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by Kris Eton

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  The Wild Rose Press

  Copyright ©2008 by Kris Eton

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Kris Eton

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.



  2008 by Kris Eton

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Contact Information:

  Cover Art by Angela Anderson

  The Wild Rose Press

  PO Box 708

  Adams Basin, NY 14410-0706

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  Publishing History

  First Scarlet Rose Edition, 2008

  Published in the United States of America


  This is a fantasy come to life for any soon to be divorced woman. Hot sex with a handsome caring stranger and even better revenge on the ex. This is a fun and steamy tale that will make anyone reading it smile and appreciate the ironies of life. How to meet the man of your dreams at the mall but in the hottest, steamiest way possible.—Lainey, Coffee Time Romance, 4 cups


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

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  Chapter One

  Jack Darrow strolled the aisles of Smith & Smith's Department Store. He played his flashlight over the white plastic shoulders of a female mannequin wearing a negligee. With most of the lighting turned off for the night, it was easy to mistake the well-dressed mannequins for real people. Nothing to see here.

  Moonlighting three times a week had its monetary advantages, but was far from the excitement of his day job for the Phoenix Police Department.


  Jack's heart raced at the sound. He redirected his flashlight to the corner of the lingerie department. The dressing rooms. Someone was in there.

  With cat feet, he crept closer. He should call Jim, the other security guard on watch, over the radio. Let him know there was an intruder. The store had closed a half-hour ago. There shouldn't be anyone here.

  He took a quick peek around the corner. A brunette in a slinky, sexy gown turned around in front of a full length mirror and snipped off a tag with a small pair of scissors.

  A shoplifter. She looked easy enough to handle. No reason to notify Jim. He could do this one on his own.

  Jack stepped out of the shadows. “I'm sorry, miss, you're going to have to take off that dress."

  The brunette jumped and looked at Jack with big blue Bambi eyes. “Excuse me?"

  Why'd she have to be so drop dead gorgeous? He was just doing his job, minding his own business, and here she was—luscious and lovely with her shoulders bare and a stubborn curl of hair tucked behind one ear. But it shouldn't matter if she was the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth, she was a shoplifter, and he had to stop her. “The dress. It doesn't belong to you. I'll need you to take it off."

  "What?” She looked down at the scissors and the cut-off tag in her hand. “Oh my God, it's not what it looks like. They put the tag so close to the zipper, I couldn't zip it up, and I think it was the last one on the rack...” The curvy bombshell took a step away from him and moved toward a far stall in the dressing room.

  "I don't think you want me to take it off for you.” Although the thought was awfully tempting. It was late, no one was around. If this were a different situation he might have a full-blown hard on by now and the possibility of some incredible sex in the next few minutes. But he was the security guard and she was the thief. Nothing to this scenario but a call to his buddies down at the station and a four-page incident report to fill out.

  She narrowed her eyes at him, like she was considering her options. Clearly, she figured out she didn't have many. “All right. All right. Can I have some privacy, please?"

  He pointed to the door only a few steps behind her. “The last dressing room. Now."

  "But my clothes are over—” She started to point but caught herself. She seemed to be keeping the dress in place with only one hand.

  To keep his eyes off her ample breasts was difficult when they were barely concealed by a tight swatch of silk plastered to her chest. “I don't care. Just take off that dress now. I'll see about finding your things."

  "This is all a big mistake.” She gave him the biggest, sweetest smile—one that could melt a man's resistance, including his. “I thought the store was open until nine."

  "It's a holiday, miss. We close early today. Seven o'clock on the nose—and I wasn't planning on any overtime. Take off the dress. A squad car will be here in a bit to take you downtown."

  "What? It's only...” She looked at her watch. “Seven-thirty-six. I made a mistake. That's all. I'm no shoplifter.” She tugged at the front of the dress with one hand, but it didn't stop the downward progression of the neckline. In fact, it dipped dangerously low. “I tell you, I was here for the sale. That's it."

  Jack had to look away. His resolve weakened each time the dress slipped a little further and revealed more skin. He pointed up at the speaker in the corner of the room. “Didn't you hear? They always make an announcement ten minutes before closing, and we do a sweep just before lock up. How did you really get in here?"

  "The loudspeaker must be broken. I never heard anything. I swear.” She bit her lip. “I've been here the whole time. I didn't sneak in, I walked in, like everyone else. Whoever did the checking must have done a half-assed job."

  She was quite the actress. She had panic stricken down pat.

  "We'll straighten all this out later ... with the police.” Too bad they didn't meet somewhere else. Might've been different. But he had to do his job. No matter how attracted he was to her, she was stealing. When he had decided to take the job, he had thought it would be boring. Boy, had he been wrong. He'd have quite a story to tell on patrol tomorrow with his partner, Mac.

