U-124 at, 29-31
Low, Francis S. (“Frog”), 392
Ludlow, USS, 190, 238, 448
Lusis, Friedrich, 262
Lüth, Wolfgang, 315, 409
McCormick, Nelson C, 384
McCrea, John L., 171, 304
MacDill Field (Florida), 351
Mclver. Charles E.. 400
MacLeish, USS, 190, 448
McNamara, C. F., 222
“Magic,” 163
Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 222
Malay (ship), 261-65, 276-77, 296
Malvina D (trawler), 219
MAN engines, 427, 470
Marshall George C. xviii. 170, 390-91
Martens, Francis, 400
Maryland. USS, 390, 446
Mason, Donald Francis, 275, 380
Matsuoka, Yosuke, 97, 98-99
Mayo, Henry T., 168
Mayport naval base, 358-59, 364
Mawant, USS, 190,238,448
Meckel, Hans, 67-69, 77, 80, 131-33
Mediterranean Sea, U-boats in, xvii, 92-93
Meisinger, Rudolf (“Schöner Rudi”), xi, 311, 379, 404
Meloney, William M., 365
Merchant seamen. See U.S. Merchant Marine Merkesdal, Trygen, 219
Merten, Karl-Friedrich, 404
Mertens (engineering trainee), 311,312, 404
Messerschmitt Me-264, 70 “Metox” search receiver, 394
Metzler, Jost, 85
Mexico, 347-48
Miami (Florida), 345, 347, 350-52, 357, 384
Midway, Battle of, 163, 171, 222
Miller, Robert K., 355
Minerva (ship), 328
Mines sowed by German submarines, 388
German submarines escorted by, 13-14, 25, 28, 68, 299, 312, 403-4
HYDRA code used by, 342
1987 U.S. lack of, 446
World War I, in the Channel, 189-90
Mississippi, USS, 88
Mitchel Field (New York), 183
Moffett, USS, 448
Möhle, Karl-Heinz. 11, 16, 32, 40, 41, 299, 408
Möhlmann, Helmut, 345
MOMP (mid-ocean meeting point), 84
Monsarrat, Nicholas. 274
Monssen. USS, 190, 238, 448
Montauk Point Lighthouse, 215, 223
Montrolile (ship), 272
Morison, Elting E., 173, 412
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 169, 175, 181, 330, 354. 390, 397,411, 445, 465
Morrison, R. P., 210
Morro Castle (ship), 273
Mount Aetna (ship), 291, 418 “Mousetrap” (contact bomb projector), 392
Mueller, Charles E., 382
München (German weather ship), 151-52
Muskogee (ship), 318, 456
Mussallem, Edward, 363-64, 366
Muslin. USS, 190, 448
Musts, Rudolph, 262
Mützelburg, Rolf, 85
Nagumo, Chuichi, 161, 184
Naval Local Defense Force School (U.S.), 384
Netherlands, Schnorchel invented by navy of, 394
Neutral merchant ships, 45, 51, 224, 290-92
Nevada, USS, 390
New London (Connecticut), 448
New Orleans (Louisiana), 351
Newport (Rhode Island), 220, 237, 238, 448
New York. USS, 448
New York City
Army and Navy Joint Control and Information Center in, 172-74, 327
brownout or blackout of, 186
Hardegen’s prewar visit to, 20-21, 137-38
Joint Harbor Entrance Control Post, 185
naval defenses at, 70-71, 184-85
U-boat operationsoff, 199, 215-23, 229-36, 414
planning, xvi-xvii tourist maps used, 137
Niblack, USS. 85
Nikolina Batkovia (ship), 203
Nimitz, Chester W., 72, 163, 415, 416, 463
Noa. USS, 269, 327, 349
Noble. Sir Percv L. H” 339
Norfolk (Virginia). 177, 189, 238. 261, 279, 448
Norfolk (Virginia) Naval Air Station, 181, 182, 349
Norlindo (ship), 348
Norness (ship), 216-23, 225. 229
North Carolina, USS, 269
Northern Dawn,. HMS, 383
Northern Duke. HMS, 346, 383
Northern Ireland, U.S. troops in, 238
Northwest Escort Force (U.S.), 88
Norvana (ship), 270
1940 invasion of, 95, 118, 227-28
German submarines later stationed off, 310-11
Nürnberg War Crimes Tribunal, 53, 72, 416
0-47 observation planes, 350
Oberon (ship), 47
O’Brien. USS, 190, 448
OIC. See Royal Navy—Operational Intelligence Centre
O’Kane, Richard H., xxi O’Keefe, Cornelius, 57
Oklahoma (ship), 335-36
Olmey (ship), 271
