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Ancient Blood: The Fallen

Page 9

by Renea Taylor

  However, fear turned to horror, a horror that shuddered its way through every fiber and particle of my being, causing tiny, terrified cries to escape from between my lips with the realization that the thing within my room had followed me into the hall.

  Its noises echoed off the ceiling and walls, doubling the intensity of the horrific sounds in the deep, bluish, purple shadows of the hallway that were just as, if not more profound, than what had been within my room, and though my system was nearly clean from the drugs I’d been administered until just hours ago, there was still a slight lingering effect of the narcotic I could not escape.

  A maddening disorientation that threw my sense off balance, causing the shadows to shift and swirl before my eyes, and out of desperation, I again tried to bring forth my shield that, up to that point, emotions, or maybe it was the drugs, had held locked within me.

  I felt my eyes well with the moisture of relief when an orange nebulous glow filled the confined space around me, swirling in its own display of power as it snapped and crackled in a voice of authority, enclosing me within its circle of protection.

  Continuing to master the flames that grew and increased in power as it swirled around me, I stood motionless within its shielding arms as it began to resemble the bright, reddish orange solar flares of the sun, erupting forth with just as much strength and ferocity.

  The ominous arcs of fire shot about, singeing whatever they touched, leaving small fires behind in their wake as the hallway filled with thick acrid smoke. As well, leaving the unseen man behind me, to dip and swirl in a manner that resembled an Indian stomp dance in his effort to avoid being set afire, and the house from burning to the ground before he finally bellowed, “Jesus Christ Kira, stop!”

  Instantly the firestorm was gone, as I gave a startled yelp, but the volume of noise in the hallway had only increased with my display of self protection, as now there was a sort of keening, almost a wailing from whatever stood within the hall with us, forcing me to shriek, “holy mother of God, it's still here?” Suddenly light flooded about us in the hall as Dante bellowed loudly in an effort to be heard over the den, “I sure as hell don’t know why!”

  Then, he immediately turned on the noise maker and erupted with a snarl of a shout, “shut up will ya!” effectively silencing the creature, before he angrily returned to putting out the hot spots that had a tendency to flare back to life.

  Silence reigned around the hallway, the only sound to be heard was Dante’s thudding footfalls and thumping of the walls, as he put out the last of the small flare ups that continued to resist his efforts at causing their demise.

  Finally, I heard him snarl, “would you mind telling me, why in the name of God, were you trying to burn the house down over a pup?”

  I just stared at him, silent, for I had no idea what to say, then he gave a low hiss, before growling, “what the hell ever!”

  Turning, he continued down the hallway, slamming out the doorway at its other end.

  I stared after where he’d been, dumbfounded and hurt, as drawing a breath, I slowly turned and gazed down at the small brown and white puppy that sat quietly behind me, its tail wagging uncertainly, though its coat revealing matted and singed spots where he’d obviously been hit by the fiery surges.

  I felt my eyes well again with moisture, only this time they were tears of regret for having hurt such an innocent creature due to my own fear.

  * * *

  Several hours later, having remained upset about what I'd done, I was trying to convince myself to eat the beautifully prepared omelet that sat on the plate before me.

  However, instead of placing the portion of egg, meat, and cheese I'd speared with my fork into my mouth, I pushed it around my plate, staring at it with little appetite, wondering if I should bring up what had occurred within the hall, or remain mute on the matter.

  Finally, carrying the forkful of egg to my mouth, I pulled the piece off with my teeth, mechanically chewing and thinking that it might as well be rubber for all the appreciation I was able to give it, then repeated the process several more times as I sliced pieces off the omelet, chewed, then swallowed non-enthusiastically.

  Finally, Dante, watching the whole process, placed his chin on his thumbs, then steep-ling his fingers before him snapped, “why don’t you stop torturing yourself, you don't want the damn thing and you know it.”

  Shoving the plate of half eaten egg away, I washed down the last bite of egg and cheese that'd had a tenancy to sticks within my throat with a sip of coffee, then sitting the cup back on the table, I sat back and finally whispered “well, aren’t you curious?”

