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Ancient Blood: The Fallen

Page 20

by Renea Taylor

  A throb, a hunger that needed fulfilled, one that was forcing me to pant a little, and bringing forth tiny, breathy, mewling sounds from between my lips, and I found myself helpless to stop the sounds or the movement of my hips as I pushed back into his.

  I could feel the trembling within Dante as he began a slow rocking motion, pumping against the softness of my ass, then with a groan, he turned me within his arms and covering my mouth with his, he allowed the warmth of his lips to suck tenderly at my own.

  His tongue softly laid claim to my lips, coaxing me to open to him, to respond to his possession. Then without warning, he was pulling free, and as he whirled around, a sense of Deja Vu washed over me as he stood glaring at the figure shrouded in darkness within the treeline.

  The figure finally stepped forward, fully revealing himself as he teasingly drawled, “she require resuscitation Dante?”

  At which Dante grinned and replied, “fuck you Sirrus.”

  Sirrus, glancing in my direction, a mocking smirk still curling the edges of his lips stated, “quite a merry chase you gave us there Chick-a-Dee,” then, “glad to see you're still breathing.”

  Dante’s features changed, becoming harsh with anger as he hissed, “yeah, about that!”

  Arreon, having finally emerged from within the trees snapped, “why don’t you climb off your fucking soap box and give someone a chance to explain will ya!”

  This only caused Dante to growl low then snarl, “what the hell is there to explain were careless and could have cost her, her life!”

  Fearing that the tension in the air was going to go from mere words to something physical, I opened my mouth only to snap it back shut when out of the same shadows as the others had emerged from, stepped Gran, who barked “boys, that’s enough!”

  Flabbergasted, I heard myself squeak, “Gran?”

  However, before I could say anything further, a sound something similar to the flutter of bird wings sounded about us, and then White winged beings were landing not a hundred yards behind Gran.

  My eyes further widened with stunned shock at the realization that the winged beings were actually the Keepers of the Forest.

  The Redheaded Adonis stepped forward, then made his way to stand next to Gran, the others soon following.

  Then I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, for Gran began to transform. Gone was the old man, and standing in his place was the man whom I had seen agonizing over the death of the woman with the Caramel colored hair.

  Gazing at those before him, Gran stated, “one among you has become a betrayer, for even as we stand here, the Dark army comes for they have been informed of her where abouts.”

  No sooner had the words left his mouth, than a sound I recognized filled the air, the chatter of monkeys.

  Yet, this time I knew it wasn't the sound of primates I had believed it to be before, but rather the call of the Dark Ones.

  The trees began to quiver and shake, much as they had before. However, though the ebony winged warriors peppered the ground again with their landing, this time they did not immediately attack.

  Instead they stood before us upon and out of their midst walked Jabar as, standing before Gran he nodded his head and murmured, “Uriel.”

  Then in the very same breath, sounding almost like the lash of a whip cracking the air, he barked, “seize him” and suddenly those of Jabar's men that had come to flank Dante, lunged in his direction, and I heard the rage of Dante's roar as he was captured.

  At the same time, I found myself jerked back against Elena as the sharp sting from the blade of a dagger she held in her hand pierced my flesh, before she jerked loose from the sting of my summoned shield as it began to surround me.

  Instantly though, the power of the developing thermal expulsion lost strength, and faded out altogether as my skin began to burn on the inside from the poison the dagger had been tipped with, and an enveloping weakness consumed me, making my legs wobble unsteadily, and my knees trying to buckle beneath me even as Elena began tugging and pulling at me, hissing “back off or she dies” to those that had begun encircling us as they tried to come to my aide.

  Then still wielding the dagger, she continued working her way towards Jabar, except two things happened simultaneously that she obviously hadn't counted on, The Keepers of the Forrest, whom I had come to recognize as being Uriel’s Army, began whittling away at the Dark Warriors numbers as they worked to advance forward under the guidance of Jabar, and Dante, arms swinging and legs pumping as his heavy fist slammed blows against the heads of those who held him captive, shouted my name as began dragging minions with him, face contorted with determination as he slowly began to advance in my direction.

  Arreon, having slewed the dark warrior he’d been battling, glanced up and seeing Dante's movements and realized his intentions, however, as Jabar and a few of his men had managed to slip the ranks of Uriel's army, and were now just yards away from reaching me, he must have realized that Dante would never make it in time, so he lunged toward Jabar instead, his body slamming into the other man’s, as drawing his arm back, Arreon thrust it forward with a powerful blow, burying his dagger deeply within Jabar’s neck.

  A stunned expression slid across Jabar's features before he fell against Arreon, and as both hit the ground, Elena thrust me away and ran over to Jabar, where jerking at his body she moaned, “, this can't swore you'd take her...that Dante would be mine!”

  Then, as she stared down into his sightless eyes an enraged scream ripped loose of her lips, and eyes wild in her insanity, she lunged toward Arreon, a maddened wail of, “look what you've done...”escaping her mouth before she plunged her dagger into his chest.

