The Gamble (D'Arth Series Book 3)

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The Gamble (D'Arth Series Book 3) Page 20

by Camille Oster

  "Come with me.”

  "I can't. I lost my job. In the ranks of the unemployed.”

  "I'm sorry to hear that," Marco said with furrowed brow.

  Alex shrugged slightly. She had to believe it was for the better. "I'll find something else.”

  "You can live here," he said.

  Alex laughed. "Let's just slow down a tad. I'm not moving in with you on day dot.”

  Marco almost looked a bit sulky. "I still want you to come with me. I don't want to go on my own.”

  "You'll be fine," she said and leaned up to kiss him on the forehead. "I'll be here when you get back.”

  Marco woke in the middle of the night, enveloped in Alex. He lay there for a moment and just watched her sleep. He'd had no idea when he'd woken up that morning that his day would end like this, but he seriously wouldn't trade it for the world. Alex was here. Alex was his. And like hell was he leaving her now. Not only wasn't he giving her a chance to change her mind, he also absolutely didn't want to go without her. He would be miserable, pining for her, while knowing every single moment that there was no reason for her not to be there with him.

  Gently pushing her leg off him, he got out of bed in the darkness and turned on his computer. The lights from the screen flickered around the room, but Alex didn't wake. Getting on the internet, he booked two tickets to Auckland with a two-day stopover in Hong Kong.

  He felt bad about her losing her job, but there was also an upside—he could surprise her with anything and she had no excuse. They were leaving in a few days.

  Softly, he padded back to bed, stopping briefly at the window to look out at the dark, quiet street. Everything was right in the world and things had turned out like they should, and tomorrow they had a lazy Saturday and he wasn't planning on getting out of bed.

  Crawling back into bed, be pulled Alex's thigh back where it had been and closed his eyes, turning his head so he could rest his lips on her temple, breathing in the sweet scent of her.

  * * *

  Chapter 32:

  * * *

  Unsure where he was, Marco woke with a start as the hotel alarm clock rang. Groggily, he rubbed his eyes while Alex continued to sleep, obvious to the alarm. He didn't want to get up; he wanted to stay there with her as she lay snuggled into him, but they had to—there was a wedding to get to.

  Urging her off him, he walked over to the window and drew back the block-out curtains. It was a brilliant day outside, crisp with bright sunshine. The view of Wellington Harbour was spectacular and one of the large Interislander ferries was just sailing out of port.

  Drawing breath, he tried to clear some of his jetlag daze. They'd arrived last night and gone straight to sleep, well almost. Hong Kong had been a wonderful reprieve, although they'd seen precious little of the city itself beyond their hotel room, but it had served as a little cocoon of just them and the kisses that drew him like magnets to the point where he felt he couldn't breathe if he wasn't touching her in some way.

  Turning back, he smiled as Alex lay in bed, snuggled into the duvet covering her, lost in sleep. Moving to the bed, he lay down on top of over her, trailing butterfly kisses across her face, making her twitch. "Wake up, sleepyhead. We've got to drag our glad-rags on.”

  Alex groaned and Marco got up and ordered breakfast from room service. It would cost a fortune, but today, he wasn't ready to go through the trouble of doing anything else. While he turned on the morning news, Alex dragged herself into the shower. It was strange to see New Zealanders on the TV, interviewing New Zealanders about things happening in their country—it was strange to be home. There had been that certain excitement when they'd gotten to Heathrow and walked to their gate, seeing the large Air New Zealand plane waiting to carry them home—it had almost brought a tear to his eye—not that he was ready to return for good just yet.

  After eating and dressing, it was time to go. A car waited for them downstairs, driving them to Pencarrow Lodge, where the wedding was being held.

  "You scrub up pretty well, Channing," he said to Alex when the car pulled away from the hotel.

  "You don't do so bad yourself.”

  He'd be kissing her right now if there wasn't a driver within whispering distance. Instead, he absently stroked her fingers as the car took off, driving through unfamiliar suburbs until they reached the limits of the city, and kept going. This lodge was some ways out of the city, along the coast, travelling up higher through undulating landscape.

