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Page 4

by Danielle A. Elwood

  They loaded up their plates and moved to the table, where Emily's favorite candle was lit in the center. She hadn't planned for it to be a candle-lit dinner, but it was a nice surprise touch.

  “So how was your day? I saw your Golf. How do you like it?” Avery asked, picking a piece of pepperoni off his slice and tossing it into his mouth. It stuck to his cheek instead. She giggled.

  "You got something there," she said, trying to look serious.

  "What? I do?" he asked, feigning ignorance. "Where?"

  She snatched the pepperoni from his face and popped it into her own mouth. "Nevermind, I got it." She grinned so big her cheeks hurt.

  “Beach or movie after the pizza? I see you have an ample collection of DVDs over there.” Avery held his breath waiting for her reply. Please say both. Please say both. Please say both, he chanted internally.

  “Beach first before the rain starts. Movie after?” She questioned him waiting for his approval. “But, I must warn you. I only have chick flicks.”

  In his best chick impression he squealed, “Those are soooo my favorite!”

  Emily almost spit out her soda, instead some of it went down her windpipe. She laughed so hard that tears streamed down her face. Trying to catch her breath, she set her soda down on the table and grabbed a napkin from the pile.

  “Oh, my God. I'm dying!” she said, her face red as she laughed and choked.

  "Raise your arm, it opens the airways," he said, lifting his hand into the air. She thrust her left arm straight into the air. "Now the other one," he said as she came to the end of her coughing fit. She obeyed his instruction. "Now wiggle them." She wiggled them for a second then was lost in laughing again. He joined her until tears were streaming down his face too.

  "You suck!" she yelped, grinning and lowering her arms, her face beet-red.

  "Okay, the second arm thing and the wiggling were bullshit but lifting an arm does open the airways. I just wanted to see what I could get you to do. I should have told you to stand on your head." He chuckled, leaning back in his chair.

  He watched as she wiped the tears from her eyes and the pizza grease from her hands. He smiled and she caught him watching.

  "What?" she asked, smiling back.

  "I'm just amazed that you're cute even when you're choking." He grinned, leaning in. She froze again, the close proximity between them electrifying. He took her chin in his hand and guided her mouth to his. In the kiss, there was no awkward negotiation. They opened to each other, their tongues mingling, lips pressing, teeth nibbling. A heat simmered in the kiss and both were flushed and dizzy when they parted.

  "I feel like I should be sorry for doing that," he said, surveying her face.

  "Don't be," she said.

  "I should have done it sooner," he said, running his fingers through her hair.

  "Hell, I should have done it sooner," she said, chuckling.

  “Ready for a walk on the beach?” he asked, pecking her on the lips again.

  "Define ready." She giggled. "Let's clean up first." They both grabbed their plates to deposit in the sink.

  They held hands as they walked to the beach. She hadn't felt that relaxed in days. Their relationship was growing by leaps and bounds. The more time they had to talk, the more they discovered about each other. All the while, their hands never separated. They got back to her apartment and began kicking off the sand stuck to their legs.

  “Still up for a movie?” She asked scrubbing the bottoms of her flip-flops on the welcome mat.

  "Are you?" he asked, grabbing her up and kissing her nose and cheeks. She giggled as he kissed her up against the wall.

  "Hold—on—" she said, laughing as he kept planting soft, quick kisses on her lips. She unlocked her door and they resumed making out in the foyer. Neither wanted to stop. The door shut behind them. Once inside, the kisses melted into a deep single one. Emily let out a quiet moan when Avery bit her bottom lip, slowly sucking it into his mouth. The little noises she made were heavenly. Making a desperate attempt to put a bit of space between the two, Emily broke her lips away from his. She had officially been kissed senseless.

  “Wow,” she muttered.

  “Wow is right," he said, wiggling the shivers from his extremities. He tucked in behind her, wrapping his arms around her as she searched for a movie. Her body tingled in his embrace. Sexual thoughts ran rampant in her head.

  “Found it!” She exclaimed excitedly. It had been ages since she watched Serendipity.

