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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

Page 174

by Hawke, Jessa

  Coming back just brings up a dread in the pit of my stomach. I did have good times, with my two really good friends, being a bit of a tomboy, I hung out with two boys. One of them lived at the foster home as well, the other was part of a large family that owned a ranch on the outskirts. I never kept in touch, and to some degree I now regret that. I think that is the only reason I’ve come back, to sort of make my apologies to those two guys, if they’re here. If they’re not, then that means they’ve moved on and forgotten all about me, which will allow me to stop feeling guilty.

  Chapter 2 The Rancher

  Well, just look at that! The old school is still standing. In fact, I think it’s been extended and has a few modern buildings added to it.

  I’ve not really come prepared for a big event, no nice dress packed in my suitcase. Should I have treated it like a Prom? Sure, I have clean clothes, but only more jeans, tops and underwear, very casual. I know one thing for sure, I’m not here to set airs and graces for a bunch of old school pals, most of which I doubt I will even recognize.

  “I don’t believe you came!” I hear a male voice yell through my side window as I pull into the parking lot. “Yasmin Bradney, you came, I’m sooo pleased.”

  I turn around and stood before me is a tall, dark man, his arms open wide and a huge smile on his face. It only takes a second before my confusion turns to pure delight as I leap out of the car, and into his open arms.

  “Abe Jefferson,” I yell, in my excitement. “Abe, you’re here. I’m so pleased to see you, oh god, Abe, this is fantastic,” I say, jumping up and down, like I’m still a schoolgirl.

  As people pass us, they just smile. It is a reunion day after all, there’s gonna be lots of giddiness going around.

  Finally, we let go of each other and just stand there holding hands as we look each other up and down.

  “Look at you girl,” Abe says, looking pleased with me. “You sure are a fine woman. I don’t even know how I recognized you, I think I sort of sensed it.”

  “Yeah, well, Abe, I didn’t recognize you at first. I thought you were some local weirdo. Instead, you’re my Abe and looking mighty handsome and, wow, just look at those muscles. Did you stay on the ranch?”

  “I sure did, and we’ve expanded, we’re one of the largest providers of cattle this side of the mountains,” he told me.

  I looked at him, he has developed well over the years into a fine young man, tall and broad with a handsome face, dark skinned with a mop of tight curly hair. Yet, I could still see my Abe in the twinkle of his soft, brown eyes. He wore faded denims, a checked shirt and a denim jacket, sat on his head was a stetson. He looked the real thing, a true cowboy.

  “Abel Jefferson, you are a handsome young man, that’s for sure,” is all I could say, stood there looking at this tall, hunky black man. “We have so much catching up to do.”

  “Well, girl, that’s why we’re all here. Come on, I haven’t seen Cal yet, do you think he’ll come?”

  “Hell, he’d better,” I say, suddenly realizing that I never really thought these guys wouldn’t be here, I’d simply assumed their presence was a forgone conclusion. “If I could be brave enough to do this, then that wuss had better make the effort too.”

  Calvin had been the clever one of us. I did okay, I guess, but there was never anyone in my life to push me, so at exam time I just did the bare minimum to get through. Cal, though, although he lived in the same circumstances as me, he believed because he had no parents, it meant he had to try harder. So, in that respect, we were as different as chalk and cheese.

  In reality, he’s probably a millionaire right now, so why on earth should he be interested in attending a school reunion? Nah, he probably won’t come.

  I lock up my car and we head on inside the school, arm in arm. Suddenly, I felt like a kid back at school, as if nothing had ever changed.

  Chapter 3 The Enemy

  We entered through the double doorway and two guys were sat at reception, I really couldn’t remember much about either of them, but after a quick bit of reminiscing, I had a vague idea of who they were. They weren’t really anyone I hung around with at school. We were given our name badges and headed for the school hall.

  As much as I adore Abe, I absolutely hate the first person I spotted as I walked through the open hall doors. There stood Delena Eggerton, looking as if she’s trying to look like a million dollars. I hated the girl, and now I hate the woman. She was one of those giggly, females. Always wore makeup, showed off her shape with tight fitting clothes, she always made me feel ugly and inadequate. Man, do I hate her.

  “What did you really think of Delena Eggerton, I mean as a man, what was your honest opinion of her, as a woman?” I ask Abe, hoping he’d confirm his hatred for her.

  “You’re asking the wrong guy here,” is all he’d commit to.

  Abe was leading me in the direction of the bar, and while I circled Delena, to try and avoid her, she spots me and smiles in my direction. I couldn't help myself but smile back, even though I hate myself for doing it.

  “Never mind her,” Abe says, as he passes me a bottle of beer.

  We clink our beers together in an unspoken toast. That’s why I always loved him so much, he knew me so well, and obviously still does, no wine for this gal, she likes her beers with the boys.

  “I can’t help it Abe, she made my life hell on the odd occasion. Did you know that she used to tease me horribly about having no parents. She used to say that they didn't really die in a car crash but abandoned me at the orphanage. What a horrible thing to say to a young child, don’t you think?”

