Big Jock : Bad Boy Sports Romance

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Big Jock : Bad Boy Sports Romance Page 13

by Vanessa Kinney

  “You know, you’re kind of sexy when you get mad.” I reach out and place my hand on top of hers. “If you pull your hair back in a bun, and get some glasses, and red lipstick, you could be a pretty hot teacher.” My eyes move up and down her body, taking the image in. “I’d let you have your way with me.”

  Casey’s cheeks get rosy red and she presses her finger on the textbook. “Pay attention. You don’t want to make me mad.” She grabs the back of my head and forces me to look down at the page instead of her.

  “Or else what?” I ask, blood rushing to my cock at the idea of her punishing me.

  Casey gets up and kisses my arm until she reaches the inside of my neck. I push against her warm touch and let myself enjoy her. She reaches my earlobe and tugs at it. She stops and I want to do nothing more than shove my cock in that tight little mouth of hers.

  “Or no sex for a month,” she whispers.

  A shiver rolls down my spine at the horror. “You wouldn’t?”

  “Do you want to test me?” Her face is dead serious while she stares at me.

  I shake my head. No, I do not want to test her. The last thing that I want is to go without feeling her pussy.

  I pick up the textbook and scan the next question. Out of the corner of my eye, a smile emerges on Casey’s face.

  “How are you feeling about everything?” Casey steps in front of the stairs. We’ve been at the library for the better part of the day. My head is throbbing with how much cramming I did. I hated every minute of it, but at least I got to spend it with her.

  “I feel confident to say that at least I’ll pass the test. I just don’t know if it will be by much, though.” I rush up behind her and massage my fingers into her back. I know that she’s just as exhausted as I am. She’s had to deal with tutoring me while also studying for her own finals. I don’t know how she handles of the stress. Casey stops in front of my door and I almost run her over. “Why did you stop?”

  Casey points at the door, and I see that it’s wide open. I move her to the side and make her wait there while I go investigate. I take a step forward, hands at attention just in case someone is breaking in.

  “Mrs. Dunn? Professor Rowling?” Mrs. Rowling is kneeling over my study desk scavenging through the drawers while Mrs. Dunn watches from behind her. They both turn their attention to us. “What are the two of you doing in my apartment?”

  Mrs. Dunn blows the hair out of her eyes and crosses her hands together. “We got a report that you stole an answer key for tomorrow’s test, Mr. Cooper. And as you know, we’re required to investigate every report.” She nods to Mrs. Rowling, who continues her hunt through my drawers, going through all my personal belongings.

  “There’s nothing in here,” Mrs. Rowling announces and walks next to Mrs. Dunn. Her eyes lock on the backpack that’s slung over my shoulder. “There’s only one place that we haven’t checked.” She nods in my direction and Mrs. Dunn gives her the nod of approval. Mrs. Rowling moves forward and takes the backpack from me before I can reach.

  “You can’t go through that,” I shout and try to make my way to Mrs. Rowling, but Casey holds me back.

  “Actually, we can, since there’s an investigation pending.” Mrs. Rowling rummages through each folder and tiny zipper that she can find. She is almost done when she unzips a small zipper at the side of the bag. She digs her lanky fingers inside and pulls out a half sheet of paper.They look at me as she unravels it. Mrs. Dunn steps toward her and scans the page before she starts to shake her head.

  “I didn’t expect you to cheat on this test, David. This is going to come with serious consequences. More than just being kicked off the football team.”

  “It’s not mine. I have no idea how that got there.” My mind is reaching at a million miles a second before it locks onto one thought. I look at Casey, who seems to understand what I’m thinking.


  All of this smells like something she would do. I’m sure that she wasn’t happy that we didn’t really have to get rid of the dog. This is just another way of her getting her petty revenge on us. I wouldn’t put it past her to pull some stupid shit like this.

  I take a step forward to plead my case. Only I’m hoping that the outcome will be better than the last time I stood in front of Mrs. Dunn like this.

