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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

Page 274

by Hawke, Jessa

  What was going on? Did the two young men that she had grown so close to and found so attractive want to have sex with her or did they choose a porno just out of stoned decision making. Maybe they wanted to have their way with her at the same time? Surely not. That just seemed too far-fetched to her. Her mind tried to form thoughts that were cohesive but it became harder and harder the more the feeling of being stoned set in. Where was she? Bob's house. What were they doing? Sitting around? Why were there detectives on television, and why were they turning to werewolves as they fucked a young woman in an interrogation room?

  “What, what is going on?” Sam asked. “Why are they werewolves?”

  “Well why not?” Dave asked. “Don't werewolves need love too?”

  “Yeah, Sam, don't be a square,” Bob said. “It's just a porno anyway, even if you aren't OK with it. It's not like it's real.”

  Sam wondered for a moment if Bob was joking or if he was just really stoned. What did he mean if she weren't OK with it? Was he talking to about how people in law enforcement positions were using their position of authority on screen to take advantage of a very sexually driven young woman? Or was he referring to the way the policemen had turned into werewolves while fucking her.

  “I don't know,” Sam said.

  “You don't know what?” Dave prompted.

  “I don't even know man,” Sam said. “But I think I'm OK with everything.”

  “Uh, cool story brosephina,” Bob said with a laugh.

  “Shut up Bob,” Dave said. “Don't be such a dick when you get stoned around newbies.”

  The werewolves turned back into police on the screen and then the television turned to static. It was as if she was glued to the couch. She wanted to get up but she couldn't raise her arms, and when she tried they felt full of water. Her head felt really good though, like something warm and fuzzy had spilled inside of it. It made her want to take another hit of the joint, but it had long gone out in the ashtray in front of them.

  “Well guys, what now?” Sam asked.

  Dave exchanged a look with Bob that she hadn't seen them give each other before.

  “I'm going to go roll another joint,” Dave said. “I'll be right back.”

  Dave left with a faraway expression on his face and Bob slid over on the couch closer to Sam. He slipped his hand into hers, lacing their fingers together, and then brought her hand up his mouth and kissed the back of it gently while looking into her eyes.

  “Man your eyes are red,” Bob said. Then he laughed, but not in a mean way.

  “Aren't my eyes supposed to get red?” Sam asked him.

  What little Sam knew about drugs had been told to her at her small town high school's DARE program so she doubted its validity. The people that ran DARE always seemed too nice to be telling the complete truth. Their cloying tone and long speeches never really got to the point of what they were trying to say, and in trying to remember what their point could have been, Sam completely forgot what she was thinking about.

  Bob leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek, then slid his lips across her collar bone before returning to his original seated position. Sam didn't really know how to react but she saw that in Bob's pants his cock seemed to have taken on a life of its own. It was rock hard against the side of his leg, held there by his pants. Sam reached over and ran her palm up and down the bulge in his jeans.

  “Do you want to see what it looks like?” Bob asked.

  Sam nodded her head weakly, not sure what to say. She wanted to see Bob's dick but she didn't want to ask and she wasn't sure what they were going to do with it once he whipped it out. She hoped that her admission of wanting to see his dick made Bob think that she wanted to have sex with him. But he wouldn't really think that, would he? That didn't seem like Bob. He was a smart guy, a real intelligent and sensitive kind of person. It wouldn't be like him at all to be that way.

  Bob lifted his ass of the couch, undid his jeans and scooted them off his butt. His cock flipped up and smacked against his stomach. Sam looked in wonder at the quivering dick as it stood rock hard against his body.

  “Do you want to touch it?” Bob asked.

  Without answering Sam reached out and caressed Bob's cock with her hand, lightly cupping it with the tips of her fingers. She slid her hand up and down a few times, and then ran her thumb around the ridge on the crown. Bob's back went rigid for a moment and Sam smiled at him and stopped playing with his dick.

  “Is it too sensitive?” Sam asked playfully. “Do you not want me to touch it?”

  Bob took a couple big gulps of air and dug his fingers into the couch. His dick seemed to grow longer and harder, his face seemed to darken and his teeth seemed to twinkle in the dim light of the living room.

  “Uh, no,” Bob said, panting. “I want you to touch it. Do you want to suck on it? Have you ever given head before?”

  Sam leaned over and kissed Bob on the mouth, long and hard. Her hand snaked down between his legs and found his dick again. This time she couldn't even close her fingers around it because it was so thick. Sam's mind spun at what was happening. Was it all right for her to fool around with her friend? Surely there wasn't anything wrong with it. It wasn't like Bob didn't want it to happen or anything; they were both being very vocal in their communications about what they wanted to have happen. For a moment Sam wondered where Dave had gone off to but then she quickly forgot as she felt Bob push his hand up her shirt and cup one of her large, supple breasts.

  Sam nuzzled her face into Bob's neck, running one hand through his hair while the other reached down and felt his ass. As Bob's nimble fingers found her nipple and gave it a few tweaks Sam's back arched and she giggled. Bob turned his head and gave her a long kiss on the lips, his tongue running over hers and then going further back to explore the depths of her mouth. Sam felt herself melting into his arms as she clung to him like a swimmer gripping a buoy in turbulent seas. Bob responded to her fierce embrace by nipping at her neck and playing with the locks of her long red hair.

