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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

Page 123

by Hawke, Jessa

  Matt reached over and took her hand. “Seems to me, Reverend Butler, that you’re the one with a problem.”

  The man seethed, his eyes narrow and locked on the doctor. He thought to say more, raised and shook his fist, then turned abruptly and stormed out. The band picked a rowdy song to distract everyone from the incident, leaving Emma and Matt alone and unhappy on the dance floor.

  “I should go.” She muttered.

  “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Matt assured her. He put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her, but she turned away.

  “I’m sorry. It’s… I have to go.”

  “You were right though. He can’t tell you what to do.”

  “He kind of can.” She insisted, returning to their table to get her purse. “For now. I don’t have the money to get my own place yet. Maybe… maybe later this year. I’m sorry.” She started to leave, then paused.

  “Thank you. For sticking up for me. And, and everything.” She kissed him on the cheek, resting a hand on his arm for a moment. Then she was gone.

  Matt dropped back into his seat. Just when he was starting to have some hope, it was snatched away as quickly as it came by. He took a fork, angrily stabbed his leftover steak, and dropped his head into hands, dejected.

  It would be several minutes before he could settle the check. The entire time, he fumed over his misfortune, feeling more and more self-conscious and sure that everyone was talking about the stranger in their midst, confronted by their spiritual guide and set adrift on his date.

  It wasn’t how he wanted to start his new life. Not at all.


  “What the hell’s got into you, kid? You still moping over the little Butler girl?” Doc Baker was sitting across from him again, the trio from Mitigoog Family Health Care each nursing their morning coffee. It seemed Mary was intending to play a non-speaking role in her relationship with the doctors, as was her dour custom. Matt had almost come to regard her as furniture. He wondered how she’d ever gotten a job as a receptionist, but wasn’t comfortable asking just yet.

  The old doctor, on the other hand, was more than happy to fill an empty space in a conversation. Before Matt could respond, his mentor slammed his hand down on the table. “I know what you need! You need a new date. That’s just the thing for you.”

  “I don’t know about that.” Matt was still stuck in the hotel on the outskirts of town for at least another week, apparently. “I haven’t met that many women since I came to town. Everyone’s either married or, uh…” He trailed off. It had been raining all morning, leaving huge tear streaks on the window next to their table. The weather matched his mood- dark and depressing. He felt bad letting it rub off on the Doctor, as he really was a kind, patient boss.

  “Senior citizens?” Doc Baker completed his sentence, and threw back his head for a laugh. “We’ve got a bushel full of them up here, that’s for sure! In the fall, there’s going to be lots of big, burly hunting men, if that’s more your speed.”

  It was Matt’s turn to chuckle. “Thanks, but no thanks.”

  “Well, there you go. You better find a fresh young face, and soon. Fair is coming up. Don’t worry, though. Temperature is going up this weekend, and that means we’ll see a lot of our southern neighbors from Flint, Detroit, Lansing, and Grand Rapids hustling up this way to go camping and take in the lake. Might be some pretty young things among them. You never know!”

  “We’ll see.” Matt suggested, in hopes of ending the conversation.

  “That means no. Boy, you’ve really got your heart set, don’t you?” Doc rubbed his chin and thought about it. “Nothing for it. You need to woo her away.”

  “I’m not much of a wooer.” Matt glumly replied.

  “Geeze, boy.” Doc Baker looked disbelieving. “When I was your age, I wasn’t half as talked about as you and I still managed to win over a lovely women. She was my wife for forty years, and it was a happy life together. You need to get out there and show a little backbone.”

  “You’ve met her father. I’m not sure what to do about that.”

  “He is a pill, that’s for sure. Still… he might come around if you’re persistent.”

  Mary cleared her throat. “I like chocolates.”

  Matt and Doc looked at her, both surprised to hear her speak. “What?” Matt was the first to ask.

  “I like chocolates. You could get your girl a box of chocolates and that might help you win her over.” Her unhappy expression never faltered. “I’m just saying.”

  No one spoke for a minute. Wanting to break the silence, the Doctor coughed, drank down his coffee, and motioned for Mary to hop out of the booth.

  “Better get back to the salt mines. You coming, Matty?”

  “Let me just finish my coffee. I’m right behind you.”

  Left alone in the nearly empty diner, Matt’s mind wandered back to the night he’d danced with Emma. Had her hair smelled like strawberries? He thought so. She’d seemed so slight and soft against him, a slip of a girl with a quick wit and an inviting smile. How had he let her get away?

  He was just resolving to find out where she lived and knock on her door when he saw a streak of blue passing his window in a hurry. The woman was wearing a raincoat and running, but she looked familiar.

  Matt had already paid, so he jumped out of the booth, threw a tip on the table, and ran into the rain. “Emma!”

  She stopped running, turned and stood in the rain, looking back at him. She hesitated. “Matt! Come on, follow me. Let’s get out of the rain!”