  “You were serious about the chick flick?” Avery laughed pulling her back against his muscular front. Emily turned in his arms, fingers clasped onto the DVD case holding it up to her chest wearing a shy smile.

  “You don't want to watch my favorite movie of all time?” She asked with a sad puppy-dog look causing Avery's dislike for girly movies to evaporate. He leaned in for short and sweet kiss before they sat down. Emily grabbed the remote, turning on the surround sound, TV, and DVD player.

  “Before we settle in for the movie, do you want something to drink?” She walked off the chills from their kiss.

  “Just a bottle of water if you have one.” He kicked his feet up onto her coffee table getting comfortable. He fit so perfectly into her house, her life, she couldn't even think straight. Her only mission became getting through that movie without getting naked. God, I just want to get naked for him right now. What would he think if I walked back into the living room in my birthday suit? Oh Lord it is way too soon for that. What the hell is wrong with me?

  “You know why this movie is my favorite?” she asked, returning to the couch with their drinks.

  "Because a hot guy and hot girl meet and fall in love?" He grinned.

  "It isn't just that. I've always wanted the kind of relationship with magic and romance," she said.

  “You shouldn't settle for anything else,” he said, nudging her cheek with his nose before planting a chaste kiss there. Emily's stomach fluttered with nerves once again. She was beginning to think he was perfect—the kind of perfect that could be potentially dangerous to her sanity.

  The credits rolled. She did manage to get through the movie without getting naked. She wasn't sure whether she should regret or be happy about that.

  “Their story isn't so different from ours," Avery said as the movie score played in the background. "I'm so glad we met, even if it was an accident that brought us together." She smiled, never having thought of the accident as being the real reason they'd met.

  “I guess you're right,” She agreed, turning to look him in the eyes. Emily swore she could see raw lust there. Her own desire for Avery was absolutely palpable. They sat paralyzed in each other's gaze. Avery finally broke the stillness, reaching for her face and running his strong fingers down her reddening cheeks.

  His lips moved to hers with urgency, starting slow and sweet but quickly building with hunger. Her lips responded, opening to plead for entry to his. Before too long, she slid onto her back and his tight body pulled over her. Her legs parted to accommodate him.

  Her hands wandered over each ridge in his muscular back, each one apparent even through his clothes. She could feel each delicious ridge, her fingers creeping over him. She dove her hands under his shirt, shivering at the skin-to-skin contact. The shiver alarmed her. He was already having such a massive effect on her that she couldn't help but pull away.

  “We have to slow down,” she barely breathed out as he took her words seriously and slowly sat up. He moved away.

  “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...” his words drifted off as he apologized. “I just got so wrapped up... I'm sorry. It just happened so quick. I... really like you.” His words hit her directly in her chest, spawning feelings of both fear and hope. It had been so long since she found herself in love, and she desperately wanted a real future with someone. Most of all, she missed sex.

  “It's okay. I just, don't trust myself...” she pulled back a little reaching her hand out to cup his cheek as she continued, “it has been a while since
I have been with anyone and I just want to take it slow.” She laced her fingers with his and kissed his knuckle.

  “Maybe I should go.” Avery started to pull away from her and stand up. He tried unsuccessfully to canvas his erection. Her stomach churned with the thought of him leaving her. She didn't want him to go, but needed a bit of a breather. She was tired and still recovering.

  “I guess,” she agreed as she stood, slowly fixing her bunched up sundress. “Want me to wrap up the leftover pizza for you? Maybe lunch tomorrow or something?” Her maternal instincts kicked into gear. For once she felt the need to take care of someone other than Flip.

  “Sure. I have a seventy-two hour shift coming up, so I am going to need to put together a bag of stuff to hide in the fridge at the firehouse.” Avery said, glowering at the memory of his long shift. Damn this stupid fuckin' work shift, he thought. She flitted about the kitchen, wrapping up the food.

  “Seventy-two hours straight? How does that work?” she asked.

