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First Class Farewell

Page 16

by Aj Harmon

  Adam pulled her into his arms and swung her around, her feet lifting from the ground and she giggled as he twirled her under the stars. As her feet found the ground once more, and their movement stopped, Adam’s grip tightened and he lowered his head to hers, covering her mouth with his.

  He felt her flinch but didn’t release his hold. He kissed her gently and he felt her shoulders eventually relax, her hands cautiously lay on his hips. His tongue barely grazed her lip and once again she tensed, but eased as she accepted him. In minutes, he was inside her mouth, his tongue tasting her, sliding over her smooth straight teeth and dancing with her tongue as she experienced how truly divine a great kiss could be.

  Pulling back, gasping for air, she lay her head on his chest and gripped him tightly around the waist. “Wow,” she whispered.

  “Double wow,” he said into her hair as he fought for control of his body.

  “I need you to go slow. There are…are demons I have when it comes to…to this.”

  Adam understood and he wished he could take those memories from her. But he hoped that by giving her good memories, memories of him worshipping her body, those demons would become a thing of the past. “We’ll go as slow as you need. I’ll never hurt you. I promise. I’d rather die than hurt you.” He held her snugly to his body, never willing to ever let her go.



  Her pulse quickened and her breathing was shallow. She stood in the middle of the room as Adam locked the door and closed the curtains in the pool house. He clicked on the lamp beside the bed and then came and stood directly in front of her, pushing a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

  “Don’t be nervous, Shelby. We won’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable. We have all the time in the world. Just knowing you love me is all I need.”

  She looked up at him, her eyes big and bright, with a look of relief, perhaps. “It’s not that I don’t want to…to try, it’s just…” Her voice trailed off.

  “Hey, it’s okay.” He held her face gently in his hands. “No pressure. Slow and easy. And, if you never want me to touch me, I’ll abide by that, too. I promise you, Shelby, I’ll never hurt you. Never! Why don’t we just cuddle and watch some TV?”

  Shelby nodded as Adam pushed the bed pillows up against the bed head and pulled back the comforter. He slipped out of his flip flops and took his wallet from the pocket of his shorts and removed his watch from his wrist. He climbed onto the bed, leaning back on the fluffy pillows and motioned for her to join him, to which she quickly complied. Settling in next to him, she laid her head on his chest, her hand resting on his abdomen as Adam clicked on the television and after flicking through several channels, settled on a classic…an episode of Friends.

  However, neither of them were watching. Adam caressed her back and stroked her long golden hair. Shelby listened to the steady beating of his heart and wondered what if would be like to not be afraid of physical intimacy…of what they would be doing if she wasn’t so terrified. She loved him and wanted to show him but didn’t know how. Adam more than sensed her hesitation and uncertainty. He felt it. And he knew that if their relationship stood a chance of lasting, it was dependent upon his sensitivity to her needs.

  The next episode of the sitcom began, Adam still lightly touching her in a non-sexual way, giving her time to adjust to him being so close. Everything that would happen would be a first for her and he didn’t want there to be any regrets, for either of them. It would devastate him if he hurt her, physically or emotionally. This was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He wasn’t going to screw it up.

  At the first set of commercials, Shelby spoke quietly. “I’m not watching it if you want to just turn it off.”

  “Why don’t we just go to sleep, then?” he asked. “It’s late.”

  Shelby nodded so Adam found the remote and turned the television off. Scooting down the bed, he kept his arm around her, holding her close, and reached for the switch on the lamp. He felt her head move, now looking up at him through the darkness. Her hand touched his cheek and he bent down to her ‘til his lips found hers, warm and moist…inviting. He kissed her gently, but his desire was so strong it was difficult to maintain the self-control necessary.

  But she surprised him by opening her mouth to him and slipped her tongue into his, tentatively exploring the feel of him. Keenly aware of his arousal, he kept his hands on her back, rigid and still. Her tongue grazing over his teeth, finding his tongue and innocently discovering the pleasures of a simple kiss, made his blood boil.

