Howl (Howl Book 1)
Page 20
"I'm sorry Michael." I said, because I had no idea what to say.
His eyes snapped to mine.
I dropped to my knees and kept my chin tilted inward on instinct. I bite my tongue so hard that I could taste blood, but I didn't let up. I knew that if I said something, I'd get into even more trouble.
"Elaine, once we get home, you're grounded to your house for three weeks. Gabriel," Michael paused angrily, "We'll discuss things later."
I winced. 'We'll discuss things later' from Michael was never good. Normally that meant the Anger Management Room and a lot of punishment.
"Now go to bed."
I got to my feet and started to speed walk into the living room. "Elaine,"
I mentally swore, but stopped anyway. Gabriel nudged my shoulder as he walked past me. I watched him go up the stairs and yelled at him in my mind. It wasn't fair that I was going to get lectured while Gabriel got to go upstairs! He was more to blame than I was!
"Are you alright?" Michael's voice was closer now, but I still didn't turn.
"Yes sir." I wasn't sure how I should be addressing him at that moment. Normally, when talking to Michael, I was pretty informal, but… He was in military mode. So I stuck with the respectful sir.
Then I felt Michael behind me. He rested his hands on my shoulders. "You smell like fear."
"Well you can be pretty scary." I chuckled nervously.
Michael was mad at me! I should be scared of him! His breath on my neck should NOT be affecting me that way! I could feel goose bumps spreading over my skin.
"No," Michael told me, "That's not it."
I stepped out of his grasp and turned around to face him, "I'm fine Michael."
His eyes narrowed, "Fine?"
Damn, I chided myself. "I'm alright." I lied.
He didn't say anything else, so I turned and half jogged up the stairs. "Night." I called back to him, without looking, and went straight into my room.
I wasn't alright. Sebastian was here and if I remembered correctly, there had been blood on his shirt.
Chapter Fifteen
I was sitting on the kitchen island, with my legs dangling over the side, when I heard one of the upstairs doors open. Part of my brain didn't even register that someone was walking around and coming down the stairs. In fact, it was amazing that I was awake enough to pour milk over my cereal.
I had tossed and turned all night long after Michael sent me upstairs. I couldn't get last night out of my head. First, I wondered why Gabriel hadn't heard or sensed Sebastian. That was weird. Werewolves heard everything.
After that, I kept thinking about Sebastian. The blood spreading through the seams of his shirt was vivid in my mind, and it took all my will power to not jump out of bed and go searching for Nathan's middle son.
I shook my head at the thought; I knew that Sebastian wouldn't be found if he didn't want to be. But then I wondered why he came out in the open when we got to Nate's apartment. He must have wanted something.
I groaned loudly before stuffing a spoonful of Captain Crunch cereal into my mouth.
That's how Nathan found me: with a spoon sticking out of the corner of my lips and my eyes squeezed shut as if I were in pain.
"Aspirin are above the sink." Nathaniel quipped as he passed me. I opened my eyes and watched him move around the kitchen. He grabbed a mug out of the sink and stepped over to the coffee maker. "Did you get any sleep?"
"A little." My response came out muffled due to the spoon still in my mouth. I didn't bother to expand my reply because Nathan already knew the truth. He had the best hearing of anyone I knew and I had probably kept him up most of the night due to my restlessness.
Nathan turned back to face me when he'd filled his coffee mug.
I had made coffee when I came down. I had been tempted to drink some, but my stomach had lurched at the thought. Coffee smells great, but wasn't for me. I had enough trouble sleeping without a caffeine boost.
His eyes were intense when he met my gaze, so I turned away. I knew he was studying me, but I didn't worry about it. I wasn't keeping it a secret that I was tired. Anyone who saw me, werewolf or mundane, would be able to tell that.
"We'll be heading over to The Calling around 1." He told me after a long pause.
I nodded, "Anything you want me to know?"
"Keep your jaw down and your mouth shut unless; unless someone addresses you." Nathan replied smoothly.
