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Leila: Goddess The Second Coming

Page 21

by R. J. Castille

  Eternally Yours,


  * * *

  I could not help but smile. Gordon had definitely gone above and beyond the call of duty. Considering the unanswered question we still faced, the mystery I hoped would end with Gordon being the father of my twins, he was taking things quite well. He was hopelessly enamored by me, and I could only pray that would continue well into the future.


  I busied myself as I waited for Gordon to come home. Part of me wanted to sink my teeth into a good book, something hot and sexy like Vehn by L.S. Anders. I read it once already and it left my panties as moist as the main character’s. It was so good, I was anxiously waiting for the sequel to be released, Tegan. Deciding against it, I instead turned on the flat screen television in the living area and came to a rest on the love seat planted directly across from it. The leather creaked as I sat down, it was brand new and I do not recall ever venturing into that side of the penthouse. Gordon and I spent the majority of our time in the play area, soaking up as much relief as possible before the little ones come and interrupt our free-flowing passion.

  As I flipped through the guide on the screen, searching for something decent to watch, my phone chimed, indicating I had received a message. I sighed out loud as I stood up and crossed the penthouse, having left my purse sitting on the bed. Retrieving my cell phone from its typical location, I pressed the screen and viewed my messages. I was elated to see that it was from Kendra. I had not heard from her in several weeks and the last I saw of her, she was bound to the arches surrounding the Red Velvet Room at the masquerade.

  * * *

  Hello my dearest friend! I have not talked to you in a while, I am sorry for that…experiencing some drama at the moment. I wanted to say Congrats! Master told me about the baby :-). I cannot wait to see you again! Master wanted me to give you head’s up well in advance, we are having a ball in December and he (and I) would love it if you came! Bring your new submissive along for the festivities, of course! Please say yes (falling to my knees begging)!

  Your Friend,


  * * *

  As I read her words, my heart sang. I would, of course, indulge them. How could I not? My dear friend of many years was practically begging to see me. How could I say no?

  * * *

  Kendra! Yes, things have been pretty crazy on my end as well (as you can probably imagine)! I would love to attend the ball. Just let me know when. I warn you in advance, I will be nearly six months by Christmas so…;-).


  * * *

  As quickly as I had sent the message, my phone started to go off. My ring tone set to Nine Inch Nails Closer. Good thing I didn’t receive too many phone calls, otherwise, that could be quite embarrassing. I glanced at the screen. Mom, the screen declared. Grumbling to myself, I pressed the green button on the screen to accept the call, hesitating for a split second before pressing the phone to my ear.

  “Hello, Mom,” I tried to sound less tired than I actually was. I was exhausted, the babies were definitely taking their toll on my energy levels, and I wanted to definitely sound that way so she would not keep me tied up too long. Not that I had anything better to do, Gordon wasn’t due home for a few hours, I just didn’t really have the mindset to deal with her right then.

  “Hello, darling! How are you and the little one?” Her voice was at a soprano level, piercing my ears as she spoke. That part of my mother always did annoy me a little. She sounded like Mrs. Doubtfire, but without the English accent when she did that. I could almost feel the impatience oozing through the phone as she waited for my response.

  “I am fine, and I must tell you, it’s babies,” I emphasized the last part of the word “babies,” so she could get the idea. Her gasp came through the phone like a siren.

  “Why, that is wonderful, my dear! Not one, but TWO little darlings! I am so excited, wait until I tell Bentley!” I shuddered when she uttered his name, remembering the numerous times his hand found its way to at least one of my body parts.

  “If you say so,” I laughed as I uttered the words. I could not believe that she was not upset with me for not telling her sooner. I surely should be catching the wrath of Madeline King, but oddly enough, she was completely distracted by the news itself, her condescending nature self-evaporating in an instant.

