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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

Page 248

by Hawke, Jessa

“Of course, Isabel.”

  “But the water looks so cold.”

  “Don’t worry. We’re not going swimming. But only because I haven’t brought my swimsuit.”

  “One might not let such an inconvenience deter them.” Isabel glanced at her empty glass. “I have to stop drinking in the company of others.”

  “A woman and alcohol is a good mix, in moderation of course.”

  “Despite your class, you’re definitely a fine gentleman.”

  Edward stuffed his socks into his shoes. “There are gentleman and rogues in every class, Isabel.”

  “I know. It was supposed to be a compliment.”

  Edward tossed his boots to one side then climbed to his feet. He smiled as he stretched out his hand to help Isabel up. “Come on. Let’s see how long we can last without our toes turning blue.” As Edward lifted Isabel to her feet, he noticed that she locked her fingers with his, leaving them to linger.


  The welsh mountains appeared painted on the horizon of the estuary. With his trouser legs rolled above his knees, Edward grimaced as the cold surf washed over his naked feet. He turned to face Isabel who had hung back on the dry sand. “Come on, Isabel... It’s lovely.”

  “You make for a poor actor. You’re literally shivering like a cat in the rain.”

  “It shocks at first. But it now feels rather pleasant.”

  “I’m still not convinced.”

  Edward coaxed her with his hand. “Just a few steps into the shallows. That’s all I ask.”

  “I’ll test it with me big toe. If it’s cold, then I’m going back to my champagne and strawberries.”

  “That’s fine.”

  Isabel baby stepped towards Edward who stood at the tide line. Lifting her long frock to her knees she then dipped her toe. “Wow! That’s cold.” But before she could pull back her leg, Edward grabbed Isabel by the waist and hoisted her off her feet, before swinging her around and plonking her feet-first into the water. “Edward, you cheeky rascal.”

  “Stop being a bloody mardy bottom.”

  “That’s so cold! And my dress is wet.”

  “Just wait.” Edward placed a finger on Isabel’s lips, causing her to fall into silence. “Take a deep breath.” Feeling her tremble under his touch, he then slowly lifted his finger from her lips. “Now... not so bad, is it?”



  Isabel peered down as the water swirled around her mid shins. “You’re right. It feels rather nice, actually.” She then smiled awkwardly. “The sensation of the water and the sand feels lovely... in a strange way.”

  “Come on; let’s go for a paddle down shore.”

  “As long as you hold my hand so I don’t fall.” Isabel smiled as Edward bent his arm so she could link arms with him. “No silly.” She grabbed hold of his hand. “I said hands.”


  The reflected sun sparkled on the crest of waves as the couple walked through the surf. As they continued their walk they could hear the squawks of seagulls while they circled above the fishermen who brought home their catches. Isabel glanced at Edward then brought him to a stop. “Thank you for a great day, Edward.”

  “I should thank you. It was your idea.”

  “I know. But you made it. So much so, that I don’t want to go home.”

  Edward raised his eyebrows. “It’s getting late and if you’re not back before dark, it will raise suspicion.”

  “I know you’re right.”

  “Come on. It’s not over just yet.”

  “What do you want to do now?”

  “Steal a kiss?”

  Isabel froze in shock. “I think someone should remember his place.”

  “I’m sorry, Ma’am. I just... thought.”

  “Oh Eddie.... what have you done?”

  “Ma’am. I...”

  Isabel chuckled as if she was a schoolgirl. She quickly glanced about to make sure no one was prying. “A quick one.” Standing on her tiptoes, she reached up and pecked Edward on his cheek.

  “Thank you kindly.”

  “You know how to woo a woman... as well as make her risk getting a reputation.”

  “You’re the only woman I want to woo.”

  Isabel’s heart suddenly felt heavy. “Why couldn’t you be a man of status... we could be together without any problems.”

  “I don’t know why you’re so excited by me.” Edward chuckled, but noticed the sincerity on Isabel’s face. “You can do better.”

  “I like you, because you’re caring and simple. We have only spent a couple of hours together but I have never felt this way... this excitement.”

  Edward peered down at his ghostly white feet. “I would only cause you much ridicule.”

  “Life is so cruel.”

  “No.” Edward let out a sigh. “It’s not life, its people that are cruel.”

  “Do you think you’ll ever be rich?”

  “Driving a carriage?” Edward gazed out into the estuary, as if he was searching for answers. “Sadly, I’m never going to be rich.” He then took Isabel by her hand before peering into her eyes. “You’re going to have to be find yourself another man. One more suitable.”


  “As hard as it is for me to admit... It’s your only choice in this world.”

  Isabel felt her heart sink. “I really don’t want to.”

  “I’m sorry”

  Isabel felt Edward place a finger against her cheek to catch her tears. She embraced him tightly while nuzzling the side of face against his chest. Staring out towards the Irish Sea, she wished their futures were entwined.

  Chapter 5

  Albert felt lost in the music as he played his beloved piano, but his concentration was broken by the presence of his daughter. Peering over the sheet of music he watched Isabel hurrying through the room. His fingers immediately stopped dancing on the ivory keys, allowing his voice to be heard. “Isabel.” However, his daughter continued with pace, causing him to raise his voice. “I said... Isabel!”

