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Code of Love

Page 23

by Sharon Cummin

  Cody had gotten together for lunch a few times with Julie's father and her uncle, and things seemed to be okay. They were still competitors, but they were no longer enemies.

  Cody had even jumped in with Julie to work on things for her brother and his fiancé's charity. They were starting something for vets that came back from war with no family to help them through it. On top of helping Julie with development, Cody had even become one of her brother's main contributors. After hearing the story of Gavin losing his best friend and the things he'd gone through since getting home, Cody knew he wanted to help other men and women that weren't lucky enough to have a Gracie, someone to see through to the pain within them.

  Cody had wanted Julie to wake up at his place Christmas morning, but when she told him she wanted to be there for her niece's first Christmas, he understood. Shit! He wanted to be there too.

  As he got out of his car, he took in a long, deep breath before releasing it.

  “Don't fuck this up,” he mumbled to himself, as he headed for the front door with a tray of coffees in one arm and pastries in the other.

  As soon as the door opened in front of him and he saw the sleepy smile on Julie's face, Cody knew he wouldn't go another Christmas morning without her. She was the one that had gotten him into the holiday spirit in the first place. He wanted her with him.

  “Coffee,” she said, as she grabbed the tray from him. “You're perfect. Do you know that?”

  “If coffee is all it takes to be perfect, then what do these pastries make me?” he asked, with a laugh.

  “They make me lucky,” Julie said.

  “I hope you don't mind that I came over. I kind of wanted to see Jackie get her presents,” Cody said.

  “I'm glad you're here,” Julie said. “After you left last night, I wanted to call you back to come and get me, but I stood strong.”

  “Merry Christmas,” Cody said, as he set down the bag of pastries, wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her in close to him. “This is the best Christmas I've had in years.”

  “Don't speak so soon,” Julie said. “We haven't gone to see my parents yet.”

  “Is your best friend going to be there?” Cody asked.

  “He is,” Julie began, “but he promised to be on his best behavior. I told him if he wasn't that I'd never speak to him again. This is his last chance.”

  “Cody,” Jessie interrupted from behind them. “I'm glad you're here. She was sulking like a spoiled toddler that didn't get her way last night.”

  “Was not,” Julie said, as she walked over to where Jessie was standing with Jackie and kissed her niece on the forehead. “Merry Christmas, little one. Are you ready for your presents?”

  “I'm so excited,” Cody said, as he walked over to them with a smile on his face.

  “You two do realize she's only three months old, right?” Jessie asked.

  “Yes,” Julie answered. “So what?”

  “There is a tree full of presents that she's not going to be able to open,” Jessie replied. “You pretty much bought all of that for me.”

  “We did not,” Cody said, as he shook his head. “I thought your family loved Christmas.”

  “They usually do,” Julie said. “It looks like we got a Grinch this year. What's your deal, Jess?”

  “I don't know,” Jessie answered. “I'm just not feeling it. I guess Jackie is lucky to have you two here.”

  “Yes she is,” Julie said, as she leaned forward to play with the baby. “You're a very lucky little girl.”

  “You're pretty lucky too,” Jessie said.

  “What?” Julie asked.

  “Nothing,” Jessie answered, as Cody narrowed his eyes at her.

  Cody hurried over to grab the pastries and coffees and then walked back over to the girls. Before he'd even set them down on the table and sat down next to Julie on the couch, she was already handing Jessie one of the twenty presents the two of them had bought for the baby.

  By the time Jessie was done opening everything, there was paper everywhere.

  “You two shouldn't have done all this,” Jessie said. “I don't even know what to say.”

  “Just be happy,” Julie said. “Just know we love you both so much.”

  “I do,” Jessie said. “We love you guys too. What did you two lovebirds get each other?”

  Cody looked at Jessie with what he knew was the most nervous look on his face.

  “We agreed not to get each other anything,” Julie said. “We've both been so busy.”

  “Not that busy,” Jessie said, as she pointed to the toys and clothes around her.

  “I did get you one thing,” Cody said, as he moved his eyes from Jessie to Julie.

  “But I didn't get you anything,” Julie said, as she narrowed her eyes at him. “We promised.”

  “You promised,” he said. “I just said uh huh. There's only one present you can give me.”

  “What's that?” Julie asked, with confusion filling her tone.

  “Make time to go to the doctor,” he said, and both Julie and Jessie burst into laughter. “Not a joke, Woman. If you don't do it soon, I'm going in bare.”

  “Cody,” Julie whispered, just as he heard her phone ring from the other room.

  She jumped up and ran by him and around the corner.

  “Seriously,” he said, as he looked at Jessie.

  “Give her your damn gift already,” Jessie whispered. “We don't have all day.”

  “What?” he heard Julie say into the phone as her voice got closer. “Who would be getting me a special present?”

  “This is it,” Jessie whispered. “Here's your chance.”

  Cody took a breath, moved to the end of the couch, and dropped down onto one knee just as Julie stepped in front of him.

  “Shit!” she yelped, as she stopped frozen and looked down at him.

