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Swinger Style: Hot Rods, Book 5

Page 7

by Jayne Rylon

  Gasping at the full contact, she broke free from his mouth and drew in a shaky breath. He took the opportunity to stray along her jawbone and then down to her neck, sucking at maddening spots below her ear. Lower.

  Yanking his head back, he made a funny face. Mouth puckered. “You taste…sour.”

  “Citrusy?” She laughed, somehow unashamed with him. He put her at ease, something not easy to do.

  “Yeah, I guess. Like a Lemonhead. I love those damn things.” He licked his lips, then eyed her neck like he might dive in for a second taste.

  “Sorry, impromptu deodorant.” Why lie? “Didn’t want to scare you away at first sniff.”

  “You saw me pull in?” He smiled.

  “More like heard you a mile away. Shouldn’t you be able to install a decent muffler on that jalopy?” Abstaining from teasing him would be impossible. They both knew the beastly roar of his engine was intentional.

  His laugh thrilled her and made her insides turn squishy. Almost as much as his broad grin. “You gave a shit what I thought.”

  “Guess so.” She shrugged.

  “For the record, I like the way you smell. If you haven’t noticed, I like pretty much everything about you.” He guided her hand to his jeans-clad erection and squeezed.

  “Come with me.” She drew him down the hall, past her studio. Bamboo screens and foam mats dotted the open wood floor of what should have been a guest bedroom. A water feature tinkled in the corner of her sanctuary.

  Holden studied the space over his shoulder as she dragged him toward the bathroom attached to her room. “Wow, you’re serious about the yoga stuff, aren’t you?”

  “Yes.” Sabra smiled. “And I was practicing advanced asana—hip openers, arm balances and inversions—for hours before you showed up.”

  “You do have really great posture. On the news it kind of made you look like you have a stick up your ass, and for some reason that turns me on. A lot.” He groaned. “Do you have a pair of glasses somewhere? Maybe you could put your hair in a bun like a naughty librarian or something? Slip into one of those conservative navy suits you used to wear? I’m gonna miss seeing them on the news.”

  A laugh burst from her. Once she started, she couldn’t stop. Tension even her training hadn’t erased bled from her as she melted in Holden’s arms.

  “Never mind. This side of you is sexy too.” He teased her hair where it tumbled from her ponytail. “Maybe I should help you loosen up more.”

  When he swooped in for another kiss, she dodged, knowing she’d never have the willpower to stop him again. “I need a shower if we’re going to take this any further. You can wait or you can—”

  He stripped off his shirt before they’d made it through the doorway.

  “Mmm.” She raked her gaze over his defined chest, bare and smooth. Although she’d imagined him with lots of ink, like his friends, she only spotted a single tattoo on his naturally tan skin. Hot Rods. Of course.

  Which reminded her… “Is this okay? I don’t know the rules. I mean, when it comes to your friends.”

  “The guys and the Hot Rod ladies know I’m here.” Holden knelt and stripped off her stretchy black pants, pausing to draw a fingertip over the blue polish on her big toe. “Don’t think about them. Concentrate on me.”

  The unspoken plea in his intense gaze took her breath. She cupped his cheeks and leaned down to kiss him. Too bad if he didn’t appreciate affection mixed with passion. She couldn’t seem to separate the two around him. Better be careful, she warned herself.

  Passion and desire erased any hint of discomfort she might have experienced being nude, or nearly, with a man she didn’t know very well. Denying the hunger in his kiss, his investigative touches and his searing gaze would have been impossible anyway.

  Sabra rested her hands on his shoulders, her nails digging in when their potent attraction threw her the slightest bit off balance, something that never happened. As if to prove it to herself, she stood, whipped her sports bra over her head and tugged at the elastic that had barely restrained her messy ponytail.

  She smirked as she walked backward, flicked on her shower, then gave it a moment to heat up. Holden stalked toward her as if he’d press her into the tub and attempt to make love to her while still partially dressed.