  “Children can be cruel to each other, that’s part of growing up. Did you believe what she said?” Abe asked me, raising his eyebrows, just as he used to when we were kids.

  “No, well, I used to think about it and wonder if it might be true. I told Cal, and he assured me that she was just a bitch,” I laugh.

  “Can I have your attention, just for a moment,” a voice shouts over the PA system.

  It was her. She was on the stage talking into a microphone.

  “I want to thank you all for coming today,” she announces. “Maybe if it goes well we could do it every year, so be ready for the letter or the buzz on Facebook. I hope you all have a good day and find happiness meeting up with old friends,” she finishes.

  “Maybe she’s not all that bad,” Abe says. “Seems she’s the one to organize this reunion.”

  I just shrug me shoulders, I’ve no idea why she has instigated this reunion, but I can bet it’s all just to make her look good.

  She steps down from the stage and starts to mingle with the groups of guests that are spread around the room. With growing horror, I realise that she’s coming over to us.

  “Yasmin, Abel, I’m so pleased you made it here,” she greeted us, with a huge grin. “I know what Abel does, but what are you doing with your life, Yasmin?” she asks me.

  “Staying away from people who make me unhappy,” I reply.

  “I know what you mean,” she says, back at me, letting the hint go right over her selfish head. “Life is too short to be with people who make you feel unhappy. Any way, it’s good to see you both.”

  With that she was off to the next person. Yep, still shallow.

  “Oh, hey,” she says back to us as she swings around, “I’ve just seen Calvin Fairfax, he is a fine young man.”

  My heart gives a little jump at the mention of Cal’s name, and off we go, eagerly in search of the missing cog to our little trio.

  Chapter 4 The Clever One

  We track him down, chatting away to his old friends. Well, that is why we’re all here I suppose.

  “And, here they are,” he yells, as soon as he spots us. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you guys.”

  We do all the hugging and laughing, and then pull ourselves away from the crowd, so it is just the three of us, like old times.

  “Look at you, mister classy man,” I declare, he does indeed look very good. Tal
l tanned and with a suit that probably cost as much as I earn in a year. “Looking good Calvin Fairfax, what’s those threads, Westmancott?” I dare to suggest.

  He just smiles ruefully, he isn't one to hide his light under a bushel, but I guess he doesn't want to come over as too flash, with old friends.

  “You know how good I was with figures? Well, I started out as an accountant and things just got better. I’m in banking now, and I do pretty well. So, enough about me, I want to hear about you two,” he says, eagerly.

  “I never moved away,” Abe tells him. “Just took over the running of the ranch when dad retired. We've grown so much bigger now we’ve gotten more cattle. We’re the biggest cattle ranch in the state.”

  Then they both turn to me and I felt a bit disappointed that I don’t have a big tale to tell.

  “Okay, I’m a chef, I cook good food and that’s about it,” I tell them.

  “I already know that you’re not just any chef, young lady,” Cal says. “I hear you’re making quite a name for your self.”

  “Well, I have no idea how you could know something like that, seeing as I haven’t spoken to anyone here, plus I wouldn’t tell them anyway. Yes, I’m not doing bad, turns out I’m quite a natural at mixing herbs and spices together, but then Abe’s mom gave me plenty of lessons.”

  “Not bad for two little orphans, eh, Minny?” Cal says to me, using the pet name the guys always called me. I haven’t been called it in years.

  “You were always the determined one, dying to show the world how good you could be. Me? I don’t really care about the world, or what it thinks,” I say to him.

  “Where you two staying?” Abe asks us, as if he’s suddenly remembered something.

  “I haven’t booked in anywhere yet, and please tell me that sleazy motel is closed down?” I reply.

  “Me too, I haven’t booked in anywhere because I wanted to make sure I booked in the same place as Minny,” Cal says.

  “Aww, that’s so nice of you, Cal,” I thank him, he was always such a thoughtful person, ambitious and thoughtful, an unusual combination.

  “No, Minny, the sleazy motel is still open. Anyway, you can both stay on the ranch,” Abe tells us rather than invites us.

  “Oh, that’s fantastic, thank you Abe, I would love to do that,” I reply, and Cal is equally as agreeable.

  This day is turning out to be perfect, despite Delena Eggerton, we did not need to rush our day together, as we would have all night as well. I was suddenly really pleased I had come, although I had little interest in anyone else here. We did mingle and chat and the guys seemed to enjoy mixing with old friends, but me, I was glad when it was all over and we could get away together, just the three of us, like it used to be.

  Chapter 5 Time for Truth

  Finally, the day was over and we follow each other’s cars as we head off to the ranch. When we arrive there, I am shocked, it has really changed, big time.

  “You like it?” Abe shouts over to us, as he strolls towards our cars. “I extended the old house, it has six bedrooms and all of them ensuite. I know it seems pretty large for a single guy, but the family are always staying over, you know mum and dad, although they've retired, they still cant help but check up on me. Come on, let’s get inside. I rang ahead and there’s food awaiting us in the kitchen.”