  “About what, the reasoning behind why you almost burnt the fucking house down…is that what you’re speaking of?”

  The heat of Dante’s angry bark nearly ripped the varnish from the table, and with head jerking up at his words, I stared uncertainly at him.

  Seeing my look, he closed his eyes, then blew out a breath as he wrenched to his feet, standing immobile, his features darkening as he gazed into my face, I watched an emotion come in his eyes I couldn't read, then turning his back to me he hissed something so low I didn't catch it.

  I immediately felt a defensive rush of rage since I suspected it had been something rather unflattering and hissed, “what did you say!”

  Whirling around, and penning me with his eyes Dante snapped, “nothing, I didn’t say a god-dammed thing!”

  Eyes widening at his blatant lie, I spat, “bullshit, you said something, I just didn’t catch what!”

  With brows drawn tight over his eyes, Dante shook his head angrily then turned, and with irritation apparent in his stride, strode from the room.

  I’d learned long ago that when Dante wanted to avoid answering a question, he'd just walk away, and the only way to get him to spill the beans was to stay after him until he was so thoroughly frustrated he'd bark it out in anger.

  Ignoring the curious glances from the others about the room, I broke into a run and flew across the room, then out the door after him.

  Coming down the hall, I caught a glimpse of his back as he entered through a doorway down the hallway, and picking up speed I chased him down, coming through the entrance at full steam, only to find myself plowing straight into his hardened frame just within the doorway.

  Landing with a bone jarring thump, I uttered a pained squawk as my tailbone contacted the unforgiving hardness of the floor beneath it.

  Then, at a an unintelligible grumble from Dante, I glanced up and found myself staring at him as, squatting down beside me, he groaned, “you shouldn’t have followed me in here…” then his whole frame shuddered as he pushed me back against the floor and husked, “I’ve tried dammit…I’ve tried to stay the hell away from you…”

  Lowering himself next to me, his mouth claimed mine, gently drawing upon it as biting the lushness of my lips, his hands busily moved across the silky flesh of my stomach, caressing the skin just beneath the full roundness of my breasts, yet never quite touching their fullness as my breath caught in anticipation.

  Moaning against his mouth, I felt my pussy grow wet, flooding with the need that spiraled through my senses and body, whimpering vocally as my breasts swelled, nipples hardening, begging for his touch, and with a deep throated groan, he grasped my hips, re-positioning me until I straddled his pelvis, my pussy riding against his cock as he begun a slow rocking motion, at the same time pulling at the button of my jean shorts.

  When it popped free, he immediately began to work the zipper, tugging on it and forcing it down, then rolling us until I lay beneath him, he sat up sliding off me, then grasping the waistband of my shorts and panties, he wasted no excess movement as, eyes burning with heat and hunger, he tugged on both, helping me to lift my hips as he pulled both articles of clothing down and off my legs and feet, casting them aside.

  A shudder raked his frame, and grasping my legs he spread them, a low sound of appreciation escaping his lips at the sight of my wet and glistening folds, so open a
nd exposed to him, and placing his warm lips just against my inner thigh, just above my knee, I felt the scrape of his teeth as he began to lightly nibble, his tongue dancing upon my flesh as he worked his way upward, groaning in a voice deep and husky, “god, I can smell how badly you want me, and it's making me crazy!”

  Teasing the soft, trembling flesh high on my inner thigh, he breathed, “I need to taste you Kira, taste your cum on my tongue” then placing his mouth on my mound, he began sliding his tongue along my slick folds, dipping it inside me, groaning, “Jesus you're delicious.”

  Using his thumb, he began to lightly rub and rotate my sensitive clit, the circular motion, almost making me cum, however, sensing I was trembling on that fine edge of completion, he backed off, withdrawing the pleasure of his tongue and thumb, inserting instead two fingers, caressing and stroking me on the inside, forcing my hips to involuntarily thrust upward into his touch, before bending his head, he found my clit with his tongue, and began to expertly swirl and lick at the sensitive flesh.

