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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

Page 198

by Hawke, Jessa

  At last, thought Eileen, as her husband’s erection filled her up, she had got what she had been yearning for. She was a little disappointed that it was not the doctor’s, but in reality, any dick would do. She buried her head in the pillow, pushing her ass up to meet her husband’s thrusting. This was his favorite position and now she was beginning to understand why, especially when his finger lingered on her exposed ass. Just for a moment she thought he was going to penetrate her there and when he moved on down to her pussy, she had felt relieved. Maybe she would let him try that experiment some other time. She ground her hips back onto him, trying to get him as deep inside of her as possible, and he responded by pushing back. She wondered where Aaron had gone as he had disappeared from her view, but when she heard her husband groan in her ear, and felt an extra weight at her back, she knew the doctor was joining in their love making. Glancing behind herself, she saw him kneeling directly behind her husband, his face strained with lust and full of intense concentration. She understood exactly what was happening, despite her sheltered upbringing. The thought of the doctor thrusting inside of her husband as he was inside her, pushed her to a point beyond return.

  As Aaron watched the man and wife fucking on his bed, he was undecided what his role was. He had so much wanted to bed the little Irish wildcat, but he knew that manners dictated the husband had first rights. Still he had an erection fit to burst and he desperately needed somewhere to put it. Watching Wallace's ass move up and down in rhythm, gave him a lewd thought. Quickly searching the medical supplies for a lubricant, he grabbed a jar and climbed onto the bed. Smearing his fingers he rubbed them down the crack of Wallace’s ass, paying particular attention to his tight anus and slipping a finger inside to loosen the tight ring. Once he felt the man was relaxed enough, he smeared the lubricant along his own cock before pushing it into the man’s relaxed and lubricated sphincter. He slipped in easily and was soon thrusting in and out to the same rhythm.

  Within moments the room was filled with sounds of passion as the two young men were thrusting together, one deep inside the woman and the other deep inside of him. It was a strange joining, but they all seemed to be in tune together, their hips grinding in unison.

  None of them could stand this level of passion for long, and soon each one was crying out with the raptures of orgasm, wave after wave of pleasure swept through their bodies as they all climaxed together.

  They collapsed in a heap on the bed, completely exhausted but very satisfied. Laying together, Eileen in the middle and a man at either side. As much as she wanted to stay like this for ever, she knew other duties were calling. Remembering her child, she quickly sat up.

  “Finnegan,” she cried out, “where is Finnegan?”

  “He’s fine,” her husband reassured her, “the O’Conners have him.”

  Guilt, the primary thought, now that her passion had been satiated. Eileen jumped out of the bed and began to dress, her husband soon followed as he pulled on his own clothing. They bid the doctor a fond farewell, promising a return visit, and they left together, hand in hand.

  Aaron was glad to have met such an open minded and accommodating couple, he wondered if all Irish people were so generous, though he doubted it. There, was one special marriage, for sure. He hoped that maybe one day he might find such a beautiful and understanding wife, though he doubted that too.

  Once they had left, he lay on his bed drinking a large brandy, glad that he’d thought to bring along his own supply. He had a feeling he was going to need it as he felt for certain this little tryst had not ended yet.

  Chapter 9 A Trying Time

  It was two days later before he saw them again, but not in the circumstances he had hoped for. He was arranging medical supplies in his cabin when suddenly the door burst open and Wallace came bursting in.

  “Come, quickly,” he pleaded, “come, Finnegan is desperately ill.”

  He grabbed his bag and quickly followed the distraught man.

  The baby had a high fever and he realized the symptoms were similar to some other passengers on the ship.

  “Are you feeding your child yourself?” he asked Eileen.

  “No, I dried up weeks ago and hired a nursemaid from below decks.” He could see the fear in her eyes. “She hasn’t been up in a while because her own child got the sickness, do you think it’s one and the same?”

  “I do,” he said, he saw no point in lying. His relationship with these people was, if nothing, an honest one.

  “Can you help, Aaron?” the child’s father asked, desperation in his voice.

  “I will do all I can. We need to break the fever and keep him hydrated. I have a limited supply of medication with me, though for god’s sake don’t mention it, I simply don’t have enough for everyone.”

  The parents were too grateful to him to be telling anyone of their special treatment. Right now all they wanted was their child to be better and off this accursed ship.

  “I’ve been treating a lot of sick patients and there have been a few deaths on board. The Captain asked me to keep it quiet on the upper decks, but you deserve to know about the sickness as I do believe your child is suffering from the cholera.”

  “Why didn’t the Captain warn us, I would not have used the nursemaid?” Eileen cried with uncontrollable tears now streaming down her face. “Oh, Wallace, what shall we do? Our little one, what shall we do?” her husband embraced her tightly as they both watched the doctor at work on their child.

