Big Jock : Bad Boy Sports Romance

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Big Jock : Bad Boy Sports Romance Page 14

by Vanessa Kinney

  I peel her jeans off, and she guides my hand to her pussy. She’s warm and purrring harder than ever before. And I can’t wait to take her.

  I reach down to grab the condom from my pocket.

  “We don’t need it. I’m on the pill,” she whispers and takes her panties off. I lift her up and she wraps her legs around me, my cock at her entrance. I’d never gone bare with a girl before. My mouth is dry and there’s an overwhelming excitement growing inside of me.

  With my hands on her thighs, I lower her down onto me. I slip into her pussy so easily, and a stifled groan leaves my lips.

  “We don’t have to be quiet,” she purrs. “We can be as loud as we want in the library.” I nod and sink the last couple inches inside of her. A loud moan escapes from her lips and she rests her chin on my shoulder.

  Her pussy grips all around my cock and I bite down on her neck. Never in my life have I felt so connected to someone as right now. Her pussy tightens around my cock, ebbing me toward my finish. I let both of us get familiar with the other before I continue.

  The table grinds against the wooden floor as we push against it. I gently lower her down onto it and thrust into her, my thumb playing with her clit. Casey throws her head back in ecstasy. Her cries bounce off the wall of our study room.

  “Finish in me, Big Jock. Don’t stop until you fill me up.”

  And that’s when I lose it. I thrust my body into her and feel the surging bliss at the tip of my cock. Her pussy squeezes me and I want to finish inside of her. I want her to take every last drop of my cum.

  I dig my nails into her thighs and spread her legs wide, watching my cock slip in and out of her wet pussy like a well-oiled machine. “I’m going to cum,” I breathe and feel my body tighten.

  “Cum in me. Cum in me,” she repeats over and over until I shoot it all inside of her. Both of our bodies grow rigid and I let out a loud grunt as she moans out my name. My mouth opens wide and I’m speechless. I can feel her orgasm, her pussy milking my cock as she finishes with me.

  When I’m done, I drop down on the floor, exhausted. Casey stumbles down next to me and rests her head on my pec. I run my hand through her wet hair and kiss her on the top of her head.

  “Wow. Just wow,” she mutters under her breath. She picks her head up and stares at me. She gives me a small peck on the lips before she rests her chin on my chest. “Never change, David Cooper. I love you.”

  An instant smile breaks on my face. “I love you too, Casey Boone.” I wrap my arms around her as my heart beats at a million times a second.

  I love this girl with all my fiber. And I’m never going to let her go.

  Not now. Not ever.




  That pretty much explains the rest of the day. I’ve been rushing from final to final, trying to make sure that I ace them all. And on top of that, I haven’t much time to help David with his last exam. I want to be there for him. To support him before he gets back on the field, but I just can’t. Not if I want to finish at the top of my class.

  And lucky for me, David understands. He’s been nothing but great the last couple days. Getting me coffee during my study sessions, back rubs when we hang out, and just being the moral support that I need. And I love him for it all.

  It’s crazy to think that I’ve come so far along without him. How long I was alone in my room studying, avoiding everyone else because of my condition. Isolating myself from the whole college experience. If I never agreed to tutor David, I might still be there in a different reality. The thought of that makes me shudder.

  The future for the both of us looks bright. I can see myself spending the rest of my life with him. Going to his football matches. Cuddling on the couch in our home. I get all bubbly and excited just thinking about it. I know that’s far away, but with David it all seems like a possibility.

  I check my watch and smile. David is probably sitting down for his final exam right now. He’s been studying the notes that I got him from a friend. And that’s been helping him prepare for the exam. I wish that I could have been there for him more.

  This will all be over in a couple hours. David will take his exam, he’ll pass it, and then we can go straight to his football match tonight. It’s a big day for him. A pro recruiter is supposedly stopping to see the game just for David. His chances of going pro have never been better, but that won’t mean anything if he doesn’t pass the last final.

  I pull the door open and rush up the stairs. This is my last final and then I’m done with this semester. Then, I’ll be able to focus on David and me.

  I look down at my watch. He’s fifteen minutes late. This isn’t like him. At least, not since our first meet up.

  David and I agreed to meet in front of the library after our finals so that we could both go to the game together. His final finished a good hour before mine. There shouldn’t be any reason for him to be late.

  He should be here.

  I get on the tip of my toes and look across the quad. He’s nowhere to be seen. There’s a bad feeling in my stomach. This isn’t like David. The most important game of his life is going to start. At this rate, he’ll be late for that as well.

  I wait fifteen more minutes before I call it quits. Hopefully, he overslept or just forgot about our meet up and in the locker room changing. With all the stress the last couple days, I can understand that he might forget. Two of the most important events in his life happening in one day.

  His chance to play professional football and passing all of his college classes. That’s a lot of stress for someone to handle, even for someone like David who’s used to it.

  I just hope that nothing happened and it’s just as simple as him oversleeping.

  There’s gnawing inside my stomach, but I ignore. I pull up the sides of my collar and make my way to the stadium.



