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The Rhythm

Page 9

by Moira Callahan

  Lifting her head, Jennifer peeked out the tinted windows and cursed. There was a crowd of fans and reporters practically frothing out front in wait. The majority of the crowd checked out the car as they slid past, but didn’t react. Had they been in a vehicle without the tinting she knew the reaction would have been much different.

  “Yeah, we’re back.” Jen looked to Lance to see him on his cell. “Oh, believe me, we saw them. How are we getting back in, Christine? Take us on a bigger loop, Dennis. No need to keep going by that crowd, someone will clue in to your circling if we do.”

  Dennis gave him a nod and took a left away from the hotel.

  Jen bit her lip in worry as she listened to Lance’s side of the conversation. “Apparently,” he muttered into the phone. “What’s the plan then? Right, okay, we’ll see you there then.”

  Once he hung up, he looked at her. “We’re moving hotels, for obvious reasons. The other guys have already snuck out. Christine is packing up your items, and a couple roadies are gathering ours. She already has us all set up. We’ll meet one of our security guys, and get the keys to our new rooms for the night.”

  Relieved they wouldn’t have to take on the masses, she barely heard where Lance told Dennis they needed to go. “Does this happen often?”

  “On the rare occasion when we have our breaks in the tour. Normally it’s not an issue, and Christine plans for it by reserving a couple of spots ahead of time. We can afford it should the rooms go unused, but apparently this time we get to check out somewhere new. I have a feeling this may have more to do with that fucking story about the woman and Jeremy. Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. We’ve got this covered.”

  Easy for him to say. He was used to this sort of thing. For her, it was a rather pointed notation that she might be getting in way too deep.

  Chapter Sixteen

  It took them a while to get settled in at the new hotel. Once dinner was done, they all seemed to mutually agree to go to their separate rooms and sleep. Lance, of course, pulled Jennifer with him into the space he’d claimed, and where he’d told their security guys to stash her bags. She’d given him a look, but hadn’t commented on his presumptuous nature.

  Thank goodness too. While he was more than willing to fight for what he wanted, he wasn’t sure he wouldn’t have said something profoundly stupid with being as tired as he was. The visit with her folks had been amazing, but also a bit exhaustive. Then the sudden move of hotels, the nerves of waiting to ensure no one was followed, and it all added up to a bone-deep weariness.

  In his younger, dumber days he wouldn’t have blinked at such a move. Now all Lance wanted each night was a place to put his head. These days he also wanted it to be with the woman quietly cleaning up in the bathroom.

  The mood over dinner had been a quieter version of most of their nights. Fully expected. Except for Jennifer. She’d been quiet all through dinner and during the time the band had sat around chatting before going their separate ways for the evening.

  Frankly, he was worried about her. Pushing up from the bed where he’d been lounging, he went into the bathroom. Jennifer paused in smoothing the moisturizing cream over her forehead. Moving in behind her, Lance wrapped his arms around her waist, and held her close while she finished up. Once she’d washed and dried her hands, he turned her in his arms and lifted her to sit on the edge of the vanity.

  Stepping between her legs, he kept his arms around her. “You ready to talk to me yet?” he asked softly. When she snuggled in closer, it helped ease some of the worry he’d been holding on to. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he shifted to scoop her up in his arms.

  He carried her to the bed, settling her on her feet to allow her to lose the shirt and went to turn the lights off. Lance ditched the sweats he’d pulled on after his shower. Slipping into the bed next to her, Lance drew her into his arms. He didn’t push her to talk knowing she’d start whenever she was good and ready.

  Jennifer slowly scraped a nail to his chest, sending chills over his body. She let out a breath and snuggled closer to him. “I don’t know if I can explain this where it makes any sense outside my own head. Bear with me?”

  He hugged her closer and assured her, “Always.”