  When it finally stopped, they got out on a gravel road, just outside a single-story lodge. People were coming and going; Marco spotted his half-brother further away, wrangling his son. The view was good; green hills rising dramatically as far as the eye could see, but walking around the corner of the building, the reason for choosing the lodge became clear.

  "Wow," Alex said as they stood and looked out at the sea far below. They were on the edge of a peninsula, a cliff that dropped off. It was as though they were floating on a green little island far up above the ocean, which stretched out to the horizon until it merged with the sky. "We'll see whales if you look long enough—maybe Dolphins too. It's gorgeous.” The sun was shining and the water glittered mellow blue and silver all around them. The sky was bright blue and the sun was gently warming.

  "Perfect weather.” It was actually nice. It wouldn't get too hot—no one would burn. It was just nice. A little cool perhaps.

  Spotting his mother, he introduced Alex. Judith was more interested in Alex than she let on, but didn't gush, for which Marco was grateful. His mum was pretty cool. She was also distracted by the little girl hanging onto her legs. Esme's large eyes stared up at him. She wore a pink silk dress and her bright blue eyes guardedly observed the strangers. Then she ran off, and Judith with her.

  "I'm gonna find the ladies," Alex said and Marco watched her go, wearing an emerald green dress that hugged her curves nicely. Turning, he spotted Sam standing near the table that served as a bar. White chairs decorated with wispy bows and roses were laid out in rows facing the ocean. The service was obviously happening there, he noted.

  "Look who the cat dragged in," Sam said and gave him a hug. A bump was clearly showing on her belly. It was disconcerting seeing her in that state. He wasn't quite mature enough to not be abhorred by the idea of his sister having sex.

  "Sam. Good to see you. All of you," he said, indicating to her belly. "You look good.” She actually did. Her eyes were bright and her cheeks were rosy. Maybe pregnancy did add a certain glow to girls. His thought drifted to Alex, but he pushed them away before they had a chance to fully form.

  "See you're here with the other girl," Sam said. "A Kiwi, isn't she? Didn't you break up?"

  "Things change.”

  "You can't just go swapping girls around every few months. What happened to the British one?"

  "That was never really anything," he said and Sam raised her eyebrow. Sam had a fairly dismal opinion of him when it came to girls and she might have a point judging by his past behaviour. "I don't think I'll be swapping for a while.”

  "Oh?" Sam said with amusement. "Not running from this one?"

  "More of a risk of her running.”

  "And smart too? You'll have to keep your eye on that one.”

  She won't be going anywhere if I can help it, he thought, but he wasn't going to mention that to Sam. Sam was amused enough at his expense as it was.

  Sam's eyes travelled away from him and he followed. Judith was showing Esme some of the flowers in the garden surrounding them. "She's just taken over. I hardly get to see my own daughter," Sam smiled. "Mum took her out to lunch with her friends yesterday. It would have been mayhem. Not that I'm complaining. Believe me, any chance to put my feet up and close my eyes is more than welcome.”

  "You'll have two to worry about before long.”

  "There is definitely something to be said for having your mum near when you have young ones.”

  Their conversation was cut short when Damon arrived, looking smart in a dark grey
suit, the kind of suit that Marco couldn't afford, or even pull off at his age. Smiling, Damon looked good, clearly unruffled by the big day. But it did indicate that it was time to take their seats as the ceremony would start soon.

  "Let's find our seats,” he said as Alex approached, taking the champagne glass he offered her.

  Sitting down, he checked out the surroundings, seeing extended family members he hadn't seen for a long time, including all the ones that couldn't go to Sam's wedding. Looking back at Alex, he noted that he would do this one day—they would do this, eventually. He would do it right now, but could well imagine her truly appalled expression if he even suggested it. He had to bide his time, establish her trust and confidence.

