A Guest at the Shooters' Banquet
Page 44
* Fayve Khayet was with one of the groups: Ibid., 129.
* In his testimony Edvardas (aka Shoostik) Genaitis: Genaitis interrogation, LYA, l. 228, translated by Anastasia Kurochkina.
* Shloyme Wolfson (who had a bad arm): Excerpt from Interview by Fayve Khayet, page 129, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* he felt only pride: Arad, interview, May 24, 2012.
* born on October 28, 1907: SS Party Record Card of Wulff, Horst Wulff Personal Papers, Bundesarchiv (hereafter BA), VBS 286, translated by Almut Schoenfeld.
* Wulff’s cover name is Ollritz: Horst Wulff File, BA, R 90/748, translated by Almut Schoenfeld.
* He cooks the books: From the files of the upper party court, BA, VBS 253, translated by Almut Schoenfeld.
* “He is a good comrade”: Horst Wulff File, BA, R 90/748, translated by Almut Schoenfeld.
* “All the following”: “Extract from Guidelines by Heydrich for Higher SS and Police Leaders in the Occupied Territories of the Soviet Union, July 2, 1944,” Yad Vashem Shoah Resource Center, http://www.yadvashem.org/odot_pdf/Microsoft%20Word%20-%204036.pdf.
* “The principal targets of execution”: Einsatzgruppen Report no. 111, October 12, 1941, in Yitzhak Arad and Shmuel Krakowski, The Einsatzgruppen Reports: Selections from the Dispatches of the Nazi Death Squads’ Campaign Against the Jews in Occupied Territories of the Soviet Union, July 1941–January 1943, ed. Shmuel Spector (New York: Holocaust Library, 1989), 185.
* tells his deputy Garla: Interrogation of K. Garla, LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, 10712/3, l. 144–49, translated by Anastasia Kurochkina.
* worked in a drugstore: Joachim Hamann Personal File, BA, VBS 286-64000 14780, translated by Almut Schoenfeld.
* Hamann studies with fellow SS security police recruits: Ibid.
* the training is less about physical endurance: Rhodes, Masters of Death, 3–18.
* the German Metz: Excerpt from Interview by Binyomin Taraseysky and Yankl Levin, page 19, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* Ruvin Chekinsky is tasked: Testimony of Michael and Hirsh Rayak, YVA, O-133/4076.
* something has happened to him: Ibid.
* “very decent German”: Excerpt from Interview by Binyomin Taraseysky and Yankl Levin, page 17, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* “In mid July 1941”: Christoph Dieckmann, Deutsche Besatzungspolitik in Litauen, 1941–1944 (Wallstein, 2011), from selection translated by Martin Schefski.
* “Q. Did you never receive”: Nuremberg Trial Proceedings, vol. 20, Two Hundreth Day, August 10, 1946, Avalon Project, Yale Law School Lillian Goldman Law Library, 2008, http://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/08-10-46.asp.
* Nakhum Taraseysky’s pharmacy: Excerpt from Interview by Binyomin Taraseysky and Yankl Levin, page 4, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* Iozas Breeris, warden of the prison: Interrogation Protocol of I. Breeris, LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, b. 23875/3.
* Ionas Kurpis: Indictment of Kurpis Ionas Iozasovich, LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, b.19712/3, l. 4, translated by Anastasia Kurochkina.
* with a pistol and a military uniform: Confrontation between Kurpis Ionas Iozasovich and Veryk, Edvard Antonovich, LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, b. 19712/3, l. 219, translated by Anastasia Kurochkina.
* He likes moonshine: Interrogation of Yusefa Felisovna Kulesh, LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, b. 19712/3, l. 170, translated by Anastasia Kurochkina.
* when he shows Vitold Savkovsky: Interrogation of Vitold Anufrievich Savkovsky, LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, b. 19712/3, l. 189, translated by Anastasia Kurochkina.
* Another digger/witness: Interrogation of Ankyanets Olgerd Vladislavovich, LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, b. 19712/3, l. 170, translated by Anastasia Kurochkina.
* Pavel Petkeevic remembered: Interrogation of Pavel Dimentievich Petkeevic, Gosudarstvennyj Archiv Russkoj Federaciji (hereafter GARF), f. 7021, op. 94, d. 435, 13d, p. 268, translated by Anastasia Kurochkina.
* Christoph Dieckmann notes: Christoph Dieckmann, “The Holocaust in Lithuania,” Yad Vashem, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH2ocwBuFEA.
* a set of thin files: LYA, f. V-5, ap. 1, b. 40343, l. 1–16.
* David Boder’s interviews: Voices of the Holocaust, Paul V. Gavin Library, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2009, http://voices.iit.edu.