  "You don't understand. I can't go to jail.” She trembled. Her face was as white as a sheet. Was that a hint of fear he heard in her voice? “I can't stay the night in jail."

  "They'll let you call someone to bail you out."

  "I don't have anyone to call.” Tears welled up in her eyes.

  He wanted to pull her into his arms, comfort her. But he was the security guard. He had to be hard. Unmoving. No matter what her sob story was. “How could you not have someone to call? Everyone's got someone to call."

  "Jack—that's your name, right?” She pointed at his nametag.

  He said nothing. As her luscious lips formed his name, he wondered what it must be like to kiss them...

  "I'm Kara. Kara Hadley."

  "Lovely.” Get it together, Jack! Think of ice water—a tub of ice water. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Hadley."

  "You can call
me Kara."

  He closed his eyes for a moment. Why was she making this harder? Didn't she know it was all he could do to keep his hands at his sides and off her tempting curves? Yeah, she probably did know. She probably knew he was a sucker for big blue eyes and a sad story, and she would try to use them to get out of her predicament. “And why would I want to do that?"

  "Because I asked you to. Because I hate being called by my last name."

  "Nothing wrong with your last name.” Nothing wrong with any part of her, as far as he could see.

  "It's not mine. I'm getting rid of it tomorrow.” Her hand gripped the edge of the dress more tightly. “You see, that's why I can't be in jail tonight. The only person I can call to come get me in this town is my ex, and I'm not going to call for his help.” She bit her lip again, determination clear in her eyes. “No fucking way."

  "That isn't my problem.” Best if he kept this as professional as possible. “Look, I'm just doing my job. That's all. I don't mean to ruin your day, but can't you see how you're ruining mine? I had a nice, quiet evening all planned, and then I had to find you trying to steal an evening dress.” Yes, a nice quiet evening that did not entail jacking off in the men's room to get some relief, which was what he'd end up doing if he didn't get her out of here and into police custody as quickly as possible.

  "It's not an evening dress. It was going to be my last hurrah."

  "Excuse me? Your last what?"

  "My last hurrah. I just got paid on Friday, and I was going to blow it all on the sexiest dress I could find. And I was going to wear it tomorrow to court when my divorce was finalized."

  "I thought you said you had an ex."

  "Well, an almost ex. I mean, it's less than twenty-four hours before the court date. Close enough, right? Anyway, I was going to make a grand entrance. Have his tongue hanging on the floor. Make him regret sleeping around behind my back."

  He scanned her slowly from her red painted toenails, over her well-rounded curves, to her beautiful face with those large blue eyes and perfect, pouting mouth. “I think you did it."

  "Did what?"

  "Found the right dress."

  "You think so?” She turned sideways to look at herself in the long mirror on the wall behind her.

  God, her ass was as perfect as the rest of her. This was so unfair. He cleared his throat. “Um, yeah."

  "I thought so, too, but I think it's a size too small.” She turned, showing him where the side zipper was undone, her soft skin peeking through the opening.

  His eyes riveted on that little patch of skin. Sliding his gaze from the open zipper, he took in the sight of her breasts, ready to pop out of the low-cut dress. The air conditioning did wonders for her nipples—at least from his perspective. Their raised points poked against the flimsy material. Why did she have to be the goddamn hottest shoplifter he'd ever encountered? “I think it fits just fine."

  Under his gaze, she blushed bright pink. “Anyway, I wanted to try zipping it up first. I don't think there's a larger size out on the rack, and this one's a bargain.” She must have forgotten her left hand was pretty much the only thing holding up her dress because she raised both hands in an expressive gesture, and the unzipped portion flapped open, exposing one rosy, well-formed breast.

  His cock rose at the sight of her breast with its nipple tightened into a bud.

  "Oh, God!” She instantly slapped her hand against her bare breast, covering it from his gaze. She looked up at him, her face aflame, and hiked the dress back in place.

  Damn. His hands itched to touch her—cup that breast and tease the nipple tighter and tighter until she moaned in pleasure.

  She cleared her throat. “Did I mention my ex is a jackass who cheated on me with my best friend? One other reason I have no one to call from jail."


  "You said I was going to jail."

  "Um, yeah. That's right.” His fantasy evaporated. “I gotta call the station."

  "Isn't there any way I can convince you that it's all a big mistake? I've got cash in my purse. Down there.” She nodded her head. “The last changing stall. You can check. I was going to pay for this, I swear it."

  Jack looked over his shoulder. The door to the last stall was open. A large black shoulder bag sat on a chair, and on the wall ... God, on the wall, hanging on the hooks was a bra and a matching black thong. She was completely naked under that fucking hot dress. Just the thought made his dick harden with a painfully delicious throb.