  She gave a heavy sigh before rubbing her nose against his chest. After a few moments, she rested her cheek on his skin again and let out a sigh. “Right up until the second we got to my parents’ place, the concept of time seemed to have no bearing on us. At least in my mind. Then my mom starts asking questions and tells me she likes you and approves. All of a sudden a clock starts to tick in my head. I’ve been with you guys for a month and a half already. That leaves two and a half months before I’m supposed to return home and write my article for the magazine. As excited as I am to do the article, to get it out there for everyone to read, I’m also scared about what that would do to us. All of which is based on the presumption you’d still want to be with me by the time we hit the four-month marker of me being here all the time. None of which helps in the least with the anxiety that kicks in. I may not know where we’re going, but I know I’m definitely not ready to lose this or you at the end of the four months. I might be out of line saying this, maybe getting ahead of myself possibly, but I had to throw it out there to ensure you know where I’m at.”

  Stroking his fingers through her hair gently, he shifted to allow him to look her in the eye with his arms still around her. “I can’t tell the future either, sweetheart. Some days I wish I could and then we’d both have an answer to that. One thing I do know is that I’m not ready to lose you either. Why don’t we look at it this way? At the end of the contract period, you go home, write the article, and get it out there for the world to read. You’ll have to come back to finish the work for the autobiography, but that time you’re home will give you a chance to decide if this is going to work for you. And by that I mean us.”

  She was chewing on her lip as he spoke. “What if you decide it’s easier without me around?”

  Her whispered question nearly gutted him.

  “If by some form of insanity taking me over that happens, I’ll tell you straight up. Like I would expect you to do should you decide I’m too much to deal with. You well may realize that when you get back to your calm, orderly world once more, Jennifer. Don’t shake your head at me. It could happen. Not saying that it will, but it may. If it does, either case we are open, and honest. For the record, I happen to love having you around. This is the first tour I’m not completely on edge the entire time, worrying about what the paparazzi might be cooking up to get at us, or what a crazy fan might attempt. I’m having fun like I did when we first hit the road.”

  “If you are trying to tell me this is pretty much what that first or the fifth year of being on tour was like, I’ll likely have to bean you.”

  Lance chuckled and shook his head. “No, there was a hell of a lot more partying going on back then. At some point, those deemed rock and roll gods have to grow up and realize their aging bodies can’t take it any longer. While I may not party like I did ten years ago, I’m still having that same level of fun. It’s not wild parties, and whatnot, but I’m enjoying it as much if not more than I did those. Because of you, Ms. Mitchell.”

  Her cheeks went a lovely shade of pink at his words. “I will admit I’ve been having a blast with you guys. I also know it won’t always be like this. It’s all shiny and new right now for me. And for you as well.”

  “That doesn’t mean that it’ll ever lose its luster,” he told her.

  “No, I know that, and I definitely don’t wish to borrow trouble either. You should likely know this about me; I’m a worrier. I always try to keep my eyes on the road ahead to predict what ifs. It’s gotten me into trouble before. Other times I’m occasionally blinded by false data around me which throws my process off. I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m worried we’ll get too far ahead of ourselves only to find… Hell, I don’t know. Am I worrying for nothing here? You can tell me if I am. I promise not to get
too offended.”

  “I won’t say you’re worrying for nothing. Maybe try worrying a smidge less. Let’s take this as it comes. Each day will have its own problems. There’s absolutely no need to go looking to make our own up.”

  “You’re right,” she said. “You are absolutely right, Lance. I would appreciate it if you’d occasionally remind me of that to ensure I don’t go getting stuck inside my own head.”

  “About the fact I was right? Hell yeah, babe, I’m there for you.” He grinned when she screwed her nose up at him. Chuckling he hugged her close. “I have your back, Jennifer. Like you’ll have mine. We’re in this together, and together we’ll find our way through whatever is tossed at us. Including you having to go home for a while. It will suck the big one, but imagine what it’ll be like when you get back.”

  She lifted her head to give him a considering look. “We may need to warn the guys off,” she said softly. “I’d hate to traumatize them with whatever antics we get up to.”

