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Storm Gods

Page 16

by G. Bailey

  “Seth,” I breathe and go tearing back to where the other justice twin lies on the ground. “Is he…?” I ask, dropping to my knees next to Mads.

  “Not good,” she replies grimly. “Karma, I don’t…”

  But I ignore her, an idea already forming in my mind. If killing Neritous made his powers come back to me, then… “Storm,” I say as the other gods approach. “Killian. Join your hands.”

  “What?” demands Killian. “We need to help Seth!”

  “I know,” I reply, looking at him. “Trust me. Please. We don’t have much time.”

  The gods exchange a look before hesitantly clasping their hands together. I grab Storm’s free hand, and Killian and I each take one of Seth’s, effectively making a circle. “What—” Storm begins, but I shush him. I need to concentrate. Closing my eyes, I reach for the life magic, the magic that’s caused so much destruction, and allow it to radiate out of me, channelling through the hands of Storm and Killian and into Seth’s body. For a moment, I’m not even sure if it’s going to work, but then I see vine tattoos beginning to snake up Storm’s wrists, and I double down on my efforts. The circle glows with green magic, brighter than it’s ever been before, as I share the life powers with Storm, Seth, and Killian, imbuing them with the same strength that’s been given to me.

  The light dies down after a few seconds, and nobody dares speak; for one tense minute, I start to doubt myself, but then Seth sucks in a breath and opens his eyes. The wound on his chest is already beginning to close up, and I kiss him urgently when he meets my gaze. “Karma…” he murmurs.

  “It’s okay,” I tell him, stroking his hair. “It’s okay, I’m here. We all are.”

  Killian drops to his knees to pull his brother into a tight hug while Storm gives Seth a firm clap on the shoulder. “We almost lost you, there.”

  “But we didn’t,” Killian replies, looking at me admiringly and then reaching out to kiss me passionately. Storm follows, embracing me tightly, and for several moments, none of us says anything, unable to keep our hands off each other in our gratitude to be alive.

  The sound of Mads clearing her throat is what finally pulls my attention away. “I hate to interrupt this little love fest,” she says, grinning, “but in case you haven’t noticed, we’re kind of in the middle of a war zone.”

  I smile a little, sitting back on my haunches. “Not anymore,” I reply quietly. The war is over.

  Chapter 20

  Green magic spins and twists around the stone doors, making them crack every few seconds. Sweat drips down the back of my neck after a few minutes, and after what feels like much longer, my hands start to shake. I turn my gaze to Storm, Killian and Seth standing on my left. They are sending the same amount of power from themselves as I am, but I can see the tension on their faces.

  This isn’t easy work. I close my eyes and turn back to the doors. This time I remember everything this day represents, how everyone in the gods community is watching us and needing to see us as leaders. I scream as I push more magic from my soul, and as I open my eyes, the doors blast into nothing but dust. The life magic zooms back into its owners—me, Storm and the twins—like a button clicking on, and I fall to my knees, breathless.

  “I got you, little one,” Storm murmurs, wrapping an arm around my back and lifting me to his side.

  Seth steps to my other side, taking my hand and lifting it to his mouth. He kisses my hand once as Killian winks at me from Storm’s other side.

  “We did it!” I say, looking back at the blown-up entrance to the gods’ correction facility. After the war, there was no one left but the twins and Storm to figure out how to lead the rest of the world. The humans are angry, rightly so, and the gods are scared of the power we hold within us. They are scared of higher gods, period.

  For the interest of the world, we made a community where the actions of gods and goddesses, no matter their power or place in the world, can be judged. It seemed only fair this was a voting system, and we did a worldwide vote for the thirty seats of the community judges. Surprisingly, all my guys and I were chosen. Along with Pey and Mads. The rest of the judges were strangers to me but, turns out, very good people under all the power. One of the first things we judged on, before getting to the crimes committed during the time we had no leaders, was the state of the gods’ correction facility and how no one there needed to be held captive.

  “I’m sure our new legal system will work wonders. Don’t worry,” Seth whispers to me, almost like he can read my thoughts. Our new legal system means to be found guilty and charged, there must be a majority vote. Then they will be shown to the creature in this prison, and if they survive, we will find out how right or wrong we were.

  My thoughts come to a halt as I see a familiar face walking out of the dust and into the light. Coxen doesn’t look at me or the guys, neither do any of the other former prisoners. They just look up at the sky, the beautiful sky above them. The way the wind blows through the trees.

  How the world looks when you’re finally free.

  No one says a word, letting them enjoy the sound of nature. The sound of peace. A little girl and boy, only about three or four, run out into the trees and start spinning around. They giggle and laugh, the noise filling the silence, even as more children sneak out from behind the adults and join them.

  “Hello, everyone,” Storm states, stepping forward. “I promised I would release you one day, and you made me your leader in return. Today is the day you are free, and it could not have happened without the three people at my side.”

  I grin up at him before stepping forward. “For those who don’t know me, I’m Karma Kismet, and welcome to the new start of your life. For all of you who have no one to go to, or are scared, or just lost in this massive world, I hope you will join us in a new community we have set up for you.”