  “I like this,” she whispered, as she pulled away.

  “Me, too,” he replied.

  “Can we kiss some more?”

  He smiled. “Absolutely.” And he pulled her up and on top of him, giving her all of the control. She took it readily and placed her lips on his and kissed him as lovers would. He held her head in his hands and when her hips moved he let go and grabbed the pillows at his head.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked. “Are you alright?” As she pushed herself up on her hands and looked at him, the pressure from her hips had him squirming a little more.

  “Ah, just a little turned on and every time you move like that,” he said as she wriggled again, “I am having to try and think of my mom and other stuff that works the same way as a cold shower would.”

  “Oh, sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” he grinned. “You feel good. Just a little too good.”

  “You feel good, too. And, maybe, we don’t have to go quite as slow.”

  He exhaled. “But you’ll tell me if you need me to stop?”

  She nodded. “I will.” Shelby knew that this was the moment Katy had spoken of. This was the moment that would change the course of her future and while petrified, she was certain of her decision, digging deep to the find the courage to choose her future.

  He’d waited for years to love her. Clicking the lamp back on, he wanted to see her as he undressed her, and he wanted her to see him. They each knelt on the bed, facing each other, and Adam unbuttoned his shirt and threw it on the floor then pulled her tank top over her head and discarded it the same way. She sat in her bra, her soft golden skin peeking through the delicate white lace. Ever so slightly, his finger traced over her lush mounds of flesh until he stopped at the hook nestled in her cleavage.

  Their eyes met, the question hanging in the air. Taking a deep breath, she nodded and looked down at his hand. With a quick flick, the hook popped open and gently he pulled the straps down her arms. The rosy buds called to him like a siren and he lowered his head and took each one into his mouth, sucking gently. He heard her gasp, felt her back arch to him and smiled. Knowing she was enjoying it as much as he, Adam nipped with his teeth and rolled his tongue over and over her distended nipples as he lowered her down onto her back.

  With her fingers in his hair, she held him to her breasts, writhing underneath him as he worshipped her body with his mouth.

  “Oh, Adam,” she whimpered.

  He pulled away and rolled back onto his ankles. “I’m going to take off your skirt, ’k?”

  She nodded, her eyes still tightly closed. Rolling her onto her side, he made quick work of the button and zipper at her back. It was discarded on the floor to join the other articles of clothes. All that remained was her panties, white lace that matched her bra. Kissing the inside of her thigh made her flinch, eyelids shooting open and pushing herself up on her elbows, fear in her eyes.

  “I’m not gonna hurt you. Let me love you. Let me show how good it’s gonna be,” he soothed.

  Taking a deep breath, she fell back to the bed, her complete trust in him touching him to the core…his soul. He kissed her again, his hands caressing the silky smooth skin of her legs. Her musky scent filled him and as he moved higher his need for her was overwhelming. His hand lightly brushed over her panties, wet with excitement and the pulsing in his groin quickened. He licked the lace and she cried out his name once more. She needed his lovi
ng as much he needed to love her.

  He removed her panties and spread her legs wide, kneeling between them and burying his face in the curly hair that covered her. Every one of his senses were on overload as he looked up to see her nipples protruding and hard, her mouth open begging for breath, eyes squeezed shut. Her breath was shallow and he felt her pulse under his lips. Parting her with his tongue she again cried his name and he knew it was just a matter of moments before she would shatter under his touch.

  Licking and tasting her almost sent him over the edge but he willed himself to hold on as he brought her to the peak and as her body froze, she arched her back and a violent spasm held her as she cried out again, delirious in the overwhelming sensation racking her entire body.

  Her lifeless body lay limp and spent as Adam lay his head on her stomach. He needed a moment to conquer control before he, too, exploded. Never had taking a woman to orgasm given him such fulfillment…and such a difficulty in controlling his own needs and desires. The emotional connection he felt with Shelby was beyond words and he hoped she felt it, too.

