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Code of Love

Page 20

by Sharon Cummin

  “I agree,” Cody said.

  “I will say one thing though,” Julie's dad said, as he narrowed his eyes at Cody. “If you ever do anything stupid or hurt her again, I will crush you with my bare hands.”

  “That will never happen,” Cody said sternly, as he stepped forward, wrapped his arm around Julie, and pulled her in against his chest. “And if you ever speak to her again the way you did when I was in your house, I don't care where we are or who's around, I will put you through the damn wall. She's my woman, and I will protect her, even if it's from her own family.”

  “Cody,” Julie gasped.

  “Don't Cody me,” he replied, as he took her chin in his hand and lifted it so he could see her eyes. “You can dominate the shit out of me all you want in the business world, but when it comes to keeping you safe, happy, and feeling loved, I'll always be the one on top of that.”

  Then he leaned in close to her ear.

  “Unless you're on top of me, riding my cock,” he whispered.

  “Cody,” she whispered, as her cheeks turned the sexiest shade of pink.

  “I love you, baby,” he said, as he wrapped her in his arms and held her tight.

  “I love you too,” she said, as her body melted against his.

  “Enough of this lovey shit,” Julie's dad barked out, pulling Cody and Julie out of their moment. “Get your stuff ready girls. We're going home for Thanksgiving. Josh and Gracie are cooking.”

  “Will you come with me?” Julie asked, as she looked up at Cody.

  “Under one condition,” he said, as he leaned down close to her ear and whispered again. “We come home tomorrow, and when we do, we go to my place.”

  “Cody,” she whispered.

  “You better get used to it,” he said, as he placed tiny kisses along her neck. “I've been without you enough, baby. It's not happening anymore.”

  “Can I drive?” she asked, as she let out a tiny whimper when his teeth scraped across her lower ear.

  “Of course, but I have to run home to grab some clothes and switch cars,” he said, using every ounce of strength he had to pull back just a tiny bit “Now hurry up and get your stuff ready, before I throw you over my shoulder, carry you to your room, and show you just how much I've missed you. I've got no idea how I'm going to make it until tomorrow.”

  Cody leaned in closer again and covered her mouth with his. Then he quickly pulled away, turned around, and left.

  He wasn't even out of the parking lot yet when he picked up his phone and sent her a text.

  Cody: Meet me outside when I come back. No fucking way can I come to that door again and not bury myself deep inside of you. I love you so damn much, Julie. I will never let you down again.

  With a smile on his face that he hadn't felt there in weeks, he took off toward home, a home he couldn't wait to bring her back to.

  Chapter 27


  As soon as Julie turned back to her family after closing the door, she couldn't help but notice the nervous look on her sister's face.

  “I'm not sure I'm going,” Jessie said, as soon as their eyes connected. “I don't want to mess with the baby's schedule. She's still so young. I'm not sure I should even bring her around a lot of people yet. You go ahead. I'll just see everyone at Christmas.”

  “Not a chance,” their dad said, as he looked between Julie and Jessie. “My girls are going to be home for Thanksgiving.”

  “We're going to go pack our bags,” Julie said, as she looked at her mother. “Can you watch the baby for a little bit?”

  “Of course,” their mom answered. “Take your time.”

  Their parents walked toward the living room couch, while Julie and Jessie walked toward Jessie's room. The moment the door was closed, Julie turned toward her sister.

  “You can do this,” she said. “The worst part is over. Mom and dad know. It can't be any worse than them finding out. The rest of the parents won't be so bad, and neither will the crew. They'll all be right there for you, and so will I. Jackie needs to know her family, Jessie.”

  “It's not as simple as you think,” Jessie said.

  “Of course it is,” Julie replied, as she wrapped her arms around her sister and hugged her. “You saw how easily mom and dad got over it. They will too, especially after they hug that precious little baby out there.”

  When Jessie pulled away, Julie saw tears in her eyes.

  “It'll be okay,” Julie said. “I promise.”

