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Page 3

by Kris Eton

  What a liar Ben had been, and now Jack was using the same words on her. Men were all the same.

  "What? What are you talking about?"

  "I should have just let you take me to jail.” She thrust her head into the neck of her sweater and pulled it down with a jerk.

  "Hold on a second.” She could hear him right behind the closed door of the dressing room. Underneath it, she saw his feet and the cuffed edges of his uniform pants. At least he was dressed. “I want to see you again."

  "I'll bet you do.” With regret coursing through her, she stepped into her jeans and jammed her feet into her boots. She caught a glance at herself in the mirror. Her hair was a tangled mess, her lipstick smeared on one side of her mouth, but there was an unmistakable deep satisfaction in her eyes. When had she last looked like that? She might regret the sex that just took place between them, but it sure did wonders for eradicating all the stress that had taken over her life recently.

  "Kara,” he began, his voice quieter now. “Kara, please don't think I'm some kind of jerk. Please."

  The sound of radio static broke the quiet. “Jack? Where are you? You should have finished your rounds ten minutes ago. Everything okay?"

  Jack swore under his breath. There was a click. “Everything's fine, Jim. I have to escort a customer out."

  "What?” the voice asked.

  "A customer. I have to escort her out. She got stuck in here by accident."

  The man on the other end of the radio gave a guffaw. “It's not one of those old ladies from the nursing home, is it? God, you'd think they'd keep a better eye on them when they bring ‘em to the mall."

  "Yeah, a lady from the nursing home."

  "You want me to call ‘em? Never had one stay past closing, but we've dealt with these guys before."

  "Nah, you don't need to call. I got it."

  "All right, partner."

  "Now I'm an old lady?” Kara fumed. She ran her fingers through her tousled brown curls. How did she go from a quick shopping trip at the mall to this? It had never been her intention to get into a relationship so soon after her break with Ben, and now she was tangled up in some strange one-night stand. It was a nightmare she wished she could wake up from.

  "What did you want me to tell him?"

  "I don't know. Oh, forget it. I just want to get out of here.” She pulled open the dressing room door. Jack stood right in front of her. It was hard not to react to those deep brown eyes—the eyes that only a few minutes ago burned with desire for her.

  "Don't look at me like that,” she said. A shiver ran down her back at the memory of his cock inside of her, pounding into her with such force, giving her the most incredible orgasm of her life.

  "Like what?” He tucked his shirt into his pants, pulling the fabric taut against his muscular chest.

  "Just don't look at me, okay?” The smell of sex still hung heavy in the air. Her body reacted involuntarily to the odor and the sight of him. There was a low, slow throbbing in her clit. She squeezed her thighs together. Dammit, she didn't want to be so turned on by him. Men couldn't commit. Men couldn't be faithful. Her mother had warned her. Kara's father had been just like Ben. Why didn't she listen?

  "All right."

  "How do I get out of this place?” The sooner she was away from him, the sooner she could forget her attraction for this man.

  "I'll have to take you to the employee entrance in the back of the store."

  "Oh, no, you're not taking me anywhere.” She clutched her purse close to her side, as if that would protect her from further contact with him.

  "I have to. I'm the one who has the keys, remember?” He held up a large metal ring filled with keys of all shapes and sizes.

  "Fine.” At least Jack was respecting her need for some distance. She could give him that much. “Can we go, please?"

  "Follow me."

  He led her through the women's department back toward the customer service desk. She couldn't help but watch his well-formed backside as they made their way through the darkened store. Why did he have to have such a fine ass?

  "So what are you going to wear tomorrow instead?"

  "What?” She was so distracted by his rear, she tuned him out.

  "Tomorrow, for the court hearing. You said you were here to buy a dress."

  "Guess I'll just have to find something in my closet."

  "I think he probably regrets it."

  "Who regrets what?"

  "Your soon-to-be-ex,” he said. “I think he regrets fooling around with your friend."

