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Two's Enough Three's a Crowd

Page 5

by Brenda Hampton

  I watched Mona get into a brand new Jaguar. She appeared to have it going on. Carlos had a good job and she didn’t even have to work unless she wanted to. If she did, she had her marketing degree to fall back on.

  I knew what she said was right. I couldn’t put this off with Jaylin any longer. My birthday was just two weeks away and I’d be thirty years old. I was ready to give myself to the man I loved. I’d had thoughts of doing so for a very long time. Bottom line was I’d given Jaylin nine years of my life and things hadn’t changed since day one. He’d been with plenty of other women, and I’d put up with it simply because he promised that some day all of it would end. How stupid could I be? I must be out of my mind to put all of this into a relationship and not expect a marriage proposal by now. Our quality time together had to be on specific days because he had to make time for his other women. That was ridiculous and I knew it.

  I sighed deeply and thought about my stupidity. I shouldn’t have been letting him treat me that way. But then again, maybe it was my fault for not giving myself to him sooner. Maybe if I just did it, then we could finally take our relationship to the next level.

  That prompted me to call him to make sure we were still on for tonight. His secretary, Angela, said that he had worked from home that day, but when I called, he didn’t answer. I supposed he had to run an errand or something, so I headed for home to change into something more enticing to wear that night. I had a feeling that this would be a turning point in our relationship. I couldn’t wait to give Jaylin exactly what he’d been waiting for.



  “Mmm-mm-mm, Scorpio, you sure know how to fuck up a brotha’s mind,” I said, lying next to her in bed. “I told you I can go forever, as long as I’m with someone like you.” “Well, Ms. Energizer Bunny, you just keep on going.” I rolled on top of her and kissed her again.

  We had been at it all day long—on the floor, in the tub, on the chaise in my room, and of course, in my bed. Time flew by. I didn’t even have enough strength to get my ass up and go to work. I called Angela and told her to take messages for me today, and if anybody important called, to hit me on my private line at home. The only people who had that number were her and Stephon. Since that phone didn’t ring, I spent the entire day fucking Scorpio. She just couldn’t get enough of me and I couldn’t get enough of her. This woman was mine, and I didn’t care what anybody thought. She wasn’t leaving my life anytime soon.

  Scorpio got up and took a shower. I watched her through the glass door, standing with soap and water dripping down her naked body. My dick got hard again, but I was too tired to go at it. I picked up the phone and called Angela to see if anybody had called.

  “Jaylin, where have you been? Are you coming in at all today?” she asked anxiously.

  “Hold on, what’s the problem? I told you earlier I wasn’t coming in. I also told you if it was important to call me on my private line.”

  “It’s nothing important, but your friends—I mean your girlfriends, or whoever the hell they are—been calling here like crazy looking for you. I can’t get anything done if I’m interrupted by personal calls for you.”

  “Sorry, Angela. I’ll call them in a minute. How’s the market doing today?”

  “Actually, it’s up. Everything is looking pretty good, but you know how the market can be.”

  “Trust me, I know. I had a feeling that today would be a good day. That’s why I stayed my ass at home.”

  “Negro, please. You know you stayed at home because you got some female over there. But that’s your business, not mine.”

  “That’s right, Angela, it is my business. When I was at home smacking bellies with you, you didn’t seem to have a problem with it.”

  She laughed. “You know I’m just messing with you. But it would be nice to get things going again.”

  “Not a chance in hell. You’re married now—to my boss’ son—and we can never go there again.”

  “Darn. I had hoped there was something I could do to change your mind about that.”

  “Nothing. Now, transfer me to my voicemail so I can check my messages.”

  Angela transferred me to voicemail and I heard messages from both Felicia and Nokea. One of my most important clients had also called and said he wanted to buy some more shares of this company that was booming on the West Coast. That meant more money for me, so I went downstairs to my office to call him.

