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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

Page 218

by Hawke, Jessa

  “You think so?” Rodney said, steering his horse closer to Mitchell's. “We could always give it a shot and see how it goes. I really need to get laid or else I will definitely end up having to jerk off again.”

  “I keep telling you, I think that you and Diana would make a very good couple, and I sure would not mind you as a brother in law,” Mitch said, looking over at Rodney as they hastened their pace.

  Rodney thought about it. Diana was really a very sweet girl, but she just wasn’t the type that was cut out for him. He wanted a more ambitious woman in his life, not one who sat around the ranch house all day knitting and nothing else. Rodney wanted to experience his life with someone who was more adventurous in her life, something that he could not quite explain to his best friend since he could not seem to find the right words.

  “I'll think about it, it is all very complicated, Mitch,” he said finally.

  “Dude, you are wasting your time, that lass is head over heels in love with you and you might end up missing the bus if you take too long thinking about it. I have seen Tom Howard hanging around the ranch house lately and I think that he is very interested in her,” Mitch said.

  “Come on, we had better hurry up. It is going to be dark soon,” Rodney said, changing the topic and galloping away.


  Debra wondered how much longer she had to go before she got to the Swift Rancho. It was going to be dark soon and this damned place did not seem to have any street lights. Debra wondered why her mother had to make her come back to the land of her horrors. Back in Chicago, Debra had gone ahead and started her own designer store and she was doing very well. She had gone ahead and gotten hooked up with Becker, a rather spoiled brat from a rich family but someone that she knew would ensure her a financially stable future and family. His folks also thought that she was the right person for him since she seemed to be the only woman who made him somewhat responsible, especially being that he and his brother would be the only heirs to their parent’s huge fortune. Debra had been planning to expand her Swift Designs company when the news of her mother’s death had come.

  After all the torment that she had gone through as a young girl in Texas, Debra would never have taken her mother’s inheritance or her life insurance, but she thought about it a second time when she discovered that she would be inheriting the ranch as well as a ten million dollar insurance cover. This sounded like an amount that would go a long way in boosting her business without having to ask her fiancé for a loan, but there was a catch behind it all. Before Debra got the inheritance or the insurance money, she was required to go to the ranch house and spend a whole week there thinking of her life as a young woman there. This was probably the biggest torture of all and she was not sure if she was going to be able to cope with all of the skeletons that were hidden in her closet there. She would have gladly turned around and headed back to the airport, flying directly to the Bahamas, but ten million dollars, that was no pocket change. Her cell phone rang again, startling her out of her thoughts again and she leaned over the seat to get it.

  As she was trying to grasp it, it slipped off the seat and onto the floor. Debra looked up at the road and seeing that there was no oncoming traffic, she moved her head below the dashboard, her fingers struggling to reach for the phone, but it slipped under the chair moving further and further away. She could just feel the tips of her finger touching the phone and so she decided to look up to see if the road was still clear. As she looked up, she realized that she was headed for a head-on coliusion with two cowboys on horses, and she was right in the middle of the road. Debra swerved the steering wheel of the vehicle hard to the right and the next thing that she knew, the car was flying off the road over a ditch and into a prairie. Everything seemed to be happening so fast, she almost forgot to jam her foot on the brakes, bringing the car to a halt in the grass. Her head jerked forward and she hit the windshield. She felt something wet, warm and sticky on her forehead and before she passed out, she saw two cowboys banging on her window.


  “Look at that car, the driver has got to be out of their mind,” Rodney said to Mitch as a sedan came towards them at full speed right in the middle of the road.

  “They are probably high; better get out of the way before your bodies are turned into road kill,” Mitchell said, but before they could move off the road, the car suddenly branched sideways and went careening into a nearby prairie. “Holy fuck! Whoever that is has definitely got to be high.”

  “Think he is okay?” Mitch asked as they halted their horses and stood waiting for some sort of reaction from the car, although the driver did not open the door or anything.

  “I dunno, maybe we should go and check it out,” Rodney said, getting off his horse and tying it to a nearby post before heading towards the car.

  He dashed to the vehicle and tried to open the door, but it was locked from within. He peered into the car and there was a woman inside leaning over the steering wheel. He could see that there was blood running from her forehead and without thinking twice, his soldier instincts kicked in. Thanking God for the suede jacket that he was wearing, Rodney looked at his elbow and then pulling it back, sent it slamming into the window, shattering the glass. Reaching into the car, Rodney unlocked the door and then quickly opened it.

  “Is he alright?” Mitch came rushing towards him, a worried look on his face.

  “Actually, he is a she. Seems to have bumped her head on the forehead,” Rodney said, checking out the hot blonde within the car as he contemplated the next move. She had on a short dress and Rodney could not stop his eyes from roaming hungrily over her fleshy thighs. From the elegant way that she was dressed, it was easy to tell that this was not a country girl; this was some classy big-city girl. He noted with disappointment that she was not wearing her seatbelt. “I think I'll get her out of the car.”

  “Damn, that is one hell of a hot lass. Now, what was she doing driving around without a seat belt?” Mitch said, looking over at her thighs as Rodney reached for her and lifted her out of the car.