* Aron Mendel: Alan Rosen, “Early Postwar Voices: David Boder’s Life and Work,” Voices, IIT, http://voices.iit.edu/david_boder.
* A journalist interested: Alan Rosen, The Wonder of Their Voices: The 1946 Holocaust Interviews of David Boder (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010).
* A refugee without a last name: David P. Boder Interviews Joseph [last name unknown], September 25, 1946, Wiesbaden, Germany, trans. Khane-Faygl Turtletaub, Voices, IIT, http://voices.iit.edu/interview?doc=joseph&display=joseph_en.
* Bronė Skudaikienė, Lithuanian: David P. Boder Interviews Bronė Skudaikienė, September 21, 1946, München, Germany, trans. S. Peters and P. Gaensicke, Voices, IIT, http://voices.iit.edu/interview?doc=skudaikieneB&display=skudaikieneB_en.
* Vladus Lukosevicius: David P. Boder Interviews Vladus Lukosevicius, September 21, 1946, München, Germany, trans. Roy Cochrun, Voices, IIT, http://voices.iit.edu/interview?doc=lukoseviciusV&display=lukoseviciusV_en.
* Leib Koniuchowsky’s Švenčionys testimonies: Excerpt from interview by Fruma Hochmann, p. 113, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* a book in Polish: Zdzisław Chlewiński, Groza i Prześladowanie Polaków i Żydów na Wileńszczyźnie (Płock, Poland: Samizdat Zofii Łoś, 2009).
* Vaclav Vilkoit stands in the middle: Vaclav Vilkoit, interview by author, August 4, 2013.
* “We were so certain”: Holzman, interview, May 24, 2012.
* The man’s name is Urbonas: Interrogation of V. Urbonas, LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, b. 24329/3.
* “He’s standing there”: Holzman, interview, May 24, 2012.
* interrogated by the KGB: Urbonas interrogation, LYA, translated by Anastasia Kurochkina.
* “When there was no driver”: Ibid., l. 128.
* “Once I saw a Jewish woman”: Ibid., l. 140.
* “It was a terrible time”: Elena Stankevičienė, interview by author, August 8, 2013.
* “was putting everything out”: Vanda Pukėnienė, interview by author, August 6, 2013.
* “We have friends”: Zenon and Jadyga Tumalovič, interview by author, August 4, 2013.
* “I think it was September”: Testimony of Maria Korecka, History Meeting House, Instytucja kultury miasta stolecznego Warszawy, translated by Maciej Bulanda.
* In a KGB interrogation Petras Gudonis: Interrogation Protocol of P. Gudonis, LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, b. P-19224.
* “Topsy-turvy”: Holzman, interview, May 24, 2012.
* when Chaya Palevsky: Palevsky, interview.
* In the hired cart: Holzman, interview, May 24, 2012.
* all Jewish doctors and pharmacists: Excerpt from interview by Avrom Taytz, p. 83, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* how the night before the Poligon roundup: Arad, The Partisan, 39.
* “in my mind’s eye I saw my sister”: Ibid., 50.
* “It was like a big bloody mountain”: Palevsky, interview.
* Arunas had actually quoted: Arunas Bubnys, “The Fate of the Jews of Švenčionys, Oshmyany, and Svir Regions, 1941–1943,” in Guzenberg et al., Ašmenos, Svierių, Švenčionių, 91.
* “Under the orders of the German government”: Lithuanian security police Švenčionys region chief of 24 02 1942 to Švenčionys district police chief, LCVA, f. R-911, ap. 1, b. 4, l. 52, translated by Geoff Vasil.
* “Early on, the Nazi hard liners”: Tauber, intervi
* Shlomo Ichiltzik described: Shlomo Ichiltzik, interview by Vladimir Solomon, Givataim, Israel, January 21, 1997, Visual History Archive, 2011, USC Shoah Foundation, accessed May 15, 2014. Translated by Mor Sheinbein.
* without the aid of non-Jews: Yitzhak Arad, interview by author, June 17, 2013.
* Gould be burned to death in a crematorium: “Gerulaitis Threatened After Blasting Judge,” Pittsburgh Press, May 10, 1980.
* “A genuine nationalist”: Arunas Bubnys, interview by author, June 5, 2012.
* Aleksas Malinauskas: Chief of the Švenčionys Police Station Aleksas Malinauskas to Chief of German Security Police in Lithuania, LCVA f. R-1399, ap. 1, b. 9, l. 180–88, translated by Viktorija Bourassa.
