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Yours Book 3: Life Mastered

Page 13

by Blue Saffire

  I sink into her deeply as she slides down my firm erection. There is nothing, and I mean nothing like having the woman you love, ride you hard as you thrust into her firmly. Mariah does just that. I cup one of her ass cheeks in one hand and grab for the headboard with the other.

  “Yes Kev,” Mariah purrs. “So good.”

  I watch as she bites her lip. A clear sign that she is lost in me. I want her more than lost. I want her totally gone. I lean forward and wrap my lips around her nipple and circle it a few times with my tongue before flicking it.

  I feel the moment she gushes around me. Knowing my wife is sated, I allow myself the same pleasure. I thrust up into her twice more and come with a roar.

  “Fuck, I needed that,” I mutter after catching my breath.

  “You and me both,” Mariah replies drunkenly. A few moments go by before she speaks again. “Damn Baby, this is some crazy shit. Nick has two brothers. One that’s identical and one that’s not.”

  It is a statement, not a question. I have been repeating the same thing in my head over and over again. There are so many pieces to this. Brooklyn has flown out to New York to talk to Sam to smooth things over for Liam’s return.

  Joe has gone to his FBI connect to see if they can locate Liam’s original case. Then maybe clear some of this shit up that Nick is being framed for. I swear it is like those guys never talk to each other.

  I have always felt so guilty about not protecting Nick and Ivana better. Even after finding out that Ivana had betrayed us all. I felt like I should have seen her coming and protected Nick better.

  I won’t make that mistake again. I am grateful for men like Winston on my team. Having Brooklyn here for the last few months hasn’t hurt either. I hold Mariah tighter as I think of how Nick could have lost Sephora today.

  Sometimes I wonder if I am being selfish in running the restaurants and not heading up Nick security full time, the proper way. I am always plugged in, but I could be doing this better.

  “Stop beating yourself up. Even if you didn’t have the restaurants and you ran the team twenty-four seven, you wouldn’t have known to look for this,” Mariah yawns. “You are an amazing man, Kevin. I am in awe of you every day. You take care of Nick and his family, and you take care of and provide for your own. I couldn’t ask anything more of you. I will tell you one thing, though, that Sephora is amazing.”

  Leave it to my wife to read my mind. I am grateful to have her in my life. She has been the one to ground me. I don’t think I would be able to handle it all if not for her.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up,” I slip from beneath Mariah and head for the bathroom to clean off and return with a warm cloth to clean her up as well.

  I chuckle when I find my wife knocked out in the middle of the bed. I clean her up and tuck her in. On cue, Kevin, Jr.’s cries pipe through the baby monitor. I pull on a pair of sweats and grab my phone. I don’t need to check to know it is just around seven in the morning.

  We really should have taken our asses to bed. Still, I have a satisfied grin on my face as I make my way to my son. Just as I reach KJ’s door, my phone starts to ring. I look down to see it is my cousin Jasper and smile. I love this kid.

  I tuck the phone between my shoulder and ear as I walk to the crib and reach in to rub Kevin Jr.’s tummy. “Hey Cous, what’s going on,” I answer with a smile on my lips.

  I hear Jas groan as KJ starts crying again. I chuckle knowing he is not used to me having a little baby yet. He probably forgot. I don’t blame him I never saw this for me at this point in my life either, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

  “I’m sorry, Kev. I’ll call back at a better hour,” Jas says into the phone.

  “There is no better hour around here. Jr. and I are just doing a little bonding while Mariah gets some sleep. Nick has her back to work already,” I chuckle.

  “How is Nick,” Jasper asks.

  “Nick is his usual moody self, but with reason at the moment,” I snort.

  “Is everything okay? Is there something I can do?” Jasper offers.

  “It’s nothing that isn’t being handled already,” I reply tiredly. I shift reaching to pick Jr. up as he starts whimpering again, causing his cries to get closer to the phone. I kiss the top of my son’s head to calm him.

  “I just wanted to talk. It can wait,” Jasper offers.