  He leads us through the back door and into a huge kitchen, where we sit at a large wooden table with wooden benches.

  “No point opening up the dining room just for us three,” he says, as he opens up the cooker door to pull out a casserole dish, that smells delicious. “I asked Maisy to cook us one of our old favorite dishes. Look, chilli beef, hot and spicy, just how we used to like it.”

  Cal and I probably ate more dinners at this ranch than we did at our own home. Abe’s mom was a great cook, and a lovely woman. He’d told us about his parents moving on to somewhere warmer in their retirement, and how he decided to expand the ranch. It looks like his plans have paid off because this is proper cowboy country with the hats, the horses and all the cattle.

  After dinner we move to the new living room, it is enormous and looks completely different to how I remember. Very plush, with comfortable furniture and full of all the modern tech gadgets, a huge flat screen TV on the wall.

  “This is lovely,” I say to Abe, “but, what I don’t understand is why you haven’t married? I really thought you’d be the first of our little group?”

  He goes over to pour us all alcoholic drinks from his extensive drinks cabinet, when he shocks me, a little, with what he tells us.

  “Now, there lies a problem, because I don’t particularly feel attracted to women,” he informs us, probably glad to have told us after all these years.

  “What?” I can’t help myself. “I fancied you like mad, and I still do, how can you break my heart like this, Abe? I had hoped for a fun reunion with you, and now I know there’s no chance.”

  Both the guys laugh at me, but frankly I’m hurt and rather disappointed.

  “Hey!” I yell at them, “I’m being honest here, I’m admitting a secret I’ve kept to myself for all these years, and you two just laugh at me.”

  “Okay, here goes. First, I adore you Minny and if you want to marry me, I would say yes in an instant, but it would just be so I could have a woman I love and trust on the ranch, so think about it. But, that’s not my big, big secret,” he pauses for a breath and I hug him.

  “I cant believe I’m gonna say this but… Cal, I had a huge crush on you at school,” his face reddens, even through his dark skin, and he drops his eyes to the floor, not able to look Cal in the face.

  “Hey man, thats cool,” Cal takes him in a big man hug, so I join in, not wanting to be left out.

  I’m still pretty gobsmacked, Abe, the one guy I really fancied, and it turns out that he prefers men. I wonder to myself if Cal feels the same way. Not that it really matters. Yeah, I have a twinge of disappointment, I was maybe hoping to have a quick fling with Abe. My sex life is non-existent at the moment, and it looks like I’ll be going home disappointed.

  We have another group hug as we realize the truth of the situation. All this time and we have loved each other in a little triangle.

  Abe goes to pour more drinks, I think we need them after Abe’s confession to us.

  “I want to propose a toast,” Cal says, holding up his glass. “To new beginnings. I hope we all love each other enough to stay in touch and not leave it another 8 years before we’re all back together.

  We drink to each other and start to chat about our present lives, telling each other our hopes and dreams and disappointments.

  We spent the rest of the night reminiscing about old times and the fun we used to have together, I was laughing, fit to burst, as some of the old memories of the tricks we used to play came flooding back. The drinks, like the memories, are quickly flowing and by the end of the night I’m a little bit tipsy.

  “Come on guys,” Cal says, getting unsteadily to his feet, “I’ll show you to your rooms.”

  With that we all follow him to our bedrooms, he puts me and Cal next door to each other, before wishing us all a good night.

  I quickly strip to my underwear and collapse on the bed, too tired to dig out my night ware, and in no time I’m fast asleep.

  Chapter 6 The Real Reunion

  I’m not sure what awakened me, a noise, maybe, or just the need to go to the bathroom. Cal was good to his word, my room had an ensuite and I quickly relieved myself. That’s always been the problem with alcohol and me, I’ve no sooner put it in when it needs to come back out again.

  I make my way back towards my bed, when I hear voices speaking downstairs. Curiosity gets the better of me and, not wanting to the left out of any part of this reunion, I pick up one of the bath robes, open my door, and step quietly onto the landing at the top of the stairs.

  The talking has stopped, but there’s definitely someone downstairs, I can hear people moving about in the main living room. Descending
the stairs quietly, I move over to the door. The room doors are double ones, and they’re slightly ajar, allowing me to see inside, and what I see nearly knocks me over in shock. In the middle of the room are Abe and Cal, both completely naked. Abe is on one of his knees, in front of Cal, and is performing oral sex on him. I just can't believe what I’m seeing. I know Abe said he had a crush on Cal, and how most women don't interest him, but still this is unbelievable.

  I really should leave, but I can't tear my eyes away from the scene in front of me. I can hear little slurping noises as Abe’s lips travel the full length of Cal’s shaft, until his nose is buried in his pubic hairs. He is clearly an expert at this. Cal is obviously enjoying it, as he’s making low moaning noises and his face is contorted with lust. Fortunately, his eyes are closed, otherwise he might possibly see me, spying on them.


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