  She was heavy, but Rodney was glad for his huge build and strength since he carried her out easily, placing her onto the ground.

  “I'm thinking, we could take her to hospital, but that would mean riding back to the ranch house and then taking the truck all the way to the hospital a two hour drive away, or we could just take her home and Diana could attend to her wound, it doesn’t look very serious to me, just a bump,” Rodney said, checking out her bruise and noting the way that her perfume and womanly scent seemed to be driving him crazy with desire as he felt it beginning to course through his veins.

  “Yeah, why don’t you carry her to your horse. I'll just check through the car for her belongings and bring them on my horse,” Mitch said, looking through the car and then going to the hood and popping it open.

  With one hand behind her back and the other one under her knees, Rodney carried her over to his horse. Somehow, he managed to get her onto his horse and supported her as he began trotting slowly towards the ranch house, which was barely ten minutes away. This had to be the prettiest and sexiest woman that he had seen in a long time and it made him wonder what the hell she was doing in rural Texas. He supported her in between his hands on the saddle and her dress inched even higher, giving him a generous view of her thighs, and it was almost impossible to concentrate on anything else. Her head leaned back against his shoulder, her curly blonde hair tickling the sides of his face. Rodney had the feeling that he had just found the woman he had been searching for all his life in the Texas heat.

  “Here, I need some help with this woman,” he said to a ranch hand as he pulled up at the back of the ranch house.

  “Oh my God, what happened, sir?” the worried looking man walked over to give him a hand taking the woman off the horse.

  “She was in a small accident,” he said, lifting her into his arms and beginning to make his way up the stairs. “Is Miss Diana home?”

  “Rodney, what happe
ned? Where have you been? Who is this?” the door opened before the ranch hand could reply, Diana standing there in a long frock with an apron tied around her waist. “I was in the kitchen when I saw you riding up.”

  “I'm going to need you to check her for me, Diana; she was in a small accident down the road. Any idea who she is?” Rodney said, walking into the house with the hot stranger.

  “Were you guys hurt, where is Mitch? You can carry her to the spare bedroom upstairs, I'll just go and get the first aid kit,” she said, bustling back into the house before Rodney could say another word.

  He carried her to the spare bedroom and placed her on the bed, looking at her intensely as her beauty hit him once again.

  “Beautiful, isn’t she, look at you, you are practically undressing her,” Mitch said walking into the bedroom and standing next to Rodney as the weirdest fantasy hit Rodney. How would it feel to share this hot voluptuous blonde with Mitch, having wild sex with her in ways that would make her forget where she had come from?

  “Okay boys, out with you now. I'm going to need some space here so that I can clean up that wound. Besides, she needs air and not two horny men drooling over her body shamefully,” Diana walked into the room carrying a red first aid box.

  “We will be downstairs if you need anything,” Rodney said as they walked out of the room, shutting the door behind them to leave Diana and the woman alone in the room.


  Her head felt as if it had been run over by a truck by the time that she woke up, and when she opened her eyes, Debra wondered where the hell she was. Her memory came flooding back as she remembered the accident, veering off the road before bumping her head on the windshield. Her hand instinctively went to her head, touching the spot she had bumped and it seemed to have a band aid or something on it. She looked around the room curiously. She was supposed to be in a hospital room, but this surely did not look like one. This looked more like a bedroom of sorts, and it made her jump off the bed in a panic. What if she had been kidnapped by cowboy perverts who were just waiting for her to wake up so that they could take turns at having their way with her? Debra wondered why the hell she had left Chicago; she should never have come to Texas. She could hear low voices coming from somewhere downstairs in the house as she made her way silently to the window of the house and looked out. She was definitely in some sort of ranch house or something, and outside she could see a barn at the far end of the compound with several horses in paddocks. She stood there for a while pondering what to do when a strange feeling overcame her. She felt a presence in the room and could feel eyes on her back and Debra turned around slowly to find the most handsome man that she had ever seen in her life standing in the doorway looking at her. He had sandy hair and sea blue eyes, and his body structure was broad and commanding.

  “I was beginning to wonder if you were going to wake up. How are you feeling?” he said in a deep rusty voice.

  “What happened? Where am I? This does not look like a hospital to me,” she said, her heart skipping as he walked closer to her, reaching out his hand to her forehead as she ducked.

  “Relax; I just wanna check how your forehead is doing. You dived off the highway yesterday evening and I think you hit your head on the windshield. We brought you here because we figured that it was just a slight concussion and the hospital is two hours away,” he said as she looked at him embarrassed, as she let him flick his finger over her forehead.

  “You and who?” she asked, swallowing hard as a jolt of heat passed through her body all the way down to her sex despite her situation.

  “Me,” another equally handsome man of smaller build walked into the room.

  “I'm Rodney and this is my friend, Mitch,” Rodney said, moving aside so that she could look at Mitch. “Mitch’s sister, Diana is the one who fixed up your wound.”

  “And now she has a hearty breakfast waiting for you downstairs,” Mitch said, and the mere presence of the men in the same room with her, so close to her, made her blood boil in a strange way.