  “Your jeans?”

  “Oh, right.” He scowled as he unlaced his boots, kicked them into the corner near her hamper, then worked on his belt. When it hung open, he shoved denim, leather and the soft cotton briefs beneath from his hips all at once. It hadn’t taken long for him to get gloriously naked.

  Still, her uterus would have drummed its fingers, if it had any.

  Sabra pivoted and stepped into the combo shower and tub. Spray hit her chest then her face as she ducked into the refreshing stream of water. Dried sweat, proof of her earlier hard work, sluiced from her body along with some of her nervous energy.

  She shook her hair out of her face and slicked it back before pivoting to face Holden. The position, elbows bent at head height, put her breasts completely on display. Without wasting an instant, he joined her and began lapping dew from the mounds, which looked pretty fantastic if she did say so herself. She peeked down at his tongue laving her flesh.

  Too much more of that scenery and she’d abandon any semblance of restraint.

  Okay, so that had gone out the window around the time she’d launched herself over the kitchen counter at him. If he hadn’t stopped them, she probably would have ridden him right there on the hard floor.

  Thank God one of them had some sense.

  For a woman who prided herself on rationality, his ability to destroy her logic was simultaneously terrifying and freeing.

  Sabra decided to focus on the positive aspects of their explosive chemistry when he snagged the liquid soap, lathered up his hands and sank to his knees. As he worked, he nibbled each patch of skin he cleaned, lingering on especially sensitive places like the dip of her waist and her lower belly.

  While he entertained his mouth with the light sucking and wet kisses, his fingers began to wander closer to the apex of her thighs. Helping him however possible, she spread her feet, giving him more room to maneuver. Pulses of pleasure contracted her core, prodding her to beg for him to touch her. Fill her. Grant her relief.

  Cool tile at her back tempered his flashing heat on her front side as she leaned against the surround. And when he traced her slit, she didn’t hesitate, propping one foot on his shoulder with enough fluid grace to make it clear that the motion held no challenge for her.

  “Pretty,” he murmured as he inspected her closely before applying his mouth to her aching flesh.

  Sabra folded her wrists on top of her head, trying to prevent herself from grinding him closer, showing him just how badly she needed him to posses her in some fashion. Instead of sliding his thick fingers inside her, he braced her thigh with one broad and completely unnecessary hand. The other cupped her foundation leg just above the knee, as if she needed his assistance to hold her pose.

  “I’m not going to fall. Promise.” She whimpered when he swiped his tongue over her clit. “Please, I need something inside me.”

  “If I do this right, you’ll be dizzy.” He winked up at her.

  “Are you kidding?” Sabra wiggled her brows and relished his laugh, which buffeted her activated nerve endings. Amusing him thrilled her, maybe even more than his touch. “This is nothing. If you want to see a cool trick, give me a couple inches here. Don’t want to knock one of your teeth out or give you some crazy sex injury.”

  “I’d rather stay close and give you a couple other inches.” His smoky timbre inspired a shiver that raced up her spine. Still, she didn’t get that many chances to show off her skills. And his grin was infectious. He appreciated her playful side and she liked flaunting it for once.

  Without grabbing her foot, Sabra lifted her leg first
to waist level, then higher, her hip joint rotating without complaint. When her knee brushed her cheek, she looped an arm around it and prepared to hold the position for as long as it took.

  All those stretches were finally paying off.

  “Holy shit.” Holden stared, his face level with her very spread, very open, very wet pussy.

  “Are you going to look at it all day or do something with it?” Though she teased, a rush of pride surged through her at his blatant appreciation.

  “I could fuck you so damn deep like this.” He grimaced. “Just not while fooling around in the shower. I don’t want either of us to die like that. Happy, but embarrassing. The guys would put it on my tombstone for sure.”

  “So stop chit-chatting and get me off. Then I’ll show you a better position on the nice soft carpet in my bedroom.” She couldn’t say what possessed her, but she buried the fingers of her free hand in Holden’s hair.