  "Why would you say that?” She was nothing more than a good fuck. She'd be gone in minutes. Why couldn't he just stop talking, stop pretending he cared. “You don't know anything about him ... or about me."

  "You seem pretty honest. Sounds like you took your marriage vows seriously. He really betrayed your trust.” He cleared his throat and then asked quietly, “If he asked, do you think you could forgive him?"

  "I don't want him back, if that's what you're asking.” Of course another guy would ask a question like that. Jack probably wondered why it was so terrible for Ben to sleep around. He'd use that same excuse of Ben's—men were built for cheating. They were wired differently than women. They couldn't help but have sex with any willing woman who crossed their path, vows and commitments be damned.

  "How could you even ask me that?” Outrage grew inside her like a cancer. “You know how long this has been going on? This humiliation? I thought, at first, we could work through it. I begged him to go into counseling with me. But you know what he did? He showed up for the first appointment drunk and smelling like her."

  "I never said you wanted him back. He doesn't deserve you. But I just wanted to know if you've forgiven him."

  She stopped in her tracks. They were a few feet from the employee entrance. He turned to look at her, and there was something in those brown eyes of his. Concern? She thought back to that moment in the dressing room, when he caressed her so gently. How he brought her to climax, not because she asked, but because he had seemed to enjoy her satisfaction. Just like she had enjoyed hearing him come. But that couldn't be...

  "Why do you care? What does it matter to you?” It was easier to push him away than to deal with the new and frightening emotions inside her. To think that this stranger could care for her more than her own husband had. “You got what you wanted—a good fuck. So why can't you just drop this ... this whole caring routine. You don't have to be nice to me just to make yourself feel better about what happened back there."

  "I'm not just being nice.” He reached out a hand to tuck a loose curl of hair behind her ear.

  She pulled away from his touch. She didn't want to be drawn into him again, to lose control again.

  "I'm sorry you think I only was interested in sex. Yeah, I'll admit, that was the hottest...” He trailed off, probably because he saw the discomfort it caused her to talk about it. “It's not just about the sex, Kara. Your ex, your past, I kinda wanted to show you how wrong he was for letting you go. He shouldn't have hurt you like that. Not all men are pigs."

  There was a long moment of silence. She didn't know what to say. A stranger cared more for her feelings than her own husband had. It was so tempting to let him inside, to tell him how hurt she had been for so long, and how good he had made her feel. Even if it was only going to be this one time.

  "So, do you have the key for this thing or what?” She pointed at the door behind him. What a wimp she was. He was standing there, handing her a chance at his heart, and she couldn't reach out and take it. The look in his eyes said, take a chance on me, trust me. But she just couldn't...

  He sighed. “Right here.” He held up the key and turned to unlock the door.

  The minute the door opened, she brushed past him and made her way into the parking lot. “It was—well, it was what it was, right?” She stretched out her hand to him, wanting to end things in a pleasant way.

  He looked down at her hand and then put his hands in his pockets. A
n injured look passed across his face. “Can I walk you to your car?"

  "I think it's better if I just go, don't you?” She pulled her hand away.

  "If that's what you want—"

  "It is.” She nodded her head at him and turned to leave, feeling a tug of loss.

  "My name's Jack Darrow. My number's in the book. If you ever need anything, just call."

  She fished blindly in her purse for her keys, the tears starting to flow. To turn around now and let him see how much it hurt to walk away would solve nothing. She needed to learn how to stand on her own two feet. How to take control of her life and depend only on herself. Not ask for a stranger's sympathies.

  The familiar beep of her car's security system cleared her head. It was time to go home, get some sleep, and figure out a way to forget Jack. Tomorrow was a big day for her. The day she would be free from Ben. She didn't need to be distracted by a mistake.

  But as she pulled out of the parking lot, her mind wandered to his fingers playing with her pussy, bringing her to climax, and making her feel like a desirable woman again.