Ohmpic (ship), 270
On the Roof Gang, 162. 211
Operation Drumbeat (Operation Paukenschlag), xvi-xvii, 66, 298, 389, 413-14,436
Dönitz’s following of progress of, 133-34, 226. 252-53
Dönitz’s personal orders for, 79-81
Gruppe Bleichrodt, 80
Gruppe Hardegen, 80, 138-39
number of lives taken by, 249
number of submarines in, 269-70
origin of, xvii
planning for, xv-xvii, 97-98, 467
poor U.S. naval defenses vs., 70-71, 265-68, 298
as second Pearl Harbor, 164-66, 389, 412-15
sinkings bv, 205-9, 216-23, 233-34, 244-52, 254-66, 270-73, 296
U-123 in, 11-15, 101-33, 135-48, 153, 156-59, 191-225, 229-37, 249-64, 276-95, 299-300
Operation Pastorius, 379-80
Organisation Todt, 28, 40
OS2U-3 Kingfisher. 252. 350
Osburn, F. W., Jr., 222
Oshima, Baron Hiroshi, 339
Ostcrhaus, Hugo, 168
Outer Banks, 242, 253-55, 318, 330. 383
Paducah. U.S.S., 176
Pan American Clipper, 337
Pan-American Sccuritv Zone, 82, 84, 85, 95, 97
Pancolt, Victor A., 57
Pan Massachusetts (ship), 347
Pan Norway (ship), 288-90, 295, 418
Paris (France), U-boat officers in, 30
Parkinson, Marian, 248-49
Payne, R G., 222
PB4Y1 (Navy Liberator bomber), 393
PBM Mariner flying boats, 181, 182, 351, 384
PBY-5 (Catalina flving boat), 181, 182, 184, 210, 213, 252, 275. 322, 328, 350, 351, 364, 380
Pearl Harbor
Hardegen’s visit to, 20
Japanese attack on, xv-xvi, xviii, 62-63, 96-97, 161
not severe blow to U.S., 389-90, 463
reasons for U.S. failure, 163-64, 184, 411-12
Navy cryptologv unit at, 162-63
second, in Atlantic, 164-66, 389, 412-15
Peleus (ship), xx Penguin, USS, 167
Pensacola (Florida), 351
Periscope elevation monitor (periscope
graphic), 104, 106
Periscopes, 25-26, 42-43, 89, 147, 236, 317, 331
Periwinkle. HMS, 39
Petroleum Industry War Council, 342, 355
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), 177, 448
Philippines, fall of, 167
Piaf, Edith, 30
Pinging, 48, 49
Pleuser (E-motor mate), 195-96, 370
P.L.M. 22 (ship), 47
Plunkett. USS, 90
Polish Intelligence Service, 150-51
Ponte Vedra (Florida). 379
Portland (Maine; Casco Bay), 185, 189, 222, 238, 448
Portrero del Llano (ship), 347
Portsmouth (New Hampshire), 222, 306-7
Poser, Günter, 336
Poske, Fritz, 358
Potassium cartridges, 32
Pound, Sir Dudley, 339, 386
Prange, Gordon W.. 163
dent Harrison (ship), 167
Preuss. Joachim. 91
Prien, Günther, 30, 32, 68. 73, 228
Prince of Wales. HMS. 63, 167
Prinz Eugen (German heavy cruiser), 96, 135, 152, 253
Project LQ. See Q ships
Purple (Japanese cipher machine). 162-64
Python (German refueling ship), 124, 134, 135
Q ships, 304-7. 322-30, 457
Queen Mary (ship), 223
Quonset Point (Rhode Island) Naval Air Station. 349, 380
airborne, 394, 395
on destroyers, 380-81
Radio Davs (movie), 185
Radio fingerprinting (RFP), 149
Raeder, Erich, 74-76. 82, 89, 95, 144, 228, 283, 398, 404, 416, 465
Rafalski, Fritz (“Puster “). xi, 301, 417, 431
on Dec. 1941-Jan. 1942 cruise, 16,31, 117, 119-20, 122, 127, 128. 132, 142-46, 198-200, 203, 208, 209, 216. 224-25. 249, 252, 261, 278-79, 281, 287, 292
on Mar-May 1942 cruise. 312-15, 318, 320, 321, 323, 332, 359, 371, 374, 376. 377. 399
Rainbow 5 (U.S. Navy War Plan 46), 93-94, 96
Rand, Melvin A., 245, 247
Rasch, Hermann, 91, 192, 272-73
Rastenberg (East Prussia), xv, 406-7
Rathke, Hellmut, 382-83
Räumboote (R-boats). See Minesweepers
Red Deer, HMCS, 210, 213
Rehwinkel, Ernst-August, 310
Reinertsen, Kaare, 218
Renner (E-motor mate), 195-96, 369-70, 373
Repulse. HMS, 63, 167
Reuben James, USS, 91-92, 169
Reykjavik (Iceland), 189