  Their mouths met again and this time stayed together as each felt the heat radiating from the other. Bob slid his hand out of Sam's shirt and grabbed each of her ass cheeks, squeezing and kneading them through her jeans. Sam was so turned on that she didn't know what to do. A vague idea of what Bob might want formed in her mind though, and she acted on it.

  Without saying anything else Sam got on her knees in front of Bob and started to inspect his dick. At first it was mechanical, as if she had never seen one before, but then she licked it up and down, and then pumped her hand on the shaft as quickly as she could. Bob's eyes rolled back in his head and he growled as he arched his back again.

  “Oh, yes,” Bob said. “Sam, I want you to suck my dick. Please, the hunger, you don't understand! The hunger!”

  Sam didn't know what Bob was talking about but it seemed pretty serious. She took the dick in both hands and gently put its head in her mouth. Sam wasn't really sure of what she was doing and Bob could tell, Sam knew by the look on his face. It wasn't that he wasn't super turned on, and it wasn't that he looked down on her or thought less of the experience just because she was sexually inexperienced. It was just the way it was, Sam was in college and experimenting just like everyone else at her university. Just like Bob and Dave were experimenting, and just like so many of her friends on the cheer squad talked about all of their new sexual exploits. As Sam swirled her tongue around the purple head of Bob's cock, her mind reeled with the world's staggering new dimension of sex and drugs. Of course what she was doing was only the kiddie pool and Sam wasn't sure that she would ever go further than what she was doing right now, but if you would have asked her an hour ago if she thought she would have smoked weed she'd have said no and if you'd asked her two hours ago if she'd be giving Bob oral sex she'd have blushed and not known what to say.

  Sam still didn't know if she would have the words to say after everything was said and done, but she knew that for the time being her and Bob were not in the rea
lm of words, not really. Sure, they would say and do things for each other during sexual ecstasy and its time of uninhibitedness, but after they were done they both would know that the things they had done to make each other feel good and the things they had said to make each other feel secure were just things that needed to be said in that moment. Sam knew that neither of them wanted to date each other, not at the moment anyway. If in the future something changed to where she would want to date Bob, or maybe even Dave, then they would figure it out. They would figure it out together.

  Sam moved her head up and down Bob's shaft timidly at first, but then her movements became surer and picked up speed. Bob's eyes rolled back in his head and a growl escaped his lips as she worked the shaft with her mouth, sometimes taking a break to pump her hand up and down the long, thick dick that stuck straight up in the air from between Bob's thighs.

  “Oh, shit,” Bob said. “Your mouth feels so good. Fuck, Sam, how does your mouth feel so good? It's crazy how good my dick feels when you run your tongue up and down the shaft like that.”

  Sam smiled to herself for a moment then continued bobbing her head up and down Bob's dick.

  “Do you want to take your top off?” Bob asked.

  Sam thought about it for a second, and then shook her head no.

  “That's fine I was just asking,” Bob said genuinely so that Sam knew he wasn't trying to be a jerk.

  “I know,” Sam said softly.

  Bob closed his eyes and leaned back on the couch and let Sam play with his throbbing hard-on as she saw fit. He could tell that Sam was really shy and not too sure exactly what she was doing so he figured that maybe it was best to just give her room. Maybe it would make her feel a little bit better about what was going on if he didn't watch. Bob wasn't sure if closing his eyes would work, but he did it out of respect for Sam, because he wanted her to feel more comfortable with what was happening.

  Bob was rewarded as Sam felt some of her inhibitions melt away as she fondled his member. She tried to remember how long they had been doing this for, but knew that no matter how long she tried to remember when they started it wouldn't come to her because of the weed she'd smoked. She tried to remember how many hits she'd taken, but couldn't manage to recall that either. Starting to feel self-conscious about the entire thing even though Bob had closed his eyes and leaned back, dropping his head over the back of the couch.

  Thinking back on what she had just seen the woman in the porno that had been on the television do Sam did her best to imitate it. Within a few minutes Bob climaxed, his back arching, thighs quivering, a small yelp leaving his lips. Sam slid up next to him on the couch and snuggled her body into his. Bob buttoned his pants back up and put an arm around Sam, pulling her close to him.

  Dave walked back in the room, beer in his hand and big grin on his face.

  “Well, well, well,” Dave said. “Are you two love birds done getting to know each other a little better?”

  Sam's blood ran cold. She wondered if Dave was angry or jealous, and if he was he would tell them. But Dave didn't give any hint of being angry as he sat down on the couch beside them, grabbed the remote, took a drink of his beer, and turned on the television. A football game popped up on the screen for a moment before Dave turned it to national geographic. They were doing a segment on wolves and pack behavior.

  “God, wolves in the wild are so cool,” Dave said. “Look at them take down that elk, how they work together! It's amazing that there are so many of the old dogs still out there.”

  They watched the program in silence for a few seconds.

