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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

Page 265

by Hawke, Jessa

  “Oh, I didn’t hear you get back?”

  “I have been back an hour.”

  Jacques turned his head to face his daughter who was sitting on her bed reading from her book. “Then I must get up and heat up your stew.”

  “I spotted it upon my return and ate… It’s good that you found such deep sleep. It must mean that the pain in your leg is fading.”

  Jacques carefully touched his leg. “Aye, I suppose it felt a little better today.” He then gingerly stood from the fireside chair. “Still, I don’t think it’ll ever be what it once was… unfortunately.”

  “Do you need help getting up, Papa?”

  “No. I just need to wet my lips.”

  “You sure?” Annabelle felt a little skeptical. “I can get it for you.”

  “Yes. I have to use my legs or I’ll lose them. “

  “You’ve always been too brave for your own good”

  “Funny. That’s exactly what your mother used to tell me.” Using his walking stick, Jacques, slowly walked across the room until he reached a large bucket that sat on a worktop. “So, I see you suddenly have a book that isn’t the bible. “Picking up a wooden drinking vessel, he dunked into the bucket of water. “I wish I learned to read.”

  “It’s not too late.”

  “It is, I can barely see the end of my nose... all those years in the darkness of the mine.”

  “Maybe I could read it to you.” Annabelle held the book against her chest. “If you want.”

  “That’s a good idea, Annabelle.” Jacques greedily drank from the wooden cup. “I must admit I’m tempted to feel disgruntled that you would fork out for a fancy book when not too long ago we struggled to eat.”


  “But must hold my tongue… as I know you have been through the mill and deserve something special.”

  “But Papa.” Annabelle jumped from the bed. “It didn’t cost a penny.”

  “You didn’t steal?”

  “The Duke gave me the book.”

  Jacques placed his cup on the worktop and hung his head. “What does he want from you in return?”

  “He asked for nothing.”

  “Don’t give me that.”

  “But he is a good man.” Annabelle felt shocked at her father’s reaction. “I don’t know what you mean, Papa.”

  “He is a libertine. Be weary.”

  “He is not, though is he? He is an industrialist. A good man who tells me of his plans for this village.”

  “His foremen at the colliery are always full of promises . But when my leg was crushed they did bugger all.”

  “Maybe I can mention you to him… I seem to have his ear.”

  “All you have is his eye.” Jacques pointed his boney finger towards a distressed Annabelle. “No. You will not say a word. You hear?” He then barked. “Not a word.”

  “He sounds so genuine that I believe him.”

  “That’s just it. He is like his father. He is successful in business as he is with his women.” Jacques’s hand trembled on top of his walking stick as he returned to his chair. “That is for sure.”

  “But all men do? Do they not?”

  “That much is true. But I fear for you, Annabelle. You are angel walking this grim earth. You need to live a life of virtue. Do not let this seedy libertine corrupt you.”

  Annabelle bookmarked her page with a short piece of card. “Papa, I will be careful. I promise.”

  “I have lost a wife. I do not wish to lose my beloved daughter.”

  “But his words are always so kind and helpful.”

  “Then the man is a wolf who is leading a lamb from its flock.”


  Inside the grand master bedroom Daniela and Charles busied themselves getting ready for the Charity ball. Staring at her appearance in the mirror, Daniela was finally satisfied with her ball gown. She noticed Charles struggling with his cuff links. “Why don’t you ask Annabelle to fix them for you?”


  “Please. Don’t act as if you have forgotten her name.”

  “No. I haven’t.” Charles nonchalantly shrugged. “I just want to know why she angers you?”

  “Benoit told me she fainted in your arms today.”

  “Yes. Would you believe that… over a silly book.”

  Daniela barked. “No. Charles. I don’t.”

  “Well it happened.”

  “You were fondling her weren’t you? With your wicked hands.“

  Charles stepped up to Daniela. “I wasn’t doing such a thing.”

  “You’re just like your father.”

