Book Read Free

Play It Again

Page 4

by Scarlett Metal

  “What are you doing tonight?” he asked.

  “Something with you?” I asked hopefully.

  “Good answer,” he chuckled. “I’ll come pick you up at six.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “I have to go help Dad with some stuff, so I’ll let you get back to that sandwich.” He stood up and gripped the edge of the table, leaning down towards me. “I’ll see you tonight.” He bent down and kissed my lips softly.

  I smiled and watched him leave, suddenly not hungry anymore. He kissed me here in public! My heart was about ready to burst. I hadn’t felt this way about anyone in a long time–if ever.

  I cleaned my plate and went back to work, a smile plastered on my face. Nothing got me down the rest of the day, not even a family of eight who were among the most difficult customers I’d ever had.

  Grandma and I closed up the diner around three like always and headed back to the cottage. Brittany had sent me a text, asking what I was doing tonight. I told her I had a date with JT, and she called me to help me figure out what to wear. I filled her in on what had happened last night too. She screamed into the phone, and I think she was just as excited as I was.

  “So are you guys just having a good time, or is this something more?” she asked, right before hanging up.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, confused by her question.

  “Well, aren’t you here for only the summer?”

  “Yeah.” My shoulders sagged. I hadn’t thought about that.

  “Does he know that?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You should probably talk about that.” She paused. “Chase is calling me about tonight. Gotta go.”

  She hung up before I could say anything else.

  She had me thinking now. How could I bring this up? What if he got freaked because I was thinking more seriously about this than he was?

  I heard his truck pull up, and I checked my hair and makeup one last time. I wasn’t going to worry about where this was going. We had met only a few days ago, so I wasn’t going to stress. My parents tried to plan out my whole life for me, so for once I was going to go with the flow and have fun.

  Hopefully, some sexy fun.

  Chapter Six


  “Forever Summer”

  I was talking with Kara’s grandpa about the Green Bay Packers and their chances of winning a Super Bowl next season when she came into the room. I stopped talking mid-sentence, taken aback by the way she looked. I’d only seen her in shorts and t-shirts or her swimsuit, and tonight she was wearing a light blue sundress. She had left her long hair down, and it curled along her shoulders in big waves. I felt underdressed in my khaki shorts and red polo shirt.

  “Hey.” She smiled shyly at me.

  “You look amazing,” I said, loving the way her cheeks got red with embarrassment at my compliment.

  “Thank you. So where are we going tonight?” she asked as she gathered up her purse.

  “I’m not sure. I have an idea, but it’s a surprise.” I winked at her.

  “I hate surprises,” she groaned, and her grandmother laughed.

  “She really does hate surprises,” she said, coming over to give Kara a kiss on the cheek.

  “Well, that’s too bad,” I retorted. “Because I love them.”

  “Let’s go then.” She grabbed my hand and started to drag me to the door.

  “Goodbye dear,” her grandma called out.

  “Have fun and be safe,” her grandpa urged. When I was talking to him, he had his handgun on the table near him. I had a feeling that was no accident. He was a good guy, though, and was only looking out for his granddaughter.

  She continued to pull me to the truck and, when we got out of her grandparents’ view, I stopped and pulled her against me. I reached up and touched the hair by her face; it felt like silk and I wanted to bury my face in it.

  “What are you doing, JT?” Her eyes were so wide and innocent, and I loved the way my name sounded on her lips.

  “Looking at you.” I cupped her face in my hands. “And I’ve been thinking of doing this all damn day.” I leaned in to kiss her, my lips gentle at first. She whimpered into my mouth, and I almost lost all control right there in her grandparents’ driveway.

  I ended the kiss and opened the truck door for her. “We better go before your grandparents find us naked out here.”

  She grinned and climbed into the truck. I shut the door behind her and adjusted the bulge in my shorts before going over to get into the driver’s side. I had told her last night I wanted to take things slow with her, but I was tempted to take her somewhere we could be alone and get naked.

  I got in and started the truck. She reached out to take my hand as she looked out her window. It was such a small gesture, but meant so much to me. I lifted her hand to my lips and planted a soft kiss on the back of it. She turned her head and smiled and me.

  I will never forget that one moment as long as I live. In that one simple moment, I lost my heart to that girl forever. I wanted to say something, but I was too overcome with emotion. I also didn’t want to admit to her yet how much I’d fallen for her.

  “So where are we going?” she asked again, breaking the spell of the moment.

  I shook my head and smiled. “I’m not telling you.”

  She stuck out her lower lip just a little bit and gave me the saddest look I’d ever seen–one I’m sure she used quite often to get her way. “Please?” She pleaded with me.

  “Nope,” I laughed. “Those doe eyes aren’t going to work on me.” I wasn’t sure who I was trying to convince more–her or me. When she looked at me that way, it was hard not to give her whatever the hell she asked for.

  “Hmph,” she grumbled and looked back out the window, never letting go of my hand.

  We continued down the road, which soon became gravel, and she turned to me again. She opened her mouth to say something, but I gave her a stern look and she clamped it shut. I had to fight to keep from laughing; she looked so frustrated.