  A minute or two had passed before she spoke. “I…I…That was incredible. You…oh, boy…thank you.”

  Adam grinned. Speechless was good. “We aren’t done yet.”

  “Okay.” He heard the smile in her voice.

  “But why don’t you rest for a minute first.”

  “Good idea.”


  She slept for several hours, cradled in his arms. Adam dozed but he wasn’t relaxed enough to drift into a deep sleep. Oh, how he loved her. He knew without doubt that she was his future. Matt was right when he said that the Lathem men knew what they wanted and he was no exception. Shelby was who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and he hoped…desperately hoped that he’d be able to convince her of that fact. He knew that she trusted him and it was the sweetest gift she could ever have given him. She had given herself to him willingly. But he knew it wasn’t over yet. He had to be inside her. He needed it as much as he needed air. He didn’t want to wake her but he desperately wanted to finish what they’d started.

  He carefully slid from the bed and visited the bathroom, and removed his shorts and briefs while he was there. It was still dark outside. There was still lots of time. As he returned to the bed she rolled into him and said, “I had the most amazing dreams.”

  “Me, too,” he grinned. “Only mine was real.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “The best is yet to come.”

  “Really? I’m not sure I believe you.”

  “Let me prove it to you.”

  Adam rolled on top of her, covering her with his body. He kissed her and she responded immediately. His hips pushed into hers, his erection pressing into her. She responded and lifted her hips to his, silently consenting to what was about to happen. There wouldn’t be a lot of time for foreplay…his control was coming to an end.

  With his knees, he parted her legs and settled between them, poised at her entrance. The moment he felt her hips roll underneath him, he plunged inside her and stilled. She stiffened, her eyelids flying open, an instant terror in her eyes.

  “I love you, Shelby,” he declared again. “I will never hurt you. Trust me.”

  She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He felt her muscles relax, one by one, and the fear that was so evident, slowly faded away. “I trust you,” she whispered. “With my life and my heart.”

  Kissing her again, this time gently, she snaked her arms around his neck and held their bodies together. He felt a tear on his thumb as he caressed her cheek.

  “Don’t cry,” he pleaded.

  “I’ve always known that sex was bad…that men could be so cruel…but now…,” she sobbed.

  “This isn’t just sex. This is making love. I love you. Please don’t cry.”

  “I love you, Adam. Thank you for not giving up on me.”


  The morning sun shone through the tiny slits in the curtains. Shelby and Adam were entwined, clinging to each other in a deep sleep. They’d made love twice, the second time with no memories of the past haunting her…the demons no longer stalking her…her dreams now of Adam and their future together.

  As they awoke to the sounds of splashing in the pool, Shelby looked at the clock. It was after ten.

  “I don’t care what time it is,” Adam growled, his eyes still closed. “You aren’t going anywhere.” He pulled her tighter.

  “People are going to wonder…”

  “I don’t care,” he grumbled. “I’ve got you naked in my bed and I’m not letting you go…ever!”

  Shelby laughed. “At some point, we’re going to have to leave the pool house. If nothing else, we have to get on a plane tomorrow and go home.”

  “We can deal with that tomorrow.”

  “What a trip this has been.”

  Adam agreed. “So much has happened in just a couple of weeks.”

  “It’ll probably be good to get back to normal.”

  “I don’t want things to go back to the way they were,” he said as he sat up straight.

  “Well,” Shelby said, “There’s work and stuff and…”

  “I know but I’ve waited for you for a long time and I’m not going back to the old status quo. I want you by my side…always.”

  “So, are you talking about moving in together?” she asked.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Oh,” Shelby said, surprising herself as she heard the slight disappointment in her reply.

  “Will you marry me? Will you be Mrs. Dr. Adam Anderson? Or Dr. Shelby Anderson? I kind of like that better,” he grinned.

  “Marry you?” her eyes were open wide. “This is a bit sudden, isn’t it?”

