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Roman (The Clutch Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Heidi McLaughlin

She interrupts me with a laugh. “Ha! Of course, there is.”

  “It’s not like that. I mean… no, it’s not like that at all.”

  “Okay, so tell me what it is like exactly.” Her lips curl as she sarcastically awaits my explanation.

  “The gaming commissioner’s daughter. I think she can help me. But she’s never been around us before. In fact, I’m fairly certain that I’m the first vampire she’s ever even had a conversation with.”

  “Was she wearing a cross, Roman?” Selene stands upright again, crossing her arms.

  “Well yes, but…”

  “But what… you know the rules. You can’t compel her. And far be it from me to tout the rules, but they are what they are.” In the early days, Selene wasn’t one to play by the rules much, but over the years, she has enjoyed the perks of walking among the humans as much as the rest of us. Her love of free feeding without all the messy hunting and her love of beautiful things like shopping and fancy shoes has toned down the huntress in her substantially.

  Frustrated, I sigh. “I’m not planning to compel her exactly. I thought I might actually win her over.”

  “Win her over? You’re planning to what… court her?”

  I rub my chin thoughtfully; I like the sound of that. Courting. Like in the old days. Perhaps it’s what Miss Fiona Weston needs, to be courted. “Yes. Court her. That’s exactly what I’ll do.”

  “How bad do you want this casino, Roman? You’re treading in some dangerous water crossing the gaming board by what, bedding his daughter? Is that really the route you want to go?” She knows me well enough to know there’s more to the story. She’s waiting for me to tell her what it is.

  “I want the casino. It’s important. I have plans for it, and for the money it will generate.”

  “And?” she prods.

  “And what?” I reply, pretending we’re not going down this road.

  “Let me guess. She’s beautiful?”

  “Well sure, she’s pretty.”

  “Cut to the chase, Roman. I have things to do. I love you, but you should just tell me what the hell is really going on besides you trying to buy a casino you don’t even need.” Her hand moves firmly to her hip as her tone turns stern.

  “Okay, okay,” I concede. “Selene, there’s something about her. I’m drawn to her, even though I rather loathe her life. She has this superficial, artificial lifestyle, but I can sense there’s so much more.”

  “More than how delicious it would be to get her to take off the cross she wears?”

  “Far more delicious, Selene. I can tell there’s something in her that I need to know. And while yes, it’ll help me get my casino, she’s a mystery. Not only to someone like me but her friends as well. I watched her interact with them this evening; they haven’t a clue who she truly is. And neither do I, but I want to find out.”

  Selene looks at me thoughtfully for a moment before she replies. “Roman, I have been your friend for hundreds of years. I’ve never once heard you say something like this about a human.”

  Surprising even myself with what I said, I nod. “I know.”

  “Well, then you should invest some time in it. Explore what draws you in. But you need to be careful. You don’t need any trouble from the human government. That only causes trouble in ours. There’s no happily ever after for humans and vampires; that’s a fairy tale, so don’t forget it.”

  As I consider what she’s said, I realize that while she may be right, I don’t care. Even just a few moments I’d spent in her bedroom, inhaling her scent, listening to her heartbeat, left me wanting more.



  The bags under my eyes have bags under theirs. No amount of lifting, pulling or tugging seems to negate any of the swellings. “Stupid vampire,” I mutter to the mirror. I apply a heavy dose of the cream I had the bellhop bring up, and fan my face, hoping it dries quickly and works like magic. This is going to be a sunglass day, and I’ll have to pretend I’m hungover, even though I barely had one glass of champagne.

  I blame the stupid vampire. If it weren’t for him, my party would’ve been a hit. Oh, who am I kidding, the party was still a success, minus the few minutes the one known as Roman made his presence known.