  “There you will find people to show you what the modern world consists of. They will help you get on your feet, and if you wish to stay, you will be more than welcome,” Seth says.

  Finally, Killian speaks last, finishing off our rehearsed speech. “Most of all, we are one of the new thirty leaders of the gods, and we fight for you. For each of you. My brother and I have made many mistakes, and there have been so many errors in the way gods are judged. The world we are building makes sure that never happens. If you want to leave and figure it out on your own, no one will stop you. If you wish to trust us, which we hope you will, please come through the portal.”

  I look back as Kit places his hand in the air and creates a huge tall portal that stretches past four trees. When no one moves, I feel a little nervous. Coxen walks right up to Storm and they hug, patting each other’s back before he comes to me. I open my arms and hug him tightly, missing my friend.

  “Jade would be proud of you,” Coxen whispers to me. I nod, trying not to cry as he lets me go. Coxen smiles wider than I have ever seen before, walking around us and to the portal. He gives Kit a nervous look, and I don’t blame him as my fully grown goblin friend freaks most people out, before walking through the portal. On the other side, Mads and Pey are ready, waiting with a big team at the old higher gods’ island, which is now reformed into an island for gods to find sanctuary and a community like no other.

  Coxen is only the first of many who walk through the portal. Hundreds walk through, nodding at us as they go, and only one stops near us. Storm’s ex, Vivian, smiles at us and nods once at me in some kind of respect we never really had before. I take Storm’s hand in mine, and her eyes trace the movement. Hurt reflects in them, but she needs to know. Storm is off-limits, and whatever they had once, it’s gone. Storm looks down at me, smiling with knowing eyes, and when I look back, Vivian is gone. I have a feeling it’s the last time I will see the goddess.

  “We have a surprise for you,” Seth says, turning me away from the people, and Storm holds his hand up in the air. Oh god, not tornado travel.

  “Can we please travel any other way—” I end my complaint with a scream as wind
whips around us and my feet leave the ground. Even though we have done this a million times, and it is much better than draining Seth’s or Killian’s magic by portalling, it still sucks. I gasp as we land once more, and the tornado disappears into the sky. I glare at my guys as I place my hands on my hips and pause, looking around the long driveway I recognise. This old house is near my mum and dad’s, deserted and kids used to joke there were ghosts here. I turn around and look up at the old Victorian building with ivy growing up the front. The once broken windows and doors have been replaced and are all shiny. There is a new roof and planted flowers outside in pots.

  “We wanted a home for us. Somewhere special but near your family,” Storm starts off, taking my hand in his.

  “So I asked your mum if she had any suggestions. I was surprised when she told me there was a perfect house nearby,” Killian fills in, and Seth steps in front of me.

  “This was your mother’s family home. It’s your choice, as it does hold bad memories as well as good ones. We all thought we could make so many better memories in this house, if you want, that is.”

  “Now I’m worried we messed up,” Storm mutters to Seth and Killian as I stare speechless at the house.

  “No,” I whisper, using my other hand to wipe my tears away. “I never knew where my mum grew up; she couldn’t tell me. But I longed to see it. Especially when I found out the truth. I want this to be my home. Our home.”

  “Good, because we want that for you. For us,” Storm says. “And we want to show you the world. I haven’t seen it in a long time, what do you think?”

  “Travelling with three sexy gods I’m deeply in love with? Yes, sign me up!” I say, jumping on the spot. They all laugh, and I join them.

  “Do you want to unlock the front door to our home?” Seth asks, holding up a shiny front door key. I grab the key and run around him to the front door. I smile as I rest my hand on the old wood door when I notice a name written on my palm in gold for good luck. I can’t help but smile, knowing this is a gift from the gods, and in some way, I hope it was sent by my mother. The name is not someone I always believed deserved good karma, and sure as hell did she have a long way to go to prove herself. But now, I’m certain. This girl deserves it, and it comes in the shape of three gods and a goblin.

  The name is...Karma Kismet.


  “Ruby! Come on! We are going to be late!” I shout up the stairs. As I attempt to lean down and pick up a bag off the stairs, large hands pick me up and gently place me down.

  “My heavily pregnant woman should not be carrying bags,” Storm grumbles, and I scrunch my face up. He laughs, kissing my forehead before picking up the bag and heading outside to the open portal.

  “Sorry, sorry. I was on the phone to Myles,” Ruby says, rushing down the stairs in a hurry, her long red hair bouncing around her shoulders in curls that match her cute red dress I bought her last year but have never seen her wear before. “Where are the guys?”

  “Killian and Seth left ten minutes ago, and Storm just went. We are late,” I tell her, hooking her arm through mine. “And I don’t think I’m going to mention to them you were chatting with your boyfriend and that’s the reason why we are late.”

  “I also FaceTimed mum,” she steers away from the topic of Myles, and I don’t feckin’ blame her. The poor boy nearly died from sheer fear when Storm met him and suggested they hang out and throw axes together. It only got worse when Killian and Seth brought drinks to their boys night. Drunk gods and axe throwing are not a good combo. “She is sorry she couldn’t be here tonight, but the store is so busy.”