  “I have always despised the man.” Charles placed a hand on each of his wife’s slender shoulders. “Now, let’s put this to bed. We have a show to put on and I wish it to be a success. Now put on your best smile. “He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against his wife’s. “I wish to forget this whole unsavory episode. I suggest you do the same. ”


  As Daniela expected she found herself alone and forgotten about. She wondered alone the ballroom among a sea of unfamiliar faces. She did not know where Charles was or who he was with. But she no longer cared.

  Thinking about retiring for bed, Daniela finally spotted a familiar face. A face she had not seen since her schooling. “Giles… Captain Giles Bradshaw. What are you doing here?”

  “Commodore Bradshaw… if you wish to call me by my full title.”

  “Whatever you want to call yourself. So good to see you. I never thought...”

  “I always told you we would meet again. Can we talk?”

  “Yes, of course.” Daniela’s eyes greedily consumed Giles and his navy uniform. She then walked at his side as they walked towards the patio. “I must say, Giles. You look incredibly dashing. Quite the man you always told me you would become. Bravo.”

  “I will get to straight to the point of why I am here. I don’t give two jots about the charity… I heard through Maria Goldstein that you were not happy.”

  “I am not. But…”

  “I must say… It gave me hope.”

  “Giles ”Daniela felt shocked by Giles’s frank admission. “You know full well that I waited, and waited.” She felt a rising anger that surprised her. “But you chose the navy over me.”

  “Then worry no more. I have now come to take you away.”

  “Giles. You’re bloody crazy. It seems that age has not tamed your sense of reckless adventure.”

  Giles twisted the tip of his carefully kept moustache. “Such beauty as yours stirs passions in the most placid of men.”

  “Giles, you know full well that Charles is related by blood to the crown. You’re signing your death warrant… as well as mine.”

  “I have it all worked out.”

  Daniela crossed her arms as she prepared herself for another one of Giles’s poorly structured plans. “How so?”

  “I have the best warship in the fleet with a loyal crew who owe their lives and riches to my seafaring excellence. We can outrun and outmaneuver anything the king can throw at us. ”

  “How do you expect me to believe your tales?”

  “My insignia, you don’t become a commodore in seven years if you’re not the best. I command respect even in highest echelons of the admiralty.”

  Daniela felt like bursting into a roar of laughter. “You’re going to kidnap me?”

  “For not having a better word... yes.”

  “Giles. You’re completely bonkers. Seriously so.”

  “You love me, you always did.”

  “More than anybody.” Daniela raised a hand to her closed lips. She struggled to control a full range of emotions. “But you said no.”

  “I just wasn’t ready… But I am now and I have comeback to claim my treasure.” Giles stared deeply into Daniela’s ocean blue eyes. “We will sail for the Mascarene islands and live as privateers. I’ll be king with you as my queen. We will have own little kingdom in paradise. Believe me. I’ve been there. It’s beautif

  “You’re as foolish now as you were back then.”

  “Daniela. I will fight for you… I would even lay down my life for you. Charles doesn’t even give you his time. Look, where is he now?”

  “You do things the hard way, don’t you?” Daniela stepped backwards. “Why didn’t you just say something ten years ago?”

  “Because although you didn’t know it… your life was decided by others. I was just a middle class school boy with dreams of fighting on the seas.” Giles then pointed at his insignia. “But now I have respect and the self-belief to know that I can do anything that I set my heart on… It’s set on you.”

  “But why do you want me. I am a married woman.. there are a million better and available..”

  “But I never stopped thinking about you.”

  “Go. Go. Leave me alone. You’re only breaking my heart for a second time.”

  “Don’t come now and don’t say a word. But my ship is birthed at Prince’s Dock in Plymouth. She is called Goliath and will sail at noon on Saturday. Meet me there… and I will be with you for eternity. ”


  Giles stood on the aft deck of his frigate. Standing by his trusted lieutenant, he watched as the last stores were loaded onboard. The lieutenant glanced at his manifest one last time. “Commodore, I do believe that is the last barrel of drinking water… we are now ship shape and ready to sail.”

