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Two's Enough Three's a Crowd

Page 1

by Brenda Hampton


  Two’s Enough, Three’s a Crowd


  All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page






  2 - JAYLIN

  3 - NOKEA

  4 - JAYLIN


  6 - NOKEA

  7 - JAYLIN

  8 - NOKEA

  9 - JAYLIN

  10 - FELICIA

  11 - NOKEA

  12 - JAYLIN

  13 - FELICIA

  14 - NOKEA

  15 - JAYLIN

  16 - FELICIA

  17 - NOKEA

  18 - JAYLIN

  19 - FELICIA

  20 - NOKEA

  21 - JAYLIN

  22 - FELICIA

  23 - NOKEA

  24 - JAYLIN

  25 - JAYLIN

  26 - NOKEA

  27 - FELICIA

  28 - JAYLIN

  29 - NOKEA

  30 - JAYLIN

  31 - FELICIA

  32 - NOKEA

  33 - JAYLIN

  34 - FELICIA

  35 - NOKEA

  36 - JAYLIN

  37 - JAYLIN

  Copyright Page


  Always, a special thanks to my family, readers, book clubs, bookstores, and friends. To Carl and Martha Weber, and the Urban Books family, your dedication to my literary career is truly a blessing. I can’t think of any other team of people in this industry who I enjoy working with more. I owe all of you a heartfelt thanks.

  An extended thanks to my Heavenly Father for not being with me only when times are great, but for looking over me when times are hard. I give all praises to You and look forward to the future that You have waiting for me... whatever it may be.


  Eeny, Meeny, Miney and Moe. I got Eeny and Meeny, now all I need is Miney and Moe. I love women; they’re what make the world go round. So, the more of them I have, the better off I am. Settling down for me is out of the question. There’s enough of me to share with as many women as I want—as long as they meet my standards. And standards, high standards, I do have. Any woman who wants to be considered must be not only bodacious, but she must have a degree, be able to cook, have job stability, drive a nice car, be African American, have no kids, and most importantly, she must be willing to cater to my every need. If not, then she ain’t worth my time.

  I’m dealing with two sistas right now who meet most of the above, but they’re starting to slack on me. Slacking causes me to get bored, and when I’m bored, major changes have to take place.

  Nokea is the kind of woman you can definitely take home to Mama, but since Mama ain’t around anymore, there’s no need for that. Nokea is a pretty, petite thing with curves in all the right places, and her skin is so smooth that sometimes I’m forced to call her Silk. She’s got beautiful, big round eyes that go well with her luscious, soft lips. Her hair is shiny, black, and barely long enough for me to run my fingers through. But my true attraction to Nokea is her loyalty to me and her independence. She’s a smart woman, and she ain’t trying to reach into my bank account for nothing. Most of all, she got my back—and I have hers. She’s my rock. I care about her more than any woman I’ve ever dated.

  The problem I have with Nokea is she ain’t upping no booty. She firmly believes a woman shouldn’t give herself to a man unless she’s married to him. And even though I respect her needs, I got needs too. Fucking needs. At least a minimum of three times a week. I expressed my concerns to Nokea, but she insists on depriving me. I don’t play games, so I have never lied to her about my desires for other women. I guess she accepts it because other than that, I’m quite a catch. When she needs me, I’ve been there. When she’s lonely, I hold her. When she calls, I’m there to talk. Since we’ve been together, I’ve only improved her life. I’ve shown her the qualities of a real man. A lack of sex is the only problem between us.

  That’s where Felicia comes in. Felicia’s bad. She gives it to a brotha when, where, and however he wants it. Lay it smack dead on the table and pow-dow, brotha be all up in it! She’s got a smooth, soft, and juicy dark-brown ass and nice firm breasts to match. Her long braids go well with her round chocolate face. And her smile, it’s to die for. All she gotta do is lay one on me and I melt.