  “I get it,” I tell her. Emerald runs a very successful chain of magical stores that sell all kinds of things, and it keeps her really busy. Ruby spends most Christmases with us now and with her mum on the days after, when the stores are closed. We both step through the portal outside our house and into the garden where Kit is staring down Michael. The two of them enjoy their staring contests, and I’m not judging whatever weird shit they are into with each other.

  “Auntie Karma! Auntie Ruby!” my oldest nephew shouts from the back door. I look up at Hugo, his red curly hair falling onto his forehead, and it’s the same colour as his dad’s, Peyton. His eyes are all Mads though, bright and very blue. My other nephew, a year younger than his brother, Tierney, runs to his side. His hair is much shorter and very blond, the colour Mads’s hair used to be before she was changed into a god. Tierney waves at me. His eyes are the same green as mine, and he is secretly my favourite because of that little fact.

  But I love Hugo too, for so many other reasons.

  Ruby rushes across the garden, and I stroke Michael on his head as I pass him by and walk through the backdoor. I follow the sound of chatter and laughter into the kitchen where mum, Ruby and Vivian are gushing around the tiny baby in Mads’s arms.

  “How is my beautiful niece, miss Henrietta?” I ask as I walk into the room. Mads turns to me, grinning as I step closer and lean over her shoulder to see my four-week-old niece.

  “Perfect. Just perfect,” Mads sighs. “Wanna hold her for me? I’m dying for the loo.”

  “Yes!” I say, holding out my hands and wiggling my fingers. Mads hands me her tiny baby, and I cuddle her to my chest.

  “It won’t be long now,” mum says, placing her hand on my big bump. “Are you still not going to tell me if my grandbaby is a girl or a boy?”

  “I’m excited to know as well!” Vivian says, smiling at me. I smile back, our uneasy friendship something I had to get used to since she and Damien started dating three years ago. They met randomly and hit it off. I can’t say I was impressed to meet her and find out the girl my brother was obsessed with was my guy’s ex-girlfriend. But not once has she looked at Storm as more than a friend, and it’s always been clear she is deeply in love with Damien. The one-year-old little girl they have is a good reminder as well.

  “I should check on Éile,” Vivian says, walking around me. “I’m sure she is waking up from her nap soon.” She rests her hand on my shoulder as she passes me, and oddly Vivian might be someone I could call a good friend.

  Funny how the world works sometimes.

  “I’m going to join the guys!” Ruby says, kissing mum on the cheek, and she shoos her away.

  “Let’s go and sit in the garden. It’s a lovely day, even for December,” mum suggests, pulling the door open to the hallway. I follow her past the living room, peeping in to see dad, Storm, Killian, Seth, Pey and Damien all crammed in the room, laughing at something Dominic is saying. Dominic moved into my parents’ seven months after the war when we finally found him. Since then, he hasn’t really left, and I know my mum and dad are in no rush to send their adopted son out into the world. I’m sure he will go when he is ready, but with immortality to face like us all, there isn’t a rush. Mum holds the garden door open for me, and I walk out, careful to balance the sleepy baby in my arms as I walk down the steps. My baby kicks inside me as I sit down on the cold bench and breathe in the slightly cold air.

  “I miss snow,” mum tells me as she sits at my side, wrapping her arm around my back.

  “Don’t tell Storm that. The last time I did was the great snowstorm in France six years back. It had never snowed in that little village before,” I remind her, and she laughs.

  “I’m so happy you went travelling after the war and saw the world. It’s important to find yourself out there before settling down,” she softly tells me. “I know your mother, Maria, dreamed of travelling.”

  I still love that mum talks so openly about my mother and my aunts now. And my grandparents. All the stories over the years make me feel like I know them both so well.

  “I have something to tell you,” I say. “I was planning to tell you as a Christmas present tonight, but it can be a little early.”

  “What is it dear?”

  I look down, smiling at the little sleeping baby. “We found out our baby is a girl, and we have decided we are going to call her Maria Blaine
Kismet. And the guys are changing their last names to Kismet. We all need a little luck in our lives, and our daughter is our gift.”

  Mum’s eyes fill with tears. “I think our family was so lucky when it gained you. Thank you.”

  “No, thank you for taking me in. For loving me so ferociously and teaching me how to love like that,” I tell her, taking her hand on her lap. “Thank you for everything.”

  She actually cries this time, and thanks to hormones—yup, I’m blaming them—I burst into tears too. Mads walks out to see us both crying and stands speechless.

  “Is everything all right?” she asks us. I chuckle and hand her back her baby before kissing her cheek.

  “Yes,” I tell her, looking back at my mum. “Everything is just how it’s meant to be.”

  Thanks to a little karma.

  G. Bailey is a USA Today and international bestselling author of books that are filled with everything from dragons to pirates. Plus, fantasy worlds and breath-taking adventures.

  G. Bailey is from the very rainy U.K. where she lives with her husband, two children, three cheeky dogs and one cat who rules them all.

  A few random facts about her...

  She loves tea. (She may be a little obsessed but what Brit isn't?)

  Chocolate and Harry Potter marathons are her jam.

  She owns way too many notebooks and random pens.

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