  “If it's not, I'll just bring up Jason coming to see you,” Jessie said, as a smile spread across her face. “That should take some of the attention away from me.”

  “You wouldn't,” Julie said, as she looked at her sister, ready to beg her not to do it.

  “No, I wouldn't,” Jessie said, “but you should have seen the look on your face when I said it. That was priceless.”

  “Get your ass ready,” Julie snapped, as she rolled her eyes.

  Julie turned around and reached for the knob on the door, and it hit her.

  “You,” she said.

  “Me what?” Jessie asked.

  “Nobody else knew Jason was here,” Julie said, as she pointed her finger toward her sister. “You told Cody.”

  “Maybe he followed you around and saw the two of you together,” Jessie said.

  “Really?” Julie asked. “He saw us together but didn't confront us. I don't think so. Hand me your phone.”

  “What?” Jessie asked, acting as if she had no idea what Julie was talking about.

  “Hand me your phone,” Julie repeated, as she walked toward Jessie's dresser.

  Jessie quickly stepped in her way, blocking her from being able to reach the phone.

  “It was you,” Julie said, as she laughed.

  “I'm sorry,” Jessie said. “The guy was a total mess. He called me, and I couldn't just blow him off.”

  “So you talked to him,” Julie said. “How many times did he call?”

  “A lot,” Jessie answered, “and he sent messages as well.”

  “When did it start?” Julie asked.

  “The night you came home from the event,” Jessie answered.

  “The whole time,” Julie whispered. “You talked to him the whole damn time.”

  “I did,” Jessie replied. “There was no way I was going to let you walk away from him. You loved him, and I knew he loved you too. I'm just glad Jason didn't mess it up.”

  “That wasn't possible,” Julie said. “I felt things with Cody that I'd never even come close to feeling before, not with Jason or anyone else either.”

  When a sad look crossed Jessie's face, Julie narrowed her eyes at her.

  “Why do I feel like your hiding something?” she asked her sister. “You've been in love, haven't you?”

  “I have,” Jessie answered, “and I've lost it too. That was why I knew you couldn't lose Cody. Go get ready. I wouldn't want our parents to see your man carrying you over his shoulder to your room.”

  Julie knew her face was turning the darkest shade of pink, so she quickly turned toward the door and opened it.

  “You two weren't nearly as quiet as you thought you were,” Jessie said, as she burst into laughter. “Good luck trying to leave mom and dad's tomorrow.”

  “You're so wrong. You know that, right?” Julie asked, as she stepped out into the hallway. “Your ass better be at Josh and Lisa's when I get there.”

  And just like that, her sister's laughter stopped and tension filled the air.

  “I'll be right there with you,” Julie quickly added. “We'll walk in together.”

  Before her sister had the chance to try to get out of it, Julie hurried to her room. She quickly threw a bag together and headed for the living room.

  The second her eyes landed on her mother and the baby, guilt filled her.

  “I'm really sorry,” she said. “You know I don't lie to you, right?”

  “I know,” her mom answered, as Julie walked over and sat down next to her. “You did it
for your sister. I'm so glad you were here for her.”

  “Me too,” Julie replied.

  “You really love him, don't you?” her mom asked.

  “I do,” Julie answered. “He really is a great guy, mom.”

  “I know,” her mom said, as she looked over at her husband.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Gavin,” she said.

  “One step at a time,” he said. “I don't want to pummel his ass. That's a step, right?”

  “It is,” Julie said, as she hugged her mom and then walked over and wrapped her arms around her dad's shoulders. “I love you, daddy.”

  “Love you too,” he said, as he hugged her back harder than he had in a long time. “How's the project going?”

  “Really good,” she said, as she started rattling off all different things about it.

  “I'm proud of you,” he said. “I really am.”

  Julie heard the ding of her phone, and she hurried to check it.

  Cody: I'm here. If you want to drive, you better get your sweet ass out here.