  “Sorry... I thought you were singing.”

  “Poppycock! Come and stand next to me. I want to talk to you.”

  “Whatever for?”

  Albert closed the fallboard of the grand piano. He then placed his elbows on the polished surface before resting his chin on his hands. “What am I going to do with this rebellious daughter of mine?”

  “I don’t know what you mean? I waited like a good daughter while you were away on business.”

  “I have heard rumours.”

  “About what, Father?”

  “I think you know already.”

  Isabel clasped her hands behind her back just as a schoolgirl would when listening to her head teacher. “I’m as clueless as a newborn... and just an innocent.”

  “I have heard whispers on the wind that a certain somebody seems rather taken by Edward the driver.”

  “That certain somebody is probably his own mother.”

  Albert raised his voice as his patience melted away. “I wish not to play out this laborious game of smoke and mirrors. Now tell the truth.”

  “If it is Miss Black who is spreading such rumours... then I have already told you. That woman has a vivid imagination. I have being warning you about that glorified maid for years.”

  “So vivid that it’s true.”

  “The darn woman should write for a living. Bloody nuisance she is, sprouting endless tales of yarn.”

  “Even I have seen you talking to him.”

  Isabel felt the pressure grow, stamping her boot on the oak floorboard. “Is it a crime? We have shared a conversation or two. That’s all. I don’t see what is wrong with that.”

  “Don’t stamp your foot like an impudent toddler, Young Lady. The reason you don’t like Miss Black is because she catches you out time and time again.”

  “So... what has the housekeeper, or should I say... spy, seen this time?”

  “You tell me?”

  Isabel co
uldn’t meet her father’s eyes as she spoke. “Edward dropped me off at the women’s institute. Miss Black had to stay at home because she hurt her back preparing the picnic for the WI.”

  “Is that so?”


  Albert rubbed his chin. “Miss Black trusts you... Is she right to?”

  “Of course.”

  Albert pushed back the piano stool causing it to scrape of floorboards. He then rose to his feet. “But Miss Black’s trust is misplaced, isn’t it?”

  “No father? What have I done?”

  “You tell me.”

  A guilty Isabel groaned in frustration. “Stop playing these games. You said yourself you’re tired of playing.”

  “You’re hiding something. I know.”

  “Then just tell me what I have done wrong.”

  “You didn’t meet the girls at the Women’s institute.”

  Isabel rolled her eyes while she let out a groan. “I did.”

  “Miss Black sent a telegram to the institute... asking if the picnic was sufficient... they told her there was no picnic.”

  “As cunning as a fox that woman.”

  Albert stood toe to toe with Isabel, towering over his daughter. “You see... we give you the trust and independence you crave. And all you do is abuse it.”

  “I went to West Kirby for a picnic.”

  “You did not picnic alone... did you?”

  “No, with Edward.”

  “Hurrah!” Albert threw his arms in the air. “Finally, the truth... oh how I have missed the truth.”

  “Stop it, Father.”

  “No. You shall stop it.” Albert wagged his finger in front of Isabel’s face. “This is reckless behaviour which could sour the family name.”

  “We only chatted... he is a gentleman.”

  “I have nothing against the boy. But this is cruel for the both of you.”


  Albert paced towards the bay window with his hands behind his back. The spatters of rain on the pane were a sign that the balmy summer evening had given away to a thunderstorm. “Because it is not to be.”

  “But why not Father? Why not?”

  Albert continued to look out into the storm where flashes of lightening illuminated the bay. “I’m a charitable man who sponsors generously the sciences. My employees are fairly treated... you only have to ask them and they praise my name.” He then turned to face his distressed daughter. “But I didn’t spend my entire life building a shipping empire, just to give it to a man who drives horses for a living.”

  “But it’s me who will inherit the company..? Not whoever marries me. That’s why I have been working hard to learn from you. Father, I live and breathe the company... just like you.”

  “Even so, you need a man who fits within the family... you’ll not just make yourself a laughing stock, but me too.”

  “Father!” Isabel stormed toward the double doors of the music room. “When you use such words, you make me lose respect for the father I love.”

  “It just frustrates me that I have searched high and low for a good man for you, only for you to turn up your nose. Then, lo and behold you fall for the bloody driver.”

  Isabel opened the door to leave. “When mother died, you told me not to cry too much because you will love me twice as much. Well... I don’t feel you love me at all.”

  “Isabel, of course I do. That’s why I will find you the perfect man.”

  “I have found one.”

  “You’re not capable... clearly.” Albert grimaced as the door slammed behind his daughter. He sat back on the piano stool and slumped onto its fabric cushion. “Stubborn... Just like her bloody mother.”

  Chapter 6

  Albert slowly paced around an ornate boardroom lit by natural light from the large bay window. A long polished oak table, lined with leather padded wooden chairs, dominated the mahogany panelled room. He walked amongst the fine artwork that depicted strange beasts that hung side by side with archaic maps of long lost civilizations. Upon reaching a showcase he rubbed his clean shaven chin while his beady eyes ogled certificates that celebrated his geographic society’s success.