  “For the next few days, I will work 72 hours on, then 24 or 48 hours off. Depending on the weeks, and how many hours I work in a given week.” He noticed her change in mood as he explained his schedule.

  “Oh, so I won't get to see you for another three days?” Emily asked. A small smile peeked through her dismay.

  “I'm sorry, babe.” Avery moved into the kitchen, wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her in closely. “I'll see you when I can,” he said. Goosebumps spread across her body with his confession.

  “I'll miss you too.” She turned in his arms and took his mouth with hers once more. This time with burning need, knowing this will be her last taste of him for days. Avery's passion matched hers. He lifted her onto the black, granite counters. Her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer in her embrace, as if they had always been meant for that purpose.

  What felt like hours of making out had only been a short fifteen-minute adolescent make-out fest. They peeled away from each other and he lifted her off the counter.

  "Hold on just a second," she said. She sprinted into the master bedroom and went for her sexy drawer as she called it. Rummaging through the contents until she found the perfect pair. A tiny, hot-pink thong with rhinestone accents at the waistband. Sliding them into the top of her dress she hurried back to the kitchen. Avery stood in the living room finishing up the bottle of water he'd started earlier, and she quickly reached down the top of her dress and shoved his hidden treat into a cloth tote bag, then set the pizza on top of it.

  “Here you go," she said handing him the bag." If I had known I was supposed to be making you meals for three days, I would have at least hit the grocery store today.”

  Avery took the bag and slung it over his shoulder while leaving in to give her a little kiss.

  “You are too good to me already, Emily.” He turned towards the door; Emily followed close behind. Unlocking and opening the door they stepped outside.

  The wind blew stronger than earlier in the evening, and a drizzle was cropping up. The smell of rain and salt was in the air. Despite the rain, Emily walked Avery to his truck. They strolled slowly while holding hands, making the short journey as long as they could. Both despised the fact that they had to part ways.

  “Tonight was amazing,” Avery spoke just inches away from Emily's mouth. Never taking his eyes off of hers. His tongue ran along his bottom lip, moistening it in anticipation.

  “It was perfect,” Emily answered him, standing on her tip-toes to kiss him. When their lips broke apart, he moved his kiss down her neck, slowly licking and kissing his way to her collarbone.

  “If I don't go back inside, you won't be leaving tonight...” she said just above a whisper backing away from Avery's truck toward her apartment door. “Goodnight, Firefighter Martin. Until next time,” and she blew him a kiss. He watched her animated expression as she backed away. Before she turned, he held up three fingers.

  "Three days," he reminded her with a grin.


  Knock, knock, knock. Emily heard a banging at her front door. She rolled over looking at her alarm clock. Eight-thirty? What the fuck! she thought. Somebody had better be dead. She got out of bed and threw on her long bathrobe. The doorbell rang.

  “Coming! Coming!” She yelled, almost tripping over the overflowing laundry basket in the hall. "Fucking ow!" she screamed, her toe throbbing. She sprinted for the door. When she opened it, she was shocked to see Avery standing on the other side with a smile and vase full of white roses.

  “I'm so sorry I woke you up, but I wanted to drop these off on my way to work.” Emily stood in her doorway, her mouth hanging open. His work uniform made her drool. On top of him looking like a total knock-out, he carried a huge vase of flowers.

  “Wow,” she sighed out. “You can stay!” she joked, taking the arrangement.

  “I can't; I don't have time,” he apologized already backing out of the doorway. She set the flowers on the dining table. “Plus, if my imagination is right, you are wearing very little under that robe and I would never get out of here," he teased as she hurried back to him. She grabbed him by the wrist and yanked him over the threshold, shutting the door and bracing herself against it.

  “Five minutes,” she whispered into his ear as she pushed him down on the couch straddling his lap. “Maybe six,” she added, leaning in to passionately kiss him.

  "What if I lose my job?" he asked, pretending to get up, though he had no intention of doing so.

  "Who cares," she said, then pecked his lips lovingly. "You don't need a job," she teased, giggling and pressing quick kisses to his lips again.