  “Now, don’t you worry, Leila. I will help you in any way I can, and Bentley has vowed to contribute anything you need as well,” I could almost see her smiling through the phone. I wish that I could see things like she did, not a care in the world, just it is what it is . In that instant, I was grateful for my mother and all she did for me. She instilled in me a sense of tenacity that drives my life to this day. She would never say it out loud, but deep inside, I felt that my mother was indeed proud of me. At least for now.

  “Thanks, Mom. I appreciate that, truly,” I really did. My heart was bursting. My entire life, my mother was never so emotional, so giving. It took an accidental pregnancy and my world crashing down in flames around me to create in her something beautiful.

  “I guess I will let you go. You sound like you could use some rest. Leila, seriously though, if you need anything, do not hesitate to ask me,” she gave her salutations and I acknowledged and thanked her again before disconnecting the call and turning my attention back to the television. Unable to concentrate on what I was watching, I switched it off and sat in silence, digesting everything that I was now subjected to.

  By the time Gordon arrived at the penthouse, I had prepared myself for his presence. I showered and combed through my long, copper waves before picking out a dark, red corset with stretchy side panes. I found it more and more necessary to find outfits that had plenty of give as my belly continued to swell with life. The fishnet stockings finished the look, fastened securely to the garter belt I put on over the matching, red panties I wore.

  I had decided to wear the simple mask I had brought: plain, black leather that tied behind the head with a strap that gradually got smaller until it reached its end. When I spied him exiting the elevator, I turned my back on him without a word and walked toward the play area. A smile found my lips as I heard his footsteps following eagerly behind me. Reaching the other side of the penthouse, a slightly walled off area designed to house our various devices, I spun around to discover that Gordon had already disrobed and fallen to his knees, his elbows pulled back in a splendid presentation.

  Without a word, I tenderly caressed the handle of the crop that was carefully laid out next to a number of other items on the console table. Finding the one I desired, my fingers wrapped around the handle of my crop and lifted it gingerly from the surface. Gordon’s eyes reflected the ultimate desire when I approached his kneeling figure. In response, he bowed forward, placing his palms on the marble floor and planted several, heart-felt kisses on my feet. My heart warmed instantly, the troubles of my day immediately dissipated and I was lost in the moment .

  “Mmm,” I was pleased with his reverence. It definitely suited me to have the one I love devoted and subservient, always. In return, I would guide and protect him in his role, caring for him for the rest of our days together. Inside my mind, I hoped that would be a long time. Finally, something solid and grounded in my life was exactly what I needed.

  Gordon responded by rising easily back up, presenting me with a view of his already growing phallus. That was definitely pleasing as well. His eyes briefly found mine before he diverted them back to the floor at my feet. I smiled at his attempt to distract me from his seemingly unintentional act. I clucked my tongue against the roof of my mouth in mock disappointment.

  “Oh my, do you have a glorious erection for me, my submissive one?” I teased him, intending on dragging the evening out for quite some time. By the time I was through with him, I wanted him to be in eternal bliss, my crop assaulting his flesh until he was pushed to the brink. That would be the ultimate high for me, and I intended to see it through to the end.

s, my Goddess,” Gordon’s voice was hoarse, almost a whisper, when he humbly responded. He strained to maintain his form, visibly shaken by his own actions. He knew that he had crossed the line by making eye contact with me. I had made it quite clear we were conducting a session, and he would have to pay the price for his indiscretion.

  I smirked at him, one side of my mouth drawn up in a comical gesture. Circling him slowly, I spun the crop around my wrist by its strap, making sure he saw the implement of his destruction, before it struck his tender flesh. Gordon shuddered in anticipation, which only served to egg me on further. It was what we both needed, craved and loved. I was his Goddess and he was dedicated to my worship and fulfillment. All was right with the world.

  Tapping his skin with the tip of my crop, I ran my tongue across my lips, an arousing sensation welling up from deep within me began to spread throughout my body, consuming me. A simmering heat began to spread from my core to the rest of my body, dropping low into my belly before easing into my groin. I moaned softly as I arched my arm up suddenly and brought it down on his buttocks. Gordon stiffened for a brief moment before relaxing into his posture again. As I alternated sides, inflicting a punishment fit for such a disobedient slave, I could no longer control the desire that cascaded through my being.