  Actually, he didn’t do anything to make himself stand out. He minded his own business, and truthfully, if I hadn’t met him the other day at the café, I probably wouldn’t have even noticed him. Nevertheless, he was in my home, holding a glass of bourbon, which I now know he didn’t drink, watching me as if I were his prey. The thought makes me shudder, except not in the way it should. I should be disgusted, repulsed and feeling violated. This… thing entered my home, uninvited, and followed me to the safe haven of my bedroom. Yet, all I can think about is what Lana so graciously divulged about her locker room happenings, and how being with a vampire was the best sex she’s ever had, and well… let me just say it’s been a while and I found myself turned on by his bravado.

  I didn’t handle myself professionally at all. It’s not like he’ll call my father and file a complaint, but it’s still unsettling to me. My friends, without my consent, could do business with him, and he could tarnish my name. If he did, I’d deserve it. After all, I’m the hostess. It’s my job to bring the investors together, even if they have no right buying property.

  My cross rests right at the peak of my breast. I pick it up, twisting it a few times before letting it fall on my bare skin. As far as I know, it’s never failed me before, but again, I could be completely naïve. I’ve been told I’m not the most observant, which is evident by the fact I let this Roman speak to me yesterday. Where was his mark the other day in the coffee shop? Had he hidden it from me or was I not looking?

  “You weren’t looking,” I say to myself. I wasn’t because I was so taken by how handsome he is and how distinguished he presented himself. Most often, the men who hit on me are college-aged preppy boys looking for a good time. But then again, all vampires are gorgeous, and it’s clear I can’t make a decision between fact and fiction.

  Fact, I didn’t sleep well last night because each time I closed my eyes, Roman was there, hovering over me, making me feel things I have never felt. He was soft, nothing like the rock hard façade we’re led to believe these creatures have.

  Fiction, I imagined he called his penis Vlad the Impaler before he jabbed me with it. Yes, jabbed!

  Fact, I had my first wet dream. I soaked my panties, dreaming about Roman.

  Fiction, when he opened his mouth, his fangs fell out, stabbing me in the heart.

  Fact, Roman smells divine, and if I inhale deeply, I can still smell his lingering scent. I don’t know if all vamps smell the same or if the warm sand fragrance is from his cologne.

  Rifling through my jewelry box, I find the last gift my mother gave me, diamond cross earrings. I used to think they were gaudy, but right now I could use all the extra help I can muster. The cross is supposed to keep them away, prevent them from compelling us. It’s supposed to be a bright red beacon letting every one of them know we’re off limits.

  Once again, my hand reaches for my cross, only this time it ghosts over my breast. I close my eyes, only to picture Roman’s hand doing the work, tweaking my nipples until they’re hard and ready. My eyes flash open, and I tear my hand away from my body. I shudder at the thought of a vampire bringing me this much pleasure.

  Right now, I hate Lana. If it weren’t for her and her gym hook-up, I’d never have these fantasies. I blame her and her big mouth. What she does in private should stay there. She doesn’t need to be a tabloid and share every detail with her friends.

  Except, it’s what we do. Well, Leslie doesn’t.

  And I hate the fact that I need another pair of clean underwear. Stupid vampire.

  As luck would have it, Lana and Leslie want to meet at the spa. I agreed, only because I couldn’t think of a lie strong enough to keep them away from my penthouse. If I were to say I was sick, they’d both show up with soup. If I told them I was
meeting someone else, they’d hound me until I came clean or searched all over Las Vegas until they found me. My friends may be a little unhinged. It was only after I agreed to meet them, under the strict stipulation they weren’t to fight about anything, did they say we had a full day of spa services ahead of us. Truthfully, I need this, but answering questions as to why luggage tagged eyes read international, isn’t going to be fun.

  Yet, here I am waiting in the lobby wearing my biggest pair of sunglasses with the lifeguard staring at me. I peg him to be about seventeen or eighteen, and he’s finding some reason to continue to come to the front desk. Each time, he stands there, as if he’s waiting for a client to come in.

  Luckily for me, he can’t see the eye roll I give him each time he spreads his arms out along the counter. I mean, the kid is openly gawking, and I feel like I’m about to vomit. I look down at my watch to see the time. Lana and Leslie are both late, which is unlike them. After the other day, I can’t imagine they would arrive together, but for all I know they kissed and made up, which would be ideal. I don’t want my two best friends not getting along. It doesn’t bode well for me.