  “I've got to go,” Julie shouted out in excitement.

  “Your man here?” her dad asked, and she nodded. “This is the only time his ass won't come to the door. You hear me?”

  Without thinking, Julie gave him a strange look.

  “Don't think I didn't hear what he said earlier,” he said. “I'll see you at Josh and Lisa's. Be careful.”

  “Okay,” Julie said, as she threw her bag over her shoulder and took off out the door, feeling totally embarrassed that her parents had heard her conversation with Cody.

  When she got to the car, Cody was standing there with a huge smile on his face.

  “I love you,” he said, as he pulled her in and hugged her.

  “Love you too,” she said, as she grabbed the keys from his hands. “Now get your fine ass in the car.”

  Cody burst into laughter as he opened her door for her.

  “I think I'm in trouble,” he said, as he waited for her to get in.

  “You sure are,” she said, as she pulled her door shut, turned on the car, and revved the engine.

  “Watch it, Woman,” Cody hissed, as he got in and closed his door. “You got to treat her good.”

  “You sure do,” Julie said, as she let out a laugh. “You're not doing bad so far.”

  Cody shook his head and laughed, and Julie couldn't help but want to hear that same laugh a million more times. She'd missed him so much, and she knew in that moment that he was right, they weren't going to be without each other, not ever again.

  Chapter 28


  When Julie pulled into Josh and Lisa's driveway, she shut off the car, but she didn't move to get out.

  “You okay?” Cody asked.

  “I want to wait for Jessie,” Julie answered. “She's so damn worried about seeing them again. I don't get it. She has to know that they'll support her. If our parents did, they surely will.”

  “You're a good sister,” Cody said.

  “So is she,” Julie replied, as she narrowed her eyes.

  “What's that look for?” he asked.

  “I know you two were talking the whole time,” she answered.

  “She told you,” he said, as he shook his head.

  “She sure did,” Julie replied. “We have no secrets.”

  The look on Cody's face changed to one of concern. It was only there for a second, but she hadn't missed it. Before she had the chance to say anything, her parents, sister, and niece pulled in beside her, and she could see a look of worry on her sister's face.

  “Are you keeping something from me?” she asked Cody, as she watched her dad get out and hurry to open her sister's door.

  “I'm not,” Cody answered, as he swung his door open, got out, closed it, and came around to open hers.

  Julie went right to her sister, who already had the baby out and in her arms. She held little Jackie so close to her chest, almost as if the little one was the only thing keeping her together.

  “You ready?” Julie asked, as she put her arm around Jessie's shoulder. “You can do this. It's going to be fine. We're right here with you. They're going to love her. I promise.”

  “Gavin and Nate first,” Jessie whispered. “I have to tell them first. Gavin is going to be pissed.”

  “You're right,” Julie said, as she looked toward her mother and nodded.

  Their mom walked into the house, and when the door opened again, Julie saw Gavin and Nate standing there. Next to Nate was Melissa, Kyle's daughter. She'd heard that they'd become best friends over the years. What she was looking at wasn't two best friends, but she wasn't about to question it. They were part of the crew. That wasn't something to be brought up around the parents.

  Julie watched as her sister's eyes connected with their younger brother's. He stood still in the doorway, but it didn't take long for his feet to get moving again. Then he was there, right in front of them. Julie kept her arm around her sister, as she rubbed her shoulder over and over.

  “It's okay,” she whispered. “He's one of us.”

  “You're an uncle,” Jessie whispered, as tears began to fill her eyes. “Meet your niece.”

  “My niece,” Gavin said, as Julie watched his jaw clench.

  “Cool,” Nate said, as he turned to Melissa. “Come on.”

  “Look at the baby,” she said. “She's so cute.”

  “I guess,” Nate said. “Hurry up. I want to finish my game.”

  Melissa shook her head, as she followed Nate back into the house. Before the door could even close, all of the ladies hurried out. The second they saw the baby, they were all cooing and talking baby talk.