  “Jas, just spit it out already. You know I always have time for my little cousin. Come out with it. What’s up,” I coo at Jr. some, before falling silent to offer a listening ear.

  Jas sighs. “I always looked up to you and Nate. I mean Nate started his own business, and you opened the restaurants. You guys never let the business take over your lives,” Jasper starts.

  I guess I am not the only one having second thoughts tonight. Mariah’s words ring in my ears. It is not an easy thing, being a Briggs.

  I snort into the phone. “I don’t know about all that. Where is this coming from?” I know Jasper is one of the best in the family. He and Rita had surpassed all expectations. Great things have always been expected of the two.

  “I’m ready to start a family, and I want to be there for them. Granted I haven’t been out on a major assignment for about a year now but what if that changes,” Jas sighs. “I want to be with my wife and kids.”

  “I hear you, but it’s a part of the job,” I say and shrug.

  “That’s just it. You walked away and started your own successful business. I could too. I just…,” Jas huffs into the phone. “I’m not whining about it. Briggs Security has fed me all my life, and I have a pretty nice house that I’m getting ready to turn into a home for my family. I want for nothing honestly.”

  “You just want to be your own man,” I chuckle, totally understanding my little cousin. “I get it. I was there.”

  “Yeah, I guess that is a part of it,” Jas replies.

  “No matter what job you have you are going to have to go out there and make things happen for your family. That could keep you away for hours as well. I think I put in as much time into the restaurants as I would have at Briggs California branch,” I muse and it is the honest truth.

  “Do you ever regret walking away,” Jas asks.

  I sigh into the phone. “Who says I did,” I ask. I know Jas has no idea that I still work for Nick. I hear the frustration in his next words and settle in to tell my little cousin the truth.

  It was the hardest decision of my life. I wanted to make my father proud, but I had dreams of my own. I guess that is why I am taking all of this with Nick so hard. I own him so much, as a friend and a business partner. Nick was there for me during a major crossroads in my life.

  Everything with his family and Ivana had already gone down, but Nick still had my back when he saw I was warring with what I wanted to do with my life. I had already felt like I failed him and I know when he first found out who I was he felt betrayed, especially off the back of Ivana’s betrayal.

  Nick actually took a whole two weeks to sort out how he felt about everything. I had made the decision to reveal myself and to this day I’m glad I did. Nick is one of my best friends. I value his friendship more than he will ever know.

  “Nick may have given me the money to start the first few restaurants, but that wasn’t the only thing he gave me. Jas, you have to understand that Nick didn’t know I was his bodyguard for years.

  “When I went off to boarding school I started my detail with him. When his world fell apart, the truth came to light. Nick and I were already really close. He knew what I wanted to do with my life so he fronted me the money on two conditions….

  I finish the rest of the story and laugh when Jas replies with, “Well, shit.”

  “You didn’t know all that, did you,” I chuckle.

  “No,” Jasper grumbles.

  “You see the trick is to find what you love and go after it. The old men aren’t as hard as we think. Sure, my dad was pissed at first. He didn’t speak to me for about a year, but he got over it, and he is
there when I need him,” I explain as KJ starts to whimper.

  “Give Jr. and Mariah a kiss for me. I’ll figure this all out,” Jasper says abruptly. I can sense his candid time is up. More than likely, the reason behind his musing and decision making is about to interrupt.

  “Hey, call me anytime, Jas. You know you can, right?” I ask hoping he really does know this.

  “Yeah, I know,” He replies.

  I smile at the cousin I see as a little brother. “I’m expecting you to make a trip out here too. You can meet my son and bring Marie with you,” I tease with a chuckle.

  “What,” Jasper replies. I know this kid can’t think I am that obtuse.

  “You really think no one knew. I figured it out that summer I came to train with you guys,” I laugh. “Be well little cousin, it will all work out.” I hang up and kiss the top of my son’s head once more. “It will all work out,” I say more to reassure myself.

