Chicago Tribune. 93
“Chop” (Change of Operational Control) line. 84-85
Churchill, Winsion, xix. 83, 84. 88, 167. 298-99. 310, 338, 339, 346, 393, 418, 435, 462
Ctltvaira (ship), 261-63, 271
German breaking of, 68, 440. 456
given to U.S. ESF, 173
German, 132. 133-35. See also HYDRA: TETIS; TRITON
British capture of, 151-52
for officers only, 144-45, 152, 198-99, 225
Polish work on. 150-51
Japanese, U.S. breaking of, 161-63
City of Atlanta (ship), 256-58. 271
Civil Air Patrol (CAP), 179, 343. 355-57
Clausen. Rolf, 246-47
Clough, Arthur Hugh, 431
Coamo (ship), 249, 264
Coastal Picket Patrol. 352-55
Cobb, Samuel Leroy, 400
Coimbra (ship). 234-35
Cole, USS, 203
Colibrí (eau de cologne), 4, 193
Connally, Tom, 267
Continent (ship), 224
Africa to England
submarine attacks on, 42, 46-47, 50-51
ciphers of, cracked by Germans, 68,440,456
cross-Atlantic, xvi, xvii
great 1943 battle, 388, 395-96
Jan. 1942 U.S. troop convoy, 238-39
1941 U.S. escort to Iceland, 84
1942 lull in attacks, 266-67
after Pearl Harbor, 177
submarine attacks on, 26-28, 31-32, 56-59, 90-92
German wireless reporting of, 46, 49, 51, 58, 68, 89
Sims’ World War I advocacy of, 462
U.S. coastal, 74, 180, 338, 340, 357, 384-88, 392
U-boats evaded by, from cracking German cipher, 135,” 152
Coolidge, Calvin, 174
Coral, U.S.S., 176
Corpus Christi (Texas), 351
Corrientes (ship), 45
Cortelazzo (ship), 293
Corvettes, Flower-class, 90
Courageous, HMS, 187
Cremer, Peter Erich, 294-95, 455, 461
Creteu, Nick, 262
Croóme, HMS, 57
Cruising Club of America. 353
Cubano (ship), 33
Culebra (ship), 286-87, 288
Curacao, 308, 349
Currier, Prescott H., 443
Cvclops, HMS, 61
Cyclops (ship), 62,208-13, 221,412
Dahlgren, USS, 349, 366-74
Dallas, USS, 190, 448
Danielson, Henry, 218
Das Boot (movie), 49
Davenport, Theron P., 335
Dayrose (ship), 225-26
Davtona Beach (Florida), 357
Decatur. USS, 90
Declaration of Panama, 82
Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships (DEMSs). 433
Degaussing, 228
Delaware Bay. xvii Denmark Strait, 88
Denning, Norman (“Ned”), 155
Depth charges. See also Airplanes; Destroyers
from British motor torpedo boat, 333
damage by, and distance from U-boat, 49
maximum setting for, 439
U.S., 189, 392
from Q ship, 324
small-craft use of, 352
Depth manometer (Tiefenmesser), 104, 126, 472
Destroyer escorts (DEs), 392
British, depth charges from, 27-28, 32, 39, 48_49, 5i_52
Canadian, 203
depth charges from, 85, 367-68
eliminated from 1940 bill, 177
first sinking of U-boats on East Coast bv, 380-82
first sunk in U.S. waters, 309-10
first sunk in World War II, 91-92
Mark-VI and VIII depth charges of, 189
poor distribution of, 266-67, 345-46
sent to U.S. East Coast, 189-90, 237-40
traded for bases, 83
Deutschland (German pocket battleship), 113. 316
Devereux, James P., 222
Devonshire, HMS, 439
Dies, Martin, 444
Dimitrios Inglessis (ship). 144-48, 153, 156
Dione (Coast Guard cutter), 176
Dirigibles, 182
Distilled seawater on U-boats, 116
Dix (Coast Guard cutter), 176
Dodge. John M., 264-65
DOLPHIN (British name for HYDRA), 151, 426. See also HYDRA
“Donald Duck Navy,” 384
Dönitz, Karl, 24, 28, 39, 54, 58, 89, 144, 179, 229, 348, 378, 393-94, 408, 433, 467
background of, 62, 71-74
dailv routine of, 67-69
double-coding systems of, 131-32, 152
East Coast submarines withdrawn by, 388
farewell wireless by, 397
and Hardegen’s injury, 78-79
and Hardegen’s Mar.-Mav 1942
cruise, 313, 398, 404-5
as head of German Reich, 295, 416