  He ran after her as they ducked on to the porch of the empty church. “I have the keys. Just a second.” She let them in, flicking on the lights.

  They stood dripping in the entryway to the holy place, each dripping on the carpet and exchanging nervous looks. “I’m sorry about the other night.” She began, catching his eye, then looking away. “I just wanted to say that. It’s not right you’d be treated that way.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “Not really.”

  “Okay, not really.” He agreed with a little smile.

  She noticed his grin and returned it. “I hope that you still like it up here.”

  “I do. I like the peace, the quiet of it all. It’s the right pace of life for me. I guess I’d always hoped I’d be a country doctor.”

  “You don’t get much more country than Mitigoog, I guess. Anyway, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. That’s all.” She turned to leave.

  “You can make it up though.” He suggested.

  “Oh?” She asked, her voice rising with a hopeful note.

  He took a step closer. She didn’t retreat. Remembering where they were, he didn’t plan to try to kiss her. But he did reach across the emptiness and took her hands. “Emma Butler, would you do me the honor of accompanying me to the fair this week?”

  “So formal, Mr. Conroy.” Her words were light-hearted, but her voice shook slightly as she said them.

  “I’m a Southern boy, and I don’t feel like we got off on the right foot. I’d like to ask your father’s permission, but if he says no, I’d like you to know I’d still be honored if you chose to meet me all the same.”

  She thought about that. “He’ll say no. I’m sure of it. But… I wouldn’t mind if you asked.” She kissed him again on his cheek, lingering. Then she whispered. “And I’ll be there either way.”


  No one was more surprised than Matt Conroy when he found he was driving through the winding backstreets of Mitigoog with Emma in his passenger seat on the first evening of the Adams County Fair. He said as much after commenting on how pretty his date was.

  “I didn’t think he’d say yes either, to be honest.” She admitted. He started to turn the wrong way, so she quickly corrected his turns. “Main Street is that way.”

  “Thanks. So- why do you think he was okay with it?”

  “What can he do? Lock me up in a tower? I bugged him about it, and I think Mom probably spoke with him. He was terr
ible about me dating when I was in high school. If he didn’t approve of the guy and hadn’t seen him in our church every single Sunday, he pretty much chased them off.” She sounded a trifle bitter as she spoke, then switched gears by changing to an upbeat tone. “But that was then, this is now. And here we are on Main! How would you have ever managed to get here without me?”

  “You’re a great navigator, ma’am.”

  “Ma’am? Hmm. I can get used to being called that, I guess.”

  “Well how about Emma?”

  “Mmmm… I’d say ma’am is better.”

  “Sweetie pie?”

  “Maybe.” She laughed.

  One thing he soon found out about Emma was that she had a taste for cotton candy. After paying for admission, they made a beeline to the cotton candy booth. Soon, they were tearing off airy threads of the sugary stuff. She happily stuffed a big wad of it into his mouth, which he did his best to polish off in one gulp. She clapped at his efforts.

  “Impressive stuff, Mr. Conroy.”

  “Friends call me Matt, ma’am.” He managed to say between bites of the fast-melting candy.

  “Oh, but we’re very formal here in the Midwest, Mr. Conroy. I might call you honey bear, though.”

  “You call me whatever you like, so long as you call me.”

  She pointed to the “high striker,” the strongman game. “Care to test your strength with the mallet, Mr. Conroy?”

  “Oh, all right. I suppose. Though I’m better at shooting the ducks, if truth be told.” When it was his turn, he hit the mark and the striker went up, up, up to 900 just short of the bell.”

  “Well that’s a rip!” Emma proclaimed. He started to shell out some more money, but she stopped him. “I’m teasing! Don’t. I know you’d hit the bell if you kept at it, I’m just messing with you.”

  “To be honest, I’m not always good at knowing when I’m being picked on.” He admitted.

  “That’s okay. You’re smart, and that’s great. Maybe I’m not as smart as you-”

  “I don’t believe that for a second.” Matt interrupted. She took his arm and they walked the fair together, taking in the smells and sights. Normally, he’d be nearly sick from all the people. With her on his arm, he felt much stronger.

  “Okay, book smart. I’ve got a lot of common sense though. If someone were picking on you, I’d tell you right away.”

  “That’s sweet of you.”

  “You look out for me, I promise to do the same. It’s only fair.”

  They found a quiet bench beside the ferris wheel and sat to finish their cotton candy. “What do you plan to do with yourself?” Matt asked. “I wanted to know more about you before but, you know. Things didn’t go so hot.”

  She sat close to him, nearly snuggling. “Oh, let’s call this the first date and forget about that. The burger was kind of dry anyway. I should have known something would go wrong. It’s never a good sign.”

  “All forgotten.” He promised.

