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Double Bikers

Page 1

by Ellie Hunt

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  Double Bikers

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  About the Author

  Double Bikers

  An MMF Threesome

  Ellie Hunt

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  Two hot mechanics - and they want to share me!

  When my car breaks down on the way back to college, I never thought that two hot, young, dominant mechanics would come to my rescue.

  And once they take me back to their shop, I definitely never thought they’d both want to take me… at the same time!

  Even though I’m untouched and totally inexperienced, I don’t know if I can resist… but can my first time be with two rugged, rough men at once?

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  Double Bikers

  An MMF Menage

  I put both my hands on the cool wood bar, leaned forward, and arched my back, stretching out my hamstrings. Even with the cushioned mat, a couple hours tending bar made me knot up like crazy, and it felt so good just to stretch for a few minutes. I closed my eyes and tilted my head from side to side, trying to get the tension out.

  “I need another pitcher of Bud Light,” said a woman’s voice.

  I tilted my head up, my ponytail falling in my face. Eileen, a waitress at Sam’s, stood there, tapping her red nails on the bar, staring at me.

  “I need a massage,” I said, slowly straightening up.

  “You need a husband,” said Eileen. “Once he figures out massages get you in the mood, you’ll never have a knot in your neck again.”

  I laughed and reached below the bar for a pitcher.

  “Is that why you’re always so relaxed?” I asked.

  “That’s me, all right,” said Eileen, examining one nail. “The most relaxed woman in the county.”

  I pushed the handle on the Bud Light tap back up, shutting off the flow of beer, and then pushed the full pitcher across the bar to Eileen.

  “You need anything else?” I asked.

  “Couple more customers couldn’t hurt,” said the other woman. “It’s dead in here.”

  “It’s the first nice Saturday of spring,” I said with a shrug. “Give it until dinner time, it’ll pick up.”

  “I sure hope so,” said Eileen, taking the pitcher back to the single, rowdy table.

  I turned back to the bar, idly picking up a towel and drying off the taps for lack of anything better to do. Eileen was right: it was totally dead in here, and I hated making $2.50 an hour while I could be outside in the new spring sunshine.

  I leaned my elbows on the table and watched the college basketball on the bar’s single TV.

  Then, the door opened, a bright rectangle of light. Two men walked in.

  “Sit anywhere you want,” called Eileen, not looking over at them.

  I straightened up a little, not wanting to look bad in front of customers.

  Then the door behind them closed, and I gasped.


  I didn’t know they were back in town.

  Both men stopped short, just inside the door, and stared.

  “If it isn’t Maddy Parker, tending bar,” one of the men said.

  His voice was just like I remembered it: low and melodious, just a little bit raspy.

  “I bet you can make a wicked drink,” said the other man.

  Someone who didn’t know them might have mistaken them for brothers, but not me.

  I’d known Shane and Josiah since I was a kid and we all lived on the same block of our little Southern town.

  Only they rode off a couple of years ago with the Burned Skulls motorcycle club, and I thought they were never coming back.

  But back then, they weren’t this hot. I mostly remember them as dorky, spindly teenagers — once they joined the club, I didn’t see too much of them. The Skulls were dangerous, and the women who hung around them were dangerous too.

  I wasn’t about to get involved. Gun running? Drug smuggling? No thanks.

  But now they were tall, muscular young men, their biceps nearly bursting out of their short sleeves, and suddenly, I realized why all those women were always hanging around the club’s headquarters.

  I tried not to drool.

  “I didn’t know you were back in town,” I said, the astonishment creeping into my voice.

  “I didn’t know you’d gotten so pretty,” said Shane.

  I felt myself turn bright pink, and I turned away, pretending to put pint glasses into the sink.

  “We’re back on business,” Josiah said. He spoke more slowly than Shane, with a little more of a drawl, even though the boys had been neighbors growing up.

  My eyes flicked upward, nervously.

  “Skulls business?” I asked, quietly.

  The two boys just nodded, and I didn’t say anything. All I knew about why they’d left in the first place were rumors — rumors that connected them to a huge fire in a barn, the next town over.

  Turned out, the barn was storing tons of marijuana and belonged to the leader of the Lost Devils MC, the Skulls’ rival. No one ever legally connected the dots, but everyone knew.

  “Can I get you boys anything?” I asked with a smile.

  Despite myself, I searched their features for evidence that the rumor I’d heard was true.

  “I’ll take a beer,” said Shane. “Something nice and hoppy.”

  I laughed, leaning my elbows on the bar, right across from him. He smelled wonderful, I realized, clean and woodsy at the same time.

  “Where do you think we are?” I asked. “We got Bud and Bud Light. Heineken if you’re feeling fancy.”

  “I’ll take a Bud, then,” he said, smiling right back at me.

  I sneaked a glance at their ring fingers: empty.

  What are you doing? I chided myself.

  They were practically like brothers when you were growing up.

  “Jack and coke,” said Josiah.