  “I wouldn’t spend all day at the library studying if I had the answers. Cheating is not something that I do. I’d rather fail the class than be called a cheat. Hannah set me up.”

  Mrs. Dunn looks at me suspiciously before grabbing the half piece of paper from Mrs. Rowling’s hand. She studies it a little harder before she turns her attention to me. “I’m not supposed to be telling you this, but Hannah is the one who reported you on both occasions. She seems to have a knack for knowing when your breaking the rules.”

  “That’s because he’s not breaking any of the rules,” Casey interrupts. “Hannah is setting him up. She comes to our study sessions, never studies, and seems to pass every test with flying colors. Something isn’t right about that.”

  Mrs. Dunn switches focus from Casey and me several times before she starts to walk toward the front door. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m going to get to the bottom of this.” She waves for Mrs. Rowling to follow her. “There’s one more stop that we have to make before the night is over.”

  Casey closes the door when they leave and I fall on the couch. I cannot believe that Hannah would go to such lengths to sabotage me like this. Trying to get rid of Casper pissed me off, but trying to get me expelled is a whole different can of worms. Her scheming, if she gets away with it, can ruin my whole life.

  I grab the pillow next to me and squeeze it as hard as I can. The anger is rolling through me and I can feel myself turning redder than a tomato. The end of the pillow pops and a shower of feathers flies into the air.

  Casey throws her hands in the air and shoots. “Its snowing, David.” She wipes away the feathers that fall on my face and sits down on my lap, removing the flat pillow from my hands. “Just take some deep breaths. Mrs. Dunn will get to the bottom of this.” She caresses the side of my cheek and comes in for a slow kiss.

  The moment her lips touch mine, the anger flows out of me. I take a breath through every pause of our lips and feel myself getting better and better. When Casey pulls away, I’m more hard than mad.

  “Better?” She runs her hand through my hair and kisses me on the forehead. Her cold lips get rid of the last of the heat.

  “Better,” I answer.

  She gives me a quick hug when her phone starts to chirp. Casey jumps from my lap and picks it up. “It’s Mrs. Dunn.” There’s an instant tightness in my stomach as she answers it. Casey nods her head as Mrs. Dunn’s voice echoes into her ear. I’m practically on the edge of the couch by the time Casey hangs up.

  Casey has her body turned away from me and her shoulders slump down.


  Casey turns around and my heart nearly drops out of my chest. There’s a tear rolling down the side of her cheek and she shakes her head. “It’s not good, David.”

  “You can’t be serious. I have no idea where those answers came from.” I hurry across the room and pick up my backpack, my mind trying to figure out how I’m going to convince her. I’m nearly there when there’s a laugh behind me. I stop in my tracks and turn around to see the biggest grin on her face. “You didn’t?”

  Casey nods. “I did.” She laughs and runs across the room as I charge toward her.

  “How can you just mess with me like that?” I laugh and feel the relief wash over me. I catch up to her and throw her over my shoulder as she beats her tiny fists into my back. “Do you think this is funny?”

  She roars with laughter before she answers. “A little.”

  I drop her down onto the couch and look at that smile on her face. “I’m going to have to punish you for this, Casey Boone.” I throw myself at her and kiss the side of her neck.

  “I’d like to see you try, Big Jock,
” she cries as she starts to give in.



  David nudges his lips against my neck. I want to fight him, but I give in. At least, for a little while.

  I let his hands move up and down my body. And I do the same with his. The stress over the last couple days has been almost too much to handle. If I didn’t have David here with me, I would have probably drowned in it all.

  When his hands get between my legs, I have to call time out. I jump away and I’m met with a look of disappointment. I’m just as mad with myself as he is but I have other plans for us tonight. Something that I know he will enjoy.

  “We don’t have time for that,” I say and walk across the room to get my coat.

  “I’ll be quick. I promise.” He grabs my hand and tries to pull me back to the couch. And I almost give in to him. Give in to the feelings that are swirling inside of me. The lust and hunger that I feel for him.