  “Mr. Higgins, how are you, sir? I just got your message. What deed can I do for you today?”

  “Jaylin, I think this fucking company is going to explode. I want to buy more shares now because when it does, buddy, I’m going to take my family and move my ass to a different country. Maybe even Africa,” he said, laughing.

  Ha, ha, ha. Africa my ass.

  “Sounds like a plan, Mr. Higgins,” I said, laughing right along with him. “I’ll take care of that for you immediately. How many additional shares would you like to purchase?” Higgins gave me a figure that could help set me up even more.

  I continued sucking up to him and laughed at his corny jokes. Fifteen minutes into our conversation, the door to my office squeaked open and Scorpio appeared, with only a towel wrapped around her. I put my finger on my lips, gesturing for her to be quiet. She smiled and walked over to my desk, pushing my papers aside so she could sit on it. I leaned back in my leather chair and watched as she removed the towel. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my conversation with Higgins.

  She took my hand and made me feel her insides. Getting excited, I tried to end my conversation with Higgins, but he just kept on talking. I stood up and slid my boxers down with the phone rested on my shoulder. I hurriedly inserted myself, and we rocked back and forth for a while; then Scorpio loudly added her famous words, “Fuck me, Jaylin.”

  Higgins cleared his throat and asked, “Jaylin, buddy, am I interrupting something?”

  “No, not at all.” I placed my hand over Scorpio’s mouth. “That was just a friend of mine joking around with me, that’s all.”

  “Sounds like she’s doing more than just playing around with you, buddy. Sounds like she’s fucking the shit out of you, or you her,” he laughed.

  “Well, you know how it is,” I shot back.

  “Why don’t I just call you tomorrow? Hey, I got a better idea. Why don’t we get together for a game of golf on Friday? The last time, you beat me and I owe you one.”

  “That’s fine, Mr. Higgins. I’ll see you Friday.”

  “Hey, Jaylin, suck on those tits for me,” he said, laughing and finally hanging up.

  I let the phone drop to the floor and Scorpio and I continued our midday session on my desk. It took a while for me to come because she had nearly drained me. Then, when she gave me some love and tender care with her mouth, I was forced to release myself.

  I fell back in my chair and she took a seat on my lap. “Baby, that’s it for the day,” I said. “Don’t you ever get tired?”

  “Not really. I thought you were going to join me in the shower, but when you didn’t, I came looking for you.”

  “That’s cool and all, but you can’t be messing with me like that when I’m talking to my clients. Luckily, he’s cool like that. Some of them be tripping when it comes to their money. They want a broker who sits in front of the monitor all day long and does nothing but watch the market go up and down.”

  “Sorry, but I couldn’t help myself. You make me feel so good that when I want to feel you, I just got to feel you, no matter where you are.”

  My private line rang, so I patted Scorpio on her ass and made her get up.

  “Man, why haven’t you been answering your phone?” It was Stephon. “I called you at work and Angela’s crazy ass told me to hit you on your private line.”

  “I was too tired to go in today, bro. Just wanted to lay my head down for an extra day. You know how that is.”

  “So, I guess that means Scorpio wore that ass out last night, huh?”

  Scorpio was listen
ing in on my conversation, so I put Stephon on hold.

  “Say, baby, do you mind? I need to take this call. Why don’t you go to the kitchen and find us something to eat? I’m hungry, aren’t you?”

  “All right. I’ll try and find something,” she said, walking out.

  “And baby,” I yelled, “don’t cook nothing! Put together a salad or something.”

  She put her hand on her hip and rolled her eyes at me then gave me the finger.

  “Now, I’ll stick something up your ass if you want me to,” I said, laughing.

  “We might have to try that later.”

  She winked and walked out.

  “Damn,” I said, shaking my head and putting the phone back on my ear. “Yeah, man, I’m back.”

  “What the hell’s going on over there? What’s all this ‘stick it here and there’ stuff I hear you talking?”

