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Leila: Goddess The Second Coming

Page 12

by R. J. Castille

  Jason took my hand into his and bowed his head down low, raising my knuckles to his lips. His mouth was soft and caressed my hand slightly, causing a sudden jolt of arousal to find its way south. I pulled a quick breath in between clenched teeth. A silent argument inside my head ensued, chastising myself for allowing that reaction to something so simple. By the look in his eye, he knew exactly what I was thinking. A smile crawled slowly across his features, a hungry shadow crossed over his face quickly before subsiding. He shook his head quickly.

  “Goddess, I notice you have come alone. You have no slave at your side to kneel proudly at your feet. How can this be?” He changed the subject quickly. Silently I thanked him for that. My shoulders fell forward, for a brief moment, I allowed my circumstance in reality to creep into my special world. I dismissed it quickly before responding to him .

  “It would take far too long to explain Master, and for the night, I would like to indulge in happy things as opposed to speak of that,” I lowered my gaze and looked at him with the most serious expression I could muster. “Maybe some other time,” I finished my thought and quickly looked toward Mistress Liliana who was leaning so far forward to hear our conversation she almost fell forward onto the floor.

  Master Jason nodded quickly and turned his attention back to the crowd in the center of the great hall. I felt bad for cutting him off, but it was not the time to discuss things that will only successfully burst my happy bubble. I wanted to relish the elation I felt when surrounded by my people, no judgement, no preconceived notions. Just us. He seemed to understand as his facial features quickly softened and his eyebrows drew upward.

  “I know! You need flesh to punish. My Goddess, any slave in this place would give anything to lay the crop at your feet! You could have your pick and they would be so overjoyed to serve you.” Master Jason snapped his fingers and a male slave approached him quickly, bowing down before he rose to take his order. Jason leaned forward and whispered into his ear before he scurried off out of sight .

  “Jason, I hardly feel that will fix my situation,” I started to argue with him. Before I could finish speaking my mind, five insanely handsome men fell to their knees in front of us. They presented with their chest pressed forward and their pelvis thrust upward. Knees spread far apart, their muscles trembled as they struggled to maintain the difficult posture. Behind their back, their hands were clasped together as if imaginary handcuffs fixed them there. My eyes passed from one to the next before settling on one with medium-build and gleaming caramel skin. Matthew! My mind cried out before I shook my head and locked my eyes onto Jason.

  “Well,” a teasing smile found its way to my lips, “if you insist.” He smiled back at me, a million sexual thoughts no doubt racing through his mind. The look on his face announcing that if I ever wanted to, I could take what I needed from him. There was no doubt about it, Master Jason had experienced my mouth and for many, there was no turning back. I almost laughed out loud, instead, I turned my attentions back to the servants at my feet.

  Dismissing all the others, I chose the one who resembled my pet. It probably was a bad idea but somewhere in my psyche, I felt it would help me deal with the loss of his presence. My heart fluttered at this thought and I quickly dismissed it. I approached the man who remained in the center of the VIP area. Once I was in range, he sprang forward and showered my feet with kisses. Snapping my fingers after a few seconds of his genuine revelry, he jumped back to present himself. Reaching forward with my hand, I pulled one arm forward and up, he followed with the other. I silently guided him to lace his fingers behind his neck and tapped him on the back to let him know to straighten his spine. Once he pulled his elbows back, his chest thrust forward and he pressed his pelvis upward in a natural response. I nodded at him and walked around him to face him. I lowered my gaze and smiled. Almost perfect.


  I leaned in to whisper into the slave’s ear, so close I could feel my own breath on his skin.

  “I am Goddess, you will refer to me as this at all times,” I spoke slowly, waiting for him to respond.

  “Yes, Goddess,” his voice a mere whisper, barely audible over the music. His head bowed farther forward in attempt to perform another act of reverence.