  He’d always been quieter than the other boy. Where Shane was bright and lively, with red-gold hair and blue eyes to match, Josiah was quieter and more serious, his hair and eyes both a dark brown.

  “Coming up,” I said.

  I poured the beer and set it on the bar in front of Shane, then quickly made Josiah’s drink as well.

  After a moment, I asked, “What kind of business?”

  What the hell are you thinking?

  They’re not going to answer, and even if they do, you don’t want to know…

  The two of them exchanged a look, and finally, Shane opened his mouth.

  “Carruthers isn’t doing too well,” he said, slowly. “There’s been a move for him to step down as president. They invited us back to take part in the decision.”

  Casually, Josiah reached over and took a sip of Shane’s beer without asking, but Shane barely noticed.

  I stopped for a moment, watching the two men. There was something familiar in that gesture, something almost… intimate.

  Their fingertips brushed as Shane took the beer glass back from Josiah, and I could almost feel a sort of electricity in the air.

  They’re together, I suddenly realized.

  I wasn’t sure how I knew, but I was completely positive, right away.

  Shane and Josiah!

  I guess I should have known, I thought. They always did seem… close.

  “How’s it going around town?” Josiah said, oblivious to my revelation.

  “It’s the same, really,” I said, feeling a little breathless.

  Despite myself, I imagined both of them shirtless, sitting at my b
ar. In my fantasy, Shane reached over and pulled Josiah to him, hard, crushing his lips against the other man’s…

  I shook my head.

  “There’s a new Wal-Mart over on the east side,” I said. “They’re tearing the old one down for a new housing complex. Otherwise, nothing’s really changed.”

  Shane shook his head. “Damn McMansions,” he said.

  The bar was dead, so the two men stayed and chatted with her all afternoon, catching up on the town’s gossip, telling me the scant details of what they’d been into.

  Living near Atlanta as roommates, running a garage together. To hear them tell it, they were perfectly wholesome mechanics who just happened to live together, even though I knew better.

  Both about their real jobs and their living situation.

  Roommates, I thought.


  Around six the place began to fill up, and I got busy, pouring beers and making drinks for the usual Saturday night crowd.

  Finally, Shane and Josiah paid their bill and stood.

  “Hey,” said Shane, leaning over the bar toward me, beckoning me closer.

  I leaned in, flushing a little at the thought of being close to him, the heat rolling off his big body in waves.

  “When do you get off work?” he asked.

  “Not until two,” I said, apologetically.

  “Mind if we walk you home?” Shane asked. His eyes crinkled at the corner.

  “It’s late,” I said. “It’s just a little town, I’ll be okay.”

  “We’d like to,” he said.

  I felt my heart beat a little faster, my breath get shallower.

  “If you insist,” I said, smiling.

  “I do,” Shane said, lightly. “See you later.”

  I stood stock still as he left my bar. I watched him walk out, his huge frame nearly filling the doorway.

  “Girl, come on,” said Eileen, over to one side of me. “Get your eyes off that man candy and make my customers some drinks.”

  “Sorry,” I muttered, blushing.

  By 1:45 a.m., I’d overpoured half my beers, given someone the wrong drink at least half a dozen times, and dropped one wine glass, shattering it. There was no denying that my mind was somewhere else: namely, on the two big, rough, sexy bikers coming to take me home that night.

  I really, really hoped they’d be doing more than just walking, despite myself. With one of them, anyway; even though I wasn’t very experienced, there was something about those two that made me feel a little reckless and a little wild.

  I wished my apartment was cleaner, but how could I have been expected to know that Josiah and Shane were coming back today?

  “I think that’s good,” slurred a local wearing a tube top, getting my last vodka and sprite of the evening.

  Sure enough, I was overfilling her glass, yet again.

  I sighed and wiped the bar off. “There you go,” I said, and the woman walked back to the pool table.

  The door swung open again.

  Once more, Shane and Josiah walked through, waving to me. They came and sat at the bar.

  “Gentlemen,” I said.

  By 2:15, the three of us were walking down the quiet streets of my little town. When Eileen, the waitress, had seen the two men waiting to walk me home, she’d practically pushed the three of us out the door, telling me she’d take care of the ketchup.

  I hadn’t minded.

  “So, Maddy,” said Shane, on my left.

  “I bet she goes by Madeline now,” said Josiah, on my right.

  Down an alleyway, something knocked over a trash can. I jumped, but both men just glanced at the alley. A stray cat ran out.

  I did feel much, much safer sandwiched between them.

  “Can I call you Maddy?” Shane asked.

  I could hear the smile in his voice.

  “Sure, why not,” I said. “No one’s called me that in years. Makes me feel like a kid again.”

  “You got a boyfriend or anything?” Shane asked. I could tell he was trying to sound casual, but the question took my breath away.

  Why is he even asking? I thought. It’s obvious he and Josiah are together…

  “Not right now,” I said.

  “That’s why we could walk her home tonight,” interjected Josiah. “I’m sure any boyfriend worth his salt would be walking her otherwise.”