  “Stephon, this woman is bad! She’s been over here since y’all left, wearing my ass out. I ain’t never, and I mean never...Did I say never?”

  “Yeah, you did, man.”

  “Never has a sista put it on me like that. She done set that shit out!”

  “Damn, I knew she would be good. She had that seductive look about her that said she was capable of putting it on your ass. As soon as she walked in the door, her pussy screamed your name.”

  “Yeah, and it’s been calling me ever since.”

  “My question is, what you gon’ do with it? You know Nokea and Felicia ain’t having it this time. They start acting funny every time you bring somebody new to the circle. And if I can recall, the last time you tried that shit, they were both about ready to kill you.”

  “Bro, how many times I gotta tell you I got this under control over here? I know I’m playing with fire, and you’re right, the last time brought about much chaos. But it also showed me that no matter what, Nokea and Felicia ain’t going nowhere. I’ve been with Nokea for nine years and Felicia for four. If they ain’t stepped by now, they’re here to stay.”

  “You g’on with your bad self. But, uh, I thought today you were going to be passing Scorpio to me.”

  “Now, I know what I said last night, but this a different day. Let me enjoy things while they last. If I get tired by next week, next month, or next year, I’ll send her your way then.”

  “Sounds like you’re gonna buy that car sooner than you thought?”

  I laughed. “Yeah, I guess she would look pretty damn good in a Navigator or an Escalade, but, uh, she gotta do a little more work on me before I consider that.”

  “Seems like she’s already moving in the right direction. She done stepped up since last night. She wasn’t getting a damn thing then.”

  “And she still might not, but maaaan, the way she be popping that thang . . . whew! It’s enough to make any man go crazy.”

  “You got my shit over here on the rise just thinking about it. Let me call one of my ladies so they can shake a brotha down tonight.”

  “You do that. I’ll call you later.”

  When I hung up, I called Nokea. She answered on the first ring.

  “Jaylin, where have you been? I was coming over to talk to you in about an hour.”

  “Talk to me about what?”

  “About what I mentioned last night, silly. You said we could continue our conversation today.”

  Damn, I had completely forgotten about Nokea coming over today. Scorpio had my mind twisted. All I’d been thinking about was being in between her legs. Her sex was the best. I didn’t think any woman was capable of taking in my nine-plus inches without a fight, but Scorpio had done it.

  I rubbed my goatee and sucked in my bottom lip. “Nokea, baby, I’m sorry. I forgot you wanted to talk. Look, my decision still stands. I don’t want you to give yourself to me right now. So, really, there’s nothing for us to discuss.”

  “I don’t care what you say. We have a lot to discuss, and I’ll be over there within the hour. Tired or not, you’re going to hear me out.” She hung up.

  I didn’t call back because I heard something fall in the kitchen. I ran to see what it was. Scorpio had dropped a glass bowl on the floor.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, irritated.

  “It just fell, Jaylin. When I turned around, my elbow must’ve knocked into it and it fell.”

  Since she was in the kitchen with no clothes on, I helped her bend down and pick up the glass and eventually forgave her. We sat on the stools and ate the salad she’d made. I’d had better, but since I didn’t have any cooked ham to jazz it up, the vegetables had to do.

  I knew Nokea said she was on her way, but I wasn’t going to make Scorpio leave just because Nokea insisted she wanted to talk. If anything, she knew better than to pressure me into doing something I didn’t feel like doing. Out of respect, though, I explained the situation to Scorpio as she lay across my bed.

  “If you don’t mind, I have some company on the way. She wants to discuss some things with me, and it shouldn’t take long at all. If you wouldn’t mind staying in my bedroom, that would prevent me from answering any questions about us.”

  Scorpio sat up and placed her long hair behind her ears. She avoided eye contact with me and rubbed the tips of her manicured nails. “Is she your girlfriend?”

  “Well . . .” I hesitated. “We’re very close friends.”