  She works as an architect and makes pretty good money. Of course, her salary is nowhere near mine, but what the hell... there’s not too many people kicking it down like me. The biggest problem with Felicia is she’s fucking cheap. She never spends money on me, and if she does, it has to be a special occasion like my birthday or something—or if I’ve fucked her brains out and she wants to be generous.

  As for Nokea, she buys me everything. Sends me encouraging cards when I’m feeling down. Takes me to dinner and pays. Even buys me clothes when she sees something I might like.

  I just can’t decide which one of them accents me better. That’s why I don’t choose one woman over the other. One woman can’t give me everything I want, and for that matter, no two. So, now I’m on the prowl again. Looking for somebody to help fill this emptiness I’ve been feeling lately. Looking for somebody I can add to my collection.

  More realistically, I need some more pussy. Getting sort of tired of the same stuff, and since my baby’s mama, Simone, jetted with my child, I can’t run to her anymore for a li’l something on the side. Things were just all right with us, but when she told me she was pregnant, I had to man-up and take care of my responsibilities.

  I enjoyed spending time with my baby girl, Jasmine, and she brought so much happiness to my life. Then, one day, when Jasmine was almost one year old, Simone did the unthinkable and left. She had a boyfriend in the army, and according to the brief letter that I received in the mail, they were going to get married. The letter implied that her husband would now take my place, and Jasmine would be told that he was her father.

  I could’ve killed Simone. When I jetted to her house to see what was up, it was vacant. I was so hurt, and as the weeks, months, and years have gone by, I feel as if a huge part of me is missing. Damn Simone for making me feel this way. This is another reason why I have a difficult time falling in love with women. No doubt, they can do some stupid shit!

  In the meantime, Felicia be setting that pussy out for me, but I know she can do better. I’ve been trying to ease myself into Nokea too, but she ain’t having it. So, a brotha gotta do what he gotta do to make sure his needs are being met. If I ain’t happy, nobody’s happy. And one thing Mama always taught me is to make myself happy before I make anybody else happy.

  I miss Mama. A mugger robbed and killed her as she walked home from work one night. I was only nine years old and had to live in an orphanage until my Aunt Betty came to get me damn near two years later. Living with her was hell. She was a dope addict and treated her kids and me like shit. I moved out at sixteen, but kept my butt in school. Living on the streets wasn’t no joke, so I quickly got a job at a restaurant. My charming personality brought in good tips, and that helped pay for my one-room apartment.

  When I turned eighteen, my grandfather died and left me part of his estate. I didn’t understand why because we never had a good relationship. Hell, I barely knew the man, but when my Aunt Betty told me about the money, I was ecstatic. I used some of the money to further my education, invested a large sum of it in the stock market, and outright purchased a million-dollar home in Chesterfield, Missouri. Now, I’m the number one stock broker at Schmidt’s Brokerage Firm, and I rarely l
ook back at my horrific past.

  A few months ago, I got a call from Aunt Betty begging for money. She claimed she had kicked her habit and needed a new start, but I ain’t no fool. The money I work hard for ain’t never gonna be used for smoking no crack. I told her I was on my way to give it to her, but never showed. I hope she got the picture.

  Unlike my rough relationship with her, I do have a close connection with my cousin, Stephon. He’s like a brother to me. He turned out pretty cool after being raised by my Aunt Betty. Got his own barbershop and makes decent money. He’s the only person I consider as family, and the rest of them can go to hell, especially my father.

  Before Mama was killed, my father and I had a pretty cool relationship. They weren’t married, but he’d always come to the house to see me or take me with him. Aunt Betty said that Mama’s sudden death took a toll on him, but did he have to run off and leave me behind? Who knows where he is now. The last time I saw him was at Mama’s funeral. I was sure we’d leave together, but when I looked around, he was nowhere to be found. He left me without anyone in my life to love, and that was something I would never be able to forgive.