  It is not an option to fail my friend… no, my brother again. When this all ends, I will have done my job as a Briggs and Nick will be safe. I put that on my son.

  chapter Twenty-Two

  Too Far


  This cannot be happening. I haven’t stopped crying since Bailey called Nick’s phone. Nick has been in a silent rage. He and Luke haven’t let Kimmie and me out of their sight. Nick has made sure that Bailey has stayed close as well.

  She is a witness to attempted murder after all. If it weren’t for Bailey and her roommate Ebony, Mark would be dead. From what Bailey told us Mark told her to hide until he and some guy with a gun left Mark’s apartment. Bailey rushed out to get dress and follow them against Mark’s orders.

  They ended up in an alley not far from FLI. Bailey said the guy made Mark get down on his knees. He was about to shoot Mark in the back of the head when Bailey screamed out, and Ebony, who had been following Bailey, fired a shot into the air.

  The shot from the guy’s gun was thrown off from him jerking when he was startled. Mark also turned his head when he heard Bailey’s scream, apparently. The bullet still hit Mark, but at an angle that may have saved his life. We are stay waiting to see where this is going to go.

  I haven’t missed the evil looks Ebony is giving me as I hold Bailey in my arms as we cry together. I am grateful to Ebony for helping, but there is something off about her. Well, for one she has the same exact haircut and color as Bailey. Her lip is pierced just like Bailey’s as well.

  I tell myself that they could just be that close and shrug it off. I am trying to push these feelings aside as I focus on my friend Mark and his grieving girlfriend. This is the worst thing in the world that could happen.

  Mark has been so happy lately. We just started our business, and he and Bailey have been doing so well. I have never seen him smile so much. My heart couldn’t hurt more than it does right now. I am hurt and angry.

  “Sephora,” Mark’s dad calls as he rushes into the ER. “Bailey, what’s going on?”

  “Where is my son? I knew letting him get involved with you people would be nothing but trouble,” Mrs. Feinberg snaps.

  “Barbara, I told you in the car not to start spewing that hateful garbage,” Yosef Feinberg snarls at Barbara Feinberg.

  “Humph,” Barbara snorts and tosses her shoulder length brown hair.

  “Come, girls,” Yosef opens his arms for Bailey and me.

  We both go to him after taking a moment to glare at Mark’s mom. It would be comical if we weren’t in the middle of such a serious situation. Mr. Feinberg pulls us into a tight hug. He talks to Nick as he holds onto us.

  “Nick, can you tell us what is going on,” he asks over our heads.

  “Mark was shot. From what we know he is in surgery. We haven’t had much information so far. We know he is fighting, and they are doing everything they can. A friend of mine that works here said Mark got lucky with the angle of the bullet entry. We are hopeful,” Nick offers.

  “Thank you, Nick,” Mr. Fienberg says gruffly. “How are you two girls doing? You both mean a lot to Mark, I know he would be happy to know you two are out here. Let’s have a seat, girls, I could use two little prayer warriors with me.”

  We move to sit with Mr. Feinberg. Mrs. Feinberg stomps off to find her own information not trusting ours. It is not long before she returns muttering about the staff being useless. I have never spent a lot of time around Mark’s mom. She has always seemed a little uppity. Mark’s dad on the other had has always been nothing but nice.

  “Can I tell you, girls, a secret,” Mr. Feinberg says softly with a wistful smile.

  “Sure,” I whisper, and Bailey gives a teary nod.

  “Mark is just like me. I am not surprised he used to have a crush on you, Sephora, or that he is now in love with you, Bailey. I almost married a girl that you two could pass for,” he chuckles.

  “I love him so much,” Bailey sobs.

  Mr. Feinberg’s face crumbles and he pulls Bailey into his arms to soothe her. “We all do, Sweetheart. He will pull through. My son will pull through,” he says as his voice breaks.

  I wait a moment before I slip away and let the two share the moment alone. Nick is over in the corner with Luke and the rest of the guys. Kevin looks exhausted, but he is still handling his team to keep us all safe. I wish I would have known to ask for security for my friends.