  And then I burst the bubble. “We can’t.” And I tug him in the other direction. I throw his coat at him and pull him out the door, grabbing the keys from his hand. This way, he can’t take me back inside. “There are people waiting for us.”

  “Who’s waiting for us?” He gives me his best puppy dog eyes as he looks at me and back at his apartment door. I laugh at his lame attempt to take me back and pull him out of the building.

  “Trust me, you’ll like this.”

  It takes us fifteen minutes to cross campus and get to the football team’s frat house. The music is bumping and everyone is already drunk. David stops me right outside the house.

  “Are you sure about this? What about all of the flashing lights?” He runs a hand through my hair and cups at my cheek. “I don’t want you to get hurt in there. I couldn’t live with myself if you did.”

  I grab the pill bottle in my jacket pocket. “I’ve been taking my medicine.” I shake the bottle in front of him. “And if anything does happen, I have more with me just in case. Now let’s get in there and have some fun.” David nods along with me and pulls me through the door. I can feel the excitement coming off of him.

  For the first time, he gets to share a part of his life with me. Something that he hasn’t been able to do since we’ve met. His football team is a big part of his life. It made him into the man that I’ve fallen in love with.

  “There he is.” Dwayne and a of couple barrel-chested men round the corner. Dwayne rushes toward us and throws his arms around David. They get in a quick hug. David goes and shake hands with some of the other guys while Dwayne comes up to me. He holds his arms to the side. “I’m sorry about before, Casey. Are we cool?”

  “We’re cool.” He wraps his arms around me and pulls me in for a quick squeeze. All I wanted from him was just an apology. And for him and David to talk it through.

  David comes back to us. I’m about to tell him that nothing is going on when a smile breaks on his face. “Glad to see that you guys are getting along.” David throws a hand around each of our shoulders and ushers us into the main living room.

  The room is filled with drunk college students dancing. A DJ is at the back of the room spinning his records while the crowd holds up their drinks, all of them chanting “Drop the bass.” Various lights bounce off the walls, hitting me in the face. David checks on me, and when he sees that I’m ok, he grabs several drinks off the table.

  “Do you still got it?” Dwayne screams over the thumping of the music.

  “Got what?” David asks as I grab hold of his wrist and pull him into the center of the room. I close my eyes and listen to the beat of the music, letting it take control of me. My hips start to move on their own and the rhythm overtakes me.

  When I open my eyes, David can’t believe what he is seeing. I grab hold of his waist and force myself onto him. Dwayne grabs the cups out of David’s hands and lets us dance. I throw my hands around David’s neck and force him to move with me.

  David never takes his eyes off me. His eyes get watery and he still doesn’t blink. He runs his tongue along his lips and takes me in.

  And that’s when the bass drops.

  I swing my body around and push my ass against his crotch. I take his hands and place them on my hips, forcing him to keep up with my gyration. His hardness presses against my ass, but I don’t stop.

  I throw my hair to the side and stare at him. We lock eyes, and I run my tongue along my lips. “I want you,” I mouth to him. And his cock pulses against my ass. The music winds down and everyone raises their red cups to cheer and clap for the DJ.

  David gives me a kiss on the lips, his hands grabbing hard on my ass. “I’m going to make you beg for it.” Dwayne brings our drinks back and I take a much needed sip.

  “You assholes! You ruined my life.” Hannah stumbles forward through the crowd of people. Everyone is now looking at us and her. “Why did you have to do this to me?” Her drink drops out of her hand and onto the floor, the alcohol spraying her in the face.

  “We didn’t do anything. Don’t be mad at us because your plan backfired,” David growls, the rage returning to his face.

  Hannah makes her way to David, almost tripping on the corner of the carpet. She gets right into David’s face and jabs her finger into his chest. I fight the urge to push her away from my man.

  “Daddy worked hard to get me those answers,” she wails. “And you just had to ruin it. You always ruin everything for me. You and I were so good together before…” She stops and looks at me. “Before she came into the picture.”