  “Care to traumatize them with a few antics right now?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  That quickly he found himself pressed flat on his back with her straddling his waist. A flip of her head had her hair flying over her shoulder. Then she reached out to turn on the lamp to give them some more light than the street lamps were providing. “Much better.”

  She smiled down at him before lowering her head to press open mouth kisses to his chest. Groaning when she blazed a path down his torso, Lance knew right where she was headed. He had a second, an incredibly brief split-second of thought to wonder if it was a good idea before her mouth wrapped around the head of his cock.

  “Damn woman.” Her mouth was pure silken heat wrapped around him. The tongue she had on her was beyond talented. Short licks and flicks under the domed head and along the slit made him squirm. “Jennifer,” he said in warning. She was testing his limits.

  Slapping a hand out, Lance found the drawer and yanked it open. He managed to get his hand on a condom. “Jennifer, enough for the love of, oh God, right there.” Moaning, he got a hand into her hair to tug.

  She lifted off his cock but not without one last flick of her tongue. With shaking hands, he got into the package. Rolling the condom on, he helped her to slide down on his cock. Both of them let out moans when she’d taken him fully in.

  He tugged her down for a kiss, rolling them over, allowing him to drive his cock deeper into her sheath. Rocking his hips, he teased her tongue. She tore her mouth from his to suck in air as her hands grabbed hold of his arms.

  There wasn’t any real finesse to his movements. His only goal in that instant was to get them both off. With that in mind, he slipped a hand between their thrusting bodies to rub at her clit.

  “Lance!” She squirmed under him, taking him deeper when she hiked her legs up higher around his waist. “Oh God, right there, harder.”

  More than willing to give into her demands, he did as she asked. Grabbing her shoulder with his free hand, he kept her right there with him. Lance nipped at her shoulder. Her response was to dig her nails into his arms before shifting her hold to his back to give him a few new scratches. Exactly how he liked her in bed, hot and wild.

  Seconds later, she tightened around him and let out a scream when she came. Lance followed her lead a couple thrusts later. Collapsing on top of her body, he fought for air his vision more than a bit fuzzy around the edges. Had he been able to, he might have told her that at least the sex would always be explosive if their last couple of weeks were any indication.

  As it was, he made a mental note to point it out to her later. Much later. Like maybe after a small nap. He wasn’t as young as he once was, after all.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Her time with the band was officially up, and Jen didn’t want to leave. Although she had obligations back home to deal with, she hated the idea of leaving Lance. He was on the same page on that point. It’s why the band had cleared out for the day to give them the last hours together alone.

  She’d said her goodbyes to the other four members of Victorious before they’d left for their outing. It had been teary, and each had made her promise to come back. A promise she intended to keep. Jen didn’t know when she’d be back but she would be back.

  The not knowing was why saying goodbye to Lance was also hard. The unknown scared her a lot. All she could do in the here and now was hold on to him tight as they sat on the sofa. Any time now, Dennis would be there to take her to the local airport for her flight back home.

  “I wish you could come with me,” she whispered.

  “Me too, sweetheart.”

  She knew he couldn’t of course. There was still another month and a half on the tour. If she was lucky, she might catch up with them at the tail end. That was her hope anyway. Rubbing her cheek to his, Jen squeezed her eyelids tightly closed. She breathed in his scent and let out a sigh. “I’m not going to be able to sleep right without you holding me.” Her one hope was the two shirts she’d swiped from him and stuck in her luggage. They had his scent on them. Maybe she could wrap them around a pillow and pretend.

  Drawing back when a knock sounded, she shoved her hair out of the way to stare into his eyes. “That’s my cue.”

  He didn’t look particularly happy. Helping her off his lap, he stood to grab her bags and carried them to the door. When she pulled it open, he passed the bags to Dennis before turning to look at her.

  “Call me as soon as you land to let me know you got there safely. I’ll be on stage, but I’ll check my messages as soon as we’re in intermission.”