  My crop had left a beautiful landscape across his nakedness. I could not help to take a few seconds and admire my creation before I could stand the aching between my legs no longer. My hand grasped his shoulder as I looked down at him, burning through him with my eyes as I gestured for him to rise and pulled him behind me toward the bed on the other side of the penthouse. Gordon followed obediently, his hands still laced together behind his neck. Once I reached my destination, I spun him around quickly, a quasi-dance move before flinging myself backward onto the bed. The soft mattress cushioned me as I used my legs to pull myself closer to the edge.

  “You know what I want, slave,” I tilted my thighs outward and tipped my pelvis upward, indicating my thoughts without a single word. The desire in Gordon’s eyes was undeniable. Without moving his hands from behind his neck, he bent forward at the waist, consuming me with his mouth. I gasped loudly as his tongue danced around my clitoris, skillfully stimulating every nerve ending. When Gordon suddenly plunged two fingers inside me, I cried out loud, the pleasure taking control of my every response. He continued to stroke me with his tongue as he thrust inside me agonizingly slowly, each move making my body respond with ecstatic energy.

  When I came, I dug my nails into his bald scalp, unable to control my movements. He forced his fingers into me as far as he could and turned his hand over, hooking around to reach my hidden core. Finding it quickly, he applied firm pressure as he dove in with his mouth again, sucking and biting on my clitoris until my second orgasm came quickly and in a liquid flurry. Gordon rubbed his face into my folds as my body convulsed, leaving me almost paralyzed and collapsed deep into the mattress.

  His eyes met mine, I did not care. I reached up with my hand and ran my fingers down his head, following his jawline until I reached his chin. Pulling him in for a kiss, I teased his lips with my tongue until he opened his mouth, yielding to me. I tasted myself on his tongue, which, strangely enough only turned me on more. Pulling away from him suddenly, my eyes locked onto his.

  “Fuck me, Gordon. Fuck me, now!” I ordered him. Gordon was more than happy to comply. He reached down and found his hardened cock with his hand and slid it up and down along my slit several times before plunging in. With each thrust, I felt the pleasure building deep inside my core. Gordon reached up with one hand and grasped my shoulder, allowing him to pull me downward with each motion. I gasped out loud as he forced himself deeper inside me. Bending forward, he took my nipple into his mouth, biting down just enough to send a shock of energy straight to my core. He followed by tracing his tongue across and finding the other nipple and following suit. I arched my back in response, the need for him to fill me consumed me.

  Every cell in my body seemed to respond as my orgasm slammed into me, his cock relentlessly pounding my pussy until I was a glistening, wet, mess. Gordon pulled back and smiled at me, his hand came up and rested on the side of my face, cupping my jaw as he thrust inside me several times, his eyes locked onto mine. When he came, he uttered one phrase that I felt I had waited a lifetime to hear.

  “I love you, Leila,” his eyes were sincere. He arched his back and tilted his head back, letting out a large groan as he came inside me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tilted my hips forward as far as I could, allowing him full entry. Gordon shuddered and collapsed on top of me, pressing me into the memory foam underneath us. Trying to let him lie there as long as he needed, I was overcome by the urge to escape, to which I pressed him upward, gesturing for him to roll over. He complied quickly and lay on his side facing me, eyes fixed on my face.

  “I love you too, Gordon,” I replied finally, my breaths coming erratically as I struggled to regain my composure. Gordon pulled me in close to his chest and cradled me there. My body still slightly numb from the intense pleasure I had experienced, I pulled myself closer to him and curled around his form. His hand stroked my back, comforting me and easing me into the most restful slumber I had experienced in a long time.