  “Thank you guys for taking care of me. I'm Debra, by the way,” she said to them, her cheeks coloring when she realized that she had actually creamed up in between her thighs deliciously in a way that surprised her.

  This was crazy, how could she get so turned on by these two cowboys to the point where she was imagining having sex with both of them at the same time! She felt goose bumps forming on her forearms and could not help but run her eyes over both men’s bodies, especially being attracted to Rodney in an odd way that she couldn’t explain. It was just yesterday when Clarissa had mentioned having a fling with cowboys and she had thought that it was the craziest idea. Right now she found that she would be willing to have sex with both of these men and even probably have something more than just sex with the stunningly handsome Rodney. There was something wild and adventurous about him, something that she did not see in the townsfolk, and she had this overwhelming urge to go on a romantic adventure with him. If it was him that she wanted, then why was it that she could not help but imagine having sex with him and Mitch both at the same time?

  “You are welcome. Now, I think that you should come downstairs for something to eat. You didn’t have anything to eat last night since you had passed out,” Rodney said, walking to the door and holding it open for her.

  “I really don’t feel like eating anything,” except both of you, she replied as she looked at the watch on her wrist. “Oh my God, it will soon be noon, did I sleep for that long?”

  “I think Diana must have given you a sedative last night to make you sleep comfortably,” Mitch smiled at her as she walked past Rodney out of the door, her hand brushing against his and sending a shiver down her spine.

  “I can't believe it. Where is my cell phone? Where are my things?” she said as the men led her down the stairs into an open foyer that led into the living room.

  “Your bags are all by the main door over there. I called the car rental company to take care of the vehicle,” Rodney said as she hurried to her bags and began sifting through her things in a desperate search for her cell phone, which she found tucked away in the side pocket of her handbag.

  She swiped it open and realized that she had over a dozen missed calls from Clarissa and Becker and also a number of messages. The first person she called was Becker as she excused herself and slipped out the front door onto the porch.

  “Debbie, where the hell have you been? I have been trying to reach you all night and day,” Becker said into the phone.

  “I'm sorry, honey, but the thing is that I got into a little accident and I just woke up,” she replied.

  “Accident? Is the car damaged? I hope that you pulled an insurance on it because we can't afford to start repairing other people’s cars.”

  Insurance? Becker was talking about vehicle insurance instead of asking her if she was okay. She felt tears forming in her eyes, unable to believe that he did not care for her well being at all but instead cared only about his money.

  “Aren't you going to ask how I am?”

  “I assumed that you are fine when you mentioned that you woke up,” he said, and Debra heard a woman giggle in the background. “Listen, Debra, I have to go now. I'll call you later.”

  Once again, Becker hung up on her before she could even say another word. She stood there unable to believe what was happening. Becker was definitely cheating on her with another woman, and that was the most hurtful thing since she had never cheated on him once in the year and a half that they had been together. Without hesitation, she dialed Clarissa's number and listened to it ring.

  “Hey girlfriend, how is it going in the west? I tried calling you and when you did not pick the calls I figured that you had probably gotten a cowboy who was fucking the daylights out of you,” she said heartily into the phone.

  Debra went ahead to explain the accident and all that had happened as Clarissa listened intently.

  “Oh my God, Debbie, would you like me to come over right away?” her fr
iend said in a worried tone.

  “No, there is something else that I would like you to do for me, Clarry.”

  “Anything, girlfriend, what is it?”

  “It is about Becker, I would like you to check him out for me, send a PI after him for me or something. I have a feeling that he is cheating on me,” Debra replied, going on to explain her conversations with Becker yesterday and today, including the unseen woman on the other end of the line.

  “About that, I tried to call you last night to tell you about it. I think that it is time that you ditched that good for nothing asshole, Debbie. I spotted him at a club getting very cozy with his secretary, she is even pregnant, and someone told me that it is his. I really meant to give this information to you the moment that I heard it, but…”

  “It doesn’t really matter, Clarissa, the good thing is that you have told me now,” Debra said, hanging up as tears of fury welling up in her eyes at the infidelity of the man she wanted to be in love with.

  “I'm really sorry, are you okay?” a voice said, and she turned around to find Rodney standing a short distance away in the doorway.

  “Do you always eavesdrop on peoples conversations?” she said, turning away from him to hide her tears as she wiped her eyes.

  “No, I was just coming to check and see if you are okay and to let you know that the sausages and eggs are getting cold,” he replied, walking up close behind her until she could feel his heat radiating between them, once again making her dazzlingly horny despite her fury. “You can take a few minutes alone and then join us for brunch; Diana is really looking forward to meeting you. I hope you are okay.”

  He squeezed her shoulders softly and then just as quickly as he had appeared, he was gone. She stood there, the radiation from his touch still simmering through her body pleasantly. Surely, how could she get so aroused by a total stranger like this? This was very unlike her. Debra was a woman who had taken to dating them men from high society and that is one of the reasons feeling like this for a couple of cowboys felt weird - weirdly exciting. Maybe her blood was calling out to her roots, the land of her birth, the land she had once swore that she would never come back to and yet here she was.


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