Operation Drumbeat and, 414
Hardegen congratulated, 280, 283
Hardegen’s return, 300-302
interest in progress, 133-34, 226, 252-53
orders to commanders, 79-81
planning, xv-xvii, 97-98, 467
portrait of, in British OIC, 155, 159
on reasons for loss of U-boat war, 395
submariners’ loyalty to, 77-78
as war criminal, 416
war diaries faked bv, 52-53, 416
Doolittle, James H., 183
Dorsetshire, HMS, 439
Dowdy, Earl. 256-58
Driscoll, Agnes Myer, 162
Drum, Hugh A., 172
Dubuque, USS, 176 Duncan, Donald B., 356
Dupont, USS, 190, 448
Dyer, George C, 170, 340
Eagle, USS (Wave; later USS Captor). 305-7, 329
Eagle boats, 176-77, 310, 347, 387
Eagle Fishing Company, 304
East Coast. See United States—East Coast of Eastern Sea Frontier (ESF). See United States Navy—Eastern Sea Frontier
Eck, Heinz, xx Eckermann, Hans, 123
Edwards, Richard S., 340, 341, 356, 464
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 391
Elizabeth City (North Carolina) Naval Air
Station, 181, 182, 350
Ellsberg, Edward, 187
Ellyson, USS, 190, 220-21, 239, 448
Emden (German light cruiser), 72-73
Empire Bison (ship), 33
Empire Gem (ship), 270, 271
Empire Kingfisher (ship), 296, 450
Empire Steel (ship), 320-22, 376
Endrass, Engelbert, 30, 32. 68, 440
Enigma. 150-51. See also Schlüssel M cipher machines
Ericksson, Albert, 376 Esparta (ship), 336-37 Esso Baton Rouge (ship), 335-36 Esso Bayonne (ship). 376, 377 Evelyn (ship). See: Asterion. USS Exeter. HMS. 222
Färber, William S., 303, 305
Farley, Louis C, 222
Fathometer, 102, 147, 333
Fennell, Robert S., Jr.. 256-58
Fernandina (Florida), 358
F4F-3 Wildcats, 393
Firecrest (ship), 27
Fleet Sonar School (U.S.), 384
Fleming, Ian, 164
Flowerdown (England), 149-50
Floyd Bennett Naval Air Station, 182
Folkers, Ulrich. 2, 79, 133, 144, 199, 201, 212,269, 271-72,296,417
Forstmann, Walter. 71
Fort Myers (Florida), 351
Foundation Franklin (tug), 145-47
Fraatz, Georg-Werner, 87
Francis E. Powell(ship). 272
Frank. Wolfgang. 378
Frauenheim, Fritz, 30. 32
Frederick Lee (Coast Guard cutter), 176
Freetown (Sierra Leone), 41-42, 45, 51, 124, 138, 141
Freikorps Dönitz, xix
Friar Rock (ship), 226
Friedeburg, Hans-Georg von, 39-40, 78-79. 408,416
Friedman, Willi
am F., 163
Frisco (ship), 226
Frobel, Karl (“Langspleiss”), xi, 17, 113, 115, 200
Fuhrmann, Hans, 65
Fuhrmann, Rudolf (“Kutscher”), 113, 207, 233
Galatea. HMS, 200
Gallup Poll, 83, 84, 89
Galveston (Texas), xvi, 387
Ganda (ship), 52, 432
Gare Loch (Scotland), 189
Geer, Vasco R., 365
Gelhaus, Harald, 464
Georgsen, Paul, 218
German Navy. See also Submarines-German
air arm of, 21-22, 406-7, 465
Berlin facilities of, destroyed, 408
1899-1900 plans for in- sion of U.S., 69-70
midshipman candidac n, 18-21
Torpedo School, 408
U.S. seizure of assets id ships of, 84
undeclared war betw n U.S. and, 87-95
war declared on U.S. by, 98-100
Gibraltar, xvii, 51, 65, 76, 92, 98, 133, 159
Giese, Otto, 465
Giradeau, Frank C, 334
Cleaves, USS, 190. 448
Gleditsch, Einar, 276-77
Gneisenau (German battle cruiser), 96, 253, 438
Godfrey, John A., 164-65, 223
Godt, Eberhard, 65, 67. 72, 74, 77, 79, 81, 133,296, 301,405
as German commander of submarines, 394
Goodwill Service messages, 314 Gorch Fock (ship), 19-20
Goring, Hermann, 22, 407
Gotennafen/Wilhelmshaven, 417
Gould, Oliver H., 365
Government Code and Cipher School (Great
Britain), 150
Graves, Abed, 57
Great Britain. See Royal Air Force; Royal Navy Green, Joseph D. G., 210. 213