I forced myself to chuckle, but it came out dry and faded, so it had completely defeated the purpose of laughing in the first place.
"Anything I should know?" Nathan countered. He crossed the kitchen and leaned against the island. The sleeve of his shirt grazed my shoulder; that's how close he was to me. I glanced over at him and shrugged.
"Just normal stuff." I told him truthfully.
Nathaniel nodded a few times to show that he heard me, but that was all.
"Please, take a seat." Leo gestured to the chairs in front of his desk, but he didn't take a seat himself. Because of that, Nathaniel and Michael remained standing.
Gabriel had positioned himself by the door. He was leaning against the wall with his head angled down. To someone who didn't know him, he might have looked like he was taking a nap. His eyes were closed and he didn't seem to be taking an interest in anything around him, but I knew better. He was sensing what was going on; listening to movements and feeling the emotions in the room.
I didn't even have werewolf senses, and I could feel the tension.
Leo's lips twitched into a light smirk when no one sat down. Then his expression grew grave, "I heard of the last battle; of Sloan's death." He began. His eyes scanned the room until they landed on me. I was very conscious that my jaw was slanted towards the floor. "How is Alexander?"
"Alexander is strong." Michael answered and Leo turned back to him.
Leo nodded, "I'd expect nothing less." He half sat on his desk, "Who would like to begin?"
I gave him a small grin when he met my gaze again.
Michael stepped forward; taking control of the situation like he always did. "You already know why we're here, Leonard. All we need is your answer."
The amusement that had danced in the London Alpha's eyes drained from his face in an instant. "No."
"Leo," I sighed heavily; making every pair of eyes in the room fall on me. "How can you decline that quickly?" I threw caution to the wind and I stared straight in his eyes. "This war affects everyone in this room. Why can't you join us and help stop it, before more people die?"
Leo's jaw tightened, "I have my reasons and I've made my decision." He stood and walked around to the back of his desk. "You have no right to judge me." He added as he took his seat.
"When did you become this heartless?" I snapped back. Someone grabbed my arm from behind, as a warning, but I ignored it; even though the grip was hard and the person's finger tips were digging into my skin.
Leo's eyes flared for a second, but he seemed to ignore his anger as he said, "Elaine, I believe you're over stepping your boundaries."
I shoved away the arm and walked right up to the alpha's desk. "And I believe you're being impossible." I kept my tone even, "Leo, people are dying because of this war and you expect me to sit back and watch our hope disappear." I fixed him with a hard stare, "You are a strong alpha, and a good leader, so why don't you join us? Join us and bring this war to an end!" I wasn't yelling, but there was a challenge in my tone that made my voice boom in the room.
No one spoke, no one moved, for a few seconds.
I didn't dare question my actions; for I knew, if I did, I'd back down and apologize. Even though my argument was right, it wasn't my place to yell at an alpha, but that didn't matter at the moment.
Leo's eyes had grown bright during my rant.
Two hands collapsed on my neck and half cupped my neck. I gasped when the hands pulled me back. I took one step back and hit a hard chest. "You were supposed to be the good cop." Michael whispered huskily in
my ear. I went rigid and could feel my face flush. Then, in his normal voice, he added, "Go wait outside."
Then, he released me.
I nodded at Leo once before walking around my Beta. Caleb was standing at the door, on the opposite side as Gabriel, and he met my gaze instantly.
I grinned sheepishly, but even I knew I looked angrier than embarrassed. Caleb and I nodded at each other before I slipped out of the room. The door clicked shut behind me, and I leaned against it.
"What is wrong with me?" I groaned heavily and closed my eyes for a brief second. Then, when I heard a door open, I snapped my eyes open and stood erect.
"Hey El." Dave greeted me as he entered the dance floor. He was dressed for work, so I knew he was here to get ready for opening.
I simply waved.
"You have a two second warning." Dave was smirking as he passed me and got behind his domain; the bar.
I frowned, "Huh?"
Then the front door swung open. A breeze entered with a woman and I instantly knew who it was. There was only one woman I knew who'd be in a bar wearing three inch heals and Chanel number 5.
