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The Rules of Love

Page 9

by Morticia Knight

  Saul loosened his hold, but continued to hang onto Kenneth’s hand. Once they were in the hall, Kenneth tried to draw his own hand back. This time, Saul had a truer sense of what might be going through Kenneth’s mind, so he paused.

  “We don’t have an official arrangement. Yet.”

  He’d seen Kenneth’s eyes widen. Based on what Kenneth had been through for several years, Saul was prepared for him to be insecure and worried for quite a while.

  “So until then, you don’t need to fall in step behind me.”

  “Oh. I see.” He dropped his chin.

  Saul did his best not to smirk. He had to admit that Kenneth was the most compliant man he’d ever met and would require very little training. Saul was struck with the thought that Kenneth was quite perfect for him. He was past that point in his life where he constantly wanted to shape and mold a young man to the submissive lifestyle. Instead, he was more than ready to have one to simply enjoy and fill his nights with love.

  Saul lifted their joined hands. “Does this make you uncomfortable?”

  “I’ll do whatever you wish, Sir.”

  Saul stroked Kenneth’s head and noted the flush that stained his cheeks.

  “I’m confident you will and I thank you for your gift to me.”

  Kenneth frowned as if such a concept was completely unheard of.


  “Yes. If you decide to offer me your complete submission, it will be the best gift anyone has ever given me.”


  Even though his eyes were lowered, Saul could see Kenneth dart them around. He still seemed confused and Saul knew it would take him a while to accept that he had any power in their relationship.


  Saul sighed a contented sound. “Until that moment, what I desire is for you to be comfortable with anything you’re doing or that’s happening to you. That’s very important to me, understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good boy. In which case, I ask you again. Does holding my hand and walking by my side make you uncomfortable?”

  Kenneth bit his lip and nodded.


  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Would you prefer to be in stride behind me?”

  Kenneth’s shoulders relaxed and Saul knew the answer. He still needed to hear it.

  “Yes, Sir. Please.”

  Saul opened his hand, but before letting him go, he raised Kenneth’s palm to his lips and kissed it softly. Kenneth inhaled, his breath almost a gasp, but he was already in his submissive mindset to Saul by not raising his eyes. Saul released him then marched toward the study, confident that Kenneth would follow in step to their destination. He reached the back stairs, chosen to keep them away from the open in case Preston was to emerge. They descended to the second floor where the smaller study was located. The main one occupied the first floor where the members never congregated.

  Once they were inside and the door had been closed, Saul noted that Kenneth stood straight with his eyes cast down and his hands behind his back. Saul took a moment to appreciate Kenneth’s male charms, circling him slowly. As always, his muscled limbs spoke to Saul on a primal level. He knew Kenneth could handle a lot. His frame was fit, his belly flat and tight, his shoulders broad, his ass round and full.


  “I don’t expect you to give yourself to me right away, however once I get you settled, we can discuss…”

  Kenneth dropped to his knees, his head bowed, his hands still clasped behind his back.

  For once, Saul was stunned into silence. He wanted to protest, to tell Kenneth he wasn’t ready to make such a decision, but he couldn’t get the words out. His mind and body screamed to accept Kenneth’s offer, yet another voice pushed its way forward. If they were ever to have a chance together, Kenneth needed to know that he could make his own choices about his life. That right had been taken away from him for too long.

  “Sir, may I speak freely?”

  “Yes. Go ahead.”

  “If you will have me then I give myself to you. I know you believe this is an abrupt decision, but I assure you it’s not. I’ve…I’ve dreamed of being yours from almost the first moment I saw you. The more I found out about you, the more I saw how kind you are…the demonstrations with other submissives…” Kenneth swallowed. “The more I wished to be yours. I hope someday you’ll find me worthy enough that you would also wish to be my Master.”

  Kenneth swallowed hard again once he’d finished and Saul knew that what he’d just stated must have been very difficult for him. When Saul spoke, his voice was uncharacteristically husky, emotion clogging his throat.