  “This is your fault,” I hear a feminine voice hiss in my ear. I turn to see Mark’s mom. Tears well in my eyes because I know she is right. “He has been sniffing around you for years. Just like his father and the whore I took him from. I had to make him see reason, and I will do the same with my son. I won’t let that one get her hooks in him.”

  “Now you didn’t really think you were going to come in here with that BS, did you,” My mother appears out of thin air and hisses just as low. “I do give you my sympathy for what your family is going through right now. However, whatever high horse you rode in here on, I suggest you go get back on it. And trust, your husband already knows you are the biggest mistake of his life. You can stop reminding him. Thank you, you’re welcome, bye-bye.”

  My mother wraps an arm around me and pulls me away. “Thanks, Mom,” I sniffle and giggle a little because that was awesome. Mom gave it to her Faraz style.

  “Don’t drop a single tear in front of that witch. I know the woman she supposedly stole Yosef from, I am sure he is still regretting that decision,” my mother shakes her head and sighs heavily. “This is not your fault, Sephora. Mark wouldn’t want you thinking that it is.”

  “I know,” I whisper.

  “Do you,” mom stops and turns to me. “I mean it. Don’t let her words sink in. Mark will pull through, and we will find those two troublemakers once and for all.”

  “Oh, that I am sure of,” I say with renewed purpose.

  chapter Twenty-THree

  The Return


  I am watching my baby with her head on my chest, as she is curled into a ball at my side holding on to me tightly. I’ve been on the phone ever since we returned home. It is a wonder she was able to fall asleep at my side.

  We stayed at the hospital as long as we could. Once Mark was placed in a private room, I am paying for, instead of in ICU, Sephora wanted to stay a little while longer. We left once her feet and back started to hurt, and she couldn’t take it anymore.

  Brooklyn sent his brother, Dylan, over to help Johnathan Black watch over Bailey. We are all concerned that those two will come back to finish what they started, and that Bailey is now a target.

  I feel like I am suffocating. People I care about are getting hurt, and I don’t know what to do. It should not be this hard to find those two. Especially now that we know, we are looking for my look-alike and his sidekick.

  I’d be lying if I said a part of me isn’t curious about the two brothers that I have out there somewhere. I might have even welcomed it if they weren’t trying to destroy me and my life. We shared a womb once, yet they are two strangers to me now.

/>   I found the note in Sephora’s purse, and I have read it a million times. It looks to be in the handwriting of the one that has been impersonating me. At least, that is the assumption I made since it is so close to mine. After all, I really know nothing about the two.

  I don’t know what to think. The letter seems like a real call for Sephora’s help in stopping whatever is coming to a climax, but right after receiving the letter she was almost run down. Now this thing with Mark.

  I close my eyes tight and ward off my headache. Mark was almost killed because of me. He is still not out of the woods.

  I have repeatedly tried to understand what my father was thinking. The sad part is that I can see my parents doing something like this. After their reaction to Ivana and wanting me to get rid of Nicky. I can totally see them just getting rid of my two brothers.

  What I don’t understand is why they would rip them from a family where they were loved. I may have grown up to know my brothers someday if they had stayed with the Hiltons, but I guess that is why my father did what he did.

  I wonder what kind of life Gavin and Rick ended up having to make them so bitter, hateful, and dangerous now. Something in the pit of my stomach tells me that it is not a pretty story.

  I keep playing my father’s last words to me over and over in my head. ‘…we will settle this matter once and for all. I am so sorry we have created this mess. But I’ll fix it, Son.” He knew this mess was his fault. He had promised to fix it. Well, the joke was on him. This has just gotten worse and worse. Now my own children are involved.

  Nicky would have been so big by now. Bitterness rises up in me with a vengeance. Nothing would make me do this to my own brothers.

  I need to turn my thoughts away from my two siblings, so I start to think about my own two babies growing inside Sephora. We never did make our sonogram appointment. We’ll have to reschedule.

  I reach for her belly and imagine what the sex of our babies will be. My mind drifts to having two little boys. I would want them to be close. I would want them to have each other’s backs.


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