  She went up on her toes and threw her arms around his neck. Jen fought, and failed, against the tears. “I’ll talk to you soon. Knock them dead.”

  “Be safe,” he said in turn. Catching her mouth, he kissed her with a desperation she easily matched. It felt too much like the goodbye they had sworn they wouldn’t say. They were not saying goodbye. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “See you soon.” Another kiss to his lips, she tore herself away before she couldn’t go. Wiping at the tears still pouring down, she raced to the elevator Dennis was holding. Turning as she stepped inside, she saw Lance watching her until she gave him a finger wave before the doors slid shut to cut him off from her view.

  Dennis said nothing about the tears. Pro that he was, he did pass her a tissue. Thanking him, she wiped at her cheeks over and over again. She hadn’t put on any sort of makeup specifically because she’d known she’d be bawling her eyes out.

  Moving to the wall, she rested her head back on it and watched the numbers counting down on the display. It was going to be a long few weeks without him.


  The phone rang and Jen couldn’t dive on it fast enough. She dropped it to the floor in her haste to connect the call. Finally she got it the right way, answered, and to her ear. “Hi,” she breathed out.

  “Hi yourself.”

  Lance’s deep voice sent chills through her body. It also solidified the distance between them that would be increasing when they flew out to their next stop come morning. Letting out a breath, she fell back against her sofa. “How was the show?”

  “Wild, crazy, and loud. The usual. How’s it being back in your place?”

  Grimacing, Jen looked around. “It doesn’t feel like home anymore if that makes any sense to you. The plant that I’ve barely managed to keep alive for the last three years finally bit it. Apparently the magazine’s idea of having someone check on the place didn’t include watering the poor thing. I’d feel bad except it was rather ugly in a lopsided, single digit leaf count, sort of way.”

  His chuckle made her smile. “Then I wouldn’t feel too badly about it. It was obviously destined to go roots up.”

  “You may have a point there.” Jen rolled her head against the sofa back to look out the window. She didn’t have much of a view with where she was sitting, but she could hear the street activity through the open window. “It strange, I have no idea what to talk
to you about suddenly. When I was there I could always find a topic, but now…”

  “It feels awkward and a bit strained. Yeah, I’m getting that vibe too. It’s okay. This is merely another step along our path. There will be a few bumps, but we’ll get there. Tell me what your plans are for tomorrow.”

  “Ah yes, tomorrow. Well, I get to go to the post office to collect all my held mail. I’m thinking I’ll get a post office box instead. On the chance you still want me to come back and I give this place up. Be easier than routing my mail from here, I can have it going out from the source instead.”

  “First things first, I definitely want you to come back. Secondly, that’s a good plan. Should be pretty light on the bills at least.”

  She chuckled and gave a nod even if he couldn’t see it. “Given I’d had everything shut down for four months and was all paid up ahead of time, more than likely yeah. Fine by me. A month without bills in this city is a godsend. Damn place is expensive. After I get my mail, I’ll probably call into the office. I should let George know I’m back. He’ll want to start the big lead up to the article which means he’ll need a timeframe on when I’ll have the article ready to submit. I know he’s been hinting at it on the last two editions. Since he put one out recently, I might get it in for the next, but I suppose that will depend on Christine. You guys too of course. I’m guessing she’ll have the band read it as well.”

  “That’s the plan last I heard. With her, one never quite knows, of course, but I’ll insist on reading it. I’ll also want a signed copy of the final magazine,” he told her. In the background, she heard the other members shouting they wanted signed copies too.

  “Are they eavesdropping?”

  “Yes, assholes. Go the fuck away,” he yelled out. “I love them but they are bloody annoying.”

  “They’re family, Lance. I think it falls in under their rights to be annoying.” She smiled at the antics she could still hear a bit of from the other end of the line. “Don’t be too hard on them. They’ll be keeping you sane you lucky man. I on the other hand only have my dead plant to keep me company while I work on this article.”


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