  “When you present, you are to do so as I have placed you now, do you understand?” His head bobbed quickly in agreement to my statement. Oh yes, this is exactly what I needed. My mind whispered from somewhere beyond the darkness that always lingered there. I reached up and yanked his head back using his hair. “You will answer out loud, slave!” I surprised even myself with the aggressive gesture.

  “Yes, Goddess!” he cried out loud. He wanted to make sure I heard him respond.

  “What is your name, slave?” I hissed into his ear.

  “My name is Daniel, Goddess,” his voice waivered slightly as I let go of his hair and allowed his head to fall back into place .

  “Daniel, I like that. You will kneel here until I want you elsewhere,” I walked quickly toward my throne and snapped my fingers as I reached the empty pedestal. Daniel scrambled to maneuver across the floor toward me, and still maintain his position. Inwardly I laughed at the sight. His now hardened cock bobbed up and down as he bounced across the VIP area on his knees. His erection was immense and I was pleased to see him at full attention for his Goddess.

  Daniel hopped up onto the platform of the pedestal and quickly spun around, settling in facing the center of the VIP area. I smiled wickedly as I took my place at his side. My drink had come while I was busy instructing Daniel how to respond to me and was already beginning to form droplets that ran quickly down the glass, pooling around the bottom before soaking into the cardboard coaster that it had been set on. I reached out and tilted the glass to my lips, taking several long drinks from the cool beverage. I was slightly out of breath by the time I lowered the glass. Master Jason looked on amused.

  “That’s better, Goddess. Now, let’s do this masquerade thing right!” Without another word, Jason reached over to his right and retrieved a black mask. He tied it to his head and reached his hand toward mine. He stared at me until I grasped his hand and he stood, lifting his hand with him as he did so. I stood next to him, and Jason smiled at me as he guided me toward the center of the great hall. As we neared the dance floor, everyone parted to either side, bowing low in their pose as we passed. The women held their skirts high above their waist on either side, exposing their ankles flexed in my direction, a clear sign of respect and honor if we were in that time period. I nearly broke into tears as Jason spun around to face me, put his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him. “A King must surely dance with his Goddess, no?”

  “Absolutely!” I laughed out loud as he started to twirl me across the dance floor, everyone near us yielding to us as we made our way across the entire area. We danced until I was out of breath. I had to tap him on the shoulder and motion toward the thrones before he would stop. By the time we returned to the VIP area I was gasping for air. Partially out of joy, partially because I was taxing my body for every ounce of energy at once.

  The room swayed slightly as I plopped down in my throne, laughter still escaping my lips in spastic gasps. I looked at Jason behind watering eyes. I was thankful for him, he was one of my greatest friends and was responsible for every aspect and shred of strength I had. Without Jason, I surely would have failed at life long ago.

  “Thank you, Master Jason,” I regarded him from behind blurred vision, “I needed that.” I laughed until it hurt to breathe. I was truly thankful for him. As I settled, I remembered Daniel who was still posted on top of the platform to my left obediently. As he struggled to maintain my favorite position, his muscles quivered in protest. The torchlight reflected gloriously off his perfectly tanned skin. I looked at him with a sudden urge to bring on my wrath.

  I reached out with my hand and trailed my fingernails down Daniel’s scalp, across his shoulders and along his spine. Goosebumps immediately erupted on his skin and I could
see him shudder slightly. Very responsive, very good! Rising from my throne, I snapped my fingers to which he responded instantly. He pulled his shoulders back and straightened his form, pressing his well-defined chest forward. I could not help but smile, Jason was right, any slave would be lucky to receive my attention and Daniel was about to find out exactly what that meant.

  Glancing around the hall, my eyes came to rest on one of the arches that was presently not occupied. I headed in the direction of the contraption, looking over my shoulder at Daniel who crouched at ready, waiting for my command. He saw me gesture to him to follow, which he responded properly, lowering himself from the pedestal to the floor without hesitation and following me as quickly as he could manage on his hands and knees. Once I reached the outer perimeter of the hall, I motioned for him to center himself under the arch. Daniel scrambled to the place I had indicated and came to rest in the position I had instructed him to, his eyes lowered enough for him to be able to see my direction, yet not to look me in the face.