  Dwayne appears out of nowhere and grabs Hannah by the hand. “I’ll be handling this.” Hannah stares at us but doesn’t fight Dwayne. Dwayne throws her arm over his shoulder and drags her out of the room, nodding toward David.

  Everyone is looking us before David twirls a finger in the air. “The show’s over.” There’s a groan through the crowd and the DJ starts the next track. In a matter of minutes, everyone seems to forget about the outburst and the party resumes full speed ahead.

  David and I dance a couple more songs together before he pulls me out into the hallway. He shoves me against the wall and kisses me hard, tongue flicking at mine.

  “I’m taking you home. Whether you like it or not.” He hoists me over his shoulder, but I don’t fight him. I’ve been feeling his cock on me all night. I want him more than he can possibly know.



  “Where are we going?” Casey looks to the right, at the path that leads to my dorm room. “Isn’t your apartment this way?”

  “It is, but I have something else in store for us.” And I’m going to need her cooperation to pull it off. She can be a stickler for rules, but I was hoping that she would bend them this one time. I pull on her hand and she stumbles behind me. She barely had more than a cup of beer and she’s already tripping over herself. And I love her more for it.

  I love that Casey isn’t crazy about getting drunk and partying every night like the rest of the girls. I love that she buckles down and wants to set her own path in this world. And not expect me just to make it to the pros and keep her as my trophy wife.

  She’s independent, hard-headed, persistent, and god-damn-drop-dead-gorgeous.

  The last one is just a plus for me.

  Casey eyes me suspiciously as we make our way to the front of the library. There isn’t anyone here and it’s well past open hours. And that’s whyI need Casey for this to work. I pull on the handle and the locks hold the door in place.

  I look at her and back at the door. “Can you give me a hand with this?”

  She crosses her arms together and leans on her right hip. “What are you planning on doing in there, David?”

  I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her into me, her hands bracing on my chest. She takes a squeeze of my pecs and our eyes meet. I pull in for a quick kiss on the lips and tear away just as quickly. Always need to leave her wanting more. I make my way around her neck and up to her ear.

  “I plan on doing you, Casey Boone.” Her mouth op
ens and she lets out a struggled breath. She grabs my chest before she clears her throat, tucks a fallen strand of hair to the side, and takes out her keys. The ones that Melissa gave to her just for emergencies. And this is the biggest emergency that I can think of.

  The locks sound and I help her open the massive glass door. We sneak inside and she locks the door behind us. I tug at her arm and take her to the back of the library, to the place where we first met.

  I open the door, spin her around, and push her against the table inside. Her blue eyes look up at me and she runs her tongue along her lips. I don’t even think she knows that she’s doing it. Her lips part and I can see the inside of her pretty little mouth. I give into her for a nibble before I pull away and make my way to the door.

  “Where are you going?” she asks.

  I ignore her words, walk out the door, and back in. “I’ll never forget the first time I saw you Casey Boone. Those confused eyes looking up at me after you ran into me.”

  “You ran into me,” she corrects.

  “Let’s agree to disagree.” I chuckle while she shrugs, a smile spreading on her face. “You were the most beautiful girl that I ever walked into.” I take a step into the room. “Those beautiful blue eyes, those rosy red cheeks, and breathtaking lips.” I step all the way into the room and take her cheeks into my hand, running my thumbs along her skin. I go in for a kiss. And even as I go in, I can still feel the tight feeling in my stomach, letting me know that she’s the one for me.

  A kiss that’s more seductive and full of emotion than the one from moments ago. A kiss that’s pulling on my inside and making me get lost in her breath. A kiss that makes my heart hurt and my cock throb.

  “Never change, Casey Boone.” I push her hard against the table and attack her. “I want you right here. Right now.” I rip the jacket off of her body and throw it to the side. She undoes my button dress shirt and kisses my chest. Her hands rush for my belt buckle and struggle to pull it away. I help her take it off and let them fall to my ankles.


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