  “Listen, I know it’s alarming,” Aaron said to them both, “but your child has a good chance of success, he is strong and a good weight. I will take the greatest care of him, I promise you this,” he said, taking one of each of their hands into his. “I will make sure you have a fresh water supply. On our part, keep him clean and dispose of his waste to the ship’s incinerator. Anything he has stained so far, must also go to the incinerator. You are my friends, now let me be yours.”

  The next week was the worst for the family, there were times when they thought they had lost their child, his fever burning through his little body, but with the help of doctor, they did start to see improvements. Soon their baby boy was coming through. His temperature lowered and he started taking nourishment in the form of solid food.

  It was a few days after the fever broke in Finnegan, when Aaron spotted Eileen out for a walk on the deck, in the exact same spot where he had first met her. The tension of the week was showing in her face, her eyes puffy and her skin pale. He was glad their journey was almost at an end. He wanted to show his new friends everything his country had to offer them. They deserved a good start and he would try and ensure they had it. Besides, their fun had ended abruptly and he hoped to pick it up again, when they reached land.

  She greeted him with one of her beautiful smiles. If she were not already married, he could very easily have been tempted to marry this one himself. However, he liked her husband and he would never overstep his welcome in their arms. For now, they needed to get over this journey and the threat of loosing their child. Thankfully, that was behind them now, not so for the people down in steerage, they had lost many children and the elderly had also suffered many losses. Even the fittest of adults could not all fight away the spread of disease down there. Many may still not make it, but he would do his best to help, as he had done thus far.

  They would be disembarking in the morning, Aaron had already invited them to stay with him in his modest home in New York, until they could find a place of their own. To his joy, they had accepted. He would like to help them build a life here, a life they deserved and he hoped a life he could be a part of. He watched as she strolled along, the sea air returning some color to her cheeks. He longed for the time when she would soon be in arms, once again, along with Wallace.


  Spring Break Seductions

  Ally always looked forward to spring break. It was one of those things that had been ingrained in her mind since she was very little, like Christmas or her birthday. But this ti
me around was different. It was her freshman year of college and she was looking forward to going to Cancun and partying like a rock star. Ally knew that she'd end up drinking all of her skinny friends under the table. She had an advantage because she was a bigger girl who liked to drink, so she could really hold her liquor. It was a double edged sword, though, since being a plus-sized woman meant that she would be wearing a single piece swim suit. Not that she didn't turn heads as a big girl, not at all. Her giant tits and ass helped definitely drew in attention, not to mention her soft brown hair, blue eyes, and a face like Betty Paige. Just because she was bigger didn't mean that she was easy by any means, and she was already thinking about how she would make guys work for it at spring break. There was always the usual, make them pay for all her drinks, but she really wanted some entertainment.

  “Ally,” a voice from somewhere faraway said to her. “Ally, are you there?”

  It was her professor. Suddenly she was out of her head and back in Composition 101. How long had she been day dreaming for? There was no way of knowing. Ally looked at her professor with an apologetic expression.

  “Are you with us now, Ally?” the professor said before turning back to the white board. “All right, now that I've brought you all back from your delusions of grandeur inspired by the upcoming spring break, let’s get back to the five paragraph essay.”

  Ally looked around the room to see if anyone was snickering at her expense, but everyone was either looking out the window, down at their desk, or at their cell phones. It was the last class before spring break, the Friday afternoon before festivities began. No one was really with it today, and it showed. Ally wondered how many other students had been called out by the teacher for daydreaming. As she watched him scribble notes on the board, she wondered how much more time she would have to waste sitting here in class when she could be out on a beach in Mexico, drinking and flirting with boys. Just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore, the bell rang.

  “All right everyone,” her professor said. “Since I'm the nicest teacher in the world, I won't assign any homework to be done while you're away on spring break. But please, for the love of God, try to look over a few essays on the internet. Maybe read a book. While I know that most of you think you'll get a job in some high profile law firm, or whatever lie they are pushing on television these days, there is a good chance that you won't.”

  Everyone got up and started to collect their things while the instructor droned on at the front of the class.

  “You just might have to sell yourself to an employer, and by that I mean convince them that you are worth their time; and not just their time, but their money. This might include you sending them a cover letter with a resume, or something like that.”

  The class started filing out of the room. Ally shuffled by her teacher, being sure to keep her eyes on the ground in front of her.

  “So, like I've been saying, most of you will have to pitch yourself to an employer in a communique that is written! You won't be able to charm them with your frat boy humor or stunning good looks. It'll be your writing, your ability to communicate clearly and succinctly that matters!”