I was stiff as a board as I turned to face Leo's wife. The smell of her hairspray caused my nose to scrunch up involuntarily, "Marigold." I greeted her as pleasantly as I could. Since I was tap dancing across the line with Leo, I didn't think getting into a fight with his wife would help anyone.
Her hair was golden blonde and every strand was curled into locks. She was a very beautiful woman; but her personality was the opposite of her gorgeous looks, so her expensive fashion and quality makeup fell on blind eyes.
She froze at the sound of my voice and I actually saw her eyes widen in shock as her head snapped around so she was facing me. "Elaine," I winced as her eyes scanned my clothes, "You haven't changed."
I smiled tightly and ignored the laughter coming from Dave. "Neither have you." I commented dryly.
Then, as if I wasn't there, she sashayed past me towards the offices.
I thought I was in the clear, but then she stopped before opening a door, "You really should dress up more, Elaine. You'll never get yourself a mate if you stay in those jeans."
I almost laughed, but simply nodded.
She must have been satisfied, because she left.
Marigold and I had never gotten along. Even when I was little, she hated me. To be honest it didn't bother me that much, because I never liked her either. When I was a kid I thought she was too pointy. Her heels, her clothes, her cheekbones; she just looked pointy and mean.
I never understood why those two were together. Sure, Leo could be an ass, but Marigold was out of his league with coldness.
Sometimes I wondered if their marriage had been arranged, because they never really did seem to get along that well, but I'd never asked.
I rolled my eyes at the closed door and walked over to the bar. Dave was watching me with laughter filled eyes, while biting his lip shut.
"Shut up." I warned him.
"I wasn't going to say a thing." Dave shook his head in an attempt to kill his laughs. After I sat on a stool he glanced at me, "But I do think she's wrong about those jeans."
I grabbed a rag from behind the bar counter and chucked it at him.
He grabbed it before it hit his face and burst out laughing.
It felt like hours had gone by before I heard the doorknob twist behind me.
The door to Leo's office opened and I swung around on the stool. Michael was the first to come out. "We're staying two more days."
I opened my mouth to reply, but stopped when I saw Caleb following Michael out. His expression was guarded, but I knew he was upset by the way his biceps were flexed. "You're coming with us to fall camping."
"Yes!" I jumped off the stool and temporarily forgot about the meeting with Leo.
Michael shot me a look, but I ignored it. I loved going camping with the London pack; because, it wasn't really camping. It was like one huge party.
"Afterwards my father will make his final decision." Caleb continued.
I nodded, but my silly grin hadn't left my face.
I waited until the only sound I heard was me breathing. The downstairs television had been turned off and I was positive I heard three doors open and close. So, the brother's were asleep… or at least out of my way.
Tonight's plans had to be timed perfectly, because if I got caught, I'd be worse than burnt toast. Michael would rip my head off, Gabriel wouldn't be too far behind, and I didn't even want to think about what Nathaniel would do if he found out. He'd been very tolerant about last night, and by sneaking out again I knew I was not only lighting a fire, but soaking the matches in gasoline.
I crawled out of my room and slipped down the stairs without once putting my feet on the floor. Like a few weeks ago, when trying to sneak out of my own house, I slithered across the room and made it to the door without being caught.
As I unlocked the dead bolt and twisted open the doorknob I waited for Nathaniel's commanding voice to boom across the living room – ordering me to stop, but nothing came.
So, just as quietly as I left my room, I exited the apartment. I shut the door, not worrying about locking it because the only reason it was ever locked was because of me, and tiptoed the rest of the way out of the building.
I pushed open the doors and a breeze cut right through the jacket I was wearing. I ignored it and started off at a jog down the sidewalk. I knew where Sebastian would be and, if I understood his appearance correctly, he'd be waiting for me.
I ran faster than I ran in the woods behind my house. With nothing to dodge or jump over I could almost run as fast as a taxi around here.
So I reached Joe's Pizza parlor fairly quickly. The lights were out, but that didn't matter. The street light gave me enough light to see.