  He looked back at her, and she bit her lip. He wanted to fully unzip that tight, more-than-form-fitting dress and slide it down her gorgeous body, inch by inch. And then...

  What was he thinking? He didn't have wild fantasies about complete strangers. At least, not since high school when he couldn't keep his mind off of sex for more than ten seconds. He was thirty now. A man. A man who could keep his dick in his pants even if the most beautiful woman he had ever seen stood half naked in front of him.

  "You need to get out of that dress,” he whispered, his voice cracking. “Now.” More for the sake of his own sanity than anything else. He imagined that exposed breast with the hardened nipple, and he ached to touch it. Knead it gently and watch her eyes soften with desire. Then, he would take it into his mouth and stroke it with his tongue. Sucking it until she squirmed, until she grew wet for him.

  Her gaze scanned his face for just a moment, and then lowered to rest on his mouth. He knew that look. His body tensed in anticipation. She was thinking about kissing him.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Two

  "I'll take off the dress,” Kara said, watching desire fill the attractive security guard's eyes. “If you get me my clothes."

  She couldn't believe what was happening. All she had wanted to do was stop and buy a dress—a skimpy, sexy dress to make Ben feel like a complete idiot for cheating on her. Now, she found herself with an incredibly hot stranger while she stood half naked in an empty dressing room.

  This is not something that happened to Kara Hadley, top insurance salesperson in her district. Kara Hadley spent her evenings watching the news, shopping online, or reading the latest statistical analysis report from the head office. She did not spend the evening stuffed into a sexy outfit with no underwear on, contemplating what the security guard's hard body would feel like pressed up against hers.

  "How do I know you don't have a weapon concealed under there?” He jerked his chin toward her.

  "If you think I could fit a gun or a knife in this dress, you must think I'm Houdini.” She sensed a shift in their conversation. What started out as a serious encounter between guard and possible thief had changed to something else. His voice was teasing, hers was slightly breathless.

  "I think I should check, just to be sure. I wouldn't want to find out you're lying to me. Might make for a painful surprise."

  For a moment, she imagined she was a character in one of those soft-core porn flicks they showed late at night on cable. She wanted him to slip his hands beneath the zipper of her dress, slide it down her body, and kiss her everywhere with those sensuous lips. Her knees trembled at the thought. He knew she was naked under the dress. She saw his reaction when he looked back at the dressing room where she had left her things.

  What was she thinking? She was about to end a bad marriage to a man who cheated on her, and she was lusting after a stranger? A stranger who thought she was a shoplifter?

  But Jack was gorgeous. He had a lean but tightly muscular body, smoldering brown eyes, and a mouth just made for kissing. Any woman in her position would probably feel the same way. Right?

  This was pure and utter lust for a man with a hard-on that he tried his hardest to conceal. And what was wrong with a little lust? Being faithful to her husband and having a pretty sedate dating history had gotten her nowhere. She'd ended up in a loveless marriage with a jerk who screwed her friend because he said Kara was too cold. A cold fish for a wife. That's what he had told her the last meeting at the lawy

  Cold fish, my ass.

  "Frisk me all you want, officer.” She emphasized the last word by giving him a smoky look. She'd show Ben. She'd have a fling. A one night stand. With a hot security guard who thought she was a shoplifter. And if he took her to jail, at least she could throw it in Ben's face when he came to bail her out. Yes, she wanted love bites all over her neck, sex-tousled hair, and the smell of sex all over her when he came to pick her up in the morning. For, of course, Ben would make her wait until morning to get her out of jail.

  She stepped toward Jack, took a deep breath to rustle up some courage, and let her hands fall to her sides. The neckline of the dress drooped to her waist, but this time, instead of rushing to cover her nakedness, she just stood there.

  Let's see if Jack can resist acting on that hard-on now.

  He sucked in his breath. His first step toward her was hesitant, but then she gave him a look that told him she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. He smiled a slow half-smile there in the darkened dressing room and stepped closer.

  He slid one hand behind her nape, and the other gently cupped her jaw. Her breath caught in her throat, and she closed her eyes, waiting for the kiss that would come.

  His lips were as gentle as a feather brushing across hers—teasing, tasting. The tip of his tongue grazed across her lips, seeking entrance. A fire ignited low in her belly, and she opened her mouth to his. When he slipped his tongue into her mouth, her whole body zinged to life. Need coursed through her in an unexpected rush of warmth and wetness to her pussy, and she grabbed at his uniform shirt to pull him closer. Her naked breasts rubbed against the rough material, and he growled into her mouth.

  The kiss intensified into something primitive. He shoved her up against the wall, grabbed her upper arms, and pinned them down. The heat between them was searing. Like nothing she'd ever experienced with Ben. She didn't know a kiss could be so all-consuming. As necessary as the air she breathed.


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