  “I thought that wolves were what all dogs evolved from?” Sam said. The weed was wearing off and she could feel her wits returning to her.

  “Oh yes,” Dave said. “Without wolves there wouldn't be any dogs at all. Wolves were the vector from which our canine friends came.”

  Bob shifted on the couch beside Sam, sitting up a little straighter, and in the process pulling away from her just enough so they weren't touching anymore. Sam did the same, straightening on the couch so that her body no longer was the little spoon for Bob's big spoon.

  “Anyone need a beer?” Bob asked as he got up. “I'm headed to the bathroom and I'm going to swing by the fridge on my way back. Do either of you need anything?”

  “Naw, I'm good,” Dave said. “Thanks though.”

  Sam shook her head that she didn't need a beverage and Bob left the room.

  “So, you two got to know each other a little bit better?” Dave asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “You aren't mad are you?” Sam said. “I mean, we didn't mean for it to happen, and it didn't mean anything. Well, it did, but not like that. Not like you might think. It was special.”

  Dave gave her a big grin and for a moment Sam worried that he might be about to mock her, but then the smile changed to one of understanding.

  “It's fine,” Dave said. “Really, it is! And I know exactly what you mean, that you didn't plan it and it didn't mean anything while still meaning something. That's how life goes sometimes, things happen and they can mean something, maybe even a great deal, without meaning anything at all.”

  Sam thought about what Dave said and wondered how many beers he'd had while he was out of the room. Or maybe he really meant what he said and he didn't care at all that her and Bob had fooled around. The two boys were very close, some people even thought they were actual brothers, so maybe something like this wouldn't come between all of them. Sam thought that maybe it was a lot to ask for from college aged boys to have the kind of understanding that went beyond realizing their own personal needs to knowing that other peoples' feelings were just as valid as their own, and that other people could to what they wanted without justification.

  Sam wanted to be sure though.

  “So you don't care?” Sam asked again.

  “No,” Dave said firmly. “In fact I'm not really sure what you are referring to since I wasn't in the room to be privy to what happened, and you haven't exactly told me, and I didn't jump to any conclusions. So, no I don't have a secret problem. And even if I knew everything, I still wouldn't have a problem with what happened because it's not a big deal.”

  Sam opened her mouth to ask another question but Dave cut her off.

  “And no, this doesn't change anything between us,” Dave said. “If we decided to get to know each other better in the future what just happened won't even for a moment enter my mind. It's completely all right. There is nothing to be worried about, whatsoever.”

  Sam smiled at Dave and Dave returned the grin. Without saying anything else they turned their attention to the screen. The pack of wolves was being observed closely by a woman who would periodically put the camera on a tripod and take video of herself with the pack of wolves frolicking in the background. The wolves roamed the hills of some far off state, their territory, the woman on the screen explained, came to the foothills of a mountain range and then ended. The mountains proved too jagged for the paws of the wolves to get a solid footing, so the goats that were the only food source that far above the timber line made easy escapes, scaling rock walls that seemed almost vertical at first glance.

  The wolves range covered from the base of the mountains where the foothills were, to the sloping, rolling hills that eventually petered out into farmers’ fields. A farmer’s face came on screen, an old man speaking adamantly about how the wolves all needed to be wiped out, that they were a scourge on his pets and on the few cows that he had been able to keep throughout the year. Footage flashed to the woman that had been following the wolves and had explained their territory becoming angry and telling the farmer that he was wrong to shoot the wolves, and that the pack had been around long before civilization had come. The farmer's face filled the screen.

  “And those wolves ain’t the only thing around here with fangs. Somethin' been coming round the last few years with big claws, longer and shaped different than a bear. It leaves tracks that look half wolf half human!”

woman laughed at the farmer and he began to speak angrily, waiving his hands as he tried to emphasize that he wasn't lying, that he was telling the truth and that the woman was wrong and didn't know what she was talking about. The woman was a new comer to the area, the old farmer said, and she didn't know a God damn thing about nature, the mountains, or the pains where his fields were except by reading books. Books had never helped the farmer, he pointed out, yet he knew so much more than the young woman.

  “I've forgotten more than you'll ever know!” he said before he turned and stormed off camera, leaving the woman on the screen looking sheepish that she had blown the interview.

  “Whoa,” Bob said.

  Sam and Dave both jumped at the sound of Bob's voice. He'd come back from getting a beer to find them so entranced in what the old farmer was saying that neither of them noticed him. Bob let out a nervous laugh.

  “I wonder what could be doing that,” Sam said.

  “Doing what?” Dave said, suddenly indignant.

  “Well, that farmer said that something that was leaving some kind of hybrid foot prints and had long claws that were bigger and different from a bear,” Sam said. “It just makes you think if some of the old fairy tales are true.”

  Dave and Bob looked at each other uncomfortably for a second.

  “What?” Sam said. “Both of you think I'm stupid, don't you?”

  The boys looked at each other again, and then looked at her.

  “There is something we've been meaning to tell you,” Bob said.

  “Yea,” Dave chimed in. “We've just been looking for the right time to let you in on the secret.”


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