  A curl blew across her cheek in the gentle breeze and he reached up and tucked it around her ear, wishing he could kiss her instead, but it was inappropriate to be necking like a pair of teenagers in this setting. He wasn't a kid anymore—maybe the fact that he was thinking of his own wedding one day proved that beyond a doubt, but it was tentative steps for them. He needed to prove himself to her. Looking over, she smiled at him and he wondered if he could possibly be happier.

  The string quartet started playing and everyone silenced, turning to the back to await Jane’s appearance. She stepped out of the lodge, holding a bouquet of Peace Lilies, wearing a slim, silky dress with loose material in flowing folds around her neck and chest. The off-white material caught the light giving hints of grey and pink as it moved. She looked utterly stunning; she couldn't possibly have looked more elegant.

  A little scowl of tension sat between her eyebrows, but when she saw Damon, it disappeared and she smiled. She joined Damon standing by the celebrant and they held hands as the ceremony commenced. The celebrant gave a little speech about the importance of love and family, but eventually got to the juicy part.

  Damon said his oath and placed a ring on Jane’s finger. Jane got the oath wrong and broke out in a laugh which made Damon smiled. She had to do it again, pink with fluster and embarrassment. And then it was done—a sealed deal. Both with huge smiles as they turned to the gathered party and then kissed yet again.

  Even Marco had to admit it was a beautiful ceremony, and more touching than he'd ever let on. They looked so happy together. Marco was glad Damon had found his girl, even if it put an end to the successful bachelor he'd always looked up to, growing up. Perhaps that was just part of growing up—you moved on; so did your heroes.

  It was a happy atmosphere as everyone slowly started making their way to the lodge behind them, which they’d seen earlier, decorated for the reception—more in an understated elegance that the requirements of European aristocracy.

  Damon's mother looked radiant and delighted, eyeing Esme with envy.

  The ceremony concluded, Marco and Alex stayed seated while others rose and started moving away. The sun was gentle and Marco felt no urge to move just yet.

  "It was a beautiful ceremony," Alex said. "This place is amazing.”

  Marco entwined his fingers with hers. "I'm glad you came.”

  "I'm glad you forced me," she said with a smile. Marco felt his heart warm when she smiled at him. He liked pleasing her.

  "Do you want to sneak out the back for a quickie?"

  He dodged a pinch from Alex. "Behave," she said, rising from her chair.

  Following her, Marco stood behind her, circling his arms around her waist. "I didn't know weddings had this effect on me. It is a recent development.” He kissed her neck, making her draw her shoulders up to protect that sensitive spot on her neck. He really did want to, feeling tight and ready.

  "Maybe once it gets dark," she said in a low tone and Marco beamed. She was feeling it too. "But for now, you have to be a good boy. Your mother is coming.”

  Marco let go of Alex immediately, a bit self-conscious about being so affectionate in front of his mother.

  "It is so good to see you here," Judith said, giving her son a kiss on the cheek.

  "Did you like the ceremony?" he asked.

  "Stunning. Jane is such a pretty girl and Damon does seem so taken with her. Now come, we have to take our seats. You two are sitting with me," she said, taking Alex's arms in hers, while giving Marco a look as if he'd been holding out on her. "So how long have you been living in London, my dear?"

  There was a ubiquitous buzz of conversation as everyone found their seats along the round tables in the hall. Damon surveyed the hall, while Jane spoke to a childhood friend she hadn't seen for a while. It was a nice day; the party wasn't excessive in size, but included their families and friends—the odd important business relationship too.

  Carmichael was holding court at one of the tables. The older ladies seemed to adore him and his analogies. Damon knew the man credited himself for their union, and grudgingly he had to admit that maybe he had played a part in it.

  Then the string quartet started playing and it was time for the first dance. The parquet floor cleared and Damon turned to Jane, holding his hand out for her. They hadn't rehearsed this, and weren't planning a show of any kind, just a dance.

  Jane blushed and bit her lip. Damon always felt a rush when she looked like that—excited, flushed and in love. He knew she loved him and she'd become absolutely vital for him. If this wasn't love, he didn't know what was—but he wouldn't trade it for the world. Rising from her seat, Jane took his hand and he led her out to the floor, drawing her to him and snaking his hand around her back. The soft material of her dress had a buttery feel to it and he had a few thoughts about what he wanted to do later that evening when they were alone.