  Now, I’m doing things my way. I’m very particular about who I let be a part of my life, and I only keep positive people in my company. If I feel some bullshit about to go down, I jet. Ain’t got time for it. My main focus is my career, my money, my body—I work out every single day—and the gorgeous ladies in my life. Those things add to my confidence and allow others to view me as a well put together black man.


  I’ve known Jaylin Jerome Rogers since we were kids, and during our elementary years, we became the best of friends. His mama worked with mine at a cookie factory in South St. Louis, and they too were good friends. Jaylin finally noticed me at twenty-one, and now at the age of twenty-nine, our relationship is going strong. He’s a year older than me, and he has everything I want my man to have. Whenever he isn’t too busy, he finds time to make me smile, to make me laugh, and to just plain old comfort me. I can ask him for just about anything, and without hesitation he delivers. Eventually, I think he’s going to settle down, and when he does, I’ll be waiting. I have a special bond with him—more than any other woman he’s been with. And he told me that when the time comes, I would be The One.

  So, my future is already in the making. Jaylin has a good job as an investment broker and makes about $500,000 a year. That doesn’t even include the money he inherited from his grandfather’s estate. The only reason that he works is to keep himself busy. He needs a beautiful, educated woman like me in his life, and if he thinks he can make it without me, he’s crazy. I was there when his mama died and when his baby’s mama, Simone, took off with his daughter. He cried on my shoulder. I promised to always be there for him, even when we were kids. To this day, I’ve never let him down, and I’m not going anywhere.

  I’m well aware of his relationship with Felicia, but she doesn’t have what it takes to keep him. I, on the other hand, do. She doesn’t realize that a piece of booty isn’t all Jaylin’s looking for. He needs so much more than that, and since I’ve had years to observe him, I know what he needs versus what he wants. In the end, I’ll be the one to give it to him. She’s only temporary, and I’ll still be there once she’s gone, just like all the others.

  See, while Jaylin makes it clear that he doesn’t want a commitment, I make it clear that I’m saving myself for my husband. We’ve come close many times, but he knows I stand my ground. He respects me for not giving my body to anyone but my future husband. He also knows Daddy taught me well and I wouldn’t do anything to dishonor his wishes. I know Jaylin has needs; that’s why I try not to let his other relationships upset me. Besides, even though there have been plenty of women in Jaylin’s life, after a while, they become history while I’m still around. Why? Because I’m connected with the most important thing on him. And that, of course, is his heart. No woman will be woman enough to take that from me. Deep down, even he knows it.

  As kids, our parents said we were destined to be together, and there’s no way he’s going to forget what his mama told him. So, some day, hopefully soon, I’ll be Mrs. Nokea Rogers and having the time of my life!


  The first time I saw Jaylin, I knew he was the one for me. He stepped out of his black SL 500 Roadster convertible Mercedes Benz at Tony’s Restaurant on Market Street and asked for my digits. Even though he was entertaining someone else that night, I didn’t care and neither did he. His dark Armani suit and his curly black hair were what instantly attracted me to him. I could smell the money on him, and I thanked God for sending him my way. When Jaylin removed his tinted round glasses, I got a glimpse of his light-gray bedroom eyes and was hooked! I ain’t never been excited about no light-skinned, tall brotha, but Jaylin had it going on.

  After one day of talking, we were rolling in the sack. I held his broad shoulders and damn near broke my back trying to make sure this brotha called me the next day. I was successful, and he’s been calling me ever since—mostly late nights, after he’s exhausted from all the ups and downs of the stock market, which, by the way, can be a pain. His mood swings aren’t anything to play with, but every time he starts to trip, I get up and go.

  I know Jaylin loves me, but he has a funny way of showing it. This homely bitch, Nokea, thinks he’s so deeply in love with her that he can’t even see straight. But, I continue to deliver breaking news to her: Jaylin couldn’t care less about a woman trying to cater to him like his mama. He tells me often that I’m the true happiness in his life.