  “Rise, slave,” I prompted him. It was an order, not a request, to which Daniel complied promptly. He stood in the center of the floor beneath the arch, his hands still laced behind his neck, elbows held back and away from his face. I could not help but smile. Without a word, I retrieved two cuffs from the wall behind the arch and fastened them securely to his ankles. On either side, I tethered him to the arch securely, forcing his legs wide apart. He struggled to maintain his balance as I used a length of silk, bondage rope to fasten around his waist, giving him a slight reprieve from the effort of maintaining his position. His shoulders lowered as he breathed a sigh of relief .

  Using my hands to guide him, I skillfully wrapped his wrists in two additional leather cuffs, securing them with tiny locks before threading the leather straps through the eyebolts on the top of the arch. Daniel allowed his weight to sink just a little, testing the ties to make sure they were secure. I stepped back to admire my work. He was displayed quite nicely: his muscles straining against the wide position of his legs, arms quivering in his restraints.

  To add a final touch, I grasped a ball gag that was laid on a long table to the right of us. I dangled it in front of him, swaying it back and forth prompting him to look up. Without a word, Daniel nodded enthusiastically at the sight of it. I smiled as I ran my fingers through his dark curls and yanked his head up to look at me. His eyes closed immediately, which pleased me. Almost perfect!

  I held the large, red ball up to his lips. He parted them without hesitation allowing me to slowly work it in between his teeth. Finally, I fastened it behind his head firmly. His gaze met mine briefly and I took advantage of the opportunity.

  “Show me your safe gesture,” I commanded him. Without being able to speak, Daniel would have no way to indicate he had reached his threshold. In that case, he would need to use a gesture, something obvious to let me know he could not continue. Daniel looked down toward his feet. I watched him pick his right toes off the ground, twirl his foot around three times and then drop back to the floor. I nodded curtly to indicate my understanding before reaching to my waist and removing my crop from its harness.

  Daniel had already started to sweat. Beads formed on his forehead and down his shoulders, reflecting the light of the torches that were fixed to the wall in between each set of arches. The warm glow of the flame emphasized the caramel color of his skin. Delicious, edible, almost. I trailed the crop along his thigh and down toward his knee on one side, then up the other side before tracing the outside of his exposed buttocks. He shivered slightly as I warmed his flesh for the punishment he now anticipated.


  I was in my zone, nothing else existed except for me and my slave. Tuning out the world around me, I continued to warm Daniel’s skin for several minutes. His anticipation growing with each tap. When I suddenly raised my crop over my head and the leather tipped end landed on his awaiting flesh, Daniel moaned loudly behind the ball gag. I watched as his head dropped back and drool escaped his mouth, flowing around the round gag and then dripping down his chin. I followed with another strike to the opposite side. The sounds he made from behind the gag were music to my ears. Low and guttural moans cut off by the large, rubber shaped object resting between his teeth.

  Counting silently in my head, I used my crop to strike Daniel eight more times consecutively, alternating sides. When I lowered my crop to my side, his head dropped forward. I watched him struggle to breathe, nostrils flared widely, attempting to draw in as much air as possible. Red welts crisscrossed across the prime flesh of his ass and down the backs of his thighs. He was a great canvas, no Matthew, but he would definitely do.

  The sight of Daniel bound and gagged was a huge turn on. Moans of pleasure and pain growing louder with each strike. He was a good slave so I decided to give him some more. I was pleased to note that his erection had grown as I punished him, he was truly a submissive and enjoyed the game as much as I did. Instead of continuing on his backside, I settled in front of him, tapping my crop between the sensitive skin between his thighs. His legs quivered uncontrollably with each touch of the leather. When I reached his glorious cock, I slapped it back and forth with my crop, causing him to groan loudly from behind the gag.