  “Of course I’ll have you. And someday, when we’re both ready, it will be a great honor if you allow me to be your Master.”

  Saul noted the confusion on Kenneth’s face once more. Yet another thing that would take a while—Kenneth’s understanding of the exchange of power between them. He stepped forward to pat Kenneth’s head and was amazed again when his new boy bent forward to kiss the tip of his shoe. He’d never had a man do such a thing unbidden. His heart picked up a more rapid beat when Kenneth kissed the other one before sitting back on his heels.

  “My God, you amaze me.”

  Another thought occurred to Saul. What he saw before him was a man who gave his submission so entirely that he would most likely never be happy any other way. Kenneth would hand over his will to Saul for every moment of his life. Saul had lived as a Dominant man ever since he’d taken the virginity of his first lover when they were both sixteen. The need to be in charge, to command another man, was what had always thrilled him. As he’d sought out others like himself, he’d discovered that he also enjoyed restraining men, was aroused by controlling their bodies, taking them to unforeseen heights through the infliction of pain. He’d also discovered that there were men who craved that pain.

  What he’d never before considered was keeping a man who was his to control every hour of every day—one who gave of himself so freely to Saul’s every whim and desire. His cock hardened, his tip already leaking as he allowed the concept to flow through him. He could share such a thing with the beautiful man who kneeled before him.

  “You are my boy, Kenneth. I will protect you and keep you. There is one other thing though.” Saul noted the way Kenneth tensed, how he clenched his jaw. “Look me in the eyes, I need to be certain you understand how important what I’m about to tell you is.”

  Kenneth peered up at him, the fear evident in his expression.

  Dear boy.

  “I demand that you cry mercy if I ever do anything that frightens you or that you don’t like. There will be a strong punishment if you fail to alert me that you want to stop. Is that clear?”

  Kenneth’s eyes rounded as if he thought he must be hearing things. “Yes, Sir. I will.”

  Saul stroked his head. “Such a good boy. Once we’re alone at my home—our home—I’ll want to learn all about what you crave. But I’ll also want to know what you hate. I’ll never do anything to you once I know you don’t wish it. Is that also clear?”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you. I owe you so much.”

  Saul bent over and cupped his chin. “You owe me nothing. My only wish is that we might find happiness together.”

  He placed his lips on Kenneth’s, moving softly, not demanding entrance. He would take it slow. Kenneth had woken up with Preston Cornwall that morning. They both needed some distance from that. But he would not leave Kenneth alone. He wouldn’t do anything that might give Kenneth the impression that he didn’t want or desire him.

  Kenneth opened for him and Saul pulled back, but not before kissing the end of Kenneth’s nose, then his forehead before straightening.

  “Soon, dearest. I’m yours as much as you are mine. I have no wish to touch another.”

  It was one of the most delightful things he’d ever seen. Kenneth’s smile made his hazel eyes appear brighter, made Kenneth come alive in a way he’d never witnesse
d before. They held one another’s gaze and Saul was pleased that Kenneth had a strong enough connection with him in that moment that he hadn’t looked away. His desire for Saul had kept him there.

  The knock on the door was akin to a pounding and Saul reluctantly tore his eyes away from the only thing that was important to him right then.

  “Hold on. I’m coming.”

  That could’ve been literal. Who the devil is interrupting us?

  As he passed Kenneth to find out who was intruding on their privacy, a whimper came from him. Saul touched his shoulder and Kenneth clutched at his pant leg.

  “What if it’s him? What if he’s come to take me away?” His voice quavered, his tone one of complete panic.

  “Look at me.”

  Saul knew he’d have to keep his words sharp for a while until Kenneth’s focus was purely on him and not split by his fear of Preston. Kenneth did as he was told.

  “Do you trust me?”

  He nodded, his eyes wide. “Yes, Sir.”

  “I’ll handle this, whatever it is. You’re mine now, right?”

  Once again, the tension seemed to drain from Kenneth’s body. His expression softened and Saul knew he had his boy back with him.

  “Yours, Sir.”

  “That’s my boy. Stay in position.”

