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Curtis (Coyote Ridge) (Volume 1)

Page 29

by Nicole Edwards

  “Pop is bringin’ the truck around. I’m here to make sure you’re not mobbed on the way out the door. I mean, seriously, you got a town named by you.”

  “Oh, hush,” she told her boy, giggling.

  When the nurse came in a minute later, Zane grabbed her things while Lorrie got situated in the wheelchair so they could take her to the exit. She would’ve preferred to walk, but they insisted that she continue to take it easy, allow her body to heal completely before she tried to trek too far.

  Lorrie wasn’t going to argue.

  Fifteen minutes later, Curtis was helping her into the truck and Zane was climbing into the backseat. When Curtis started out of the parking lot, he took her hand, linked their fingers, and remained quiet for most of the way home. Lorrie didn’t mind the silence; she’d heard nothing but beeping machines and muttering voices day and night for weeks on end, so she appreciated the quiet.

  “Is everyone at work?” she finally asked when they pulled into the driveway half an hour later.

  “Back at it,” Zane confirmed. “You know how it is around here.”

  She did. And she was glad that her boys could get back to their lives, back to their families. Those were the important things, and she didn’t want them to miss out on a second. She certainly hadn’t, that was for sure.

  Curtis parked the truck, then insisted on helping her out and leading her to the front door. Once inside, Lorrie took a deep breath and… “What’s that smell?”

  Zane’s grin went from ear to ear. “Dinner.”

  “Dinner?” Lorrie looked at Curtis. “It’s only lunchtime.”

  “It is,” her husband agreed, taking her arm and leading her into the living room.

  And that was when Lorrie saw them.

  All of them.

  Her boys, their significant others, her grandbabies, the dogs, her nephews and nieces, brothers and sisters, in-laws. They were all there, crowded into the kitchen, spilling out into the living room and probably the dining room and maybe even the backyard, for all she could tell.

  “Oh,” Curtis said, looking serious. “Did I forget to mention that we’re having Sunday dinner today?”

  She pursed her lips and glared at him, unable to keep from laughing.

  “Who’s doing the cooking?” she asked, turning to look at the others.

  She noticed a small hand go up in the air from behind the others. “I am!” Zoey announced.

  “Well, in that case, let’s eat.”

  When the house finally cleared out, long after it’d gotten dark outside, Curtis wanted nothing more than to spend some quiet hours with his wife. He was proud of himself. For the better part of the day, he had managed not to suffocate her, but it hadn’t been easy. The only thing he wanted to do was wrap his arms around her, hold her close to his body, and never let her go. Ever.

  He made his way to the bedroom, finding the door open and Lorrie sitting at her desk, writing in her diary. Tapping on the doorjamb to get her attention, he smiled when she looked his way.

  “Writin’ in your book?”

  She nodded.

  “Can I read it?”

  She nodded again.

  After toeing off his boots, he crawled into bed.

  “I thought you wanted to read it,” she said, watching him from across the room.

  “I do.” He patted the bed beside him.

  She gave a little head shake, clearly finding him amusing. Or so he wanted to believe. She got to her feet, picked up her book, then joined him on the bed. Before she could hand him the book, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him, clutching her tightly, her head resting on his chest.

  A tear escaped him, but he didn’t try to stop it. He simply held her as tight as he dared.

  “I’m sorry it’s been so rough these past few weeks,” she said, her words vibrating against his chest.

  “It’s not your fault,” he told her.

  “No, but I know it’s been hard. I hated seeing you and the boys upset.”

  He ran his hand over her hair. “Honey, that’s part of it.”

  “I know,” she told him. “When you love someone, the pain can sometimes be unbearable.”

  “But it’s worth every second,” he noted.

  “Yes, it definitely is. And we’ve had a lifetime of seconds.”

  He smiled. “I hope you know that’s not nearly long enough. I need another lifetime with you.”

  She laughed.

  “I love you, darlin’,” he whispered against her hair. “I’m so sorry you had to go through all that. I would’ve given anything to take away your pain.”

  Lorrie squeezed him. “You can’t fix everything.”

  “No, but I’ll damn sure try.”

  “I know you will. And that’s why I love you. That’s why I’ve always loved you.” She lifted her head and smiled, wiping away the tear on his cheek. “You are my love that lasts a lifetime.”

  “Hey…” Curtis shifted lower, pulling her closer. “That’s my line. You can’t go stealin’ my lines.”

  “What’re you gonna do about it?”

  He grinned, and for the first time in days, he felt whole again. “I’m sure I’ll think of somethin’.”

  “I’m sure you will,” she agreed. “You always do.”

  April 29, 2016

  It feels as though I’ve been given another chance, more time with the only thing that matters to me. Family. It’s been a rough few weeks, but I’m here, still fighting, still moving forward, just as I plan to be for years to come. I hope God knows that I’m not done here yet. I haven’t gotten to spoil all of my grandkids, or my great-nieces and -nephews, to watch them grow up and become the incredible people they will become. I haven’t had the chance to see our nieces and nephews get married, have babies. And I intend to be here for those moments, to share those happy memories with those whom I love, with the most incredible man at my side … for a long time to come.