  Emma crossed her legs and bobbed her foot as she talked. “I’m going to school, as you might guess, and it’s not cheap. I’d like to move out on my own, rent a place. But the scholarships and loans I’ve taken aren’t quite enough.”

  “Oh, I know all about loans.” Matt groaned. “I’ll be paying off med school for a long time.”

  “Yep. So I’m studying at Central Michigan. There’s an extension a few towns over; it’s a long drive, not very fun. Anyway, I’m don’t laugh.”

  “Laugh?” He was confused. “I promise wouldn’t do that.”

  “Well… I’m studying business. I’d like to open a bakery.”



  He nodded. “Seriously. My great-grandfather was a baker. He served in WWII, Europe. They sent him to school after and he opened a pie shop with a partner back in Raleigh.”

  “You’re kidding!”

  “Nope. We’ve got recipes in the family still. I bet my Mom could dig them up, if you ever want to see them.”

  She looked behind them, up and over her shoulder at the ferris wheel. “Hey, you want to go up there? Look at the stars with me?”

  Damn it. Why did we sit here? His mood plummeted instantly. Everything had been going so well. He wanted nothing more than to get in the seat next to her and share in that experience. At the same time, his gut was turning somersaults. “You know… why don’t you go for a spin first, and I’ll go next? I need to use the bathroom real quick.”

  “You sure? I can wait.”

  “Yeah. I’m going to sit this one out. Next for sure.”

  She looked a little disappointed, but gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Meet you back here.”

  Burying his hands deep in his jeans pockets, Matt stared at the ground as he walked away. He didn’t need the bathroom, but he did want to work up some courage before putting himself in that precarious little machine. He didn’t like to even think of it, to be honest. Worst of all, he didn’t like the idea that he might suffer a panic attack with her right there to witness it. That would be humiliating.

  He was about to circle back to the ferris wheel when he looked up and was horrified to see he was face-to-face with the Reverend Frank Butler.

  The man was standing next to his wife and had his own hands shoved into his pockets. “Where’s my daughter? You just went and left her alone?”

  “Excuse me, sir, I was just heading back from the bathroom.” He explained. “She’s off that way.”

  “Heck of a thing, to leave her on her own.” The man repeated, but his wife hushed him.

  “Don’t worry about a thing, Matt. You go ahead and meet Emma, have fun. We’re just here to take a stroll and we’ll stay out of your hair. I promise.” She added firmly, causing the Reverend to shut his mouth before saying anything further.

  Matt turned on his heel after excusing himself to leave and was nearly back to the wheel when he heard screams. The ferris wheel was stopped, as normally happens during the ride, but near the top, one of the compartments had broken loose from one side of the wheel. It was still attached by the other side, but was tilting crazily, forcing its lone passenger to hold on tight to stay in her seat.

  It was, as he feared, Emma.

  He sprinted to the man who was running the machine. The ferris wheel operator was on a walkie talkie, explaining the situation to someone else on the other end. “I don’t know what happened! I don’t dare run the machine, it could snap off part-way through the descent.”

  “They gotta climb down.” The voice from the other side explained. “That thing won’t hold too long.”

  The man looked up. “I don’t know if she can do that. I’m not going up there. Hey!” He yelled.

  His shout was ignored as Matt ran over to a stairway. It led to a second stairway that would leading up one of the legs supporting the ferris wheel.

  He took the stairs two at a time, ignoring everything but what was in his immediate view. He had no intention of looking down; for the moment, he knew he was operating purely on adrenaline and that might dissipate like a puff of smoke at the first sight of how far up he was. Better to just keep moving as fast as possible.

  He soon reached the center of the wheel, the center point from which the spokes radiated out to connect with the rounded wheel. There was a platform here, nothing too remarkable. The next step would be to somehow climb up one of the steel radials towards Emma.

  Had she been at the exact summit of the wheel, it would have been much more challenging to reach her. The climb had no grips. As it was, he needed to climb into the central spoke of the wheel and climb up that way. There were a series of regularly spaced squares with metal x's within them that made a rather imperfect ladder that could be climbed with caution. Still determined not to look down, Matt threaded his way into the center and began the ascent.

  He was vaguely aware that most of the fairgrounds had gathered at the base of the wheel to watch him climb. In the distance, he could hear sirens. From where he was
standing it was actually easy to see emergency vehicles from a long ways off approaching in the dusk.

  The x-shaped beams were harder to climb than he’d expected. He had about four of the squares to climb, and he found himself struggling to make the first. The angle wasn’t great and each of the spokes he touched was smooth and slippery. He had to keep three of his four limbs touching at nearly all times, which made movement slow.

  “Help me! God, help me, someone!” Emma shouted. He could see the back of her head and she wasn’t aware he was there.


  “Matt?” She turned and he could see she was crying. He focused on her face as he kept moving forward, ignoring the ground that was waiting below to take him into the sinking blackness of death.


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