  “Not for me!” he chuckled. “I’ve been in love with you for years, just waiting for you. Marry me,” he nodded.


  “She’s not in her room,” Katy said. “It appears her bed wasn’t slept in.”

  “The car is in the garage so I know they came back from town last night,” Janie added.

  “Maybe we should check the pool house to see if Adam is there,” Katy suggested.

  “No!” Mark exclaimed. “Leave them alone!”

  “So they’re there? Together?” Janie asked.

  “It doesn’t matter if they are or not,” Matt added. “Give them some privacy.”

  “So they are there?” Katy asked.

  The four of them were in the library trying to decide what time to leave for New York the following day, but the whereabouts of Shelby and Adam had been the main topic of conversation.

  “Now, can we talk about tomorrow?” Mark said.

  “Just not too early,” Janie said. “It’ll take a while to get all the kids ready.”

  “So, eleven?” Matt asked.

  “That puts us home before dinner. Perhaps the babies will sleep on the plane,” Katy said.

  “Okay. I’ll call to confirm,” Matt said as he stood and headed out of the room.

  “Matt? Do you have a second?” Adam asked him in the hallway.

  Noticing the grip he had on Shelby’s hand, he bit his lip so as to not smile. “Sure. Privately?”

  “Uh, well, is Mom around?”

  “She’s in the library with Mark and Katy.”

  “Oh, good,” Shelby smiled. “We were looking for them, too.”

  Matt turned around and walked back to join the others, Adam and Shelby at his heels. All eyes looked up as they entered the room. Matt sat down next to his wife and waited, more interested in how his wife would react than the actual news itself, as he was pretty sure he knew what they were about to say…their faces said it all.

  “We wanted to tell you guys first, and, uh, we’re glad that you’re all together,” Adam said. “We can do this all at once.”

  “Tell us what?” Janie asked.

  “We…Shelby and I are getting married.”

  Katy and Janie looked at each other and grinned. Matt
and Mark both breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Ah, you want to say anything?” Shelby asked.

  “Congratulations,” Janie smiled as she stood and hugged her son and then took Shelby into an embrace.

  Katy stood and grinned. “It’s about time.”


  Matt and Janie collapsed on their bed after tucking in the children after a long and eventful day.

  “I’m beat!” sighed Janie. “But it was absolutely perfect, wasn’t it?”

  Matt rolled onto his side and kissed his wife, a long lingering kiss. “It was perfect. You and Katy are master wedding planners,” he chuckled.

  “Only three more to go,” she grinned.

  “Considering Christopher is just approaching his ninth birthday, I’d say it’ll be a long while before they’re all married.”

  Adam had married Shelby in a beautiful ceremony at St. Luke’s that afternoon. Sadly, Father Todd who had performed the marriage ceremony for Matt and Janie had retired, but the young priest, Father James, had risen to the occasion, reading beautiful passages from the Bible and giving sound advice to the young couple. As they newlyweds kissed for the first time as husband and wife, both Janie and Katy looked at each other and smiled, knowing they couldn’t have picked better spouses for their children.

  The reception, a magical winter scene in the ballroom of The Plaza, had been beyond perfect, and the bride looked stunning in her beaded Vera Wang gown and Adam had rivaled Prince Charming in his black Armani tuxedo. They only had eyes for each other and probably didn’t even notice the months of planning and impeccable execution that had taken place to make their day one to remember. But Janie didn’t mind. Just seeing them so happy and blissfully in love with each other had made it all worth it.

  The whole family had been there, including the two newest additions, Ben and Sophia’s little one, Raymond Aldo Lathem, and Paul and Nic’s baby girl, born just four days later, Sarah Nicole. They’d both managed to sleep through most of the day.

  Beth had needed to leave the party early. The triplets were due in just two months and the doctors were extremely concerned she could go into labor at any time, so her appearance was short, but managed to stand for all for the family pictures with Tim constantly at her side for emotional, and physical, support.


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