  One year later…

  “A family reunion?” Jared Walker dropped into the chair in his office and stared up at the ceiling, cell phone to his ear. “Are you fucking serious?”

  For the past half hour, Jared had been humoring his cousin Travis, listening to the spiel as to why it was time the Walker family had a reunion. The last thing Jared had time—much less patience—for these days was some big-ass family get-together. At thirty-six years old and divorced, it was enough for him to deal with the day-to-day of Walker Demolition, along with being a single dad to a three-year-old little boy.

  “Very,” Travis confirmed, his tone gruff. “And I want it to take place next month.”

  Next month? The guy was getting laid too damn much these days, because now he’d lost his fucking mind and become far too optimistic. Maybe there was something to be said about the whole bisexual thing. “I think we need to be a little realistic here,” Jared added.

  “How long do you think it’ll take to prepare?” Travis questioned, sounding genuinely curious.

  Jared had no clue. He wasn’t a goddamn party planner. “Do you even know where we’re gonna have this thing?”

  “Yep.” The certainty in Travis’s voice gave Jared a small measure of assurance. At least his cousin had looked that far into it.

  When he realized Travis wasn’t going to share the details, Jared sighed. “Where, Travis?”

  “Dead Heat Ranch.”

  “I don’t even know what that is,” Jared admitted.

  “It’s owned by some of Cheyenne’s family,” Travis told him, referring to Travis’s brother Brendon’s woman. “Beyond that, I ain’t got shit. I need you to call them, set it up.”

  “Me?” Jared sat up straight. “What makes you think I’ve got time to deal with this? Do you know how much business Walker Demo has at the moment?”

  Travis chuckled.

  Okay, so maybe he did. Jared knew that Travis probably had a finger on the pulse of every damn thing that went on with Walker Demo, not to mention th
e resort. And probably even the entire town of Coyote Ridge, Texas, to boot.

  Unfortunately, they weren’t as busy as Jared would’ve liked. For months on end, they’d been going ninety to nothing, and all of a sudden things had slowed drastically.

  “Fine. We’re not that damn busy, but still. Why me?”

  “’Cause you’re closer to everyone.”

  It was Jared’s turn to laugh. “That’s horseshit and you know it.”

  “But it sounded good, didn’t it? Look, Gage just walked in, and I’ve gotta take care of some shit. You got this?”

  Another frustrated sigh escaped him, but Jared found himself nodding. “Fine.”

  “Thanks. Call Cheyenne or Brendon, get the information. Let me know if you need anything.”

  Jared didn’t bother responding. He hung up the phone and dropped his cell phone on his desk, then put his head in his hands and tugged at his hair. On top of everything, he needed a damn haircut.

  He sighed.

  Honestly, this was the last damn thing he needed right now, but it would help to keep his mind occupied, so that was something to look forward to. When business slowed, that was when his mind started wandering, and that was never a good thing.


  Jared sat up straight and took a deep breath. Fine. He’d do it. And if Travis wanted this shindig to take place next month, Jared needed to get started now. Reaching for his phone, he had just palmed it when it vibrated. He glanced at the screen and saw that it was Cheyenne Montgomery, the very person he was about to call.

  He stabbed the screen to answer, then put the phone to his ear. “Lemme guess, Travis called you?” How that was even possible with only a minute or so passing since Jared had hung up with him, he didn’t know. Then again, this was Travis Walker. The guy was quite possibly not human.

  Cheyenne’s husky chuckle made him smile. “Of course he did.”

  “And to think, he told me to call you.”

  “You know Travis, always makin’ sure things go the way he wants them to.”

  Exactly. Which was the very reason Travis should be handling this shit. “I don’t know why he’s trusting me with this,” Jared told Cheyenne. “I get the feelin’ he’s gonna handle most of it on his own, anyway.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Cheyenne said. “Rumor is, now that he’s got two rug rats at home, he’s havin’ a hard time keepin’ his head on straight already.”

  That didn’t surprise Jared one bit. Travis Walker wasn’t the easiest guy to get along with, and frazzled seemed to be the constant state he was in. Although he had toned down somewhat in recent years, which was a relief to everyone.

  “I’ve got the number for you. Got a pen?”

  Jared grabbed a pen. “Yeah.”

  He scribbled the number on his desk calendar as Cheyenne rattled it off. “You’re gonna want to talk to Hope Lambert.”

  “Got it.”

  “She might have one of her sisters handle the details, but she’s the best one to talk to first. They’ll walk you through everything you need to know.”

  “I’ll call her now.”

  “I’d offer to help, but I’m gonna be on the road for the next month.”

  Shit. That reminded him that he needed to try to coordinate schedules. A month wasn’t nearly enough time to put this together and expect anyone to show up. Maybe he’d push it out a little.

  “I’m sure I can handle it,” Jared told her. “But if you could send me your tour dates, that’d help.”

  “I’ll get them texted to you ASAP.”

  “Is this place close?” he asked. “This Dead Heat Ranch?”