  “I love you,” Cody said. “You're my everything. When it comes to business, you scare the shit out of me, but when it comes to everything else, you're the one I want there with me. I don't want to go another night without you in my bed. I want to hold you as you drift off to sleep each night, and I want to kiss you when you open your eyes each morning. I want every single morning with you from now on, even Christmas mornings. I am so damn happy when I'm with you, baby and so damn sad when I'm not. You make me a better person. You're it for me, Julie. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes,” Julie said, still holding the phone to her ear.

  “Julie,” Cody heard her dad say through the line.

  “Yes, dad,” she replied.

  “Congratulations!” he said. “Now get your asses moving.”

  “What?” she asked, with a confused look on her face.

  “I'm happy for you,” Cody heard her dad say, “but I want my girls home with me.”

  Cody watched Julie hang up the phone. Then he slid the ring he'd been holding onto her finger.

  “I love you, baby,” he said, as he stood.

  “I love you too,” Julie said.

  “We love you both,” Jessie said, as she stood up with the baby in her arms and hugged them.

  “You knew?” Julie asked.

  “Of course,” Jessie answered.

  Julie had said yes. Cody was the luckiest guy in the world. He had it all. Not a single thing could have made him happier. His life was perfect.

  Chapter 33


  Christmas was amazing, the best Julie had ever had. She had her sister, niece, and new fiancé with her, and they were going home to see their huge family.

  Julie couldn't believe she was engaged. After only one month, most people would have been getting to know someone, but that wasn't how things went with Cody and her. They'd only known each other for months and had been through a few rough spots, but she knew he was the one she wanted to spend her life with. There was no question in her mind, so, when he asked her to be his wife, she accepted, and she couldn't wait to make that happen.

  Dinner with the family went well.
They all congratulated Julie and Cody, even her father, which was still a huge shock to her. Jason had apologized to both Julie and Cody, but Julie was pretty sure it was only to get to Cody's car. Since the weather had been good, they'd brought Julie's favorite car, and she had driven. Not five minutes after Jason's apology, he was asking Cody about the car, and they were heading outside to check it out. Add to all of that the fact that everyone loved Jackie and couldn't get enough of her, and the day was absolutely perfect.

  Since Julie's sister's leave was about to end and she was going back to work in a little over a week, she'd agreed to stay at her parents' until the next holiday. They'd bought everything they needed, so all Jessie needed to bring home with her was the baby. Julie knew her sister would be fine. All the ladies would be surrounding both Jessie and Jackie, and that made her happy.

  As Julie and Cody were leaving, her parents invited them for a small immediate family only New Year's Eve celebration. Two of their children were getting married, one was going back to work, and the last was barely even around. They wanted them all home for one final celebration together, so Julie and Cody accepted.

  With the apartment to herself for the week and Cody at work, Julie knew she was going to get so much done. Her classes were over and she was just starting her next big job, but she had a little time in between, so she got on the phone to make a doctor's appointment with the doctor her sister used. Cody wanted her on the pill, and she wasn't going to put it off any longer. They only had one slot open that week, and that was on New Year's Eve, so she took it. Cody had already told her he wanted her with him every night, and she wanted the same. Secretly, she loved having him bare inside of her just as much as he did, and she couldn't wait to have that again. As soon as she hung up the phone, she started cleaning, and she didn't stop until the entire apartment was spotless. She wanted her sister to come home and begin work knowing there was nothing that needed done. For the rest of the week, Julie spent her days working on her new job and preparing for the help she was going to have, and she spent her nights worn out and snuggled beneath the sheets with Cody.

  New Year's Eve came and Julie headed for the doctor. She'd been messaging back and forth with her sister all week about going, but she hadn't told Cody, and she didn't plan to until she'd been on the pill enough days for them to be safe without a condom.

  Julie opened the door and walked up to the window at the doctor's office, wishing her sister was there with her, but she wasn't. As she filled out the papers, she watched her hands shake against the paper. She'd never been to that kind of doctor before, and she was scared out of her mind, but she had to do it, for her and for Cody. She handed back the papers and sat, waiting patiently. When she heard her phone ding, she was relieved for the distraction, until she opened the message from her sister to find a comical picture of a woman on her back with her legs spread and her feet in stirrups.

  Julie: Is that supposed to make me feel better?

  Jessie: No! It was to make you laugh.

  Julie: Not funny!

  Jessie: I thought it was. Have you gone in yet?

  Julie: Not yet.

  Jessie: It will be worth it. You and Cody will be able to fuck like rabbits without having to worry about getting pregnant. Just think about that while the doctor is all up inside of you.

  Julie: Still not helping.

  Before her sister had a chance to reply, Julie heard her name coming from the open door in the corner of the room.

  Julie: Wish me luck. They just called me.

  Jessie: Spread um wide.

  Julie couldn't stop the laugh that burst up and out of her.

  “Sorry,” she said, as the nurse gave her a strange look. “My sister was trying to make me feel better.”

  “Did it work?” the nurse asked.

  “Not one bit,” Julie said, as she walked through the open door.