  I grip the steering wheel and hit the gas. My eyes glance at the clock on the dashboard and I curse under my breath. Casey is probably waiting for me in front of the library, wondering where the hell I am. I left my dorm room so fast that I forgot to call or text her. I’m sure she’ll understand.

  I park in the front and turn on my blinkers, not even shutting the door to the driver side. There’s no time. I need to make sure that he’s all right. The nurse who called me didn’t give me any information.

  A tall security guard runs from his desk toward me, pointing at the car. “You can’t park there.” I shrug to him and run up the stairs.

  “I’ll be back in less than ten minutes,” I shout and double time to the third floor. My sneakers squeak on the tile floor as the smell of disinfectant takes over. The numbers speed past me until I get to his room. “Coach?” I push the door open and Casper raises his head in the corner.

  Coach Vaughn is in his bed, his right leg raised up the side by some medical apparatus. Bruises cover his face and there’s a large gash on his right temple. I can feel the tears coming before I can stop them. Lucky for me, he’s asleep. I don’t need him seeing me like this.

  “Mr. Cooper?” A doctor walks in and grabs Coach’s chart from his bedside. “I’m Doctor Peters. The head nurse told me that you were on your way here.” He nods to himself, signs a sheet, and sets the chart back by the table.

  “Wh-what happened to him?”

  I got the call from the hospital when I just finished my exam and was heading back to my dorm room. I had time to kill before I needed to meet Casey at the library. When the nurse started talking and told me that Coach Vaughn was in an accident, I sort of just zoned out. I hung up the phone and made it here as fast as I could.

  Dr. Peters walks over to Casper who’s sitting in a chair. He runs his hand through Casper’s hair and catches his ear. “From what I’ve been told, Mr. Vaughn was walking Casper when a cat got his attention. Casper pulled hard and the leash broke. Mr. Vaughn ran after Casper and didn’t notice that he walked into oncoming traffic.”

�Thanks for making me look like an idiot, Doc.” Coach Vaughn coughs and sits up in his bed. He winces and grabs at his side before righting himself. “But I can’t try to spin it any other way,” he laughs before wincing and grabbing at his ribs.

  “You’re going to have to take it easy for a couple weeks.” Dr. Peters puts his hand on Coach’s shoulder before he walks toward the door. “I’ll give you guys some time to talk.” He shuts the door behind him before I turn back to Coach.

  “You need to get back to the game.” Coach looks behind me. “It starts in less than an hour. You need to be there to take my place. To guide them through. They won’t be able to win with both of us here.” Coach leans forward and starts to wheeze.

  I get up by his side and pat on his back. “Are you sure? Do you want me to get a nurse?”

  He waves his hand. “There’s no need for that. I’m just a little beat up right now, but I’ve taken worse hits on the field. Now, go. Go and get a win for us.” He pushes me away from his bed and toward the door.


  “No buts, David. Go. There counting on you. I’m counting on you.”

  I nod and I’m out the door, running back to my car that hopefully isn’t towed by now.

  I make it to the game ten minutes before it starts. I managed to call Casey on my way here and let her know what happened. She, of course, was understanding of everything and will be at the game to cheer me on.

  I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect girlfriend.

  I run down the tunnel toward the opening, where the team is standing. They’ve been waiting for the Coach and me. Dwayne is the first to break through the ranks.

  “Where the hell have you been? And where is Coach?” He looks over my shoulder and back at me. I just shake my head.

  “Coach can’t make it. He’s in the hospital.”

  “He’s what?” Dwayne yells and the rest of the team huddles around me. “Is he ok? What the hell happened, David?”

  “He got into a minor accident with a car.” I break into a smile. “The car lost. He wants me to lead the team tonight while he’s resting. And I need you guys to bring him a win tonight. Something to cheer him up. Does that sound like a plan?”

  Everyone’s nodding their head. This is our last moment to make a name for ourselves. A moment for me to go out there and show that recruiter that I can be a pro. That I can lead a team and be one of the best quarterbacks to ever play.

  “Coach Vaughn on three.” I raise my hand and they reach out. The team starts to jump around, keeping their bodies warm, and someone starts to hum. “We got this. Let’s make Coach proud. One. Two. Three. Coach Vaughn.” Our roar fills the tunnel of the stadium and we rush onto the field. The marching band starts to play and lead us in. The noise from the crowd is ear-shattering and we head to the middle of the field.

  It’s now or never.

  I scour the bleachers for Casey. There’s an empty spot where she should be. I fight the bad feeling that’s gnawing at the back of my mind. I need to lead my team. They need me to be strong for them.

  And in the blink of any eye, it’s half time. I can barely remember most of the game. Everything is flashing lights, cheering crowd, and being knocked down to the ground. I look up at the scoreboard.

  We’re only three points behind. We just need a touchdown and we’ll be back in this.

  And that’s when her voice breaks through the roar of the crowd.

  “David! David!” Casey is leaning over the bleachers, throwing her hands in the air to catch my attention. I run over and she throws her hands around me, giving me a quick kiss on the lips. “You can do this. I believe in you. I always did.”