  I laughed out loud as I watched his eyes roll back into his head as I reached out and began to stroke his length with my hand. The angry red color of the skin made darker by my tormenting him with my crop. He moaned louder as I settled into a slow, methodical rhythm, his cock pulsing in my hand with each stroke. Daniel’s head swung back and forth on his neck, rolling slightly onto his shoulders before moving back the other direction. My hand continued to tease him until he was almost ready to find his release. Before he could, I stopped suddenly, a frustrating and disappointing sound escaped his mouth around the ball gag.

  “Not yet, slave. You come when I allow you to come, do you understand?” I practically hissed at him. He nodded quickly in agreement. In response, I slapped his rigid phallus a few more times with my hand before turning my back on him. For a brief moment, I allowed Daniel to catch his breath before I turned back toward him to render more punishment.

  When my crop found its mark again, Daniel moaned louder, muffled sounds found their way to my ears. Counting down in my head again, I struck him several more times in succession before stopping and gazing at his beautiful face. Struggling to breathe, Daniel’s chest heaved with every effort, the ball gag obstructing his ability to draw in enough air all at once. I stopped his punishment and stared at him intently, waiting for a sign that he was alright. Picking his head up slightly, Daniel’s eyes fluttered quickly before opening completely and meeting my gaze. His eyes were glazed over, one tear had found its way down his cheek. Without a thought, I leaned forward and licked the salty fluid from his face, my tongue tracing a slow path up his cheek. Daniel responded with another groan when I wrapped his length in my hand and milked the fluids from him. Finally, when his seed spewed forth and fell onto the floor in front of him, his head rolled forward and his shoulders slumped with his spent energy.

  I waited for Daniel to gain control of his breathing before reaching behind his head and removing the ball gag. He gasped out loud, taking in as much air as he could, suddenly being able to breathe fully again. Stepping back, I allowed him a few moments to catch his breath before releasing his wrists and ankles, making sure to untie the rope at his waist last. In the event that he lost his balance, the final rope would hold him upright so as not to cause him true injury. Once I was sure he was ready, I released the rope and Daniel sunk to his knees before me, bowing down until his face was hovering just above the floor. Staring down at him, a smile returned to my lips. I had complete control of Daniel and it made me, at least while I was in the moment, remember that I was the one to command and my orders were promptly obeyed.

  Strolling back to the VIP area, I was on cloud nine. I floated across the floor as opposed to walking. Once I had taken my place on my throne, Daniel followed and carefu
lly found his position on the pedestal next to me again. As soon as he was able to find his balance, he laced his fingers behind his neck and thrust his elbows out to the side, crossing his ankles behind him and thrusting his pelvis up and out, he settled into my preferred position. I stroked his hair absently with my hand as I turned my attention back to the activity in the main hall.

  I looked on as Mistress Liliana led a group of people in the center of the great hall in a series of games. Several Masters and Mistresses had formed a large circle and in the center, their slaves were rushing from one side to the next with a spoon in their mouth, scurrying on their hands and knees. Resting on the spoon was a large, white egg. I assumed they were to attempt to move back and forth without dropping the egg. The crowd cheered them on enthusiastically. When one slave dropped their egg, splintering its shell and allowing the contents to spill onto the floor, the Mistress closest to him responded by paddling him several times on his rear as he scrambled to retrieve a new egg. Onlookers laughed heartily as the slave returned to the game, a fresh egg resting on the spoon jutting from his mouth. I laughed out loud. Mistress Liliana loved her games, that was for sure.

  For the rest of the evening, I rested in my throne, occasionally acknowledging a Master or Mistress and their slave as they paraded past the VIP area. Master Jason was poised to my right, seated proudly in his throne as the games continued late into the evening. I began to feel sleepy and decided I would take my leave, much to his disappointment. Instead of arguing with me, he stood to his feet quickly to see me out. Jason accompanied me to the door, where I was handed my coat and thanked by the doorman for attending that evening .


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