* Moshe Gordon, a butcher: Excerpt from Interview by Binyomin Taraseysky and Yankl Levin, page 42, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* in 1941 to plead for Mirele Rein’s life: Excerpt from Interview by Fayve Khayet, page 140, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* “A good man”: Palevsky, interview.
* he fled with his family: Excerpt from Interview by Binyomin Taraseysky and Yankl Levin, page 29, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* “From this point on, Puronas”: LCVA, f. R-1399, ap.1, b. 9, l. 180v, translated by Nick Woods.
* lose his life in the Klooga concentration camp: Excerpt from Interview by Binyomin Taraseysky and Yankl Levin, page 69, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* Motel Gotkin and Ilel/Gilel Šulheferis/Šulgeifer: Guzenberg et al., Ašmenos, Svierių, Švenčionių, 579, 607.
* “Certainly it would have been enough”: Bubnys, interview, June 13, 2012.
* ten days’ imprisonment only: Lukiškės arrest record, October 11, 1943, LCVA, f. R-730, ap. 2, b. 168, l. 77–82.
* Four people with the last name Las: Ašmenos, Svierių, Švenčionių, 501.
* Arunas mentions a particular area of Poland: Bubnys, interview, June 13, 2012.
* Free for twenty-two years: Interrogation of V. Sausitis, LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, b. 47746/3, translated by Viktorija Bourassa.
* “If someone tried to run”: Ibid.
* The man who ran the lunchtime: Ibid., l. 115–16.
* at least two other shooters: Ibid., l. 35–37, 100.
* When Lili’s grandfather: Lili Holzman, interview by author, June 20, 2013.
* “The ghetto is near the center”: Palevsky, interview.
* “the will to live”: Holzman, interview, June 20, 2013.
* “Death escaped me”: Palevsky, interview.
* Before the war, Arad: Yitzhak Arad, interview by author, May 24, 2012.
* In the months following Poligon: Palevsky, interview.
* Dvora Goldhirsh’s best friend: Dvora Goldhirsh, interview by Nitza Leelo, Tel Aviv, Israel, June 13, 1996, Visual History Archive, 2011, USC Shoah Foundation, accessed March 26, 2014. Translated by Mor Sheinbein.
* Karina Margolis, with the peroxide-blond hair: Kavina, interview.
* Metz (helpful according to some): Excerpt from Interview by Binyomin Taraseysky and Yankl Levin, page 29, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* all the women of the Švenčionys ghetto: Kavina, interview.
* Perhaps it was Yakov Wexler: Excerpt from Interview by Binyomin Taraseysky and Yankl Levin, page 29, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* when Arad and his sister returned: Arad, interview, May 24, 2012.
* Look, we were young: Ibid.
* aided by Khayem-Hersh Levin: Excerpt from interview by Shimen Bushkanetz and Khaye Ginzberg, page 94, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* According to Chaya: Palevsky, interview.
* There is a sanitation crew: Excerpt from Interview by Binyomin Taraseysky and Yankl Levin, page 58, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* A painting brigade: Ibid., 39.
* A street brigade: Ibid., 40.
* teenager Tuvia Brumberg saws wood: Tuvia Brumberg testimony, September 26, 1996, Visual History Archive, 2011, USC Shoah Foundation. Translated by Mor Sheinbein.
* Adolph Jurkovenas is the cook: Breeris interrogation, LYA, l. 134, translated by Lina Khentov.
* movie The Way Back: The Way Back, directed by Peter Weir, 2010.
* my grandfather interrogated Kazimeras Czeplinski: Witness Interrogation Report, February 6, 1942, LCVA, f. R911, ap. 1, b. 4, l. 6, translated by Geoff Vasil.
* ordered his other son, Juozas, to be held: Ibid., l. 8.
* According to my grandfather’s interrogation: Ibid., l. 6.
* “twenty to thirty small wooden houses”: Arad, interview, May 24, 2012.
* “I would give up God and my own Humanity”: Willy Peter Reese, A Stranger to Myself: The Inhumanity of War; Russia, 1941–1944 (New York: Macmillan, 2005).
* a hastily assembled work detail: Arad, The Partisan, 54–55.
* The same Gudonis who helped lead: Interrogation Protocol of P. Gudonis, LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, b. P-19224, l. 3578.
* Several other storehouses: Arad, The Partisan, 55–56.
* “Now I will tell you”: In an interview in 1996, Tuvia Brumberg, September 26, 1996, Visual History Archive, 2011, USC Shoah Foundation.
* “I tried not to let either”: Arad, The Partisan, 55.
* Arad, the smallest among them: Ibid., 57–58.
* As Chaya remembers it: Palevsky, interview.
* “Markov was a small team”: Arad, interview, June 17, 2013.