  Ally was glad when she was out of the classroom and in the hallway. It was always kind of depressing to listen to her Comp teacher go on and on about how all of them would struggle to compete for the same few jobs. Being a freshmen in college made the “real world” seem very far away, a world that everyone kept telling her that she needed to do her best to prepare for now instead of waiting until the last second. Ally didn't want to think about the real world, though. Ally just wanted to go away for spring break, drink, and maybe fuck a few guys. That’s it. She figured that there was plenty of time for the real world later, after she was done enjoying being carefree in her first year of college. It didn't seem reckless or irresponsible to her at all, in fact, it seemed like the natural thing to do.

  As Ally walked out of the English Department building and made her way through campus, she thought about how most of the older people she talked to that harped about the “real world” were the kind that seemed desperately miserable. They were the same people that told her to go to church every week and to get a job where she started at the bottom working for peanuts and slowly make her way to the top. Ally didn't want to do things their way; she didn't want to make a bunch of other people a bunch of money while she wasted her life waiting to get to her mid-thirties to be able to work a decent job and afford what she wanted. For a long time, Ally had been thinking about stripping, but didn't know what she would do if her parents found out. There was a business in town called Ample Curves that specialized in bigger dancers. She'd been contacted about it a while ago, but didn't act on it because it made her feel guilty. She didn't know why in the world she would feel guilty about making money to support herself, and guessed it had to do with the brainwashing that every child goes through when their parents try to mold them in their image.

  As Ally got on the bus back to her apartment, where she knew that she would find her friends drinking and packing for the trip to Cancun, she wondered what her mother had done to make it through college and the years beyond. Had learning how to write a five paragraph essay been imperative to her success, or just something that hadn't mattered, like so much math that Ally had learned? By the time the bus pulled up in front of her apartment complex, she was ready to be done thinking about school starting now and for the duration of spring break. When she walked into her apartment it was just as she had expected, everyone was drinking and clothes and suitcases were sprawled out on the floor. Ally smiled big as one of her girlfriends handed her a mixed drinking and screamed something about Cancun.

  She couldn't wait to be in Mexico.


  Airport security was being a huge drag. Instead of trying to move people quickly through the line, the TSA agents were pulling every third person aside to “screen” them, which really amounted to swabbing their hands for residue from explosives and patting them down. As Ally guided her luggage down the conveyor belt with one hand she peeked over her girlfriend's shoulder in front of her. The line was long and didn't seem to be moving very quickly.

  “Are you girls headed to Cancun?”

  Ally turned around to find a good looking boy that she had seen around campus.

  “We sure are,” Ally said. “Are you?”

  Ally hoped so, as she surveyed the young man's attractive physique. He was about five foot and ten inches tall, and looked like he spent most of his time in the gym.

  “My name's Mark,” he said extending his hand. “I'm Cancun bound as well. Do you think it will be as crazy as everyone says?”

  Ally took a few steps forward. She was getting closer to the part of the screening where her luggage would go into the x-ray machine, and she would step into the machine that scanned her body for weapons. She'd seen on television where people wondered if being bombarded with x-rays was healthy. She didn't think so, but knew that she didn't really have a choice.

  “I hope so,” Ally said. “I need a break from school, from people telling me how hard and fucked up the future is going to be.”

  Mark laughed.

  “Yeah, I'm the same way. I always wonder why the 'grown-ups' don't do something to fix the 'real world' if it sucks so much.”

  It was Ally's turn to laugh.

  “Right!? I don't get why they are all in such a hurry to get into the 'real world' if it just sucks ass like everyone says,” she said.

  The line shuffled forward a few steps. One of the TSA agents appeared as if from nowhere and eyed Ally, as if to select her for the additional screening. Instead of picking her the agent picked Mark, who let out a sigh before gathering his things and following the TSA agent.

  “Hopefully I’ll see you on the beach in Cancun!” Mark said over his shoulder as he followed airport security. “It would be great to talk to you more.”

  Ally didn't get a chance to answer before Mark was pulled into a separate area. Mark was a cute
guy and she really hoped that she did see him down in Mexico. She'd love to get to know him more, and maybe even get to know him between the sheets. As the line slowly moved forward Ally was glad that it wouldn't be long now. Just a few more hours until she was on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.


  The resort Ally and her friends were staying at was all inclusive. Right when they walked in, a man dressed like a bellhop put drinks in their hands, the kind that have little umbrellas in them, before grabbing their bags and leading the way to an elevator. So far their time in Mexico had been one of taxi rides and stress. Ally had no idea that Cancun was so packed full of people, although she knew she should have expected it considering it was spring break after all. Now that they were at the resort, boarding an elevator that would take them up to their floor, she was relieved. Finally, she could relax and not worry about the future.


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