  Saul pursed his lips at the insistent knocking.

  “Hurry, Saul. We have an urgent problem!”

  He picked up his pace at the sound of Aaron’s voice. After flinging the door open, Aaron rushed past him. He paused briefly at the sight of a naked Kenneth kneeling on the carpet, but quickly regained his composure.

  “Preston’s having a fit. He got upset at the nominee mixer over something someone said, then stormed out to gather Kenneth and leave. Of course”—Aaron gestured to a trembling Kenneth—“he wasn’t in the submissives’ den. Now he’s raging about demanding to know where his property is and so on.”

  As if on cue, loud yelling echoed down the halls. It was getting closer and Kenneth whimpered, the sound building up to a low wail.

  “Fucking hell. Aaron, stand outside the door and do your best to keep that beast out for a moment. I need to get Kenneth away from here before I face an apoplectic Preston.”


  Saul and Aaron gaped at Kenneth.

  “I can take you down the servant’s stairs and Thomas can drive you away from here. You don’t have to face him.”

  Even though his eyes were filled with tears, some spilling onto his cheeks, Kenneth had a look of determination. His chin was held high, his lips set in a hard line. Right then, Saul realized that Kenneth needed to have the opportunity to stand up to his abuser.

  Saul kept his gaze trained on Kenneth but directed his words to Aaron. “Aaron, could you please grab my smoking jacket off the coat rack?” Saul approached Kenneth then held out his hand. “You won’t be kneeling when he comes in the room.” Aaron handed Saul the garment. After helping Kenneth to his feet, he held the jacket open for him. “And you won’t be nude.”

  There was an air of composure about Kenneth and his voice was more assured. “Thank you, Sir.”

  Kenneth shrugged on the satin covering then pulled it closed with the sash. As far as Saul was concerned, the man was just as enticing in the short outfit as he’d been naked, but there was no reason for him to be on display for Preston. The weasel needed to know that it would never happen again. Kenneth was no longer his.

  They shared a final glance then Saul remained at Kenneth’s side, facing the door. After Aaron had retrieved the jacket for them, he’d stood sentry outside as Saul had originally requested. The yelling increased in volume and in addition to the obvious shouts from Preston, there were other excited voices as well. Saul thought he could discern Theodore and Otis arguing over something.

  Saul noted Kenneth’s rapid breathing. He clasped his hand.

  “I’m so incredibly proud of you right now.”

  Kenneth squeezed back right as the door burst open to an enraged Preston pushing his way past Aaron. His friend grasped at Preston’s coat sleeve to try to slow him down. Preston yanked his arm away and Saul gestured to Aaron that it was all right. More men spilled into the room and Saul had to admit to himself that he’d never anticipated things deteriorating to such a degree.

  “There you are, you miserable, ungrateful, disobedient piece of trash.”

  Saul surprised himself at the growl that came out of him. He was about to advance on Preston when Kenneth squeezed his hand tighter. He knew Kenneth would never correct him or tell him what to do. It wasn’t in the man’s nature. However, he did understand that Kenneth didn’t want a physical altercation. Kenneth had something to say to his tormenter.

  “Why the fuck are you still standing there in that ridiculous getup?” His gaze traveled to their joined hands. He sneered at Kenneth. “What’s this? You offered your ass to an old man and now you think I’ll allow him to simply take away my property?”

  “I’m not your property.” Kenneth’s voice was steady, strong.

  “Excuse me? How dare you speak to me like that. You can bet you’ll get the punishment of your life after such insolence!” Preston glanced around nervously at the other men studying the exchange. “I assure you, gentlemen, I’m in complete control of him. It’s this…board member who’s swayed him over to his side. I’ve trained Kenneth to be so obedient—he’d do whatever any man says.”

  “That’s a lie.”

  Several onlookers gasped.

  “You miserable…” Preston’s words came out gritted through his teeth. “I’ve supported and taken care of you for the past four years! I’m your Master. You gave yourself to me. Stop all this nonsense. We’re leaving.”