  My heart beats a little faster and I nod.

  I can do this. A fire starts to burn inside of me and I hustle back to my team.

  “Everyone huddle up.” They circle me and I push my hand into the air. “We’re only three points down. We’ve come back from much worse. Let’s go out there and make Coach proud.”

  “Damn straight,” Dwayne yells and throws his head back to cheer. “This ain’t nothing, baby. We got this.” He throws his head up next to mine.

  “Coach on three. One. Two. Three. Coach!” The team roars, almost stunning the crowd with our ferocity. We rush to the middle of the field and get in formation.

  The last two quarters are nothing but a bloodbath. We trade points back and forth with the other time. They take the lead by a couple points. And then we get the ball back and score.

  It’s not until the last two minutes of the game when I run the clock and send a throw down field to Dwayne. Dwayne leaps into the air and catches it over his opponent before dropping into the end zone. And that’s when all hell breaks loose.

  The marching band starts to play our school song. Students, teachers, and alumni jump over the bleachers and charge the field. I fall to the ground, overcome with relief and happiness. Until a hand pulls on my shoulder pads.

  “Lester Fleming,” the man quickly introduces himself as a pack of students rush toward me. “Professional league recruiter. Expect a call from me in the next couple days.” The man winks at me before melding into the crowd.

  My mouth drops. Just like that, my future is set in stone. I get a chance to play in the pros. A chance to be one of the best. A chance to do what most dream about.

  And yet, it matters so little to me. So little compared to the person who’s breaking through the crowd. So little compared to the girl who holds my heart.

  “Casey.” I throw my hands around her and hug her tight. Even through my uniform, I can feel the beat of her heart. Those blue eyes look up at me and I’m lost just, like the first time she bumped into me. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” She gives me a peck on the lips before she pulls away. “And I have a surprise for you.”

  I’m confused. I don’t know if my heart can take any more surprises today. With Coach’s accident, barely winning the most important game of my life, and Lester Fleming talking to me, I don’t know how much more I can take.

  “I know the results for your last final.” She looks coyly at me.

  “And? You can’t keep me waiting like this. Did I pass or not?”

  “You not only passed. You got a 94.” She throws herself at me and I catch her petite body in my arms. She kisses my cheeks and every part of my face. “I’m so proud of you, David. I knew that you could do it.”

  And in this moment, I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with Casey Boone. A girl like her only comes into a guy’s life once. She’s everything that I could possibly want and more.

  And there’s no way that I am ever letting her go.

  Not now. Not ever.


  Epilogue (One year later)

  I blow on my cup of tea and walk into the backyard. Casper runs between my legs as he sees something across the yard. His head swivels and looks up into the trees, locking on the pesky squirrel that loves to tease him.

  “You can’t just be running between my legs like that, Casper.” I sit down at the small bench at the back of the yard. It’s the best seat in the place. I get to look up at the small house that David and I have bought. The shade from the oak tree is the best here in the blistering Texas heat and lets me read without the intense shine of the sun. The chorus of cicadas sounds through the air and gives me a warm feeling inside.

  I can’t believe how much has changed in a year. David took a football contract in Texas and I came straight here after I finished my studies. We’ve been together for over a year and everything couldn’t be going better. We’ve even managed to buy ourselves a small home. Smaller than most expected, with David’s million-dollar contract, but perfect for us. Something cozy, which means that we’ll always be close together. A home that’s big enough for us and Casper. I couldn’t leave him behind. We, of course, got another dog for Coach Vaughn once we left.

  While David travels for all of his games, I’ve been keeping myself busy at home. I’ve beco
me a full-time author. Writing has always been a passion of mine. Something that I’ve always wanted to try. I use my history degree to weave worlds of mystery and wonder for the children’s books that I write. David has been supportive all the way, even helping me come up with the names for characters.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to take a break and join me?” I shout across the yard. David has been out here all day. He’s been running drills and throwing his football, getting ready for the next upcoming match. His dedication to his work is something that always amazes me. And even though he’s busier than ever, he still takes the time to surprise me. Last week, he surprised me with a couple’s retreat in the mountains. Just both of us, away from everything and everyone.

  David jogs from the front of the house and sits down next to me. Sweat trickles down the side of his face and I fight the urge to lick it off. It’s been over a year and I still can’t keep my hands off him. No matter how hard that I try. Not that I try too hard. And he loves the attention that I give him.

  Casper trots toward me and brings his head down. There’s something in his mouth. A small black box.

  “Casper, what is that?” I reach out and grab it out of his mouth. He shakes his head and blows his nose in retaliation, but relents when something catches his eye. Some force grabs at my heart.

  The box is no bigger than a cellphone. It has black leather all around it with small gold lettering on top. Initials that I recognize from somewhere, but I can’t remember where. I open it, and my heart nearly jumps out of my mouth.

  The biggest diamond ring that I’ve ever seen stares back at me. The rays from the sun catch it perfectly in the middle, making it shine brighter than a star in the midnight sky. With a trembling hand, I pull it out of the box. I’m almost speechless.


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