  I didn’t say anything. I’d never dated someone who’d so much as mentioned walking me home after my job at the bar.

  Not that I’d ever really dated anyone seriously.

  “I’m right up here,” I said, pointing at a tiny house half a block away. My porch light was on, and the little yellow duplex I shared with a neighbor had roses out front. The roses were my neighbor’s, of course — I had a black thumb and had never owned a house plant I hadn’t killed.

  “We can take you all the way,” said Shane.

  “To your door,” said Josiah, as if finishing the other man’s sentence for him.

  “Nice flowers,” said Shane as they entered my front yard. “Not yours?”

  I laughed. He’d remembered my terrible gardening skills, the futile way I’d tried to grow snapdragons one year as a kid.

  “Of course not,” I said, smiling. “Esther practically pays me not to touch them.”

  Then they were at my door, both men on my porch, just waiting under my porchlight.

  “Thanks for walking me home,” I said, and took a deep breath.

  I looked from one to the other, trying to gauge how they might react. my heart thumped in my chest.

  Maybe they’d be offended at my overture, or just grossed out. They hadn’t seen me since I was eleven, after all.

  They were so, so hot, though — all rippling muscles and perfect jawlines. Easily the most attractive men I’d ever seen, and they’d come to my bar at two in the morning to walk my home.

  It had to be worth a shot.

  “Want to come in?” I asked.

  The two men looked at each other with a glance I couldn’t read.

  “Sure,” said Shane, finally.

  I unlocked the door and walked inside, flipping on lights as I went, tossing my purse on the table by the front door. Once the lights were on, I turned around and faced the two men, still standing in the entryway of my little apartment.

  “Go ahead and have a seat wherever,” I said. “Can I get you a—“

  Before I could finish my sentence, Shane had stepped forward, right up to my, and put his fingers under my chin.

  I was surprised into silence.

  “Maddy Parker,” he said, tilting my face up. “I remember you being eleven years ago, skinny as hell, and riding around on that pink bike with a mouthful of braces. When did you become so…”

  His voice trailed off as he searched for the right word.

  My eyes went wide, my stomach twisted into a knot, my heart thumping in my chest.

  They’re both still here! I thought, desperately.

  This could get really awkward…

  “Luscious?” said a deep voice behind him, and then Josiah was there, his arm around Shane’s waist, looking possessive of the other man.

  “That’s a good word for it,” said Shane.

  “I saw you watching us,” said Josiah, his other hand deep in his pocket. “You want to know if we’re lovers.”

  My cheeks were aflame instantly, and I looked away.

  How did they know?


  Before I could say anything else, Josiah grabbed Shane’s head and pulled the other man to him, hard, crushing their lips together. Shane’s fingers left my chin, but I could only stare as they watched the men kiss passionately, Shane moving to face Josiah, his hands on the other man’s shoulders.

  Josiah had one hand buried in Shane’s hair, gripping it hard. It nearly looked like he was hurting Shane, but the tiny moan of pleasure that escaped Shane belied the truth.

  I swallowed hard, not sure what to do.

  Is this really happening?<
br />
  Josiah snaked one hand around Shane and grabbed his belt loop, then, with a jerk, brought their hips together with a jolt.

  Their lips separated, and Josiah made a deep growling noise in his throat.

  “I think we scared her,” he said to Shane.

  Shane looked over at me, wide-eyed.

  What he couldn’t see, I thought, was the way all the heat in my body felt like it had just rushed downward, into a hot magma core, aching with desire.

  “I bet Maddy’s okay,” said Shane.

  He reached out, took my arm, and pulled me toward them.

  Before I knew what was happening, I felt Josiah’s mouth on mine, his hand in the small of my back. He kissed my hungrily, his lips working against me. His tongue made its way into my mouth, exploring me, and I tangled my own with his.

  Then, Josiah broke away, and before I could catch my breath, Shane was kissing me too, pulling me toward him, his stubble tickling my face.

  When he pulled away, he left me gasping. Desire throbbed deep inside me with a steady drum beat, and I could feel myself getting wetter with every moment. Then Shane kissed me again, even harder, his lips traveling from mine down my jaw and to my neck.

  I let out a little moan as I felt his stubble on my neck.

  Josiah was behind me, kissing the other side of my neck, his hands on my waist. They ducked beneath my t-shirt and then he was touching my skin, sliding his hands up until they reached the underwire of my bra, at the same time as Shane was moving toward the neck of my shirt.

  “Mmm,” said I, unable to stop myself from making the noise.

  I could feel my knees going weak, and I let myself sink into the two bikers surrounding me — maybe I should be worried about them, but I wasn’t at all.

  Quick hands released my bra, and then dove under the cups, grabbing firm handfuls, running his fingers over my nipples.

  I sighed again, softly, arching my back.

  Shane came up from my neck and looked down at my. He had a teasing smile in his eyes, and just for a moment, I thought he might say something about my braces or my pink bike again.

  “I didn’t know you’d be so sexy,” was what he said. “I could barely keep my hands off of you at the bar.”


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