  “Yes, ma’am. Though I’m doubting you can top this masterpiece. Unless you have a secret twin in your closet or something.” His chuckle muffled against her drenched flesh as he buried his mouth in her folds. Her toes curled high in the air.

  The man knew his way around a woman’s body, that was for sure. Allowing herself to benefit from his expertise, she settled into the moment and his intimate touches. He prodded her opening until the tip of his middle finger sank inside. Water ran across her neck and down her body, raining over him as well.

  Nothing deterred him from seeing to her rapture.

  He worked himself inside her slowly yet relentlessly until he’d penetrated as far as his digit would allow. She spasmed hard enough to crush his finger when he lapped at her exposed clit, though still she needed more.

  “Holden.” Her plaintive moan had him glancing up without stopping his efforts.

  “Let me take it slow. You’re so damn tiny. Tight.” A groan snuck between his clenched teeth. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “It already does.” She shook her head when he began to withdraw. “I mean… Wanting you this much. I’ve never needed someone like this.”

  It shouldn’t have surprised her. Weeks of lusting after the guy had her primed and ready. Beyond desperate. She’d worry about that later. For now, there was no room for embarrassment beside her raging lust.

  “I’ve got you,” he promised.

  Though trusting didn’t come easily to her, she believed him.

  When she relaxed, her leg drew even tighter to her face, spreading her to the max.

  “Damn.” Holden introduced a second finger to her greedy pussy and then another. All the while he continued to tease her clit with circular flicks from the tip of his tongue. When he tapped a particularly electric spot inside her, she wobbled, her leg dipping a fraction of an inch.

  True to his word, he supported her, refusing to let her sway despite her shift. He braced her, counterbalancing her as if they’d practiced pairs jivamukti for years instead of coming together for the first time moments earlier. Once she steadied, he drilled deeper, unrelenting in his pursuit of her rapture.

  Knowing he could read her so easily, so thoroughly, pushed her over the edge. No one had ever gotten her like that before. Not without having to be told.

  Sabra bent her supporting knee, grinding onto both his pumping hand and his massaging mouth. The combination of the dual pressures increased in tandem, driving her over the edge into climax.

  Colors burst behind her scrunched eyelids. In Holden’s iron grasp, she flew higher than she’d ever gone before. Still, she knew with him they could reach even greater peaks.

  When she could concentrate on anything but the rapture pounding through every inch of her body again, he’d stood up. Hugging her to him, he lowered her leg gently, keeping her from melting to the bottom of her tub and swirling down the drain.

  He grounded her, steadied her and held her close as she recovered.

  Together, they stood in the cooling raindrops until her pulse returned to halfway normal.

  “Better?” he whispered into the soaked hair at her temple.

  “Mmm.” A soft moan answered for her. Sabra couldn’t help herself. She licked the side of his neck, close to where her mouth rested naturally with her head on his shoulder. Granting herself permission, she allowed her hands to roam over the hard planes of his body and the valleys between his sculpted muscles.

  He held her as if she weighed nothing, displaying some strength of his own.

  Could he go all night without stopping to refuel?

  Sabra decided to find out. She had nothing to lose, since she’d already shown him how frantic she was for him. “Better, but not perfect—yet. More.”

  She stopped just short of pleading.

  Looking into her eyes, he seemed to weigh her request before nodding. “Thank God. Me too. I need to feel you around my cock. I want to be buried in that sexy little pussy. I’m going to fuck you until you can’t take any more. Neither of us can.”

  Sabra bit her lower lip and peered up at him through lashes dotted with water drops. She prayed he made good on that promise when she gave him a slight nod.

  Cursing under his breath, he lifted her from the tub onto the soft mat beside it then hurriedly soaped himself. She stared at the suds as they slid down his gorgeous form, wishing she’d taken the chance to pamper him as he’d done to her.

  Later. Much later, she hoped.