  "I quit," he said, laughing and wrapping his arms around her. God she felt good straddled on top of him. Avery trailed his hands up her legs and back down groaning into her mouth when he noticed how smooth and soft her legs were. He was in danger of never getting up again if he didn't stop her. In a split-second, things escalated until they were both out of breath. Her robe was tied badly and he could make out hints of her scantily clad curves underneath.

  "You're a danger to the city; you know that?" he asked, chuckling and sitting up. She still sat across his lap, her heaving chest pressed against his. "I can't put out fires if I'm here making out with you." They both laughed and she squeezed him tight in a hug, wrapping her legs around his torso. When he stood, he ended up taking her with him. Her body still clung to his and he lifted her effortlessly.

  "Take me with you!" she said, giggling, her arms around his neck.

  "What would I tell the captain? I grew a really hot tumor overnight?"

  "Maybe," she whispered, kissing his cheek and hopping to the floor. Though he could tell she was disappointed, he could tell she was grateful for the short time they spent together.

  “I'll text you when I have some downtime.” Avery gave her one last kiss before he let himself out of her apartment.

  She flopped down on the couch, exhilarated, hot, and bothered. The scent of flowers and hints of sex wafted in the air. It had been ages since she found herself turned on and all alone.

  She ran the shower. Its calming comfort was the first thing on her mind as soon as Avery had left. The more she thought about Avery, the more turned on she got. She had tried to shrug it off but just thinking about his hands on her legs, and hardness pressed firmly against her wet center, she couldn't ignore her arousal. She ran the water and waited while it heated up. Steam clouds rolled over the mirror.

  She reached into her vanity drawer and found the little black bag that she kept hidden in the back. Placing it on the counter she unzipped the bag revealing her smooth bright blue vibrator. Hello there lover, she thought. Long time so no see. She tossed off her robe and stepped under the hot water.

  She set the toy on the corner shelf and lathered up in apple-scented body wash. As she washed, she spent extra time at her breasts, teasing her nipples gently until they pebbled under her fingertips. Pressing her own buttons brought about the moans of pleasure she'd expected. The
last time she'd showered, she'd had the presence of mind to shave her va-jungle. And after it had been grinding on Avery's delectable body, she didn't need to stimulate herself to get in the mood.

  The suds ran over her body to the shower floor and she turned to the shelf for relief. She picked up the blue toy pressing the button on the top bringing the vibrator to life. She slid her hand over her skin, then ran two fingers through her folds, gently parting them for her waiting toy.

  The other hand guided the vibrator between her spread lips causing her to tremble as the plastic pressed over her swollen clit. She continued downwards, slowly nudging her toy into her wet and waiting pussy. When the toy made its entrance, Emily let out a loud moan and continued working toward her orgasm. Her mind drifted back to her quick moments earlier in the morning, thinking of Avery's hands over her wanton body. The thought of his lips on her neck sent her over the edge. As her orgasm crashed over her, she yelped out in pleasure, and lost grip on her toy. It clattered to the tub floor. She clutched at the wall for support, her knees threatening to give out.

  Avery had been at work for a mere four hours when his stomach began rumbling. He had skipped out on breakfast so he could stop and get Emily flowers. It was so worth it, he thought to himself as he rummaged through the floral-print bag she had given him the night before. He unpacked the pizza and soda, then did a double-take.

  What the hell is that? he thought as he pulled the scrap of fabric out of the bag. It wasn't until he had it in his hands that he became aware of what it was. Emily had put a thong in the bottom of his lunch bag. Oh. My. God. This girl is going to be the end of me.

  “What'cha got there, Martin?” Tom had picked a shitty time to creep up on Avery. It wasn't the first time though. He was notorious for having the worst timing in the firehouse. As Avery turned around to face Tom he momentarily forgot he was still clutching Emily's panties in his hand.

  “Um... Nothing.” He tried to shove them down into his pocket, but Tom wasn't going to let him off the hook that easy. He grabbed at the thong and snapped it from Avery's hands.


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