  Finally, they walk in. Leslie is yammering away on her phone, while Lana looks happy as can be. She kisses me on both cheeks because rich people have to act European.

  “How was your party?”

  “Good, great turn out as usual. I’m sure Daddy will be very happy. Oh, Shan was there. He brought a stripper.”

  Lana’s mouth drops open. “Seriously?”

  I nod and motion toward Leslie, who is standing in the corner, still on her phone. Lana shrugs. “Who’s she talking to?”

  “David? Bob? Jeremy? Honestly, I don’t know who she’s dating right now.”

  “Wait, what happened to Larry?”

  “You mean Laurence?” Lana draws the middle of his name out in some phony accent. I nod.

  “Doesn’t fit Daddy’s financial bio, so she dumped him.”


  “The trust fund is everything.” Lana’s right. To some it is. “Anyway, Shan and a stripper?”

  “No joke. I can’t imagine what his mother is thinking.” Shan’s mother is the definition of elitist. She was born into money, married into more money, and when her father died, she inherited even more. I’m not sure Shan’s mother has worked a day in her life.

  “But it was good to see him?”

  I shrug. “It was fine. He wants to work with Daddy, which is the only reason we dated, to begin with.”

  “What’s with the shades?” Leslie asks.

  I feel about two feet tall under her scrutiny. She’s always perfect. Never has a hair out of place, a broken nail or chipped polish.

  Before I can answer, one of our technicians calls our names. We follow her down the hall, passing the pool where the creepy teenage lifeguard is watching. “Weirdo.”

  “Who?” Leslie asks.

  “I’ll tell you later.” As much as his staring bothered me, I don’t want to get him into trouble. For some, what he was doing is flattery. The young man only needs to hone his skills a bit better, maybe not be so up front with the leering.

  As soon as we enter the dressing room, I’m forced to remove my glasses. Leslie makes a face, which tells me I’m really unbecoming.

  Lana’s eyes go wide. “Rough night? Shan ditch the hooker and come back?”

  I shake my head. “No, nothing like that.”

  “Are you sick? Did you get your flu shot this year?” Leslie asks.

  “I’m not sick. I didn’t sleep well.”

  “Sex will do that to you.”

  “Lana, why is everything about sex?” Leslie asks with her hands on her hips. The only thing missing from her stance is having her foot jut out like a mother scorning her child.

  Lana saunters over to Leslie, swaying her hips back and forth. “Don’t knock it until you try it.”

  Leslie huffs. “I’m saving myself for marriage.”

  “But why? Don’t you want to experience men before you settle on one?” Lana asks. “What if your husband doesn’t know what he’s doing? Or worse yet, what if you don’t marry a virgin?” Lana scoffs and covers her mouth.

  “Leave her alone, Lana,” I say. “She has her reasons, and you do as well, so respect them. Same goes for you, Leslie.” I go to both of them and place one arm on each of their shoulders.

  “You’re my best friends, I need you to get along.”

  “Are you going to tell us why you didn’t sleep well?” Lana asks, crossing her arms over her chest.

  I roll my eyes, angry for not canceling on them today. “No.” I leave them standing in the dressing room. I smile at the woman doing my massage and lay face down on the table as she requests. Lana and Leslie are still bickering when they come, but quiet down as soon as they’re on the table.

  I’m quickly lost in the sensation of deft fingers working through the knots in my back. The push and pull lulls my eyes shut. Of course, all I can see is Roman, and it makes me wonder if he’s put me under some spell. I know nothing about the… man? And yet I can’t seem to stop thinking about him.

  When I moan aloud, Lana hollers at me.

  “Sorry,” I mumble.

  “Who’s Roman?” she asks.