  The nurse weighed her and then handed her a cup, directing her to the door on the left.

  “When you're done, meet me in the room directly across the hall,” the nurse said. “It's not as bad as it seems. You'll be out of here in no time.”

  “Thanks,” Julie said, feeling just a slight bit better.

  She took care of what she needed and then headed across the hall to change into a gown that barely covered anything. The nurse asked her what felt like a million questions, some she couldn't even remember the answers to. Then she was left alone to wait for the doctor.

  Julie: These gowns don't cover shit. My ass is hanging out.

  Jessie: More than your ass is going to be hanging out in a bit.

  Julie: Why do I even talk to you?

  Jessie: Because you're my twin. You have to.

  Julie: Do not.

  Jessie: If you don't, how will you see your beautiful niece?

  Julie: Not fair.

  Jessie: What's not fair is that you've been alone all week in the apartment while I've been here.

  Julie: I'm sure being waited on hand and foot by mom and dad is just awful.

  Jessie: You have no idea. I haven't even seen my daughter all week. They're spoiling her. When we get home, she's not going to let us put her down. You're going to have to deal with that while I'm at work.

  Julie: Oh, I don't think so. Just so you know, we've been staying at the apartment at night.

  Jessie: Is that a warning or something?

  Julie: You might want to be careful where you sit, stand, sleep, and eat. Damn! I guess you should be careful everywhere.

  Jessie: You're so disgusting. That shit is not funny.

  The door to the room Julie was sitting in opened, so she quickly typed out a text.

  Julie: How's it feel?

  Julie couldn't help but laugh. Then she heard another ding and quickly read the text.

  Jessie: You're about to feel a lot of things, all up inside of you. Have fun!!!!

  Julie felt her smile slip from her face as she threw the phone onto the pile of her clothes.

  “You okay?” the doctor asked.

  “It's just my sister,” Julie said. “This is my first visit, and she's just plain mean.”

  “Your sister is Jessie, right?” the doctor asked, and Julie nodded. “She's definitely something else. How is she doing?”

  “Good,” Julie answered.

  “And how is that beautiful little girl?” the doctor asked.

  “She's getting so big,” Julie answered.

  “Don't let her scare you,” the doctor said. “It's not that bad. Having a baby is an amazing thing. Besides, all pregnancies are different. I'm sure yours will be nothing like hers.”

  “Oh, I'm not pregnant,” Julie said.

  “You're not?” the doctor asked.

  “No! I'm here to prevent that from happening. I'm getting on the pill,” Julie answered.

  Julie watched as the doctor turned around, grabbed a chair, and pulled it closer.

  “Have you ever had unprotected sex?” the doctor asked.

  “Only twice,” Julie answered. “It was stupid. I already know, but it wasn't planned. It kind of just happened the first time. I'd never been with a guy, and the thought didn't even cross my mind. Then we had a huge fight. A month later, he showed up on Thanksgiving and poured his heart out. Then it happened again. It hasn't happened since though. We've been very careful every time. We're engaged now. I'm rambling. I'm so sorry. I'm so nervous right now.”

  “It's okay, Julie,” the doctor said.

  “So, that's why I need the pill.” Julie said. “We want to throw the condoms out.”

  “Well,” the doctor said. “You won't need the pill, and you can throw the condoms out.”

  “What does that mean?” Julie asked. “That's not possible. I don't want to get pregnant.”

  “You already are, Julie,” the doctor said, as she looked up from where she was sitting.

  “That can't be,” Julie said.

  “You said you had sex unprotected,” the doctor said.

  “Yeah, the very f
irst two times I had sex,” Julie said. “We haven't done that since.”

  “You're pregnant, Julie,” the doctor said, putting her hands on the gown covering Julie's knees.

  “He's going to freak,” Julie said, before she could stop herself.

  “You said you're engaged,” the doctor said. “You're just starting your family a little early.”

  “This can't be,” Julie said. “I'm just starting my company and working to kick all their asses.”

  “And you can still do that with a baby,” the doctor replied.

  “Jackie is only three months old. My parents are going to lose their shit,” Julie said. “They just found out about her a month ago.”

  “It's going to be okay,” the doctor said. “You're having a baby, a beautiful little baby.”

  “A baby,” Julie said.

  “Yes,” the doctor said. “It takes time to sink in, Julie. I remember when Jessie first came here. She cried so hard. Everyone takes the news in a different way. It's going to be okay. You're going to find your way. You said it could have been the end of October or the end of November. Do you have time for an ultrasound?”

  “Of course,” Julie said. “Whatever you need.”

  By the time Julie left the office, she'd not even realized where the doctor had been during the exam or ultrasound, and she didn't care. She'd seen her tiny, precious baby on the screen, and that was all that mattered. It turned out that she'd gotten pregnant the very first time Cody and her had been together. She was going to be a mom, and she already loved her baby more than she thought she could ever love anyone. She just hoped Cody would feel that same love too when he found out.

  Julie headed straight for Cody's. That had been the plan, and until she figured out how she was going to tell him, she was sticking to the plan.


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