* According to Yitzhak Arad: Arad, The Partisan, 67.
* According to Shimen Bushkanetz and Khaye Ginzberg: Excerpt from Interview by Shimen Bushkanetz and Khaye Ginzberg, page 91, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* In Arad’s account: Arad, The Partisan, 67.
* “The doctors were urged”: Excerpt from Interview by Shimen Bushkanetz and Khaye Ginzberg, pages 91–92, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* Arad wanted to gather his group: Arad, The Partisan, 68–70.
* “So the two young men went”: Palevsky, interview.
* “We will not reveal”: Arad, The Partisan, 71.
* Sorele Levin, a young woman: Excerpt from Interview by Shimen Bushkanetz and Khaye Ginzberg, page 92–93, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* horse mobilization: Kruk, Last Days, 293.
* My grandfather is with Maciulevičius: IPN, OK.Gd, S 96/01/Zn, Vol. V, Witness Testimony of Bohdan Polak, 932.
* brief exchange in front of the Jewish cemetery: Jadwiga Rakoska, interview by author, June 7, 2012.
* A list from the Lithuanian archives: LCVA, f. R911, ap. 1, b. 4, l. 69.
* “They were carrying cannons” Anton Juzef Lavrinovič, interview by author, August 12, 2013.
* “The note I already sent”: War diary of Rüstungskommando Klöpfel, BA, R 91/16, translated by Almut Schoenfeld.
* Josef Beck was born: Information on Josef Beck’s background taken from personal letters held by Konrad Beck, gratefully used here with his permission.
* “The whole family was very shocked”: Konrad Beck to translator Almut Schoenfeld, e-mail message, April 11, 2013.
* as Vincas Sausitis suggested: Sausitis interrogation, LYA, translated by Viktorija Bourassa.
* “They knew about it”: Illenana Irafeva, interview by author, August 13, 2013.
* Zdzisław Chlewiński’s book: Zdzisław Chlewiński, Groza i Prześladowanie Polaków i Żydów na Wileńszczyźnie (Płock, Poland: Samizdat Zofii Łoś, 2009). Selection translated by Maciej Bulanda.
* Among those marched: IPN, Ok.Gd, Sn96/01/Zn, vol. 4, Judicial Decision of the Court in the Name o
f the Republic of Poland, vol. V, page 847.
* my grandfather will be arrested: Lukiškės arrest record, October 11, 1943, LCVA, f. R-730, ap. 2, b. 168, l. 77–82.
* “What seemed like a tragedy”: Holzman, interview, June 20, 2013.
* “We felt we needed to hide”: Ibid.
* Chaya Palevsky was working: Palevsky, interview.
* Yitzhak Arad, sustained in part: Arad, The Partisan, 83–89.
* Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge: The Penny Magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, https://archive.org/details/ThePennyMagazineOfTheSocietyForTheDiffusionOfUsefulKnowledge.
* testimony in the Koniuchowsky record: Excerpt from Interview by Binyomin Taraseysky and Yankl Levin, pages 60–61, Folder VIA, Papers of Leib Koniuchowsky, RG-1390, YIVO.
* The Sventsian Judenrat contacted: Ibid., 59.
* “a 200-liter boiler”: Ibid., 61.
* the placement of the ghetto was deliberate: Romuald-Jakub Weksler-Waszkinel, interview by author, August 10, 2013.
* Zofia Walulewicz, with her deaf daughter: “Irena Walulewicz,” Jewish Foundation for the Righteous website, last updated 2014, https://jfr.org/rescuer-stories/walulewicz-irena.
* Michał and Zofia Walulewicz’s son Zdzisław: IPN, OK.Gd, S 96/01/Zn, vol. 2, account of Bohdan Polak, page 206, translated by Maciej Bulanda.
* “the ones giving the orders”: Interrogation Protocol of V. Sausaitis, LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, b. 47746/3.
* “They announced that Sventsian ghetto”: Palevsky, interview.
* thirty-three cars for Kovno: Arad, The Partisan, 104.
* “The Chief of the Partisans arranged it”: Palevsky, interview.
* “On the steps all of a sudden”: Ibid.
* the passage in the shooter Sausitis’s statement: Interrogation Protocol of V. Sausaitis, LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, b. 47746/3.
* mention that it is much harder: MacQueen, interview, February 12, 2014.
* “No one has been called to account”: Dalia Kuodytė and Rokas Tracevskis, eds., Siberia: Mass Deportations from Lithuania to the USSR (Vilnius: Genocide and Resistance Research Center of Lithuania, 2004), 51.
* signed off on by Ostuf: LCVA f. R-1399, ap. 1, b. 9, l. 180–88.