Green. William A., 264 Green Island (ship), 269
Greenland, 59, 60, 84
Greenland Gap, 393 Greer. USS, 86-87, 89-91
Greger, Eberhard, 380
Grenada, tourist maps used for invasion of, 440-41 GrOner handbook, 138, 441, 469 Gulfamerica (ship), 343, 364-66 Gulf Dawn (ship; later USS Big Horn). 330
Gulf of Mexico, 174,347-51,462
Guthrie, Woody, 92
Gwin. USS, 190,238,448
Halcvon (ship), 295
Halifax (Nova Scotia), 199, 387
Hamburg (Germany), 68, 76
Hamilton, USS. 268-69
Harnisch. Ernst. 34, 37, 39
Hampton Roads, 252-53, 265, 298. 387
Hansen. Harold. 218-19
Hardegen, Barbara. 23, 62, 63, 130, 159, 408, 409,418
Hardegen, Detlev, 465
Hardegen, Ingeborg, 465
Hardegen, Jörg, 130. 159, 465
Hardegen, Klaus-Reinhard, 23, 62, 130, 159, 465
Hardegen, Paul, 409
Hardegen, Reinhard, xi-xii, xviii-xxii
advice on American patrols by, 405-6
aggressiveness and risk-taking by, 16-17, 19, 66, 120, 148, 159, 258-60, 313, 441
background of. 17-24, 158-59
plane-crash injury, 22, 39-40, 66. 78-79, 315,408
British imprisonment of, 409
crew’s comments on, 16-17
“de-Nazification” of, 409
as Gruppe commander, 80, 138-39
Knight s Cross awarded to, 283, 299, 300
Oak Leaf Cluster. 401, 406
later life of, 418-19
as Marine infantry commander in last days, 408-9
number of torpedoes launched by, 375
record of ships sunk by, xxi, 261, 377
on U-/2J. See U-123
on U-124. 24-33
on U-/47, 34-39
Harding, Warren G., 174 Harpalyce (ship), 27
Harrington, Thomas J.. 272
Hartenstein, Werner, 308
Hay, Adams J., 264, 265
“Hedgehog” (contact bomb projector), 392
HEIMISCH code, 426
Heimsoht & Rinke (cipher firm), 134
Helgoland, 35, 39
Hemingway, Ernest, 354
Hess, Harry H.. 384
Hessler, Günter, 42, 133, 295
Heydemann, Günther, 292, 293
Heyse, Ulrich, 77, 347, 358
Hicks, Harry L., 306, 329
High Frequency/Direction Finding (HF/DF), 150, 162, 164, 341,384, 393
Hilary P. Jones, USS, 190, 238, 448
Hinsch, Hans-Peter, 433
Hinsley, Harry, 156
Hirsacker, Heinz, 52
Hitler, Adolf, xv, 63, 70, 298, 310-11, 316, 339
German Navy and, 74-75, 96, 97, 395, 406r7
Hardegen’s lecturing of, 406-7
Hardegen’s Oak Leaf Cluster awarded by, 401,406-7
picture of, in all submarines, 120
war on U.S. declared by, 98-100
war with U.S. first avoided by, 81-83, 85-86,89
Hoffmann, Rudolf, 2, 3, 5, 13, 14, 101-3, 106-13. 115-20, 126, 130, 144-45, 193, 194, 204, 206-7, 216. 233-34, 252, 254-56, 259-60, 263, 278, 282, 283, 285,301,311
Holland, Spessard, 366
Holz (“Kapitän”), 113
Holzer, Rudolf, 311, 323-26
Hood, HMS, 95
Hooligan Navy, 354
Hoover, John H., 308, 349
Hopkins, Harry, 339
Home, Frederick J., 180, 303, 305, 457
Hornet, USS. 269
Hororata (ship), 401
Houston (Texas), 351
Howe, Hamilton W., 381
“Huff Duff,” 150, 162, 164, 341, 384, 393
Hufnagl, Max (“Lackl”), xi, 113,200
Hughes, L. J, 213
Hutchins, Thomas B., 246
Hvalfiordur (Iceland), 189
HYDRA cipher, 134-35. 151. 152, 341, 342, 426, 470
Hydrophones, 48, 117-18, 254, 384, 470
Icarus (Coast Guard cutter), 181, 382-83, 434
Iceland, 149, 449
U.S. Marines in, 84, 238 Idaho, USS. 88, 448
Ingersoll, Royal E., 171, 177, 237-40, 346, 349-50,353, 385,412,413,415
Ingraham, USS, 190, 238, 448
Irene Myrtle (ship; later USS Irene Forsyte), 330
Isaksen, Magnus, 219
here (ship), 5-7. 11-13, 33. 52, 61, 300, 404
Isla de Tenerife (ship), 224
Italy, Hardegen in, 62
Jackson, George W., 364 Jackson (Coast Guard cutter), 176
Jacksonville (Florida) Municipal Airport, 364
Jacksonville (Florida) Naval Air Station, 362