  "So, how are you feeling, Mrs. D'Arth?" he asked, watching her face.

  "Good," she said with a smile. She looked radiant and beautiful—more so than usual. He knew she had some reservations about their life in Dubai—he saw it sometimes when she didn't know he was looking. She never said anything, but he knew she missed her family and her career. Their situation had made it hard for her to commit to anything more than the odd short-term contract position. His career had flourished and he was becoming known on the global scene—but there was a price and it was a price that Jane paid.

  Jane placed her head on his shoulder and he held her to him as they danced. People were watching them for a while, then started joining them on the dance floor, taking the attention off them for the first time that day.

  "I was thinking it might be time to return home," he said.

  Jane lifted her head of his shoulder and looked him in the eye. "But your project.”

  "I'll find another project.”

  "Damon," she said, her voice soft. "I know the kind of projects you are capable off aren't in New Zealand. You'd be taking a step backwards in your career at this point.”

  "I know, but there are things more important. You're happier here.”

  "I'm happy being together—it doesn't matter where," she said. "This project in Dubai is such an opportunity for you.”

  "It is, but there are other things we need to consider.” Jane was set to argue when he cut her short. "Besides, I want our children to grow up here—true Kiwis.” Her argument seemed to die on her lips. It wasn't true—he couldn't care less where their children grew up. What he wanted was for Jane to be happy and that meant returning here. He knew Jane wanted children and perhaps it was now time to pursue that part of their lives. Jane's excitement was overwhelming her and she was absolutely beaming. She kissed him. Bringing his hand up, he stroked down her cheek. "Why don't you stay here. Find us somewhere to live. I will wrap thing up in Dubai.”

  "I will," she said, almost jumping with excitement. "I'll find us something great. I have to tell Mum.”

  "Go," he said and let her go. He couldn't help smiling at her obvious excitement. His priorities really had changed. Before her, he'd never seen anything taking importance over his career, and he would never have let himself do anything that purposefully curtailed it. But Jane wasn't happy and that was not a state he could live with.

  Looking around,
he spotted Carmicheal, still at his table, keeping his audience enthralled. Damon chortled, supposing he'd better have a chat with the old man about a job.

  Marco moved onto the dance floor, just by their table. Couples were dancing around them, even Sam and Sebastian across the room. Holding his hand out, he urged Alex to join him.

  "What? So you dance now?" she said, taking his hand. "Will wonders ever cease?"

  "Shut up," he said and pulled her to him. It was the first time he'd danced with her—at least as far as he could remember. Closing his eyes, he loved the feel of her body, slowly moving against his—he loved her perfume and the subtle, calming scent of her that wasn't perfume. "Move in with me," he said.

  "Marco," she complained. He knew she wanted to take things slow; make sure they weren't rushing it, but he didn't care. He wasn't backing down from this and he wanted her there every night.

  "You know it makes sense. Until you get another job, why pay rent? You know you're going to be staying over every night anyway. Just move your stuff over. If it doesn't work out, when you have another job, get somewhere else.” Like hell, he said mentally and grabbed her a little tighter. You're mine, he wanted to say, but knew that might be that step too far for Alex right now. When she was a little more sure of him, he would let her on to his caveman instincts. He smiled broadly.

  "What are you smiling about?" she challenged.

  "Nothing.” He knew he'd won this battle. Leaning down, he kissed her, letting his tongue play with hers, exploring her soft, warm and utterly addictive mouth. Luckily, they were surrounded by people too absorbed in their own dancing to noticing Marco and Alex's kissing, that might be a bit much for a dance floor. With a groan, he pulled away, knowing she would happily continue. "Is it dark yet?" he breathed.

  By a large iron chalice, filled with burning wood, Marco watched Alex and Sam laughing together a distance away. They were probably talking about him, but he didn't care—he was just glad to see them getting on. The skies were darkening and Marco didn't notice Damon coming until he appeared beside him, placing his arm around his shoulder.


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