  I made one last turn down an old logging road. We finally came to a clearing and I parked the truck. “Wait here,” I told her before getting out and getting some stuff from the back of the truck. I had thought about taking her to some fancy restaurant for dinner, but that isn’t really who I am. I’m a simple guy with simple needs. Despite her city upbringing, I got the vibe from her that she’s a simple girl. Guess I would find out tonight.

  I laid out a blanket on the grass and looked up. She was moving around in the truck, trying to get a glimpse of what I was doing. She probably had an idea by now that I was setting up a picnic dinner for us. Her grandma had provided me with some cold chicken and side dishes, and I had picked up a couple bottles of cheap champagne. I set up some music on my phone and put out the vase with a couple of wild flowers I got last minute as an extra touch.

  I stood up and surveyed my work. I hoped she wouldn’t be disappointed. I went back to the truck and opened the door, offering her my hand to help her down.

  “What is this place?” she asked, looking around as she stepped down. I held onto her hand as we walked over to the blanket I had laid out for us.

  “I found it one night when I went for a drive to clear my head. The sun was setting and it was so beautiful. I come back every once in a while, and I want to share it with you.”

  She sat down on the blanket and checked out all the food. “You did all of this for me?”

  I nodded and joined her, sitting close. “Of course. I have to admit that your grandma helped with the food, but everything else was me.”

  She threw her arms around my neck. “Thank you,” she whispered, holding me tight. “No one has ever done anything like this for me.”

  Her comment made me wonder what kind of men she had dated before me. They must have been total assholes. Who wouldn’t want to give her the world?

  “I thought maybe you would be disappointed. I figured guys take you to fancy restaurants in the city and you woul
d think this is lame,” I admitted.

  She shook her head furiously, her hair moving around her face. “No way. This is by far the best thing ever.”

  I grinned, happy that I had made her smile. We dug into the food, talking about her time spent in Mountain growing up. She didn’t talk about her parents very much and mentioned her grandma the most. I could tell the two of them had a pretty special relationship.

  “What about your parents?” she asked, taking a sip from her cup of champagne. We were on our second bottle, and she laughed at me when I poured it into the red plastic cups I brought.

  “You met my dad,” I replied. “It’s always been he and I. My mom left when I was young, and I haven’t talked to her since. She has never wanted anything to do with me.” I shrugged and picked at a pretend piece of grass on my leg.

  Kara put her hand on my arm. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” I took her hand in mine. “I’ll be honest, though. My dad has been hung up on her all of these years. He has never really moved on. He has been on a date here or there, but he’s still pining away for her, and I think he hopes she’s going to come back. I vowed I would never fall for someone like he did.” I reached my other hand up and cupped her cheek. “Until I met you. Now I finally get it.”

  She brought a hand up to touch my mine. “JT,” she said softly.

  I put a finger to her lips. “Don’t say anything, Kara. I know we just met and this is all brand new. It’s crazy, but I’m totally falling for you.”

  She moved my fingers. “I’m falling for you too,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

  I leaned in and kissed her gently. “Good.”

  We cleaned up our picnic, leaving the champagne and music, so we could lie back on the blanket. I had brought along a lantern for when it got dark, but I turned it off so we could look at the stars. It was another clear night, and I was always amazed at how full of stars the sky is out here away from all of the city lights.

  I had my arm around her shoulder and she was settled against my side. She seemed to fit perfectly there, as if our bodies were made to go together like two puzzle pieces.

  “Look!” I pointed up to the sky. “A shooting star!”

  “Where?” she asked excitedly. “I missed it. Did you make a wish?”

  I looked down at her. “I did.”

  “What did you wish for?” she asked breathlessly.

  “I can’t tell you or it won’t come true,” I murmured before bending my head to kiss her.

  Our kisses grew in intensity and my hands roamed her whole body. I wanted her so bad, but I wasn’t going to take her like this on a blanket outside for our first time.

  “JT,” she whimpered after one of our kisses. “I want you.”

  “I want you too, but not here. Not like this.” My hand slid up her leg. Maybe I could give her a little relief.

  My fingers found the edge of her panties, and I groaned into her mouth when I discovered how wet she was for me. I rubbed her through the flimsy fabric and soon she was panting. I slipped my hand down the front of her panties and began to tease the swollen clit with my fingertip.

  “Come for me, Kara,” I whispered hoarsely. “Come all over my hand.”

  She nodded and moaned, arching into me. Fuck. I was going to go home with the worst case of blue balls ever, but knowing I got her off would make it a little better.

  I moved my finger faster and she clutched my arm, digging her nails into me. She circled her hips, her whimpers getting louder. “Let it go, baby.”

  She tensed beneath me and cried out my name. I swallowed her cries and stuck my finger inside her as she climaxed, her pussy walls pulsing around me. God damn. I couldn’t wait to get inside her.

  I let her ride out her orgasm on my finger until she relaxed beneath me. “Fuck,” she mumbled under her breath.

  I pulled my hand out from her panties and licked my finger. “Damn, woman, you taste good.”

  She blushed and reached for the button on my shorts. “Your turn.”