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  Chapter Six

  After Jack watched Kara drive away, he let the door to the employee entrance bang shut behind him. What the hell was he thinking? Every word out of his mouth only seemed to hurt her more, drive her further away. He wished he could start over, go back to that first moment he found her in the dressing room.

  Everything had gotten so heated so quickly, there had just been no time to think. No time to consider the consequences. Of course she wouldn't trust him. When did sex do anything but complicate things?

  But, God, she'd been so hot for him. So wild. His dick started to harden at the recent memory of her soft wetness caressing him.

  "Stop it, Jack.” He slammed the flat of his hand against the wall and wished he could take a cold shower. He'd screwed it up good. It's not like he had a chance in hell to be with her again.

  He reflected on what she told him about her husband. What a jerk he had been to her. How could anyone treat a woman like that, much less a woman like Kara? No wonder she didn't believe anything he told her.

  "Hey, Jack, you there?"

  The radio crackled to life on his hip. He slid it out of the holster. “Yeah.” He leaned against the wall next to the door feeling defeated.

  "Didja get that lady out of here?"

  Jack's mind flashed to the last image he had of Kara as she crossed through the well-lit parking lot to her car. “Yeah, she's gone."

  "I made a fresh pot while you were dicking around. Want some?"

  He headed toward the security office at the other end of the building. “Heck yeah. Hope you made it stronger this time."

  "What am I? Your maid, Darrow?” Jim laughed at his own dumb joke. “You can make your own fucking coffee next time."

  "I'll be there in five.” Jack slipped the radio back into its holster. It was going to be a long night. Lots of time to reflect on where he went wrong. Too much time.

  * * * *

  Jack wheeled his sedan around the speed bumps in the mall parking lot. Although his shift ended at 6 a.m., he always took a last drive around before heading home. A black SUV was parked under the low branches of a willow tree. One dainty foot in a red stiletto pressed against the driver's side window.

  "Looks like I caught you red-handed, buddy."

  The cop in him knew this was a popular spot for randy teenagers and paying johns alike, and this looked like it was a business transaction. Not many high school girls wore shoes like that. At least not when he went to high school.

  He pulled his car behind the SUV, grabbed the flashlight from his glove compartment, and approached the driver's side door. Flicking the light on at the last minute, he caught the two occupants by surprise.

  The blonde woman wearing the red heels was completely nude, and she now sat astride a thirty-something man who lay back on the passenger's seat, his pants pushed down around his ankles.

  Jack tapped the flashlight on the glass. “Would you step outside the vehicle, please?"

  "Fuckin’ shit!” the half-naked guy barked when he caught sight of Jack. He shoved the woman off of his lap and yanked up his pants. “What the hell is this?"

  The woman pulled a cheap-looking sequined tank top up over her double D breasts. “Shit. I just got off parole last week.” She didn't seem to care that her lower half was still exposed. Sure sign of a professional.

  "Would you please step out of the vehicle?” Jack repeated.

  The guy in the car smirked at him. “Don't worry, honey. He's a rent-a-cop. Mall security."

  The hooker pushed her teased blonde hair out of her eyes and peered through the glass at Jack. “Does this mean I get to keep the forty bucks?"

  "Step out of the vehicle, ma'am."

  "I don't fuckin’ think so, dickwad.” The john, now fully dressed, opened the passenger's side door.

  The blonde grabbed her companion's arm. “Wait. Get back inside. I know a place we can go. Just up the block."

  The john shook off her hand. “Leave me alone, bitch. I got some business to attend to first."

  This guy was a real jackass. Jack looked forward to giving him his due. “Get down on the ground! Put your hands on your head. Now!” He might not have his service weapon on him, since he was off-duty, but there were other ways to make someone comply.

  The man came at him from behind the SUV, his fist raised, ready to strike.

  Jack pulled his pepper spray off his belt and squirted the man's face. “I said, get down on the ground!"

  In agony, the man clawed at his eyes as tears streamed down his face. “What the fuck?” He fell to his knees.