  “Not far. ’Bout half an hour from here, I’d say. In Embers Ridge. You know the place?”

  “Yeah,” he lied. He didn’t know the place, but he figured a map would tell him. “You know why Travis picked it?” Jared hadn’t wrapped his head around that part yet.

  “You’ll see when you call them.”

  Jared did not like the sound of that. “Should I be worried?”

  “Nope. Just make sure you’re clear on how many days you want.”

  “Days?” He flopped back into his chair and closed his eyes. “I thought this was a family reunion. An afternoon barbecue or some shit.”

  Another giggle sounded from Cheyenne. “I wish it were that simple. This is a dude ranch, Jared. My guess is Travis is lookin’ for a solid week.”

  Dude ranch? Week?

  The fuck?

  He sighed again, this time in resignation. He wasn’t going to get out of this, so he might as well step right in the shit and get moving.

  “All right, I’m gonna call this Hope Lambert and see what she says. I’ll let you know.”

  “Have fun!”

  Right. Fun.

  Because that was exactly what this wasn’t going to be.


  I hope you enjoyed Lorrie and Curtis’s story. I have to say that this book was not at all what I’d anticipated it to be. It was so much better. I was nervous to write their story and at one point I wondered if I ever would, but once I started, I couldn’t stop. In fact, it’s the only book I’ve written that I never wanted to end. I wanted to stay in their world, to feel what they feel, to live what they live. It was beautiful and scary at times and I’m completely humbled by all the readers who wanted their story. So, thank you.

  Curtis is the first book in the Coyote Ridge series. Coyote Ridge is a spin-off of my Alluring Indulgence series and if you haven’t read about the seven Walker brothers, I highly suggest that you do. You can find out more about Alluring Indulgence, including which books I’m working on, as well as my other series here.

  Want a simple, fast way to get updates on new releases? If you’re in the U.S., you can also sign up for text messaging - just text NICOLE to 64600 or fill out the form here. I promise not to spam your phone. This is just my way of letting you know what’s happening because I know you’re busy, but if you’re anything like me, you always have your phone on you.

  If you want to see what’s going on with me each week, sign up for my weekly Hot Sheet! It’s a short, entertaining weekly update of things going on in my life and that of the team that supports me. We’re a little crazy at times and this is a firsthand account of our antics.

  And last but certainly not least, if you’re interested in getting monthly updates and announcements, you can sign up for my monthly newsletter.

  And, as always, thank you so much for reading. I hope you’ll be able to leave an honest review as this is the best way to share your thoughts about the book with others.



  I want to thank Jack DeNormandie for all his help with this book. Jack, although I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting you face to face, I hope to remedy that in the future. The information you provided was invaluable and I can never thank you enough. You are one of a kind.

  I want to thank Chancy Powley for all that you endured during the writing of this book. I thank you for sharing so much information and for talking to your dad for me. I only wish I could’ve seen your face when you had to ask him the hard questions. I can imagine how red your face was.

  I also need to thank my mother-in-law, Carolyn, for helping me by providing diaries and pictures that gave me more insight into the 1960s.

  I have to thank my husband and my children, for putting up with my craziness. From my sudden outbursts when I think of something that needs to be added or when I question why one of the characters did what they did, to the strange hours that I keep and the days on end when I’m MIA because I’m under deadline or just engrossed in a story… Y’all are incredibly tolerant of me and for that, I am forever grateful. I love you with all that I am.

  My street team – The Naughty & Nice Posse. Ladies, your daily pimping and support fills my heart with so much love. You are a blessing to me, each and every one of you.

  My beta read
ers, Chancy and Denise. Ladies, I’m not sure thanks will ever be enough. However, not only are you the ones who catch the weird things and ask the bigger questions, you’ve both become my friends and you keep me going.

  My copyeditor, Amy. Punctuation and grammar… well, that’s not my strong suit. But it is yours and you are truly remarkable at what you do. You simply amaze me and I am so glad that I found you.

  Nicole Nation 2.0 for the constant support and love. This group of ladies has kept me going for so long, I’m not sure I’d know what to do without them.

  And, of course, YOU, the reader. Your emails, messages, posts, comments, tweets… they mean more to me than you can imagine. I thrive on hearing from you, knowing that my characters and my stories have touched you in some way keeps me going. I’ve been known to shed a tear or two when reading an email because you simply bring so much joy to my life with your support. I thank you for that.

  About Nicole

  New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Nicole Edwards lives in Austin, Texas with her husband, their three kids, and four rambunctious dogs. When she’s not writing about sexy alpha males, Nicole can often be found with her Kindle in hand or making an attempt to keep the dogs happy. You can find her hanging out on Facebook and interacting with her readers - even when she’s supposed to be writing.

  Nicole also writes contemporary/new adult romance as Timberlyn Scott.

  Nicole would love to hear from you!

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  By Nicole Edwards

  The Alluring Indulgence Series

  What’s hotter than a Texas cowboy? Seven Texas cowboys.

  All with a heart of gold and a sexy, devious side.




  Holidays with the Walker Brothers





  The Club Destiny Series


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