  Friday morning, I had another appointment with Dr. Marshall. I had invited Gordon along because they were supposed to perform an ultrasound and I hoped they could tell me the sex of the babies. I had discussed it with him prior to the appointment, and he apprehensively agreed to tag along. We sat side-by-side on the small, couch-like seat against the wall, opposite the entryway. Gordon crossed his ankle over his knee and swung his foot back and forth nervously. I glanced over at him, his head was bowed down slightly as he checked his phone for an incoming message. Of course, I knew that he would need to maintain contact with his office while he was away. It was to be expected from a man in his position.

  It was not necessary to call off work to attend my appointment since I had told Gordon how Bentley had behaved my first day. He was extremely upset, no doubt seeing red, and insisted that I terminate my employment there immediately. In addition, he let me know, in no less terms, that he had a good mind to press sexual harassment charges against him for me as my attorney. It took some convincing, but he finally backed off the notion and settled for my separation of employment. I would no doubt receive a call from my mother at some point inquiring after my reasoning for the sudden departure. That conversation would definitely take some strategic planning.

  I had argued against cutting off my only means of income briefly, but became acutely aware of how passionately Gordon felt about my need to distance myself from Mr. Simms immediately. Regrettably, I called Mr. Swanson and informed him I would no longer be working for B.S. Industries effective immediately. I assured him that it was at no fault of his own, and that I intended to keep my true reasoning to myself, pleading the fifth.

  Mr. Swanson expressed his regret that he and I would no longer be working together. The tone in his voice gave off a vibe that I could not put my finger on. It was elusive, an undertone in his speech that I had heard somewhere before, but could not quite place. Pregnancy brain! My mind laughed at me. I did not usually have such difficulty recalling details, but had noticed, with the development of lives inside me, I slipped up from time to time.

  Sighing out loud at the recollection of my final conversation of my new-ex supervisor, who had done nothing wrong, and whom I found quite intriguing and mysterious. Somewhere in the back of my mind, a thought occurred to me. He is one of us! I searched my memory in attempt to remember where I had encountered him before, the Red Velvet Room, perhaps. Coming up empty, I decided to distract myself from my train of thought by flipping through my feed on my Facebook account. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Gordon was doing the same.

  The door between the waiting room and the back office opened with a swift movement and a small, scrub-wearing woman peeked her head out of the opening. Her bl
onde hair was pulled back tightly into a high ponytail as she glanced down at the chart in her hand. Scanning the contents quickly with her light eyes, she looked up toward the audience that waited with baited breath to be called, scanning the room before announcing the lucky patient.

  “Leila!” the petite girl bellowed out across the room. I flinched slightly at her abrupt sound before jumping to my feet, dragging Gordon’s elbow with me. He shook his head and stood up when he realized why I had pulled so hard on his arm. I could tell by the flush on his neck, he was in a realm he could never comprehend. In his mind, he did not belong there, yet he was trying to appease my need to have him there at my side when they revealed the gender of the twins.

  I shuffled across the room and smiled as I approached the door. “Beth,” the nametag declared as I glanced briefly at the identification of the woman who had summoned me into the back. Without a word, she turned and strutted up the narrow hallway, several doors lined either side until it dead-ended in a T-shaped hallway with more doors, identical to the others. A handful of the doors had large biohazard signs fixed to the center, indicating a warning to others, that area was subject to contaminated waste. Above each door was a set of colored flags, I had always been curious as to the purpose of each color, but never bothered to ask, fearing I would somehow throw of the robotic flow of the medical staff.

  Before we were ushered into one of the exam rooms, Beth paused at the scale. I winced as I looked over my shoulder, horrified at what Gordon would think if he saw exactly how heavy I was getting. The soft smirk on his face told me he knew exactly what I was thinking. He reached forward and squeezed my hand briefly before letting it fall, giving me the courage to step up on the floating platform. Beth fiddled with the weights, watching to see when the scale indicated it was level. Finally, it settled on a number. My eyes widened when I saw it, I was devastated to see that it had gotten so high. She scribbled the number into my chart before having me sit in a chair to check my vitals.


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