  I was screaming and running in Arreon’s direction as fast as I could, yet Dante, there before me, silently came up behind Elena, and with a smooth swipe of his own blade, slit her throat, dropping her where she stood.

  Then falling to his knees, he gathered his brother within his arms, beginning to rock with him as I stumbled my way to their side, dropping to my knees just as Dante, reaching out, swiped a lock of hair out of Arreon's face an with tears in his eyes, he breathed brokenly, “why Arreon?”

  Looking up into Dante’s eyes, Arreon whispered, “your baby needs a soul, as well as its father.”

  Then glancing up at someone who stood behind us, he breathed, “Uriel, take my soul for I no longer have need of it, but my niece or nephew does.”

  Finally his eyes fell upon me, and reaching out he grasp my hand within his own bloodied one as, again returning his eyes to Dante, a tear rolling out from a corner, he softly murmured, “ take your salvation” then closing his eyes he whispered, “love you both” as closing his eyes, he left us.

  I heard a low pitched wail of agony emerge from somewhere deep, deep within Dante.

  * * *

  Uriel allowed us no time to grieve however, as reaching into his ugly brown robe, he pulled out the tablet he had placed within my hands upon my arrival on hallowed ground. Then turning to us he stated, “we must hurry.”

  Reaching out he grasp my hand as, in a blur of motion he pricked my finger, squeezing until a tiny bead of blood trembled upon my flesh, then in a downward sweep he touched my finger against the unmarred page, dotting its unblemished surface, staining its corner with the liquid he’d brought forth.

  Just as quickly as the red stain of my blood had marked the page and was absorbed into the pulp that made up its texture, he did the same with Dante’s, then Arreons.

  The page began producing symbol after symbol, filling its empty surface with the strange markings and a soft gasp escaped my lips as I stared, a bombardment of questions filling my head as Gran, or rather Uriel, without ever looking up breathed, “that it should reveal so quickly shows of how strong your abilities will be upon full maturation.”

  Staring at the symbols with my brows drawn tight over my eyes, I whispered, “what is it?”

  “The Book Of Invocations” Uriel murmured be
fore continuing, “it contains incantations, spells, charms, as well as teachings and instructions that have been placed upon its pages.

  It in itself is unique, for there is no other like it. It only works with the blood of a female castor, its last owner was…Karia…my wife, and she cast it into suspended time, where it has been awaiting your time with it.

  However, it must be protected at all costs, for within it, great power exists…that of good and evil, for it holds the powers of the Gods and true illumination” then “however, for today it is being used to assure your baby receives Arreon's soul, as well, invoke Dante's salvation, now it is time for you to begin.”

  * * *

  Hours later, I lay nestled naked against Dante, my hand resting on my stomach as within me shock, as well as a warm glow of satisfaction filtered throughout my system, for though we’d lost Arreon, causing our hearts to ache painfully, there would soon be another life brought forth.

  As well, I'd asked Dante why he'd chosen to fall, to which he'd shrugged and stated, “that night by the river, Jabar possessed Seth's body and marked you, for though an angel can't perform magic, we can place an item that has been spelled upon an object of our choice, its called marking.

  Jabar marked you with a spelled word upon your wrist, awakening your mating need” then with a shrug he stated, “you would have lain with anyone that night Kira” then with a sheepish grin he muttered, “besides, I was already in love with you, and couldn't stand the thought of another man touching what was mine.”

  After a few seconds he whispered, “you are not at fault for my changing Kira, I am. Though it is not forbidden for a watcher to have intercourse with another immortal, it is forbidden to do it with one born of a Dark Ones blood, because of the blood transference, and the absorption rate, for we begin turning immediately, and I knew that. However, it does take about a year for the change to be completed, and in that time we are given a chance to redeem ourselves, however we can never be in the same Celestial Sphere again, and our ranking can only be lowered, until there is nothing lower and we are banished. However to get redemption, we have to meet certain requirements first. I was halfway though meeting them when I learned the unholy were coming after you, and there was no way in hell I was staying away, not with you in danger! ”

  Then with a shrug he muttered sheepishly, “I could have still gone back and maybe completed the requirements in time, but I couldn't keep my hands off you, couldn't stop needing you! Then I learned you were pregnant, and well...there was no going back after that, as I knew I could do one last thing for you, I could give up my soul to save our baby!”

  Wiping at the tears his words had brought to my eyes, I rolled over and climbed on top of him, feeling the rapidly recovering length of his cock as I murmured, “I love you angel man” then, “do you think Arreon would approve if we named the baby after him?”

  From above us, a loud clap of thunder shook the walls, and with a grin spreading across his features Dante laughed, “that, I'd say, was a resounding yes.”

  Then growing serious Dante gazed into my eyes, before he finally whispered, “it's not over yet Kira, you know that right?”

  Thank you for reading, The Fallen by Renea Taylor.

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  Other Books by Renea:

  Beyond Series

  Beyond Right Or Wrong (book one)

  Beyond Limits (book two, coming soon)

  Beyond Desire (book three, coming soon)




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