  Albert’s raised his bushy eyebrows as he inspected his gold plated pocket watch. Slipping the time piece back into his breast pocket, he paced to the bay window. He then gazed across the rolling greens of the manicured lawn that stretched down to the cold gray waters of the river Mersey. The sight of a steam ship bearing his company’s crest on its funnel caused him to nod in approval. “On time... just.”

  A sudden knock on the door snapped Albert from his timekeeping. “Enter.” His face lifted with a smile as his star employee entered the room. “George... as dapper as ever.”

  “A house with vies of the river just so you can inspect your ships... sometimes I wonder why you didn’t just move the office into this house. There’s enough room in this place.” George reached out to shake Albert’s hand. “I would have got lost if it wasn’t for the housekeeper.”

  “Crossed my mind to move the operation here... but something about working from home just didn’t sit properly with me. What can I do for you?”

  “I must say old Boy... I’m a man with much on his mind.”

  “Please, take a seat. So tell me, Son....” Albert pulled back the chair at the head of the table, and then sat. “What is on your mind?”

  “I have had a proposal.”

  “For what?”

  George could feel Albert’s intense stare, but remained determined. “I must admit, Old Boy... it’s one I find rather tempting.”

  “Stop dancing around my totem pole, George. You might be the master of five languages...”


  “Seven... but when talking to me. Talk in English.”

  George pulled out an envelope from his inside breast pocket. “Lord Craven... He has written to me.”



  Albert ground his teeth. “I’m guessing it wasn’t a bloody love letter.” The mere mention of Lord Craven’s name caused a deep lying anger to swell inside Albert. “What did that scoundrel want?”

  “My signature.”

  “I heard he has planned for a polar exhibition. He must want your expertise.”

  “Indeed, he wants me to head it.”

  Albert thumped the table with his fist. “How dare he? How dare he piss in my pond?” He took a deep breath, and then drew his hand across his chubby cheek. “Did you sign?”

  “Not yet... but like I said. It’s more than a little tempting.”

  “Can I read the letter?”

  “Of course, Old Boy.”

  George recognised the handwriting of that of his old business partner. The betrayal still burned him like hot wax. “Why... the sneaky little toad.”

  “No need to call him names now. We’re all gentleman, Albert.”

  “He’s not a gentleman.” Albert screwed up the letter and threw it at George, hitting him between the eyes. “Neither are you. Judas... bloody Judas!”

  “Albert... you’re being hysterical.”

  “I made you. I bloody made you. And you treat me like this?”

  George felt like shrinking. But knew doing so would only encourage Albert’s temper. “I know you made me.”

  “I’ve sponsored you from the moment you left public school. I would have thought the belief I had shown you over the years would have instilled a level of loyalty.”

  “Of course it has. I have named lakes and mountain ranges after you. There is a collection of Greek marbles named after your estate.” George stood from his chair then pointed towards the showcase. “I mean... look around this room, all the artefacts you proudly display... most were discovered by me.”

  “You got there on my ships, spending my money. Let’s not forget the three ransoms I paid to get you out of trouble.”

  “There was something lost in translation between me and the mogul’s daughter.”

  “Yet, you’re as lo
yal as a Soho jezebel.”

  George did his best not to make eye contact until Albert’s rage had run its course. “I could have easily named the marbles after myself.... So with all due respect, don’t talk to me about loyalty.”

  “I have always treated you like a son.”

  “If you did, then why do you refuse me a place on the board of the society which I made famous?”

  “It’s not my decision alone. The board decides; we make all our decisions by committee.”

  George felt Albert’s anger wane, so decided to put forward his own agenda. “Anyway... I have recently changed my demands.”

  “What are they now? What will it take to retain your services?”

  “Your daughter.”

  “Isabel?” Albert felt himself slip into shock.”My Isabel?”

  “Word has it you’re struggling to find her a suitor... well look no further.”

  “The audacity! I should use your ungrateful corpse to de-barnacle my entire fleet.”

  George winced then raised his open palms. “Albert, please. No need to use empty threats.”

  “They’re not empty. Believe me... What’s more, once I’ve finished removing the barnacles, I’m going use what’s left of your body as fuel for the boilers of my tramp steamer.”

  “Look. Since I arrived back from the Zambezi, it hasn’t gone unnoticed that Isabel has grown into a quite a woman. I saw her at the church service. Stunning.”

  Albert shook his head in disbelief before resting it on his clenched fist. “But you’re as famous for your drunken womanizing as you are for your survival skills. Every man would want you as his pioneer... but never as a son-in-law.”

  “You know as well as me that you shouldn’t believe what the tabloids say. Plus a lot of my carnal conquests were just to fit in with the natives.”

  “The mogul didn’t give you a ringing endorsement. Neither did the sheik nor the Zulu chieftain. Come to think of it, is there a civilization you haven’t pissed off?”

  “At the end of the day, as one of the most famous explorers in the world, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that people I encounter want to make a name for themselves by causing a scene involving some make-believe scandal. I make them famous.”

  Albert shook his head. “But still. Sometimes one thinks you spend your time mapping bedrooms than exploring the unknown.”


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