  “Is he the reason you have bags under your eyes, Fiona, because I have to tell you, it’s very unfitting, especially for a place like this,” Leslie says so matter-of-factly. My God, this woman drives me insane. Please, someone, tell me why we’re friends.

  I turn my head to find both of them staring at me. Well, mostly Lana because she’s right next to me, but I can feel Leslie’s fiery gaze. “Where did you hear that name?”

  “You were having a sex dream about him,” Lana tells me.

  “I was not.” I rise up on my elbows and look at my masseuse. “Was I?”

  She shrugs and starts working on my calves.


  I look at Lana and lie back down. “I have nothing to say because nothing happened between us.”

  “But who is he?” she asks.

  “He showed up at my party last night, uninvited.”

  “But who is he? Is he someone we know?” Leslie asks.

  I look at Lana and silently plead for her help. Her eyes go wide, and I shake my head, but it’s too late. Her mouth is already opening. “He’s a vampire?”

  “What?” Leslie screeches as she sits up. “Not you too, Fi.”

  “I didn’t do anything. I swear. I asked him to leave, but now I can’t get him off my mind.”

  Leslie hops down from the table and stalks over to me. She grabs my neck, rubbing up and down. “I said I wasn’t with him.”

  “But you’re having impure thoughts about him. He planted something on you.”

  “He never touched me,” I tell her. My dreams don’t count.

  Leslie stands back; her towel is barely hanging on. “How would you know? They’re lightning fast. He could’ve been super quick, and you would’ve never known it.”

  She’s right, but there’s something about Roman that makes me believe he’s different, that he’s not like the others we’ve read about or seen on the streets.



  I contemplated what Selene said; explore what draws you. It was the perfect description of how I am feeling. Drawn to Fiona. She is a woman of many layers, who seems to be playing a part, most likely for her father. What I could sense of her when she was near me was more than just physical attraction, and I decide not to waste any time; I am going to find her and speak to her again. I’d intentionally left things open-ended between us so that this door was open to an extent, but I’d not had a plan until now.

  I look in the usual spots my research has led me to, without much luck until finally, I can sense her. I can actually smell her. The scent reminds me of lilacs in the warm summer sun, and I try to recall where I smelled that before. As I follow the scent, my connection to her presence becomes stronger, and I can now hear her heartbeat. It�
�s calm as if she’s sleeping. When I realize that she is at a spa, I pick up the sounds of her annoying friends as well.

  The ones named Lana and Leslie are with her, and from the sounds of it, they are having another conversation about vampires, which brings a broad grin to my face. If the topic is once again vampires then it seems I left an impression. I feel Fiona’s heart rate increase, and I use my gifts to listen in on the ladies’ conversation, which is now turning to be about me. This is far better than I’d imagined it would be. Once again, Leslie is lecturing everyone about how bad vampires are, and judging everyone’s life choices. Such a trivial human experience.

  I certainly cannot go talk to Fiona in the spa, with her friends around, that isn’t the point of seeking her out today, so I find a spot nearby where I can focus, and hear what’s being said. Listening to her speak, her voice like a smooth song, she talks of meeting me, and I cannot help but feel a sense of relief at the impression that I’ve left. Part of me had been nervous that she wouldn’t have been taken with me at all, and I’d be back to square one with my business dealings, but even worse than that now was that I want her to like me. I want her to understand who I am, who my people are, and what we are about. Without the propaganda that’s been planted into her head of course.

  The ladies spend the entire day at the spa, and while some would say I could make better use of my time, this is the only thing I want to be doing. Once they finally finish their day of leisure, I wait to find out where she is going next so that I can finally talk to her. Because I listen to her all day, it almost feels as though we are having a conversation in some ways; I get to hear her voice what is on her mind, but she doesn’t get to be privy my thoughts, which is almost unfair. Such is the plight of mortal man I suppose. Being a vampire is quite wonderful, except for those moments you’re trying to convince a human you’re not going to murder them. I could do without those moments.

  Anyway, I continue to wait for the girls to part ways, anticipating Fiona’s next move. I hope she is going to the coffee shop.


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