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 97, 99
Ringsrad (ship), 455
Río Azul (merchant cruiser), 50-51
Robin Moore (ship), 85
Rochefort, Joseph, 162-63, 443
Rochester (ship), 273
Roe, USS, 190, 238, 448
Rogers, L. F., 304, 306
Röhm, Ernst, 32
Rohwer, Jürgen, 88. 250, 255, 296
Rollins, Pete, 175-76
Rollmann, Siegfried, 59
Rommel, Erwin, 92-93
Rooney, John B., 220
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
King and, 168-69, 388,393
Operation Drumbeat and, 266, 267, 298
before Pearl Harbor. 82-85, 87-89, 94, 444
Q ships inaugurated by, 303-4
small-boat policy of, 178-79, 181, 304-5, 307. 338, 392, 447, 463
Roper, USS, 380-81
Rosen, Leo, 163, 164 “Rosie the Riveter,” 395
Roskill, Stephen W., 310, 330, 396
Rowan, USS, 190, 238, 448
Royal Air Force (RAF; Great Britain)
Bomber Command, and the Battle of the Atlantic, 396
Liberator bombers of, 393
on submarine attack procedures, 182
U.S. training of, 84
Royal Navy (Great Britain)
Operational Intelligence Centre (OIC), 153-54, 164, 165, 171
Q ships of, 304
shortage of destroyers in, 83
Submarine Tracking Room, 154-60, 164, 200-203, 307. 340-42
U.S. destroyers-for-bases deal and, 83
United States Navy compared to, 394
Western Approaches Command, 69, 85, 339
Royal Oak, HMS, 30, 73
Rudeltaktik. See Submarine wolf packs Rush (Coast Guard cutter). 176
Rutland (ship), 33
Ryan, Thomas J., Jr., 305-7
Saar (German command ship), 73
Safford, Laurence F., 16I-63, 211
Sagadahoc (ship), 92
Sagamore, USS, 327
Saint Augustine (Florida), 359-60, 366
St. John’s (Newfoundland). 80, 81, 143
St.-Nazaire, 24,40. 67,405
St. Petersburg (Florida), 350-51
Salem (Massachusetts) Naval Air Station, 181. 182
Salewski, Michael, xviii, 398
Salinas, USS, 91
Salta (ship). 288
San José (ship), 250-51, 296
San Juan (Puerto Rico), 308
San Julien (Cuba), 350
Sandnes, Sverre, 218
Santa Elisa (ship), 251
Savo Island, Battle of, 414
Scania (ship). 261, 264
Scarborough (England), 149
Schacht, Harro, 348
Scharnhorst (German battle cruiser), 95-96, 253
Schepke, Joachim, 30, 68
Scherbius, Arthur, 466
Schlüssel M cipher machines (Enigma), 132-34, 150-52,425-26
fourth rotor for, 307
information on, shared by British with U.S.. 164
Schneider, Herbert, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 54-56
Schnorchel, 394-95
Schofield, Brian B” 338-39
Schreder, Richard E., 384
Schroeter, Horst von. xi. 2-4
as commander of V-123, 408, 417
on Dec. 1941-Jan. 1942 cruise, 44, 45, 113, 120, 122-23, 128, 129, 142, 146, 191, 192, 200, 207, 216, 233, 250, 254, 258-60, 282-87
on Mar-May 1942 cruise, 311, 316-17, 319-21, 323, 325, 336, 360-62, 364, 368, 371, 375, 377,404
as NATO admiral, 417
Schug (U-boat captain), 252
Schuhart, Otto, 187
Schüler, Wolf-Harald, 311,319, 332, 399
Schulz, Heinz, 301
on Dec. 1941-Jan. 1942 cruise, 7-8, 101-6, 118, 120-22, 125-26, 194, 207, 236, 261, 263, 277-78.282-85
on Mar.-Mav 1942 cruise, 311, 312, 318, 325, 333. 368-75,400,404
Schulz, Wilhelm, 24-33
Schütze, Viktor, 6, 79, 80
Sea Train Texas (ship), 258
Sebring (Florida), 351
Secret Lady (British Wren), 156
Seigel, Hans, xi, 49, 50, 114, 325
Serbino (ship), 59
“Shark.” See TRITON code Sharp, Alexander, 238
Shaw, Bertie E., 57-62
Sherwood, Robert E., 92 “Shoot on sight” policy, 87-89
Shreveport (Louisiana), 351 “Sighted sub, sank same,” 275, 378
Signal Intelligence Section (SIS), 163
Sims, William Sowden, 462
Sinkov, Abraham, 443-44
Siren, U.S.S.. 176
Skagerrak. 72
Skerbergs, Karl, 262
Slettebarg, Anton. 218