  “Can I hold her?” Lisa asked.

  “Of course,” Jessie answered, as tears filled her eyes even more.

  “What's her name?” Lisa asked, as she took the baby.

  Jessie hesitated for a second, and Julie squeezed her shoulder, letting her know she was right there.

  “Jackie,” Jessie answered, and Lisa looked at her with tears filling her eyes.

  “That's so sweet,” Lisa said, as she held the baby tight. “You're beautiful, little one.”

  Gavin stepped closer and wrapped his arms around Jessie, pulling her in close to him.

  “You okay?” she asked him.

  “Not sure yet,” he answered, in a rough tone. “The dad around?”

  “He's gone,” Jessie answered.

  “Then no,” he said. “It seems I have an ass to kick.”

  “No, you don't,” Jessie said, as she wrapped her arms around Gavin and hugged him back. “It's not like that. I'm good. We're both good.”

  After being outside for a long while, Gavin finally let Jessie go.

  “Can I hold my niece?” he asked, and the ladies, who had been passing the baby around, laughed.

  As soon as he had the baby in his arms, he held her so close to his chest.

  “Hey there, Jackie,” he said. “You're pretty adorable, and you have an awesome name. Your Uncle Jack would love it.”

  Julie watched Jessie's eyes fill with fresh tears, so she pulled her close.

  “Let's face the rest of them,” Julie said, as she looked back at Cody, realizing that her brother hadn't even noticed he was there.

  They followed Gavin into the house and walked through to the dining room just as Gracie was walking out of the kitchen. The second her eyes landed on the baby in Gavin's arms, she dropped the plate she was holding, and it crashed to the ground. A look of sadness crossed her face, followed by a look of anger.

  “What the,” she hissed.

  “My niece,” Gavin blurted out, quickly cutting off the naughty word that was coming.

  “Your niece,” Gracie said.

  “Yes,” Gavin said, as he narrowed his eyes at her. “What else would you think?”

  “Nothing,” Gracie said, with a smile, as she looked down at the broken plate in front of her. “Let me clean this up.”

get it,” Gavin growled out, before she even had the chance to bend down. “Hold my niece. Her name is Jackie.”

  Gracie looked at Jessie.

  “That's so sweet,” she said. “Thank you!”

  Then she looked back at Gavin.

  “Hurry up,” she snapped. “Hand her over.”

  Gracie pulled the baby in close, as Gavin bent down to clean up the plate she had dropped.

  “You're so beautiful,” Gracie said, before looking up at Jessie. “I knew something was up with you. You could have told us. We would have been there. Don't pull that shit again. Do you know how many cuddles we've all missed.”

  “It won't be happening again,” Jessie said, as she smiled at Gracie. “Not ever.”

  Gracie carried the baby into the other room, and just like that, everything was fine.

  As soon as Gavin had cleaned up the last of the plate, he walked over to Julie and Cody.

  “I'm sorry,” he said, as he held his hand out to Cody. “With everything going on, I hadn't even noticed you were here. It's nice to see you again. Seeing as Dad walked in and isn't growling and complaining, I'd say things have changed.”

  “Working on it,” Cody said, as he took my brother's hand and shook it. “Now, I just have to get through Ethan and Kyle.”

  “And Jason,” Gavin said, with a laugh.

  Cody didn't respond, but Julie watched his whole body clench tight at her brother's words.

  “There's nothing to get through there,” Julie said, as she squeezed Cody's hand and walked toward the living room with him.

  Julie felt both Ethan and Kyle staring at her and Cody, but Cody didn't give either of them a chance to speak.

  “I'm not the one you should be watching,” Cody said.

  “Excuse me,” Ethan said, as he stood up from where he'd been sitting.

  “You heard me,” Cody said. “I'm not sure I'm your biggest competition anymore.”

  “You got that right,” Julie's dad said, with a smirk.

  “What the hell are you two talking about?” Ethan asked, with an irritated tone in his voice.


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