Jacksonville Beach (Florida), 359, 361-63,366
Jacob Jones, USS, 309-10, 346
codes of, U.S. breaking of, 161-63
defeat of Germany needed for defeat of, 397-98
false reports of raids on U.S. by, 167
1942 U.S. raid on, 183
Pearl Harbor attack of. See Pearl Harbor
in Tripartite Pact, 94, 97, 99
U.S. Navy’s 1941 prediction of Soviet
invasion by, 160,414
U.S. submarine warfare vs., xx, xxi, 72, 90
Japanese American relocation, 167
Jester, Maurice D., 382
Jodl, Alfred, 407 Joseph N. Teal (ship), 395 Jouett, USS, 448
Joyce, E. T., 303
Junker, Ottoheinrich, 336
K-/96 (British gunboat), 133
Kaeding, Walter, xi, 418
on Dec.l941-Jan. 1942 cruise, 14, 17, 49-50, 102, 115, 125, 127, 130-32, 142, 199, 205, 229-30, 236, 281, 286
on Mar-May 1942 cruise, 313, 314, 320, 325, 331
Kaiser, Henry, 395
Kalbfus, Edward C, 225
Kals, Ernst, 66, 133, 144, 199, 226-27, 270-72,296. 309,417 Karlsruhe (German light cruiser), 20, 95, 137
Kaufman, James L. (’ Reggie”), 352 Kearnv, USS, 90. 91, 190, 448
Kelly, Percy A., 248-49
Kersley, Leslie Webber, 209-10
Key West (Florida), 318, 345, 347, 350-52, 384, 387
Kiel (Germany), 19, 23, 33, 39. 68. 76, 95, 408
, 438
Kimmell, Husband E, 414
King, Ernest J.
as Atlantic Fleet commander, 84, 87-88, 169, 175
background of, 168-69
assessment of culpability, 390-93, 396, 398, 412-14
coastal convoys, 384-86, 388
ONI denigrated, 170-71
Operation Drumbeat and, 211-13, 239-41, 299, 338-42, 344-47
policv toward use of small craft, 179-81, ‘351-57 0
ships, 304-5
retirement and subsequent life of, 415
King George V, HMS, 164
Kirk. Alan G., 160-61. 164, 165, 223, 443
Klinger (“Icke”), 113.200,281
Knowles, Kenneth A., 341-42, 397, 412, 442
Knox, Frank, 169, 267, 350
König, Paul, 18, 141
Kormoran (German auxiliary cruiser), 293
Korsholm (ship), 376-77 Kosmos II (ship), 276-79
Kretchmer, Felix W., 244-47
Kretschmer, Otto, 30, 32, 46, 56, 68
Krogstad, Arnold N., 222
Kurski & Kruger (cipher firm), 134
Kurtz, Thomas R., 306, 327
Lads Hawkins (ship), 247-49, 274
Lady Rosemary, HMS, 346
La Guardia, Fiorello, 185
Lakehurst (New Jersey), 182
Langley Field (Virginia), 183
Lansdale, USS, 190, 238, 448
Lansdowne, USS, 384
Lantana (Florida), 357
La Pallice, 24, 40, 67. 295, 417
La Rochelle, 24, 67
Larsen, Wilfred, 287-90, 418-19
Latislaus, Karl (“Little Karl”; “Karlchen”), xi
on Dec. 1941-Jan. 1942 cruise, 16-17, 113, 114, 194-95,277,282, 286
on Mar-May 1942 cruise, 312, 315-16, 324, 369, 370, 375
Layton, Edwin T., 411, 443
Lea. USS, 190, 448
Leahy, William D., 447
Lee, Willis A., Jr.. 355
Legwen, Glenn W, 306. 328
Lehigh (ship), 91
Lehman, John F., Jr.. 163, 443
Lehmann-Willenbrock, Heinrich, 23
Leigh, Humphrey de Veré, 394
Leigh Light, 394
Leighton, Frank T., 170, 211-12, 412, 413
Lemp, Fritz-Julius, 28, 53, 68, 152
Lemuel Burrows (ship), 344
Lend-Lease Act, 83-84
Leonard, Edwin Madison, 457
Leslie (ship), 376
Leyte Gulf, Battle of, 446
Liebe, Heinrich, 32
Liefere (ship), 331-34
Linder, Hans-Heinz, 433
Lion, the. See Dönitz, Karl Little, Sir Charles C. J., 351
Livermore, USS. 90, 190, 238, 448
Lockheed Hudson (A-29). 351, 380, 385
Londonderry (North Ireland), 189 “Loose Lips Sink Ships,” 274
Lorenz, Walter (“Laura”), 49, 114, 311, 325, 326
Lorient (France)
distance to U.S. from, xvi
German capture and buildup of, 24, 28-29, 40-41
Kals’ command at, 417
possible sabotage at, 126, 127
U-/23′s departures from, 1-13, 311-312
U-123′% returns to, 299-300. 403-4
Operation Drumbeat Page 58