  I took her hands and shook my head. “As hard as I am for you and as much as I want you to get me off too, tonight is about you, Kara. Everything–from this picnic until just now–has all been for you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I took her hands and brought them to my mouth, kissing each one softly. “Yes, I’m more than sure. Soon I will have you totally naked and I will be buried deep inside that sweet pussy, but not tonight.”

  She closed her eyes and sighed, and I couldn’t help but kiss her nose. “You’re so sexy when you come.”

  She giggled nervously, and I wanted to ask her about her previous partners. Were they adventurous with her? Did they compliment her? Most important, did they satisfy her? It didn’t matter, because I was going to make sure she was totally and completely satisfied.

  We were snuggling back together, watching the stars quietly, when she lifted her head to look at me, resting her chin on my chest. “Does this mean you’re my boyfriend?”

  “Damn straight! And you’re my girlfriend.”

  She smiled and put her head back down. She gave me a light squeeze with the arm that was around my waist, and I kissed the top of her head.

  The last thing I was looking for that summer was a girlfriend, but I couldn’t be happier that I had found one.

  Chapter Seven


  “Skinny Dippin’”

  JT and I were pretty inseparable after that night. He came into the diner every day for lunch– sometimes alone, and sometimes with his dad. A few nights he even picked me up from there when I was done working, and we would go to his house to hang out, go hang with some friends, or come back to my grandparents’ cottage to go swimming.

  I had fallen hard and fast for him, but we still didn’t talk about what would happen when I went back to Madison. Every time someone even mentioned it, we both changed the subject.

  The more I thought about it, the more I realized I wasn’t even sure I wanted to go back. While I missed having a Target five minutes away and my morning Starbucks, I had gotten used to small town living and a slower way of life.

  We were making out in the front seat of his truck one night when I banged my elbow into the door. It hurt like a mother fucker, and we stopped kissing so he could rub it.

  “Fuck, I wish one of us had our own place¸” he mumbled before leaning down to kiss me.

  “I know.” I had hardly any privacy at my grandparents’, even though they left us alone for the most part. JT’s dad was cool when we hung out at his place, but he was always around. He literally went to work, came home, and did nothing else. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. We tried to get him to come to my grandparents’ a couple of times for a cookout, but he always declined. I found myself really disliking JT’s mom for what she had done to both of them.

  We were both so ready to sleep together, but lack of privacy had put those plans on hold. That’s why I was excited to tell him my news tonight.

  “I do have a surprise for you.”

  “What’s that?” He tried to peek down my shirt. “A new bra?”

  I giggled and shook my head. “Even better. My grandparents are going out of town overnight on Friday.”

  “What?” He paused as if he didn’t believe what he had just heard.

  “Grandma and Grandpa are going out of town Friday night. They have to head to Appleton for a doctor’s appointment for Grandpa’s knee, so they are visiting some friends and spending the night. They’ll be back on Saturday morning some time.”

  “Holy shit.” He ran his hands through his messy sandy-blond hair and put his baseball cap back on. “That means that you’ll be home alone?”

  I grinned and nodded. “Yes.”

  “In a couple of nights you’ll have the cottage to yourself?” he asked again.

  “Yes. To be honest, I think Grandma planned this a little bit on purpose so we could have some alone time. She made a comment the other day about u
s having such little privacy.”

  “Remind me to kiss that woman.” He grinned.

  “Be careful,” I laughed. “If Grandpa gets wind of this, he’ll cancel. You know how he is.” Grandpa loved JT, but he still gave him a warning now and again about what he would do to him if he hurt me or did anything bad.

  “That I do,” he chuckled. “This gives me something to look forward to for sure. I’ve been dying to have you sleep in my arms.”

  “Is that all you have in mind?” I teased.

  “Actually, sleep is the last thing on my mind, but I didn’t want to come right out and say it.”

  “That’s okay.” I took off his cap and leaned into him for a kiss. “’Cause it’s the last thing on mind too.”


  The rest of the week was like torture for us. JT was busy at work, staying late most nights. We only saw each other at lunch when he came into the diner, but we talked on the phone each night.

  Grandma was getting worried about leaving me to run the diner alone. She and Grandpa were leaving early on Friday morning and wouldn’t be back until the middle of the morning rush on Saturday. She had a million lists for me and gave me the same instructions over and over again.

  I wasn’t worried about the diner; while it wasn’t easy, I could run that place in my sleep. What really frazzled my nerves was the thought of finally sleeping with JT on Friday night. Should I get some sexy lingerie? Even if I wanted to, where would I get it on such short notice? Should I plan anything special?

  I finally decided to keep it simple. That’s what had worked for us so far, so why change it? I told him to come over after work on Friday night. I would cook him dinner and we could go for a swim. I figured we could take it from there.

  When Friday morning arrived, I was a ball of nerves. I kissed Grandpa goodbye and helped him into the car. Grandma gave me a hug. “Have fun.” She winked at me, and I couldn’t help but giggle. She knew what JT and I would be up to tonight, even though she didn’t say anything. I gave her another quick hug and assured her everything at the diner would be fine.


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