  “We’re not ready, yet, Lieutenant.”

  “Sir, the tide is high. We must make haste.”

  “Steady, boy. There is a crewmember yet to board.” Giles watched the young lieutenant inspecting the manifest. Shaking his head Giles turned and gazed over the starboard of the ship. As always the docks were alive with workers of all trades. Crates, barrels and livestock littered the dockside waiting to be loaded on to ships bound for different corners of the empire.

  Giles’s eyes then widened as he spotted taxi carriage emerging from the corner of a warehouse and then approaching his ship. He made his way from the aft deck. Promise then turned to excitement as he finally broke into a run down the ramp. He shouted as Daniela climbed out of the carriage. “I thought you weren’t coming.”

  “I follow my heart… just like you did.”


  The pale light of a winter morning barely lit the kitchen. Annabelle carefully lifted out a baking tray from the cooking range. She glanced over her shoulder and noticed Benoit’s worried face. “Benoit, what’s wrong?”

  “The post arrived.”


  “There is a letter… a letter from the duchess, I recognise her elegant handwriting.”

  Annabelle’s face beamed a joyful smile. “Then that must be great news. The Duke has been frightfully worried this past week.”

  “So out of character… they argue, but she never flees the house. I have a bad feeling about this.”


  Charles opened the letter as he sat down at his desk. He raised a hand to his mouth as his tear ducts began to well. A then tear broke loose before running the length of his cheek. His fist suddenly smashed against his desktop. “Fuck.” He then swiped his drawing items from the desk, sending them crashing to the floorboards. Resting his head on his folded arms he began sob. “Why, why would she do this to me?”


  Sat in the staff quarters of the mansion Benoit sat across from Annabelle and the head footman, Geoffrey. “The Duke hasn’t left his room in three days.” He grimaced as he looked at Geoffrey. “He has never been like this.”

  “He’s just sad… wouldn’t you be?”

  “Of course. but I knocked twice this morning and four times yesterday… and nothing. Not a word, nor even the slightest noise.”

  Annabelle quickly added, “I haven’t heard anything since yesterday.”

  “What did you hear?”

  “Cries and sobs.”

  Geoffrey sighed. “We’ve all heard his cries.”

  “I worry because…”Benoit sat with his back straight. “I checked the gun cabinet this morning. He’s taken his hunting rifle and three rounds.”

  “He surely won’t.”

  Geoffrey grimly muttered. “Why else would he take the gun to his bedroom.”

  “Good Lord” Anabelle put her hands to her mouth. “Maybe we should do something.”

  “What? A risk getting shot?”

  Benoit noted. “Geoffrey is right. The gun cabinet wasn’t the only thing the Duke raided. The drinks cabinet was emptied of its brandy and Scotch. When a man is not of sound mind, he’s not predictable.”

  Annabelle stood from the table. “I’ll go. He’s less likely to feel threatened by a woman.”


  Annabelle knocked on the door. “My Lord, It’s me, Annabelle.” She glanced down the corridor where Benoit and Geoffrey waited. Facing the door once more she knocked again. “Can you hear me?” Pressing her head against the door she waited for a response. “I just want to know if everything is OK.” Suddenly the floorboards creaked from within before the door suddenly unlocked.

  “You may enter, Annabelle.”

  “Thank you, my Lord.”

  Charles rubbed his tired face with his hands while walking towards his bed. “I apologise for being distant.”

  “It’s OK.”

  “I have opened the window with the hope the fresh air does me good.”

  “Maybe one should venture out, a walk maybe?”

  “Now is not the time for walks among the flowers. “Charles slowly sat on his bed. “But I will be leaving for my residence in Scotland… I do not know when I return. I need to think.”

  Annabelle nodded. “I understand.”

  “You, have children?”

  Annabelle looked out of the window at the splendid gardens and thought it most pretty. “No my Lord.”

  “A lover.”

  “Not as yet.”

  Charles gazed from his bed. “And why not?”

  “I have never had the time.”


