So Wild A Heart
Page 32
“You know, the ironic thing is that Strong was actually quite a good estate manager. Your estate prospered under him as it had not for years. The farms were producing enough rents for you to live well. And he made a deal with a coal company to mine your land in the Roaches that makes you a very wealthy man indeed. You could have renovated Darkwater yourself.”
They reached Miranda’s bedroom and went inside. Miranda turned her back to Devin, and he began to unhook her dress.
“Have you ever thought about that?” she asked. “You had plenty of money. It was never really necessary for you to marry me.”
“Oh, yes, it was,” he contradicted her, bending down to place a kiss at the base of her neck. “It was very necessary—for my happiness. I could have had all the money in the world, but if I had not married you, I would never have known love.”
Miranda turned and smiled up at him, letting her dress slide down her arms and pool at her feet on the floor. “And you know it now?”
“Oh, yes.” His smile was slow and rich with promise. “I have a very intimate acquaintance with love now.”
“Then why don’t you show me?” she asked, sliding her arms up the front of his shirt and around his neck.
Devin pulled her close to him, his mouth coming down on hers. “I would be happy to.”
ISBN: 978-1-4603-0223-1
Copyright © 2002 by Candace Camp
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