  "I'm a cop, dickwad,” Jack said. He pulled a pair of plastic restraining ties out of his pocket. Stepping behind the blinded man, he grabbed one wrist and slipped the tie on, tightening it quickly.

  "Shit.” The man's face was a reddened, sodden mess.

  When Jack had both wrists cinched, the man tried to wipe his eyes by rubbing them on his shoulder. “You're under arrest for public indecency and solicitation."

  "You've gotta be kidding me.” The perp's eyes were swollen shut and bright red, his nose running and dripping.

  Jack plucked the man's wallet out of his back pocket, flipped it open, and a picture of a smiling Kara Hadley fell to the pavement.

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  Chapter Seven

  Jack picked up the small photo from the pavement. What was Kara's picture doing in this creep's wallet? He glanced over at the perp who still knelt on the ground, hands secured behind him. Then, he looked at the man's driver's license.

  Benjamin Hadley.

  It couldn't be.

  He shuffled through the wallet, unsure what he was looking for. Another picture? Something else that could connect sweet, beautiful Kara to this low-life? There was nothing but some credit cards, a hundred bucks in cash, and a few receipts.

  Tucking everything back into the wallet, he shoved it in his front pants pocket. But he couldn't stand putting Kara's picture back in there. He unbuttoned his shirt pocket and slipped her photo into it.

  "Shut up and sit tight,” he growled at his prisoner.

  Leaving the man kneeling and swearing on the pavement, Jack turned his attentions on the half-naked woman inside the SUV. “You've been through this before, I'm sure. Step out of the vehicle and put your hands on the hood."

  By now, she had managed to put the sequined top back on. Lucky for him, it was actually a mini dress and managed to cover enough of her to be considered decent.

  "Do I still get my money?"

  "No, but you get a nice trip to a holding cell."

  The blonde seemed more annoyed by his retort than angry. Clearly, she'd been in this situation enough times to know the routine.

  "I can't go to fucking jail,” Ben Hadley sputtered and coughed, still in the grip of the pepper spray.

  "Oh, don't worry, you'll get a pho
ne call. I think I'll save you the trouble, though, and call your wife myself.” If only Ben knew how happy he was to have a reason to call Kara.

  "Don't you dare, you son of a bitch."

  Jack ignored him. He cuffed the girl's hands behind her back with another set of plastic tie restraints, and led her to the back seat of his car. “Sit tight, sweetheart. I'm gonna call this in and get someone else down here to take you in."

  Grabbing his cell phone out of his car, he headed back for Hadley.

  If he had messed up with Kara, this might be his chance to at least give her some payback for all the heartache this jerk cost her. And it was worse than she thought. Who knew how many times this guy paid for sex? The good news was Jack noticed half a dozen opened condom wrappers on the floor of the SUV. At least the guy wore some protection when he was slumming it.

  He clenched his fists, trying to maintain control over his growing rage. He wanted to bury his fist in Hadley's face. Punch the life out of him and mark him up for all the grief he caused Kara.

  But this might be better...

  After sitting Hadley down against the back wheel of his car, he took the driver's license out of his pocket. He flipped open his cell phone and dialed the station one more time.

  "I need you to do me a favor, Clyde. Can you get me the phone number for this address?"

  * * * *

  "Who is this?” Kara said, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She wasn't used to being woken at 6:30 in the morning by the insistent ring of her phone.

  "It's Jack. Jack Darrow. From last night."

  Kara was instantly awake. She blushed at the memory of their two naked bodies entwined on the floor of the dressing room. “How did you get my number?"

  "We didn't have much time to talk. But I'm a cop."

  "You're a what?"

  "A cop. A police officer. You know, protect and serve and all that jazz."

  "A cop who works at a shopping mall?"

  "It's called moonlighting. I needed some extra cash, and..."

  "Okay, I get it. Why are you calling me?” All her uncertainty from last night came flooding back. Maybe he really did care about her, if he tracked her down. Maybe he wasn't anything like her ex or her father. “How did you get this number?"


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