  Suddenly I felt my whole body stiffen in preparation of the oncoming orgasm, and so finely attuned to my every sensation, he grasp my hips, lifting my pelvis so he could gain better access as, sucking and flicking the swollen nub with the tip of his tongue, he gave no quarter as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss flowed over me, lost to a world of pleasure.

  At last when I began to calm, he'd divested himself of his jeans and now hovered over me, knees between my spread thighs, as voice desire drenched with his need, he husked, “I want you, Kira” then sat back on his heels, the heavy weight of his erection thrusting out between us, and I couldn't help but stare at how beautiful he was.

  A thin line of dark hair ran from his belly button down to a dark patch of pubic hair that surrounded his cock, then flowed into fine hairs that lightly covered his thighs, and suddenly he was moving, sliding his hands beneath my knees as, raising them he placed each foot flat against the ground, my heels against my ass, as nudging my legs, he spread me wide, then moving forward and bracing his arms on either side of my head, the tip of his cock touching the drenched entrance of my pussy he panted roughly, “fucking hell, I've got to have you” then surged forward, using my wetness to help him easily slide within my walls.

  Stilling at the sensation of my tightness surrounding him, he groaned and began taking long deep strokes, pumping in and out, filling me completely, taking me closer to the precipice of another orgasm as the heart of my femininity greedily sucked and pulled at his pumping cock in its climb to completion.

  Then, with a small muffled cry of release, I slipped over the edge, barely aware of the strangled moan he uttered as he pumped his seed within me.

  Chapter 10

  A few minutes later, Dante uttered words that sounded much the same as had the ones I'd heard him utter months earlier, then in a cry that was somewhere between pain and a guttural wail of rage, he snarled, “fuck!” then glaring at me with what appeared to be hate burning within his eyes, he gave an infuriated bark of, “get the hell away from me!”

  Pain rocketing through me at the loathing I saw within his eyes towards me, I jerked to my feet, hastily tugging on my jeans as fleeing the room, I fumbled the rest of my clothing within my arms as I ran down the hallway, a swarm of emotions overtaking me.

  Jerking my shirt over my head and covering my breast, I lowered myself to my haunches, drawing into a tight ball as I dropped my head onto my knees, tears beginning to trickle down my cheeks, helpless to stop them when they splattered onto the material of my jeans.

  The look in Dante's eyes had seared my soul, and I began to rock in an attempt to sooth myself, for my stomach was tied into a knot from the ribbon of emotions that wrapped their way around my insides, squeezing to the point I felt I couldn't breath!

  However, my lungs kept working as little by little the storm of tears eased, yet I was left feeling drained, my eyes and nose red from the deluge, and my face an unsightly mess in its puffiness, and with arms that felt obscenely heavy, as if all my energy spent, and I had nothing left to give, I swiped at the moisture upon my cheeks, pushing at the damp tendrils of hair that clung to my wet lashes.

  Rising to my feet, I heard a loud clap of thunder reverberate around the small alcove, thinking to myself of how befitting the sound was in its reflection of the tumultuous of my mood.

  With a small shake of my head, I found myself walking over to the window that graced the wall, and hearing the soft patters of raindrops as they landed on the outer panes of glass, permeating the air with their soft thuds, I was drawn to them like a magnet, and reaching out, I pushed aside the curtain.

  The light fall of precipitation made the landscape glisten with softness, and the scene before me appeared as if applied by the gentle artistic brush of a water-colorist, sending forth an invitation to come explore the moisture laden wonderland, and I felt a yearning to have the touch of the rain upon my skin, its dewy kiss upon my face.

  However, it was a desire that, under the circumstances, was unattainable. Placing my forehead against the pain, I closed my eyes, almost feeling the wind against my face, the kiss of the rain upon my cheeks and lips, then suddenly my eyes popped open, and I quickly drew my head away from the window as I stared at it in stunned disbelief, the sudden knowledge of how to make my escape stealing over me.