  Annabelle turned her back to the window, and faced the Charles. “I was looking after my mother when she was ill, and then my father had his accident in the Colliery. There just wasn’t the time to meet the right man. There was one, but he didn’t wait and married the miller’s daughter.”

  “So like me you have had your heart broken.”

  “Yes, but you get over it. Life is for living… even if it’s difficult. ”

  “But I already feel dead.”

  Annabelle watched Charles roll back onto his bed. She noticed the rifle propped against the wall and picked it up before quietly leaving the room.


  Jacques sat beside the open fire while he weaved his basket. A sudden knock on the door caused him loose his feed. “Darn.” There was a second knock which caused him to shout for his daughter. “The door, Annabelle.”

  “I’m not decent.”

  Jacques turned in his chair to face the door. “One minute… I’m coming.“ He groaned as he climbed from his chair. One reaching the door he turned the handle and opened it. He then felt surprised to see a well-dressed man. “Good day, Sir.”

  The father of Annabelle?”

  “And who may you be?”

  Charles pumped out his chest. “The Duke of Middlebrook.” He then gestured for Jacques not to bow. “At ease… I see you carry an injury..”

  “My Lord… Annabelle is indeed my daughter.” Jacques couldn’t raise his eyes. “How can I be of service?”

  “This may come of shock… But out of respect, I will not proceed without first consulting you. I wish to marry your daughter.”

  Jacques felt a sudden dread. “You…wish to marry Annabelle?”

  “She is a woman of good heart and spirit. You have raised her well.”

  “But look around, we are but simple people.”

  Charles talked slowly in an attempted to translate his sincerity. “I have learnt that this does not matter. As I have never witnessed a prettier fac
e nor have I been touched by such warmth and selflessness.”

  “I’m quite taken aback.” Jacques nearly fell as Annabelle barged pass and threw herself into the arms of Charles. He felt powerless to stop the romance. “But it seems Annabelle has made up her mind. I can do nothing but give you both my blessing.”

  While basking in the sun from the large bay window of the master bedroom, Annabelle could not peel her eyes from the gold wedding band. With the ringing of wedding bells still fresh in her ears she shivered as Charles embraced her from behind. She leant her head to one side as Charles combed his fingers through her hair, brushing it behind her ear.

  Annabelle felt a sense of belonging as he tied his arms around her waist. The touch of Charles’s lips on her cheek caused Annabelle’s heart to jump within her chest. She felt like she was living the life of one of her characters which she had read about… but feared that it may all just be a romantic dream.

  But the sensations felt real while Charles began to disrobe her.

  Annabelle covered her nakedness, blushing incessantly. But a smiling Charles softly laughed, while coaxing her to free her arms. Tracing his hands along her face, he tasted her lips and pushed her backwards onto the bed.

  Annabelle felt her innocence leaving her, but it was immediately replaced with a fulfillment and love. Energy and excitement coursed through her veins. She thought Charles body felt heavy and powerful, that this physical love went far beyond her expectations.

  The burns of broken innocence gave way to the lusts of passion. Annabelle wrapped herself around Charles and never wanted to let him go. With closed eyes, she succumbed to her dreams. Erupting into a joyous realization that she had found love in all its forms.


  Twice Bitten

  Kersley despised the thought of having to take evening classes at the college, but there was nothing that she could do about it since during the day she had to work her job to make ends meet. She enrolled in a few liberal arts classes that she needed to finish her degree so she could apply to law school and finally ‘make something of herself’, as her father would say. Her classes usually went until 10pm in the evening, and by the time she packed up her books and chatted a little bit with her classmates, it was often closer to 10:30pm before she drove home. She had moved to the town of Nooksville a year ago and had immediately regretted the idea. It was rumored that there were vampires around the town, who at times went wild and fed their wild desires with blood from humans, and the worst thing is that it was impossible to tell a vampire from a regular human being. She, however, did not believe that such things existed, and usually thought of the majority of the people in this town as strange. The main reason for her moving here was because she had gotten a well-paying job at one of the banks, something that she could not turn down, especially in these hard economic times.


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