  Preston stepped forward and Kenneth moved back. Saul stood his ground, ready to get physical as a last resort.


  The tension was high in the room, the rest of the men all appearing on edge as if they were ready to pounce. Saul wondered what had already transpired and whether there were those who had sided with Preston and believed that Saul was interfering where he shouldn’t. Ultimately, Saul knew it was Kenneth’s decision, but after the unsettling board meeting they’d had, he was no longer certain of where everyone stood. There was a tinge of sadness in him at that realization. No matter what, things at Hampton Road would never be the same again.

  Preston fumed, his eyes boring into Kenneth with a steely glare. “Don’t you dare defy me, boy.”

  “I’m not your boy.” Kenneth remained calm. It seemed that the longer he stood up to Preston, the more confident he became. “Yes, you kept me clothed and fed, for the most part. Except for the days you starved me in punishment over things I never understood. I had a roof over my head, even if it was sometimes the garden shed where I was kept chained and made to sleep in or the hot and filthy attic where you left me for hours at a time. At least when I slept outside I didn’t have to worry that I might wake up to you trying to choke me to death over something I’d uttered while dreaming.”

  More loud gasps and murmurings filled the room. Saul’s gut churned. He’d known Kenneth’s situation had been bad, but the depth of Preston’s evil was even more than he’d realized. He would have to stay strong for Kenneth as he emotionally worked through all that had happened to him.

  Otis had remained next to Preston as they’d entered the room. He had his arms characteristically crossed over his chest. “Is this true, Cornwall?”

  Preston ran a hand over the top of his disheveled hair. He wouldn’t meet anyone’s eyes. “I don’t have to defend myself over this insignificant, used up man. Obviously, none of you understand the true meaning of mastery. It was a mistake for me to patronize this club.”

  “Yes, a big mistake. You can correct it by leaving right now.” Saul made sure to keep his eyes fixed on Preston, whether or not he would meet his. “Never come near Hampton Road or Kenneth again. Be aware we have your file.”

  Preston lifted his gaze and stared dagge
rs at Saul. “I wouldn’t dream of coming near such a pathetic excuse for a sadomasochism club again.” Preston straightened his jacket then gestured dismissively in Kenneth’s direction. “And you can have my discards.”

  Theodore stepped forward and made to grab Preston’s arm. “That’s enough. You’re no longer welcome here, so it’s time for you to leave.”

  Preston pulled away from him then turned on his heel, stomping back down the hall. Running away from Hampton Road. Away from Kenneth.

  Once Preston left, the voices of the couple of dozen men who’d been at the nominees mixer all jumbled together. Members clogged the room and the hallway. Everyone was quite agitated, discussing what they’d just witnessed. Saul turned to Aaron, pleading with him silently over what to do next. Aaron shook his head, shrugging slightly. Then Saul noted Kenneth’s hand trembling in his.

  He whispered next to his ear. “Is this too much for you? Would you like to go with the submissives in the den?”

  “Don’t leave me.” His voice was back to being panicked and he squeezed Saul’s fingers tighter.

  Oh dear.

  Saul gestured Aaron over, then leaned in to speak to him in a low voice. “Can you send Thomas over to your place to retrieve Sam, Francesco and Linus?”

  The original plan had entailed having men who Kenneth would feel comfortable and safe with waiting for him back at the guesthouse that had been readied for him to live in. Things had taken a different turn, but until Saul could get everything settled at Hampton Road, he couldn’t leave. But he couldn’t get anything resolved with Kenneth glued to his side either. The Dominant members conducted all their business away from the submissive men. Thomas had been waiting in the car for Kenneth since he’d first arrived with Preston, so he was already prepared to head there.

  “I’ll run downstairs now.”

  “Jesus, old sport, I just thought of something. Did anyone alert Bruce and George that Preston was on his way out?”

  “As soon as Thomas went to the car, he made sure to let them know to expect anything.” Aaron chuckled, a twinkle in his eye. “I’m sure they’ve given the scoundrel the bum’s rush by now.”


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