  Reaching out, I tentatively touched the glass encased within the window pane, almost expecting the shrill shriek of an alarm tattling of what I was doing, bringing people bursting through the doorways in an effort to stall my plans.

  However, when nothing happened, I found my bravery increasing. Closing my eyes I summoned the heat, feeling its warmth emerge from within my palms and onto the glass, before, with a sizzling crack, the glass shattered beneath my hands.

  God, it was so fucking simple! Why had I not thought of it before? Then placing both hands on the now accessible screen, I shoved.

  Fully expecting to encounter some resistance from the wire mesh, I’d placed more strength into the shove than had been necessary, and found myself tumbling out with the screen as it popped out with the minimalist of resistance.

  Though I damn near landed on my face, I managed somehow to get my hands beneath me in time to save myself from eating dirt, however my wrist and palms now bore the brunt of my weight, and though they ached to beat all hell, I gained a standing position and was up and running in a matter of seconds, splashing through the rain formed puddles within the yard. My only thought, one of freedom.

  That was until I heard the soft, squishy thud of another set of footfalls, and turning I gazed at the imposing figure of Dante as he came towards me through the rain.

  I felt my shoulders slumping, as without a word or preamble, he grabbed me around the waist, and lifting me off my feet he tossed me over his shoulder, at which point I whispered, “just let me go home Dante, please!”

  Gazing at the ground from my upside down position, I felt the blood rush to my head, but even the roar of it pumping through my veins couldn't wash away my disappointment at the silence that greeted my plea.

  With my ass cheeks pointing towards the sky, stuck-up in the air like twin mounds, and my head dangling, bouncing against the hardened plains of Dante’s back and somewhat resembling a cork bobbing in water, I watched the ground rise and fall below me with each step he took.

  Lifting my head I managed, but just barely to keep it aloft as I fought the jarring motion of his steps as he headed towards the house at a near run, the natural influence of gravity pulling at my neck, causing a struggle for me to even focus my eyes.

  Rebelliously trying to see through the wavering, shimmering haze being forced upon me from my unflattering position, I then wished I hadn’t forced it, for my upside down state, and all the bumping and jarring against my stomach was causing an unwelcome reaction.

  Uttering a groan, I began attempting to crawl backwards off Dante’s shoulder as he entered the house. The heaving of my stomach sent out a lethal warning with a growing p
ressure that was so volatile I was only moderately aware that my actions had knocked Dante off balance.

  With his hold on me gone astray, a scream ripped from my lips as, in an instant I was in the air, flying across the room at a rate that had my arms and legs moving in self-preservation. I uselessly fought for purchase as I watched with horror, the floor careening towards me, coming at a speed that when the inevitable collision occurred, was sure to leave me with what I feared would be a mass of scrapes, bruises, and even possibly, broken bones.

  Closing my eyes, and preparing for impact, I crash-landed onto the carpeting with such energy that it knocked the air from my lungs as I skidded along the rough surface of the floors covering.

  When the momentum of my ride across the floor finally began to slow, I sucked air into my oxygen-starved lungs, only to lose what little I managed to attain, as a startled yelp exploded from my lips when I smashed into the bottom of a huge couch, coming to a sudden stop against its girth.

  Stunned, I lay still, pain rippling through my frame in waves that shot through what felt like every portion of my body, then thankfully, blackness consumed me as I passed out.

  * * *

  Consciousness returned to a torrential deluge of water flowing across my body as it drenched me beneath its cold blast, causing chill bumps to rise across my flesh, and my small frame to shake from the uncomfortable temperature as I jackknifed into a sitting position.

  Mouth hanging open in shock, I uttered a wail of outrage at the realization I was in the bottom a bathtub, and the shower-head was spewing down on me full blast!

  The stream of water bombarded the exposed flesh of my face and arms in stinging pelts as I leaned forward, and gripping the hot water knob I tried to twist it into the off position, quickly realizing that it was off!

  Throwing a leg over the side of the tub, I tumbled out onto the floor. Then, reaching for the other knob, I shut off the flow of water, growling low within my throat.


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