost the flow of the fight.

  William seized his opportunity. In one strong sapping blow, he swung. But cried out in agonised frustration as the bandit merely blocked it.

  Without the strength to carry on, William knew he was done for.

  “Leave him... Leave him, I say!” A drenched Beatrice had crossed the river once more brandishing a large branch. “Leave, or you’ll have to fight the both of us.”

  The bandit seemed stunned. His attention spilt, he couldn’t focus. William thrust his sword towards the bandit. But the bandit easily sidestepped the blade. However he couldn’t avoid getting clobbered on the face with the Beatrice’s branch.

  With the bandit floored, William kicked away the assailant’s sword. Beatrice then kissed Williams cheek. “Are you OK?”

  “Fine, but you need to take me to Carlisle once we have dealt with this rat.” William reached down and unmasked the face of his stricken foe, revealing a bloodied face. To Beatrice’s hysterical screams, William could barely mutter, “Peter?”

  “My Liege, I had no choice.”

  “Why? Oh Why? You foolish wretch.”

  “I’m sorry... I.”

  “You...” William dropped to his knees. Exhausted, he could hardly speak. “You wanted me dead? You betrayed me.”

  “You stole the love I could never have. I couldn’t let you taunt me by making Beatrice happy.”


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