  “Intimate friends?” she asked, finally making eye contact.

  “No, but a friend who would trip if she knew about our actions for the past two days.”

  “I thought you had an understanding with your women. If she’s coming over here to start any trouble, I can just leave. I don’t believe in fighting over a man. No offense, but there are plenty of men to go around.”

  “I agree, but there’s only one of me.” I stood up and stretched. “Nokea ain’t the kind of woman who would pick a fight either, so can I count on you to stay in my room? I’d really like for you to stay. We still have plenty of unfinished business to take care of.”

  “I’ll stay, Jaylin, but you’d better hope things don’t get out of hand. If so, you’ll see a side of me that you may not like.”

  “I didn’t know that side of you existed. Thus far, I’m digging you from every angle.”

  When the doorbell rang, Nokea wasn’t bullshitting. She was right on time. Her face did not display a smile.

  “Baby, what’s up?” I said, knowing that I didn’t want to be bothered.

  “What’s up is whose darn car is that in your driveway?” she yelled.

  “Come in, have a seat, and lower your voice. I don’t like you yelling at me like that. It definitely ain’t your style.”

  Nokea folded her arms and went over to the couch. As usual, my baby looked and smelled good. She had her hair neatly layered on the sides and spiked in the front. Her sexy little blue dress showed every curve on her petite frame, and her hips swayed as she sauntered into the living room. She turned and pointed her finger at me.

  “I’m not sitting down, Jaylin. I’m interested in knowing whose car that is outside!”

  “For the last time, don’t be yelling in my house like that. My neighbors don’t need any reason to call the police. You know these folks in Chesterfield don’t play. Sit down so we can talk.”

  She finally sat down and I sat next to her. I took her hand.

  “The car outside belongs to a nice young lady that I met not too long ago. She’s upstairs in my room watching TV, and she’s leaving tonight.”

  Nokea snatched her hand away from mine. “Was she here last night when I called you? Is that why you didn’t want me to come over, and why you haven’t been answering your phone?”

  “Because I’ve been busy. I had some work to do, and when I spoke to you last night, I was in my office trying to catch up.”

  She rolled her eyes. I could practically see the smoke coming from her ears.

  “You still haven’t answered my question. Was she here last night?”

  I dropped my head back and looked up. “Yes, s
he was, but—”

  Nokea pushed my face, and when I sat up straight, she smacked me. I closed my eyes and turned my head to prevent myself from fucking her up. I realized I deserved it for lying to her, so I couldn’t do anything but shake it off.

  She covered her face with her hands and started to cry. I felt worse than I’d ever felt before because I’d never seen her cry like that. I leaned over and wrapped my arms around her.

  “Look, I’m sorry. The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it ain’t like you don’t know my situation. I don’t know what you want from me. For years, you’ve been telling me you don’t want to have sex with me, and now you’ve changed your mind. You’ve been on and off, Nokea, and how do you think that makes me feel?”

  She shook her head from side to side and slapped me again. “You are so full of it. You know darn well what I want, but you’ve refused to give it to me. This sex thing wouldn’t even be an issue if you would’ve focused your time and energy on our relationship only. But that’s asking too much of you, Jaylin, isn’t it?”

  I rubbed my goatee and pressed my lips together. Nokea had definitely touched a nerve by slapping me and by not understanding what I was saying.

  “Look, if you say you love me like you do, then there shouldn’t have been no problem with you wanting to give yourself to me. Now you expect me to drop everything and be done with it. It doesn’t work like that, Nokea. This process takes time.”

  Nokea dropped her head on my shoulder to cry, and I felt terrible. I hated to see her like this, but nothing I said seemed to soothe her pain. “Baby, do you hear what I’m saying to you? What do you want from me? I can’t change things overnight, and I’d be lying to you if I told you I would.” Besides, I had no intention of dropping Scorpio any time soon now that I knew what a freak she could be.


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