Small craft, 176, 178-81, 221, 308, 332-33, 347, 351-55,447
blame for lack of, 462-63
Hardegen on danger of, 406
ships convoyed by, 385-88
submarines sunk by, 382-84
Smith, Glen W.. 365
Soconv-Vacuutn (ship). 262, 327
Somers, USS, 448
Sonar, 384, 392, 473
Sound detection, 48, 117-18, 432-33. See also ASDIC
Souza, Jules, 400-401
Soviel Union
Germany’s war with, 45, 82, 96-97, 298
isolationism and fear of, 94
Turner’s prediction of early war between Japan and, 160, 414
Spaatz, Carl, 355
Spain, neutrality of, 45, 51, 224, 432
Spindelmühle, 3′9, 78
Spreewald (German blockade runner), 292-95
Squalus, USS (submarine), 187
Stakeshv (ship), 27
Stapler, John T. C, 221-22, 327
Stark, Harold R. (“Betty”), 92, 168-70, 172, 179-80, 182, 189, 299. 303-5, 351, 353, 397,415
Starling, HMS, 458
Station Hvpo (U.S. Navy), 162
Station Négat (U.S. Navy), 162
Station X (Great Britain), 150
Steel Seafarer (ship), 91
Stewart, Charles, 57
Stilwell, Joseph W., 166
Stimson, Henry L., 175, 465
Strait of Belle Isle. 59, 66, 136, 143
Straits of Florida, xvii, 358
Stummel, Ludwig, 134
Submarine Chaser Training Center, 384
Submarine chasers. 1
76, 178-81, 221, 308, 332-33, 347, 352,447
Hardegen on danger of, 406
British, 72
claimed and actual tonnage sunk by, 453
German. See also Battle of the Atlantic; Operation Drumbeat; Survivors
admirals in command of. See Dönitz, Karl; Godt, Eberhard
air raids on bases of, 6, 30
bridge leather harnesses on, 140, 191-93,314
British triangulation of position of, 131-32, 149-50
carbon dioxide and hydrogen levels, 282, 428
casualties, xxi
on Central European Time, 109
Churchill on danger of, 435
climate inside, 109, 193
conning tower on, 467
control room, 101-2
deepest dives, 126, 439
description of, 9-11, 25-26, 42-43, 101-2, 107-18
diving procedure, 101-6
dummv signals bv, 133
E-motors. 195-96, 468, 470
Ellsberg’s denigration of power of, 187
engine rooms in, 427-28
escape from, 118-20, 468
escutcheons on, 10-11. 24
false U.S. claims of sinking of, 267-68
Florida sports cruiser warned, 354
freighter mistaken by USS Hamilton for, 268-69
French bases lost, 397
fuel capacity of, xvi fuel transferred between submarines, 272
grid charts and coding, 130-35
heads in, 423-24
Hitler’s picture in, 120 “hunter-Killer” groups vs., 393
little boats vs.. 176, 178-81, 221, 308, 332-33, 347.351-55,447
motto of, 54, 81
Nazi influence on, 430
night communication between, 205
“The Night of the Long Knives,” 32, 453
1939 number of, 75
1940 reduction of construction, 395 1940
successes of, 75 1942-1943
number of, 395-96 1943
offensive of, 388, 395-96
number of boats lost, xxi
number supposedly sunk (to Apr. 1942), 378
numbering system for, 10
official uniforms of crew, 301
pay, 112, 136
radar detection by, 394
saboteurs landed, 379-80
Schnorchel on, 394-95
submarine commander executed, 52
surface refueling of, 124, 134, 135
training, 21, 23, 34, 408
trim on, 191-6, 312.421-22
Type IID described, 34
Type VIIC described, 90, 98, 308
Type IXB described, 9-11, 42-43, 101-2, 107-8,431
Type XIV described, 348
Type XXI described, 396
Type XXIII described, 396
U.S. neutrality and, 51, 64, 85-93
victory pennants, 33, 61, 296, 299, 404, 408
weather reporting, 26, 28, 75, 92-93, 437
will power to be used against sex, 315
wireless reporting by, 46, 49, 51, 58, 68, 89
Japanese, West Coast attacks by, 167
lookouts on, 204-5
surface travel and tactics of, 8-9, 89-90
best record of, xxi compared to German submarines, 20, 427, 439
Operation Drumbeat Page 59