  Holden looked up and caught her staring. One corner of his mouth kicked into a grin that had her squirming. She cupped her own breast, pinching the nipple as if it were his mouth suckling her again. With a clatter, the soap dropped forgotten to the tub floor. Water cut off when he wrenched the valve closed and hopped the low tub wall.

  Windmilling his arms, he skidded, then righted himself before wrapping his hand around her wrist. He tugged her into the bedroom, then fused their mouths. Damp bodies slid against each other as they writhed together, lost in the storm of arousal that coalesced around them again.

  Would it be like this every time they touched? Intense to the point of frightening, the rush elated her.

  “Are you laughing?” he asked brokenly between kisses.

  “Kind of.” She gulped for air. “Can’t. Believe. It.”

  “Same here.” Holden smiled at her, tucking a wet strand of hair behind her ear before smacking her ass, dispelling the tenderness that threatened to sprout in their intimate silence. “Show me some of these tricks of yours.”

  He gripped the base of his cock and stroked, making her knees weak at exactly the wrong time. She glanced at the thick shaft poking between the ring of his fingers every time he glided to the base.

  “Oh no.” He shook his head. “I won’t last two seconds if you suck me. It’s getting iffy as it is. Come on, Sabra. Put your moves where your mouth was. Or…well…shit. You know what I mean.”

  At least she wasn’t the only one befuddled by their attraction.

  Teasing him did wonders for her self-esteem. As best as she could, she watched his eyes go wide when she planted one foot on the floor and dipped forward with the other leg extended straight behind her in an arabesque. Arms out, she balanced as her back leg rose into full-split position, completing an advanced version of the Dancing Shiva pose, natrajasana.

  From where Holden stood, rooted to the floor behind her, he had a clear view of the most private parts of her. And easy access too.

  “Don’t move.” Awe painted his command as he scrambled for the bathroom. From the rustle of denim, she assumed he raided his jeans, probably for a condom. She hoped for protection since she’d completely ditched responsibility along with rational thought.

  “Perfect,” he murmured as he circled her, running his fingers along her taut muscles as if he appreciated them rather than being intimidated by them, as some guys were. Meanwhile, he rolled latex down his steely erection, preparing to enter her a
nd satisfy them both.

  Sabra moaned.

  “Is that uncomfortable?” His head tipped to the side as he approached her from behind. “We can take this to the bed. I don’t need anything fancy. Being inside you will be enough. Plenty.”

  Quickly, she shook her head, erasing his concerns. How could she explain that the discipline it took to maintain her position only added fuel to the conflagration of need inside her? Without direction, he seemed to understand. Or maybe he simply couldn’t wait another second.

  Same as her.

  Holden aimed the blunt head of his cock at her saturated pussy. As soon as he notched inside it, he cursed. Unless that was her. Either way, he reached forward and grasped her hands, which were spread out on either side of her and slightly behind, like the wings she would need to soar.

  With his unshakeable hold, he drew her closer, impaling her on his cock.

  “Yes!” she screamed as he filled her inch by inch, taking full advantage of her flexibility to drill her to the max.

  “That’s right. Take all of me, Sabra,” he snarled as he lodged inside her, his balls tapping her clit as they swung forward with the momentum caused by the impact of their torsos slapping together.

  One of her legs tucked against his and the other drew a line from his pelvis up his chest, her knee resting somewhere near his shoulder. He turned his head and nipped her shin as he began to rock, receding a bit before plunging deep once more.

  Using their unwavering grip as leverage, they set a rhythm all their own. Perfectly in sync, they drew apart then came back together, each time with a bit more power. Holden tunneled within her, forcing the rings of muscle trying to constrict around him to stretch and accommodate his impressive girth, which she swore continued to plump up as he impaled her over and over.

  The motion had her breasts swaying beneath her, increasing the tug at her center that ramped her higher with each thrust. Before she was ready for the bliss of their joining to end, ecstasy built within her again, so intense that she knew she couldn’t resist for long.


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