  When we come together as one, our salaries combined will speak volumes. Ain’t a damn thing we’ll want for. We’ve already been to Jamaica, to Paris, and even to Hawaii together. I paid my own way, but that’s because I can handle my own, and . . . Jaylin can sometimes be cheap. Considering all of the money he has, I don’t quite understand why he doesn’t splurge on me. He spends just enough on me to get by, and that’s only because he knows in order to get something, you’ve got to give something. He’s lucky that I don’t trip off the money thing too much. Only when he starts to slack on the “D” thing will I consider it.

  Still, as far as I know, he hasn’t even taken a vacation with Nokea. What man wants to be on vacation with a woman he can’t touch? I’m the one who holds the key to his heart, and if he chooses her over me, he’d be a fool. She ain’t even giving him no twang. Now, what kind of woman plays that crap in this day and age? How can she be foolish enough to even step to a brotha like Jaylin Rogers and play that “I’m saving myself” bullshit? All she’s doing is saving up for a big disappointment, because I’m working him with everything I have. I’m the only pussy he’s laying into right now, and hopefully that’ll be forever.

  He stressed that as long as I continue to give him what he wants, he’ll make sure I play a valuable part in his life. So valuable, that one day, hopefully soon, I’ll be Mrs. Jaylin Jerome Rogers, and feeling on top of the world!



  Dinner was spectacular. Jaylin didn’t seem to be his usual self, but since work always seemed to occupy his mind, I didn’t push. No matter how tired he was, he almost always found time to make us dinner on Friday nights. I had offered to help tonight, but he wanted credit for the well seasoned porterhouse steaks and garlic potatoes.

  I cleaned off the table and piled the dishes in the sink so I could wash them later. Jaylin went into his room to lie down because he insisted his head was banging. I peeked into his room to check on him, but instead of resting, he was on the phone. I knew he was probably talking to that bitch, Nokea. He always acted like she was his mama or something, and every time something tragic happened, he leaned on her shoulder. It bothered me a bit, but I wasn’t no fucking psychiatrist. I didn’t have time to listen to his drama. My job was to satisfy his physical needs, and that’s what I intended to do.

  I went back into the kitchen and started on the dishes. Jaylin had a dishwasher, but he was a partic
ular brotha. Real tidy. Neat as a pin. According to him, a dishwasher didn’t do the job he wanted it to do. He had to scrub the dishes himself to make sure they were sparkling clean. Why buy a fucking dishwasher if you ain’t gonna use it? Didn’t make sense to me. He said he bought it just to blend in with the other stainless steel appliances in his kitchen.

  He wasted a lot of money, and rarely used many of the items in his house, like the silver pots that dangled above the black marble-topped island in the middle of the kitchen floor. Never been cooked in at all. When he made dinner for us, he had another set he used. The hanging set was just for show, just like the furniture that he traveled the world to find. We’d never eaten at his dinette set, and if you’d dare take a seat in one of the soft white leather chairs, he’d have a fit.

  We ate in his bonus room, designed specifically for his guests. It had a theatre-sized TV, a pool table, and a cocktail bar with every kind of alcohol you can think of. There was also a mustard-colored leather sofa that surrounded the room. We used it for fucking when we couldn’t make it to his bedroom.

  I dried the last plate and laid it neatly on the shelf. Soft music played on the intercom throughout the house, and I heard Jaylin open the kitchen door. When I turned, he stood naked, staring at me with lust in his eyes. The sight of his muscular body always weakened me, so I laid the towel on the counter to see what was on his mind.

  “Jaylin, baby, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I just came down to see what was taking you so long. My dick doesn’t stay hard all night, you know.”

  With his hands, he tossed his dick from side to side and I watched it grow. No doubt, it looked delicious.

  “I was just finishing up. Besides, I didn’t think you were ready yet. The last time I checked, you were still on the phone.”

  “Well, I’m off now, so when you get finished in here, I got something waiting for you up there,” he said, pointing in the direction of his bedroom.


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