I slowed to a hesitant pace and peered into the alley.
"I knew you'd find me." I jumped around with my hand over my heart and met the man's gaze instantly.
Sebastian, like every male I'd ever met, was about a foot faller than me. His hair was dark and from the street light I could see that his eyes were golden amber. I forgot the blood that stained his shirt and swung my arms around him.
He did the same to me, but he winced when I hugged him.
I backed off immediately, "What's wrong?"
Sebastian sighed, "You can't even get through a hug without jumping into an interrogation with me."
"I would, if you didn't give me reason to interrogate you." I replied readily.
Sebastian took hold of my upper arm and led me further into the alley so we wouldn't be spotted by mundanes. We were half hidden in shadows when he spoke again, "I'm almost healed completely." He was avoiding my eyes and I knew he was lying. I frowned as I pushed him back, "What are you,"
I cut him off, "Sit down." I ordered; doing my best imitation of Nathan's voice. Sebastian stared at me for a second before sinking down to the alley floor. He hissed in pain when I kneeled down beside him and pressed my hand firmly into his abdomen.
"Almost healed?" I spat, "Can't you tell me the truth for once?"
Then, without another word, I clutched the remains of his shirt and pulled it off over his head. A deep slash ran from the top of his abs and ended near the edge of his stomach. Blood, both dried and new, caked his skin.
I sighed heavily and shook my head, "You're an idiot."
"Why? Because I got injured?" I could tell I bruised his ego by his tone. His chest pressed against my hand as he tried to stand but I pushed him back down.
"Because you haven't gotten medical attention." I corrected.
"What was I supposed to do? Go to a dam – darn mundane hospital and tell them I got attacked by a werewolf?" Sebastian seethed.
"Germany has heard worse." I muttered under my breath. As I gripped my own white t-shirt. It was pretty thin so it ripped easily. Then, with the strand of cloth in my hands, I started working on Seb's wounds.
We remained silent af
ter that, except for Sebastian's occasional wince of pain.
Healing was tricky business, even for werewolves. It all had to do with age. The younger you were the slower you'd heal, but once you reached a certain age you'd practically heal the second you received the blow. It was the opposite of how mundanes systems worked and annoying as hell.
"When did you get this?" I whispered gently.
Sebastian shifted under my hands and I glanced up so I was gazing into his eyes, "Two days ago."
I frowned lightly, "You should have healed by now."
"Well," He trailed off. I pressed down harder on his wound and his coughed out the rest, "I had more wounds."
I gaped, "What attacked you? Rabid lions?"
He choked on laughter, "Something very similar."
I fixed him with a look, but ignored his comment. Then, once I was satisfied with the cleanliness of his cut, did I back off. "You should come to Nathan's for the night."
Sebastian flinched as he rose, "That's not a good idea."
I stood too, "Why? Are you afraid to admit to Daddy that you're hurt?" I teased him gently.
"You know, just as well as I do, that me going to Nathan's would end badly." He spoke softly, but his eyes were firm. So I knew there was nothing I could do to change his mind.
He was close enough that I could feel the heat running off his body. A layer of sweat cloaked his skin and I rested my hand on his upper arm comfortingly.
Sebastian leaned into my touch and opened my mouth to speak, but then, he went rigid.
I tensed too, but was unsure of what he sensed.
"Come on." He took my hand in his and led me out of the alley.
Then I heard something crash behind me. I jumped and tried to swing around to see what it was, but Sebastian's grip on my hand tightened and he pulled me into a solid run.
"What's going on?" I asked unevenly as I ran a few steps behind Sebastian.
"I've been followed." Sebastian replied. I could hear the unspoken swearword in his voice. "I never should have come here." Shame laced his words.
I opened my mouth to reply, but was cut off by an inhuman howl coming from behind us.
I jumped, trying to see behind me, but Sebastian tugged harshly on my arm and I was forced to try and keep up with him as we ran down the empty streets of London. His longs legs made it hard for me to keep up the fast pace without tripping over my feet, but I managed pretty well.